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Forked from Wei Ren / NCSA-Converter
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Wei Ren authored

Cactus To LIGO

Convert the output format from cactus to LIGO so that it can be directly used by LIGO Algorithm Library (LAL).


  • python 3.5+
    • numpy
    • h5py
    • romSpline (no need to install since it's already packed in this repository for python3 compatibility)
  • Mathematica

Installing Prerequisite

Python 3.5+

Make sure numpy and h5py packages are installed in the python environment that will be running.


SimulationTools and h5mma

The official website provides information how to download and install SimulationTools and h5mma. Below is a summary of instructions:

  1. Locate the path to Mathematica Applications. To find out the path, you can run the following command in Mathematica:

FileNameJoin[{$UserBaseDirectory, "Applications"}] ```

*By default Mathematica will install the Applications Path to `$HOME/Library/Mathematica/Applications` (macOS) or `$HOME/.Mathematica/Applications` (Linux).*
  1. Change directory to the Mathematica Applications path. For example, you can do the following if on Linux with default Mathematica installation:

cd $HOME/.Mathematica/Applications ```

*Note: this directory might not be created after fresh installation. In that case, you can manually create this directory or just open Mathematica at least once to make sure the path exists.*
  1. Download and install SimulationTools and h5mma

Check out SimulationTools

git clone --recursive

Download h5mma

curl -L --remote-name "" tar -xzvf h5mma-1.2.1.tar.gz

4. Check out the NCSA-converter
git clone
cd NCSA-Converter

# Running the Script
The NCSA-converter is already encapsulated into a **CactusConverter** class in ****. To use it, simply construct an **CactusConverter** object with correct parameters (most importantly the input and output path). Check comments in **** for more details on the functions.

The python script **** shows an example that you can use to convert to LIGO format and extract relevant information (such as amplitude, phase...) from Cactus output. It also added support for command line inputs. Also see comments in **** for some example uses.

./ [group name] [simDir] [outdir] [simulation names]

Some concrete examples

  • Run from command line:
./ /path/to/simulations /path/to/output E0001_N32 E0001_N36 E0001_N40
  • Or use it in a shell script or PBS job script
# Define input and output path below
# Make sure qsub script is in the same directory with CactusToLIGO
# Remember to change the list of simulations at the end.

Author information

Authors: Wei Ren (weiren2 "at" illinois "dot" edu), Eliu Huerta (elihu "at" illinois "dot" edu), Roland Haas (rhaas "at" illinois "dot" edu), Ian Hinder (ian.hinder "at" aei "dot" mpg "dot"de) Copyright (C) 2016 Trustees of the University of Illinois Included Romspline Copyright (C) 2016 Trustees of the University of Illinois Copyright (C) 2015 Chad Galley (crgalley "at" tapir "dot" caltech "dot" edu).


Please contact for any bug or improvement.


  • Remove the hardcoded part when filling in attributes.
  • Make python script use command line argument.
  • romSpline cloned from Bitbucket (git hash: ea8b216)