18.38 KiB
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#ifdef WIN32
# include "winjunk.h"
#include <GL/gl.h>
#include "geometry.h"
#include "shmem.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <signal.h>
#if unix
# include <GL/glx.h> /* for try_stereo() */
# include <FL/x.H>
#include "specks.h"
#include "partiview.H"
#include "partiviewc.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#undef isspace /* hack for irix 6.5 */
extern "C" {
/* Handle pick results */
void specks_picker( Fl_Gview *gview, int nhits, int nents, GLuint *hitbuf, void *vview )
Fl_Gview *view = (Fl_Gview *)vview;
struct stuff *st;
unsigned int bestz = ~0u;
struct stuff *bestst = NULL;
struct specklist *bestsl;
int bestspeckno;
int id, bestid = -1;
Point bestpos, wpos;
int centerit = Fl::event_state(FL_SHIFT);
for(id = 0; id < MAXSTUFF; id++) {
if((st = stuffs[id]) == NULL) continue;
if(specks_partial_pick_decode( st, id, nhits, nents, hitbuf,
&bestz, &bestsl, &bestspeckno, &bestpos )) {
bestst = st;
bestid = id;
if(bestst) {
char fmt[1024], wpostr[80];
vtfmpoint( &wpos, &bestpos, view->To2w( bestid ) );
if(memcmp( &wpos, &bestpos, sizeof(wpos) )) {
sprintf(wpostr, " (w%g %g %g)", wpos.x[0],wpos.x[1],wpos.x[2]);
} else {
wpostr[0] = '\0';
strcpy(fmt, bestsl->bytesperspeck < sizeof(struct speck)
? "[g%d]%sPicked %g %g %g%s%.0s (of %d)"
: "[g%d]%sPicked %g %g %g%s \"%s\" (of %d)");
if(bestsl->text == NULL && bestst->vdesc[bestst->curdata][0].name[0] != '\0') {
strcat(fmt, ";");
for(int i = 0; i < MAXVAL && bestst->vdesc[bestst->curdata][i].name[0]; i++)
sprintf(fmt+strlen(fmt), " %.9s %%g", bestst->vdesc[bestst->curdata][i].name);
struct speck *sp = NextSpeck( bestsl->specks, bestsl, bestspeckno);
msg(fmt, bestid, centerit?"*":"",
bestpos.x[0],bestpos.x[1],bestpos.x[2], wpostr,
bestsl->text ? bestsl->text : sp->title, nhits,
if(centerit) {
gview->center( &wpos );
if(ppui.censize > 0) gview->redraw();
} else {
msg("Picked nothing (%d hits)", nhits);
void draw_specks( Fl_Gview *view, void *vst, void *junk ) {
struct stuff *st = (struct stuff *)vst;
specks_set_timestep( st );
specks_current_frame( st, st->sl );
st->inpick = view->inpick();
drawspecks( st );
st->inpick = 0;
void parti_allobjs( int argc, char *argv[] ) {
for(int i = 0; i < MAXSTUFF; i++) {
struct stuff *st = stuffs[i];
specks_parse_args( &st, argc, argv );
void parti_redraw() {
if(ppui.view) ppui.view->redraw();
void parti_update() {
void parti_censize( float newsize ) {
if(newsize != ppui.censize) ppui.view->redraw();
ppui.censize = newsize;
float parti_getcensize() {
return ppui.censize;
char *parti_bgcolor( const char *rgb ) {
static char bgc[16];
Point bgcolor;
bgcolor = *ppui.view->bgcolor();
if(rgb) {
if(1 == sscanf(rgb, "%f%*c%f%*c%f", &bgcolor.x[0], &bgcolor.x[1], &bgcolor.x[2]))
bgcolor.x[1] = bgcolor.x[2] = bgcolor.x[0];
ppui.view->bgcolor( &bgcolor );
sprintf(bgc, "%.3f %.3f %.3f", bgcolor.x[0],bgcolor.x[1],bgcolor.x[2]);
return bgc;
int *try_quad_stereo()
#if unix
static int attrs[] = {
int *ap = attrs;
if(Fl_Gl_Window::can_do( ap )) return ap;
ap += 4;
/* When our view window(s) are created, make sure they ask for the
* same set of values.
if(Fl_Gl_Window::can_do( ap ))
return ap;
return NULL;
#else /* win32 */
return NULL;
char *parti_stereo( const char *ster )
static char rslt[28];
static enum Gv_Stereo stereotype = GV_MONO;
static int *quadmode = NULL;
static char *sternames[] = { "mono", "redcyan", "crosseyed", "glasses" };
int smode = -1;
if(stereotype == GV_MONO) {
quadmode = try_quad_stereo();
stereotype = (quadmode!=NULL) ? GV_QUADBUFFERED : GV_REDCYAN;
if(ster) {
float v;
if(sscanf(ster, "%f", &v)) {
smode = stereotype;
smode = stereotype;
smode = GV_MONO;
if(strstr(ster, "red"))
smode = stereotype = GV_REDCYAN;
if(strstr(ster, "quad") || strstr(ster, "gla") ||
strstr(ster, "hard") || strstr(ster, "hw")) {
if(quadmode != NULL) {
smode = stereotype = GV_QUADBUFFERED;
} else {
msg("Can't do quadbuffered/hardware stereo");
smode = GV_MONO;
if(smode < 0) {
msg("stereo: [on|off|redcyan|glasses] [stereosep]");
msg(" Try stereosep values from 0.02 to 0.1, or -.02 .. -.1 to swap eyes");
if(smode >= 0) {
if(smode == (int)GV_QUADBUFFERED)
ppui.view->mode( quadmode );
ppui.view->mode( FL_RGB | FL_DOUBLE | FL_DEPTH | FL_MULTISAMPLE );
ppui.view->stereo( (enum Gv_Stereo)smode );
smode = ppui.view->stereo();
sprintf(rslt, "%g %s",
(smode<=0||smode>=COUNT(sternames)) ? "off" : sternames[smode]);
return rslt;
char *parti_clip( const char *nearclip, const char *farclip ) {
float n, f;
if(nearclip != NULL && sscanf(nearclip, "%f", &n) > 0)
ppui.view->nearclip( n );
if(farclip != NULL && sscanf(farclip, "%f", &f) > 0)
ppui.view->farclip( f );
static char why[16];
sprintf(why, "clip %.4g %.4g", ppui.view->nearclip(), ppui.view->farclip());
return why;
int parti_move( const char *onoffobj, struct stuff **newst ) {
int objno = -1;
if(onoffobj) {
if(!strcmp(onoffobj, "off"))
else if(!strcmp(onoffobj, "on"))
else if(sscanf(onoffobj, "g%d", &objno) > 0 ||
sscanf(onoffobj, "%d", &objno) > 0) {
objno = parti_object( onoffobj, newst );
} else {
msg("move {on|off|g<N>} -- select whether navigation can move sub-objects");
return ppui.view->movingtarget() ? ppui.view->target() : -1;
int parti_snapset( char *fname, char *frameno )
int len;
static char suf[] = ".%03d.ppm.gz";
int needsuf;
if(fname) {
len = strlen(fname);
needsuf = (0==strchr(fname, '%')) ? 0 : sizeof(suf)-1;
if(ppui.snapfmt) Free(ppui.snapfmt);
ppui.snapfmt = NewN(char, len+needsuf+1);
sprintf(ppui.snapfmt, needsuf ? "%s" : "%s%s", fname, suf);
frameno = 0;
sscanf(frameno, "%d", &ppui.snapfno);
return ppui.snapfno;
int parti_snapshot( char *snapinfo )
char tfcmd[10240], *tftail;
int fail;
#if !WIN32 /* if unix */
static char defsnap[] = "snap.%03d.tif";
static char prefix[] = "|convert ppm:- ";
static char defsnap[] = "snap.%03d.ppm";
static char prefix[] = "";
if(snapinfo) snapinfo[0] = '\0';
if(ppui.snapfmt == NULL) {
ppui.snapfmt = NewN(char, sizeof(defsnap));
strcpy(ppui.snapfmt, defsnap);
tftail = tfcmd;
if(ppui.snapfmt[0] != '|') {
strcpy(tfcmd, prefix);
tftail = tfcmd+sizeof(prefix)-1;
sprintf(tftail, ppui.snapfmt, ppui.snapfno);
if(!ppui.view || !ppui.view->visible_r()) {
msg("snapshot: no visible graphics window?");
return -2;
Fl_Widget *pa;
for(pa = ppui.view; pa->parent(); pa = pa->parent()) ;
pa->show(); // raise window
// Ensure window's image is up-to-date
int y, h = ppui.view->h(), w = ppui.view->w();
char *buf = (char *)malloc(w*h*3);
if(!ppui.view->snapshot( 0, 0, w, h, buf )) {
msg("snapshot: couldn't read from graphics window?");
return -2;
#if !WIN32
void (*oldpipe)(int) = signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
FILE *p = popen(tfcmd+1, "w");
#else /* WIN32 */
FILE *p = fopen(tfcmd, "w");
fprintf(p, "P6\n%d %d\n255\n", w, h);
for(y = h; --y >= 0 && fwrite(&buf[w*3*y], w*3, 1, p) > 0; )
fail = ferror(p);
#if !WIN32
pclose(p); /* unix */
signal(SIGPIPE, oldpipe);
fclose(p); /* win32 */
if(y >= 0 || fail) {
msg("snapshot: Error writing to %s", tfcmd);
return -1;
sprintf(snapinfo, "%.1000s [%dx%d]", tftail, w, h);
return ppui.snapfno++;
* This is how new objects get created -- via "object g<N>" command.
int parti_object( const char *objname, struct stuff **newst ) {
int i;
*newst =;
if(objname == NULL) {
for(i = 1; i < MAXSTUFF; i++)
if( == stuffs[i]) return i;
return -1;
if(ppui.view == NULL)
return -1;
if(!strcmp(objname, "c") || !strcmp(objname, "c0")) {
ppui.view->target( GV_ID_CAMERA );
return -1;
if((sscanf(objname, "g%d", &i) > 0 || sscanf(objname, "%d", &i) > 0
|| sscanf(objname, "[g%d]", &i) > 0)
&& i >= 0 && i < MAXSTUFF) {
if(stuffs[i] == NULL) {
stuffs[i] = specks_init( 0, NULL );
stuffs[i]->clk = ppui.clk;
ppui.view->add_drawer( draw_specks, stuffs[i], NULL, NULL, i );
ppui.view->picker( specks_picker, ppui.view );
ppui.view->picksize( 4.0, 4.0 );
char tname[12];
sprintf(tname, "[g%d]", i);
int me = ppui.obj->add( strdup(tname) );
((Fl_Menu_Item *)ppui.obj->menu())[me].labelcolor( ppui.obj->labelcolor() );
} = stuffs[i];
ppui.view->target( i );
ppui_refresh( );
if(newst) *newst = stuffs[i];
return i;
msg("Don't understand object name \"%s\"", objname);
return -1;
float parti_focal( char *newfocal ) {
float focallen;
if(newfocal && sscanf(newfocal, "%f", &focallen) > 0)
ppui.view->focallen( focallen );
return ppui.view->focallen();
float parti_fovy( char *newfovy ) {
float fovy;
if(newfovy && sscanf(newfovy, "%f", &fovy) > 0)
ppui.view->angyfov( fovy );
ppui.view->halfyfov( 2*fovy );
return ppui.view->perspective() ? ppui.view->angyfov()
: 2 * ppui.view->halfyfov();
void parti_getc2w( Matrix *c2w ) {
if(ppui.view && c2w)
*c2w = *ppui.view->Tc2w();
void parti_setc2w( const Matrix *c2w ) {
ppui.view->Tc2w( c2w );
void parti_seto2w( struct stuff *, int objno, const Matrix *o2w ) {
ppui.view->To2w( objno, o2w );
void parti_geto2w( struct stuff *, int objno, Matrix *o2w ) {
*o2w = *ppui.view->To2w( objno );
void parti_nudge_camera( Point *disp ) {
Matrix Tc2w, Tdisp, Tnewc2w;
if(ppui.view) {
Tc2w = *ppui.view->Tc2w();
mtranslation( &Tdisp, disp->x[0], disp->x[1], disp->x[2] );
mmmul( &Tnewc2w, &Tc2w,&Tdisp );
ppui.view->Tc2w( &Tnewc2w );
void parti_setpath( struct stuff *st, int nframes, struct wfframe *frames, float fps = 30 ) {
struct wfpath *path = &ppui.path;
if(path->frames != NULL)
path->frames = NULL;
path->fps = (fps <= 0 ? 30.0 : fps);
path->nframes = nframes;
path->frame0 = 1;
path->curframe = path->frame0;
if(nframes > 0) {
path->frames = NewN( struct wfframe, nframes );
memcpy( path->frames, frames, nframes*sizeof(struct wfframe) );
if(ppui.playframe) {
ppui.playframe->minimum( path->frame0 );
ppui.playframe->maximum( path->frame0 + path->nframes - 1 );
ppui.playframe->value( path->frame0 );
ppui.playtime->step( 1, 100 );
ppui.playtime->minimum( 0.0 );
ppui.playtime->maximum( path->nframes / path->fps );
ppui.playtime->value( 0.0 );
int parti_readpath( struct stuff *st, const char *fname ) {
int nframes, room;
struct wfframe *fr, *cf;
FILE *f;
char line[256], *cp;
int lno = 0;
if(fname == NULL || (f = fopen(fname, "r")) == NULL) {
msg("readpath: %.200s: cannot open: %s", fname, strerror(errno));
return 0;
nframes = 0;
room = 2000;
fr = NewA( struct wfframe, room );
while(fgets(line, sizeof(line), f) != NULL) {
for(cp = line; isspace(*cp); cp++)
if(*cp == '#' || *cp == '\0') continue;
if(nframes >= room) {
struct wfframe *nfr;
room *= 3;
nfr = NewA( struct wfframe, room );
memcpy( nfr, fr, nframes * sizeof(struct wfframe) );
fr = nfr;
cf = &fr[nframes];
if(sscanf(cp, "%f%f%f%f%f%f%f",
&cf->tx,&cf->ty,&cf->tz, &cf->rx,&cf->ry,&cf->rz, &cf->fovy) < 7) {
msg( "readpath: %.200s line %d: expected tx ty tz rx ry rz fovy, got: %.100s",
fname, lno, line);
return 0;
parti_setpath( st, nframes, fr );
parti_setframe( st, 1 );
msg("%d frames in %.200s", nframes, fname);
return 1;
static void fd_got_data( int fd, void * ) {
specks_check_async( & );
void parti_asyncfd(int fd) { Fl::add_fd( fd, fd_got_data ); }
void parti_unasyncfd(int fd) { Fl::remove_fd(fd); }
static void playidle( void * ) {
struct stuff *st =;
struct wfpath *path = &ppui.path;
if(!ppui.playing) {
Fl::remove_idle( playidle, st );
ppui.playidling = 0;
double now = wallclock_time();
if(ppui.playspeed == 0)
ppui.playspeed = 1;
int frame = ppui.framebase;
if(ppui.playevery) {
frame += (int) ((ppui.playspeed < 0) /* round away from zero */
? ppui.playspeed - .999f
: ppui.playspeed + .999f);
ppui.framebase = frame;
ppui.playtimebase = now;
} else {
frame += (int) ((now - ppui.playtimebase) * ppui.playspeed * path->fps);
if(frame < path->frame0 || frame >= path->frame0 + path->nframes) {
frame = (frame < path->frame0)
? path->frame0
: path->frame0 + path->nframes-1;
switch(ppui.playloop) {
case 0: /* Not looping; just stop at end. */
Fl::remove_idle( playidle, st );
ppui.playidling = 0;
parti_play( st, "0" );
case -1: /* Bounce: stick at same end of range, change direction */
ppui.playspeed = -ppui.playspeed;
case 1: /* Loop: jump to other end of range */
frame = (frame == path->frame0)
? path->frame0 + path->nframes-1
: path->frame0;
ppui.framebase = frame;
ppui.playtimebase = now;
parti_setframe( st, frame );
* Cases:
* - we're displaying frames slower than real time.
* => use an idle function.
* - we're displaying frames faster than real time.
* => use a timeout.
int needidle = ppui.playidling;
float dt = 0;
if(frame != path->curframe) {
parti_setframe( st, frame );
needidle = 1;
} else {
frame += (ppui.playspeed > 0) ? 1 : -1;
dt = (frame - ppui.framebase) / (ppui.playspeed * path->fps)
+ ppui.playtimebase - now;
needidle = (dt < .05);
if(needidle && !ppui.playidling) {
Fl::add_idle( playidle, st );
if(!needidle && ppui.playidling) {
Fl::remove_idle( playidle, st );
ppui.playidling = needidle;
if(!needidle) {
fprintf(stderr, "<%.3f>", dt);
Fl::add_timeout( dt, playidle, st );
void parti_play( struct stuff *st, const char *rate ) {
struct wfpath *path = &ppui.path;
int playnow = 1;
if(rate != NULL) {
char *ep;
float sp = strtod(rate, &ep);
if(strchr(ep, 's')) playnow = 0;
if(strchr(ep, 'l')) ppui.playloop = 1;
else if(strchr(ep, 'k')) ppui.playloop = -1; /* rock */
else if(strchr(ep, 'f') || strchr(ep, 'e')) ppui.playevery = 1;
else if(strchr(ep, 'r') || strchr(ep, 't')) ppui.playevery = 0;
if(ep != rate) {
if(sp == 0) playnow = 0;
else ppui.playspeed = sp;
/* Always stop any ongoing timers */
Fl::remove_idle( playidle, st );
Fl::remove_timeout( playidle, st );
ppui.playing = 0;
ppui.playidling = 0;
if(playnow) {
ppui.playtimebase = wallclock_time();
ppui.framebase = path->curframe;
if(ppui.playspeed > 0 && path->curframe >= path->frame0+path->nframes-1)
ppui.framebase = path->frame0;
else if(ppui.playspeed < 0 && path->curframe <= path->frame0)
ppui.framebase = path->frame0 + path->nframes - 1;
parti_setframe( st, ppui.framebase );
Fl::add_idle( playidle, st );
ppui.playing = 1;
ppui.playidling = 1;
if( != NULL) {>label( ppui.playing ? "stop" : "play" );>value( ppui.playing );>redraw();
void wf2c2w( Matrix *Tcam, const struct wfframe *wf )
Matrix Rx, Ry, Rz, T;
mtranslation( &T, wf->tx, wf->ty, wf->tz );
mrotation( &Ry, wf->ry, 'y' );
mrotation( &Rz, wf->rz, 'z' );
mrotation( &Rx, wf->rx, 'x' );
mmmul( Tcam, &Rz, &Rx );
mmmul( Tcam, Tcam, &Ry );
mmmul( Tcam, Tcam, &T ); /* so Tcam = Rz * Rx * Ry * T */
int parti_frame( struct stuff *st, CONST char *frameno,
CONST struct wfpath **pp ) {
if(pp != NULL)
*pp = &ppui.path;
if(frameno != NULL)
return parti_setframe( st, atoi(frameno) );
return (ppui.path.frames == NULL || ppui.path.nframes <= 0)
? -1 : ppui.path.curframe;
int parti_setframe( struct stuff *st, int fno ) {
struct wfpath *path = &ppui.path;
if(path->frames == NULL || path->nframes <= 0)
return -1;
if(fno < path->frame0)
fno = path->frame0;
else if(fno >= path->frame0 + path->nframes)
fno = path->frame0 + path->nframes - 1;
Matrix Tc2w;
wf2c2w( &Tc2w, &path->frames[fno - path->frame0] );
ppui.view->Tc2w( &Tc2w );
ppui.view->angyfov( path->frames[fno - path->frame0].fovy );
path->curframe = fno;
if(ppui.playframe) {
ppui.playframe->value( fno );
float t = (fno - path->frame0) / path->fps;
if(fabs(t - ppui.playtime->value()) * path->fps > .5)
ppui.playtime->value( t );
return fno - path->frame0;
void parti_center( const Point *cen )
ppui.view->center( cen );
void parti_getcenter( Point *cen ) {
if(ppui.view && cen)
*cen = *ppui.view->center();
void parti_set_speed( struct stuff *st, double speed ) {
ppui.stepspeed->truevalue( speed );
void parti_set_timebase( struct stuff *st, double timebase ) {
char str[32];
ppui.timebasetime = timebase;
sprintf(str, "%.16lg", timebase);
ppui.timebase->value( str );
parti_set_timestep( st, clock_time( st->clk ) );
void parti_set_timestep( struct stuff *st, double timestep ) {
char str[32];
sprintf(str, "%.16lg", timestep - ppui.timebasetime);
ppui.timestep->value( str );
void parti_set_running( struct stuff *st, int running ) {
int fwdbtn = (clock_fwd( st->clk ) > 0);
clock_set_running( st->clk, running );
void parti_set_fwd( struct stuff *st, int fwd ) {
int fwdbtn = (fwd > 0);
ppui.runstop[fwdbtn]->value( clock_running( st->clk ) );
} /* end extern "C" */