38.52 KiB
#define NEWSTDIO
* Network server offering particle snapshots of kira/Starlab data
* (
* Stuart Levy,
* National Center for Supercomputing Applications,
* University of Illinois 2001.
* This file is part of partiview, released under the
* Illinois Open Source License; see the file LICENSE.partiview for details.
* $Log$
* Revision 1.19 2003/07/29 21:15:37 steve
* Changed Starlab vectors to vec. Defined NEWSTDIO to allow compilatin
* under gcc 3.2 (not sure if 2.9x is broken...).
* Revision 1.18 2002/06/18 21:25:25 slevy
* Add reference to LICENSE.partiview file.
* Where appropriate, update references to geomview license too,
* now called COPYING.geomview.
* Revision 1.17 2002/05/23 22:38:04 slevy
* Allow respecifying logT -> color map, and particle-id base number.
* Revision 1.16 2002/05/12 20:24:51 slevy
* Er, um, preload_pdyn takes *two* booleans. Ask possibly for
* debug, always for vel.
* Revision 1.15 2002/05/12 19:42:47 slevy
* Don't preload_pdyn() by default; only do if -P command-line option given.
* And, ask for velocities (vel=true) when we do preload.
* Revision 1.14 2002/05/12 19:26:13 slevy
* Add \n's to continued quoted lines.
* Revision 1.13 2002/05/12 19:17:59 slevy
* Add interactive mode (kiraserver -i) to simplify debugging.
* Revision 1.12 2002/05/12 09:16:22 slevy
* More debugging code.
* Revision 1.11 2002/04/29 00:11:25 slevy
* Propagate velocity to sdb's, too. Allow delta-t arg to time: t=<time>,<dt>
* Need to pass vel=true arg to create_interpolated_tree*.
* Hack: pass velocity back to specks in SEPVAL argument for leaf nodes.
* Revision 1.10 2002/04/26 20:15:50 slevy
* Add debug mode (-v). Split status dump into report() function.
* Allow multiple requests per connection -- leave connection open
* until we get EOF.
* Revision 1.9 2002/04/24 01:21:37 slevy
* Allow -o option (o=1, o=2): specify using old tree-code.
* Revision 1.8 2002/04/23 03:21:22 slevy
* Add rgb565 blackbody-color encoding from Mitchell Charity's code.
* Revision 1.7 2002/04/22 23:16:50 slevy
* Ignore SIGPIPEs in case the caller disconnects early.
* Accept T=<scalefactor> as well as T=<16 numbers>.
* Report density center both in original and transformed coords.
* Revision 1.6 2002/04/17 20:46:07 slevy
* Pass out just the leaf nodes (stars), ignore center-of-mass nodes.
* Revision 1.5 2002/04/17 15:51:11 slevy
* Print starlab-computed density-center position too.
* isalpha for Irix 6.5 back-compat.
* Revision 1.4 2002/04/16 19:10:45 slevy
* Don't use curstate.T0 unless it's initialized!
* Revision 1.3 2002/04/16 18:54:33 slevy
* Hack around inconsisent prototypes for accept().
* Return more complete information -- transform etc. -- when
* asked for neither speck nor sdb data.
* Revision 1.2 2002/04/16 15:25:34 slevy
* Mollify gcc under Linux: sockaddr, etc.
* Revision 1.1 2002/04/16 15:17:01 slevy
* Simple network server to cough up a list of particles at a given time.
#include <ostream.h>
#include <istream.h>
#endif /*NEWSTDIO*/
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "worldline.h"
#include "shmem.h"
#include "findfile.h"
#include "specks.h"
#include "kira_parti.h"
#include "stardef.h"
#include <unistd.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#undef isdigit /* irix 6.5 back-compat hack */
#undef isalpha
static char local_id[] = "$Id$";
extern struct specklist *kira_get_parti( struct stuff *st, double realtime );
void msg( CONST char *fmt, ... );
typedef worldbundle *worldbundleptr;
enum speckfields {
SPECK_ID = 0, // worldline index (= kira index for single stars,
// unique small negative int for others)
SPECK_MASS = 1, // mass/Msun
SPECK_NCLUMP = 2, // number of stars in clump
SPECK_TLOG = 3, // log10(Teff)
SPECK_LUM = 4, // L/Lsun?
SPECK_STYPE = 5, // star type: 1ms 2cd 3gs 4bh 5sg 6hb
SPECK_ISMEMBER = 6, // is member of cluster?
SPECK_ROOTID = 7, // worldline index of root of clump
SPECK_TREEADDR = 8, // bit-encoded tree address within our clump (0 for isolated stars)
SPECK_RINGSIZE = 9, // size of ring marker
SPECK_SQRTMASS = 10, // square root of mass, for handy brightness factor
SPECK_MU = 11, // mass ratio; = 0 for leaf nodes
SPECK_SEPVEC = 12, // separation vec[3]
static char *fieldnames[] = { // Must match ``enum speckfields'' !!
"id", // worldline index (=? kira index for singles), unique <0 for others
"mass", // log10(mass/Msun)
"nclump", // number of stars in clump, = 1 for singles
"Tlog", // log10( Teff )
"Lum", // L/Lsun?
"stype", // stellar type index
"ismember", // is member of cluster? (0/1)
"rootid", // id of root of clump, = our id for singles
"treeaddr", // binary-coded address in clump
"ringsize", // size of ring
"sqrtmass", // sqrt(mass/Msun)
"mu", // mass ratio for nonleaf nodes
struct vald {
float min, max, sum;
struct trailhead {
int maxtrail, ntrails;
int next; /* ring buffer next-slot-to-use */
real lasttime;
struct speck *specks;
struct worldstuff {
int nh, maxnh;
worldbundleptr *wh;
ifstream *ins;
int ih; // current worldbundle index
real tmin, tmax;
real tcur; // current time
real treq; // requested time
int treenodes; // KIRA_{OFF|ON|ROOTS}
int treerings; // KIRA_{OFF|ON|ROOTS}
int treearcs; // KIRA_{OFF|ON|CROSS|TICK}
float tickscale; // size of treearc cross mark (frac of sep)
int ringsizer; // KIRA_RINGSEP, KIRA_RINGA
float ringscale; // multiplier for above
float ringmin, ringmax; // range of pixel sizes for ring markers
int tracking, wastracking; // id of particle we're tracking, or zero
Point trackpos; // last known position of tracked particle
float massscale; // scale-factor for masses (conv to Msun)
int truemassscale; // Did massscale come from kira itself?
int maxstars, maxmarks; // room allocated for each
int maxleaves;
struct specklist *sl;
struct specklist *marksl;
int slvalid;
struct specklist *bufsl[2], *bufmarksl[2]; // double-buffers
int bufno;
int oldtree;
vec center_pos;
vec center_vel;
int centered;
int which_center;
int myselseq; // sequence number of ww->sel
int nleafsel;
SelMask *bufleafsel[2];
// selection mapping
SelOp intsrc; // for all particles matching intsrc,
SelOp intdest; // then turn on intdest bit(s).
struct trailhead *trails; // per-star specklist of recent history
int maxtrail;
int maxtrailno;
SelOp trailsel;
float trailalpha;
float trailpsize;
int trailonly;
real maxtrailgap;
SelOp picksel; // what to do when a star is picked
struct speck *marksp; // current pointer, updated by add_speck
int leafcount; // temp, used in recursion only
int interactsel, unionsel; // ditto
int pickcount; // temp, used in kira_picked
SelMask *leafsel;
struct vald vd[SPECK_NDATAFIELDS];
double curtime;
worldstuff( struct stuff *st ) {
this->init( st );
void init( struct stuff *st ) {
nh = 0;
wh = NULL;
ih = 0;
tmin = 0, tmax = 1;
tcur = treq = 0;
treenodes = KIRA_ON;
treerings = KIRA_OFF;
treearcs = KIRA_ON;
ringsizer = KIRA_RINGA;
ringscale = 1.5;
massscale = 1.0;
truemassscale = 0;
ringmin = 2;
ringmax = 50;
tickscale = 0.25;
tracking = wastracking = 0;
centered = 0; /* NOT auto-centered by default! */
which_center = 0;
oldtree = 0;
center_pos[0] = center_pos[1] = center_pos[2] = 0;
center_vel[0] = center_vel[1] = center_vel[2] = 0;
sl = marksl = NULL;
bufsl[0] = bufsl[1] = NULL;
bufmarksl[0] = bufmarksl[1] = NULL;
bufno = 0;
maxstars = maxmarks = 0;
slvalid = 0;
trails = NULL;
maxtrail = 50;
maxtrailno = 0;
trailonly = 0;
trailalpha = 0.6;
trailpsize = 1.0;
maxtrailgap = 0.1;
marksp = NULL;
leafcount = 0;
myselseq = 0;
leafsel = NULL;
bufleafsel[0] = bufleafsel[1] = NULL;
nleafsel = 0;
struct state {
int type;
int group;
double realtime;
double dt;
char axis;
float turnrate;
double turntime0;
Matrix T0;
int has_T0;
float mag0;
float colorscale;
float masslum; /* if set, ignore SPECK_LUM; use MASS**3 * masslum */
int oldtree;
struct stuff *st;
int port;
int lsock;
int verbose;
int use_stdin;
int preload;
int idbase;
} curstate = { ST_POINT, 0, 0.0 };
void kira_invalidate( struct dyndata *dd, struct stuff *st ) {
if(st->sl) st->sl->used = -1000000;
worldstuff *ww = (worldstuff *)(dd->data);
if(ww) ww->slvalid = 0;
int kira_read( struct stuff **stp, int argc, char *argv[], char *fname, void * ) {
if(argc < 1 || strcmp(argv[0], "kira") != 0)
return 0;
struct stuff *st = *stp;
char *realfile = findfile(fname, argv[1]);
kira_open( &st->dyn, st, realfile ? realfile : argv[1], argc>2 ? atoi(argv[2]) : 0 );
return 1;
int kira_set( struct dyndata *dd, struct stuff *st, int what, double val )
struct worldstuff *ww = (struct worldstuff *)dd->data;
if(ww == NULL) return 0;
if(kira_get(dd, st, what) == val)
return 2;
switch(what) {
case KIRA_NODES: ww->treenodes = (int)val; break;
case KIRA_RINGS: ww->treerings = (int)val; break;
case KIRA_TREE: ww->treearcs = (int)val; break;
case KIRA_TICKSCALE: ww->tickscale = val; break;
case KIRA_RINGSIZE: ww->ringsizer = (int)val; break;
case KIRA_RINGSCALE: ww->ringscale = val; break;
case KIRA_RINGMIN: ww->ringmin = val; break;
case KIRA_RINGMAX: ww->ringmax = val; break;
case KIRA_TRACK: if(ww->tracking != (int)val) ww->wastracking = 0;
ww->tracking = (int)val; break;
default: return 0;
kira_invalidate( dd, st );
return 1;
double kira_get( struct dyndata *dd, struct stuff *st, int what )
struct worldstuff *ww = (struct worldstuff *)dd->data;
if(ww == NULL) return 0;
switch(what) {
case KIRA_NODES: return ww->treenodes;
case KIRA_RINGS: return ww->treerings;
case KIRA_TREE: return ww->treearcs;
case KIRA_TICKSCALE: return ww->tickscale;
case KIRA_RINGSIZE: return ww->ringsizer;
case KIRA_RINGSCALE: return ww->ringscale;
case KIRA_RINGMIN: return ww->ringmin;
case KIRA_RINGMAX: return ww->ringmax;
case KIRA_TRACK: return ww->tracking;
return 0;
int kira_get_center( Point *p, struct dyndata *dd, struct stuff *st ) {
worldstuff *ww = (worldstuff *)dd->data;
p->x[0] = ww->center_pos[0];
p->x[1] = ww->center_pos[1];
p->x[2] = ww->center_pos[2];
return ww->which_center;
int hasdata( ifstream *s, double maxwait ) {
return 1;
#else /*old stdio, where filebuf::fd() still existed*/
struct timeval tv;
fd_set fds;
if(s == NULL) return 0;
if(s->rdbuf()->in_avail() || s->eof()) return 1;
if(maxwait < 0) maxwait = 0;
tv.tv_sec = (int)maxwait;
tv.tv_usec = (int) (1000000 * (maxwait - tv.tv_sec));
FD_SET(s->rdbuf()->fd(), &fds);
return(select(s->rdbuf()->fd() + 1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &tv) > 0);
int kira_help( struct dyndata *dd, struct stuff *st, int verbose )
msg(" kira {node|ring|size|scale|span|track|trail} starlab controls; try \"kira ?\"");
return 1;
int kira_read_more( struct dyndata *dd, struct stuff *st, int nmax, double tmax, double realdtmax )
struct worldstuff *ww = (struct worldstuff *)dd->data;
if(ww == NULL) return -1;
ifstream *ins = ww->ins;
if(ins == NULL || !ins->rdbuf()->is_open()) return -1;
int paras = 0;
while( paras < nmax && (ww->nh == 0 || ww->wh[ww->nh-1]->get_t_max() < tmax) ) {
if(ww->nh >= ww->maxnh) {
ww->maxnh = (ww->nh > ww->maxnh*2) ? ww->nh + 1 : ww->maxnh*2;
ww->wh = RenewN( ww->wh, worldbundleptr, ww->maxnh );
worldbundle *wb;
wb = read_bundle(*ins, ww->readflags & KIRA_VERBOSE);
if(wb == NULL) {
if(paras == 0) paras = -1;
ww->wh[ww->nh++] = wb;
if(paras > 0) {
ww->tmin = ww->wh[0]->get_t_min();
ww->tmax = ww->wh[ww->nh-1]->get_t_max();
return paras;
int kira_get_trange( struct dyndata *dd, struct stuff *st, double *tminp, double *tmaxp )
struct worldstuff *ww = (struct worldstuff *)dd->data;
if(ww == NULL) {
*tminp = *tmaxp = 0;
return 0;
*tminp = ww->tmin;
*tmaxp = ww->tmax;
return 1;
int kira_open( struct dyndata *dd, struct stuff *st, char *filename, int readflags)
// If data field names aren't already assigned, set them now.
for(int i = 0; fieldnames[i] != NULL; i++) {
if(st->vdesc[st->curdata][i].name[0] == '\0')
strcpy(st->vdesc[st->curdata][i].name, fieldnames[i]);
if(filename == NULL || !strcmp(filename, "-init")) {
return 0; // "kira -init" sets up datafield names w/o complaint
ifstream *ins = new ifstream(filename);
if (!ins || !*ins) {
msg("Kira/starlab data file %s not found.", filename);
delete ins;
return 0;
struct worldstuff *ww = NewN( worldstuff, 1 ); // from shmem -- avoid "new"
ww->init( st );
ww->maxnh = 1024;
ww->wh = NewN( worldbundleptr, ww->maxnh );
ww->ins = ins;
ww->tmin = ww->tmax = 0;
ww->tcur = ww->treq = -1.0; /* invalidate */
ww->readflags = readflags;
memset( dd, 0, sizeof(*dd) );
dd->data = ww;
dd->getspecks = kira_get_parti;
dd->trange = kira_get_trange;
dd->ctlcmd = NULL; /*kira_parse_args;*/
dd->draw = NULL; /*kira_draw;*/
dd->help = kira_help;
dd->free = NULL; /* XXX create a 'free' function someday */
dd->enabled = 1;
ww->nh = 0;
if(! (readflags & KIRA_READLATER)) {
kira_read_more( dd, st, ww->maxnh, 1e38, 1e38 );
if (ww->nh == 0) {
msg("Data file %s not in worldbundle format.", filename);
dd->enabled = 0;
return 0;
preload_pdyn(ww->wh, ww->nh, readflags & KIRA_VERBOSE != 0, true/*vel*/);
float mscale = mass_scale_factor();
if(mscale > 0) {
ww->massscale = mscale;
ww->truemassscale = 1;
ww->ih = 0;
ww->sl = NULL;
return 1;
static float log10_of( float v ) {
return v <= 0 ? 0 : log10f( v );
static float netTL( pdyn *b, float *totlum ) { // temp-weighted lum
if(b == NULL) return 0;
if(b->is_leaf()) {
*totlum += b->get_luminosity();
return b->get_temperature() * b->get_luminosity();
float totTL = 0;
for_all_daughters(pdyn, b, bb)
totTL += netTL( bb, totlum );
return totTL;
speck *add_speck(pdyn *b, pdyn *top, int addr, speck *sp, specklist *sl, worldstuff *ww)
sp->p.x[0] = b->get_pos()[0];
sp->p.x[1] = b->get_pos()[1];
sp->p.x[2] = b->get_pos()[2];
if(ww->centered) {
sp->p.x[0] -= ww->center_pos[0];
sp->p.x[1] -= ww->center_pos[1];
sp->p.x[2] -= ww->center_pos[2];
int id = b->get_index();
if(b->is_leaf()) {
if(id < ww->nleafsel) {
ww->unionsel |= ww->leafsel[id];
if(SELECTED(ww->leafsel[id], &ww->intsrc))
ww->interactsel = ww->intdest.wanton;
sp->val[SPECK_ID] = id;
sp->val[SPECK_TLOG] = log10_of( b->get_temperature() );
sp->val[SPECK_LUM] = b->get_luminosity();
} else {
id = -b->get_worldline_index();
if(id >= 0 || id + ww->maxstars < ww->maxleaves) {
static int yikes = 1;
if(yikes++ % 256 == 0) printf("OOPS: worldline_index %d not in range 1..%d\n",
-id, 2*ww->maxleaves);
} else {
int slotno = ww->maxstars + id;
ww->unionsel |= ww->leafsel[slotno];
sp->val[SPECK_ID] = id; // distinguish CM nodes
float totL = 0, totTL;
totTL = netTL( b, &totL );
sp->val[SPECK_LUM] = totL;
sp->val[SPECK_TLOG] = log10_of( totL == 0 ? 0 : totTL / totL );
sp->val[SPECK_MASS] = b->get_mass() * ww->massscale;
sp->val[SPECK_SQRTMASS] = sqrtf( sp->val[SPECK_MASS] );
sp->val[SPECK_STYPE] = b->get_stellar_type(); /* see starlab/inc/star_support.h */
sp->val[SPECK_ISMEMBER] = is_member( ww->wh[ww->ih], b );
sp->val[SPECK_NCLUMP] = 0; // complete (add n_leaves) in kira_to_parti
sp->val[SPECK_ROOTID] = (top->is_leaf())
? top->get_index()
: -top->get_worldline_index();
// Addr is 0 for top-level leaf, 1 for top-level CM,
// constructed from parent addr otherwise.
sp->val[SPECK_TREEADDR] = addr;
sp->val[SPECK_RINGSIZE] = 0;
if(sl->nspecks < ww->maxstars) {
sp = NextSpeck(sp, sl, 1);
} else {
msg("add_speck overflow! %d >= %d", sl->nspecks, ww->maxstars);
return sp;
speck *assign_specks(pdyn *b, pdyn *top, int addr, speck *sp, specklist *sl, worldstuff *ww)
// Convert relative coordinates to absolute.
vec oldpos = b->get_pos();
if (b != top)
|| ww->treenodes == KIRA_ON
|| (ww->treenodes == KIRA_ROOTS && b == top)) {
sp = add_speck(b, top, addr, sp, sl, ww);
vec vel = b->get_vel();
sp->val[SPECK_SEPVEC] = vel[0]; // for leaf nodes,
sp->val[SPECK_SEPVEC+1] = vel[1]; // use SEPVEC to hold velocity
sp->val[SPECK_SEPVEC+2] = vel[2];
if(!b->is_leaf() &&
(ww->treerings == KIRA_ON || ww->treearcs != KIRA_OFF
|| (ww->treerings == KIRA_ROOTS && b == top))) {
struct speck *marksp = ww->marksp;
ww->marksp = add_speck(b, top, addr, marksp, ww->marksl, ww);
// find our two children
pdyn *b1 = b->get_oldest_daughter();
pdyn *b2 = b1 ? b1->get_younger_sister() : NULL;
if(b2) {
vec sep = b1->get_pos() - b2->get_pos();
real dist = sqrt(sep * sep);
real mass = b->get_mass(); // = sum of b1&b2 masses.
real size = 0;
switch(ww->ringsizer) {
size = 0.5 * dist;
vec vel = b1->get_vel() - b2->get_vel();
real speed2 = vel * vel;
real E = 0.5 * speed2 - mass / dist;
size = -mass / (2*E); // semimajor axis
marksp->val[SPECK_RINGSIZE] = size;
marksp->val[SPECK_MU] = b1->get_mass() / mass;
marksp->val[SPECK_SEPVEC] = sep[0];
marksp->val[SPECK_SEPVEC+1] = sep[1];
marksp->val[SPECK_SEPVEC+2] = sep[2];
// Recursion.
addr *= 2;
for_all_daughters(pdyn, b, bb)
sp = assign_specks(bb, top, addr++, sp, sl, ww);
if(b != top)
b->set_pos( oldpos );
return sp;
struct specklist *kira_to_parti(pdyn *root, struct dyndata *dd, struct stuff *st, struct worldstuff *ww)
if(ww == NULL || ww->nh == 0) return NULL;
struct specklist *sl = ww->bufsl[ww->bufno];
struct specklist *marksl = ww->bufmarksl[ww->bufno];
if(sl == NULL) {
// Use NewN to allocate these in (potentially) shared memory,
// rather than new which will allocate in local malloc pool.
// Needed for virdir/cave version.
int w, wmax = 0;
for(int k = 0; k < ww->nh; k++) {
if(ww->wh[k] && wmax < (w = ww->wh[k]->get_nw()))
wmax = w;
int smax = root->n_leaves();
ww->maxstars = smax + wmax + smax; // leave a bit of room for growth
ww->maxmarks = 1+smax;
ww->maxleaves = smax;
sl = NewN( struct specklist, 1 );
memset(sl, 0, sizeof(*sl));
sl->specks = NewNSpeck(sl, ww->maxstars);
sl->scaledby = 1;
marksl = NewN( struct specklist, 1 );
*marksl = *sl;
marksl->specks = NewNSpeck(marksl, ww->maxmarks);
marksl->special = MARKERS;
sl->nsel = ww->maxstars;
marksl->nsel = ww->maxmarks;
if(ww->bufsl[1 - ww->bufno]) {
sl->sel = ww->bufsl[1-ww->bufno]->sel;
marksl->sel = ww->bufmarksl[1-ww->bufno]->sel;
} else {
sl->sel = NewN( SelMask, ww->maxstars );
memset(sl->sel, 0, sl->nsel*sizeof(SelMask));
marksl->sel = NewN( SelMask, ww->maxmarks );
memset(marksl->sel, 0, marksl->nsel*sizeof(SelMask));
sl->next = marksl;
marksl->next = NULL;
if(ww->bufleafsel[1 - ww->bufno] != NULL) {
ww->bufleafsel[ww->bufno] = ww->bufleafsel[1 - ww->bufno];
} else { // Only one bufleafsel
ww->bufleafsel[ww->bufno] = NewN( SelMask, ww->maxstars );
ww->nleafsel = ww->maxstars;
memset(ww->bufleafsel[ww->bufno], 0, ww->maxstars*sizeof(SelMask));
ww->trails = NewN( trailhead, ww->maxstars );
memset(ww->trails, 0, ww->maxstars*sizeof(trailhead));
ww->bufsl[ww->bufno] = sl;
ww->bufmarksl[ww->bufno] = marksl;
ww->sl = sl;
ww->marksl = marksl;
struct speck *sp = sl->specks;
sl->nspecks = 0;
sl->colorseq = sl->sizeseq = sl->threshseq = 0;
marksl->colorseq = marksl->sizeseq = marksl->threshseq = 0;
marksl->nspecks = 0;
ww->marksp = marksl->specks;
ww->leafcount = 0;
ww->leafsel = ww->bufleafsel[ww->bufno];
int i;
struct vald *vd = ww->vd;
for(i = 0, vd = ww->vd; i < SPECK_NDATAFIELDS; i++, vd++) {
vd->min = 1e9;
vd->max = -1e9;
vd->sum = 0;
int ntotal = 0;
if(ww->wastracking) ww->wastracking = -1;
for_all_daughters(pdyn, root, b) {
int ns = sl->nspecks;
int mns = marksl->nspecks;
int nl = ww->leafcount;
speck *tsp = sp;
speck *msp = ww->marksp;
ww->interactsel = ww->unionsel = 0;
sp = assign_specks(b, b, !b->is_leaf(), sp, sl, ww);
int k;
int nleaves = ww->leafcount - nl;
int count = sl->nspecks - ns;
ww->unionsel |= ww->interactsel;
/* For all nodes in this subtree, ... */
for(k = 0; k < count; k++) {
tsp->val[SPECK_NCLUMP] += nleaves;
int id = (int)tsp->val[SPECK_ID];
if(id < 0) {
/* For CM nodes, negate nclump value. */
tsp->val[SPECK_NCLUMP] = -tsp->val[SPECK_NCLUMP];
/* Also, propagate all leaves' set membership to CM nodes */
sl->sel[ntotal] = ww->unionsel;
} else if(ww->interactsel && id < ww->nleafsel) {
/* For leaf nodes, if at least one star in this
* group is in the interaction set,
* then add all other group members to it.
sl->sel[ntotal] = ww->leafsel[id] |= ww->interactsel;
/* Making trails? */
for(i = 0, vd = ww->vd; i <= SPECK_STYPE; i++, vd++) {
float v = tsp->val[i];
if(vd->min > v) vd->min = v;
if(vd->max < v) vd->max = v;
vd->sum += v;
tsp = NextSpeck(tsp, sl, 1);
/* For all marks (rings, etc.) in this subtree */
count = marksl->nspecks - mns;
for(k = 0; k < count; k++) {
msp->val[SPECK_NCLUMP] += nleaves;
if(msp->val[0] < 0)
msp->val[SPECK_NCLUMP] = -msp->val[SPECK_NCLUMP]; // negate nclump for CM nodes
marksl->sel[mns+k] = ww->unionsel;
msp = NextSpeck(msp, sl, 1);
if(ww->wastracking < 0) ww->wastracking = 0; // Detach if tracked pcle not found now
for(i = 0, vd = ww->vd; i < SPECK_NDATAFIELDS && i < MAXVAL; i++, vd++) {
struct valdesc *tvd = &st->vdesc[ st->curdata ][ i ];
tvd->nsamples = ntotal;
if(vd->min > vd->max) {
vd->min = vd->max = 0;
tvd->nsamples = 0;
tvd->min = vd->min;
tvd->max = vd->max;
tvd->sum = vd->sum;
tvd->mean = tvd->nsamples > 0 ? vd->sum / tvd->nsamples : 0;
ww->bufno = 1 - ww->bufno;
return sl;
void kira_set_tree( struct dyndata *dd, struct stuff *st, int oldtree ) {
struct worldstuff *ww = (struct worldstuff *)dd->data;
ww->oldtree = oldtree;
ww->slvalid = 0;
struct specklist *kira_get_parti( struct dyndata *dd, struct stuff *st, double realtime )
struct worldstuff *ww = (struct worldstuff *)dd->data;
if (ww == NULL || ww->nh == 0)
return NULL;
ww->treq = realtime;
if (realtime < ww->tmin) realtime = ww->tmin;
if (realtime > ww->tmax) realtime = ww->tmax;
if (ww->tcur == realtime && ww->slvalid)
return ww->sl;
int ih = ww->ih;
int nh = ww->nh;
if(ih < 0 || ih >= nh) ih = 0;
worldbundle *wb = ww->wh[ih];
for(; realtime > wb->get_t_max() && ih < nh-1; ih++, wb = ww->wh[ih])
for(; realtime < wb->get_t_min() && ih > 0; ih--, wb = ww->wh[ih])
/* Sanity check */
if(realtime < wb->get_t_min() || realtime > wb->get_t_max()) {
msg("ERROR: realtime %lg out of range %lg .. %lg of worldbundle %d of 0..%d",
realtime, wb->get_t_min(), wb->get_t_max(),
ih, nh-1);
ww->slvalid = 0;
return NULL;
if(ww->oldtree == 1) {
pdyn *root = create_interpolated_tree(wb, realtime, 1);
ww->center_pos = get_center_pos(); // but probably invalid here
ww->center_vel = get_center_vel();
ww->sl = kira_to_parti(root, dd, st, ww);
} else {
pdyn *root = create_interpolated_tree2(wb, realtime, 1);
ww->center_pos = get_center_pos();
ww->center_vel = get_center_vel();
msg("realtime %lg pre-n_daughters %d n_leaves %d root %x wb %x timerange %lg .. %lg ih %d of 0..%d",
realtime, root->n_daughters(), root->n_leaves(), root,
wb, wb->get_t_min(), wb->get_t_max(),
ih, nh-1);
ww->sl = kira_to_parti(root, dd, st, ww);
msg("realtime %lg n_daughters %d nspecks %d sl %x root %x",
realtime, root->n_daughters(), ww->sl->nspecks, ww->sl, root);
ww->ih = ih;
ww->tcur = realtime;
ww->slvalid = 1;
return ww->sl;
static char *progname;
void msg( CONST char *fmt, ... ) {
va_list args;
va_start(args, fmt);
fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", progname);
vfprintf(stderr, fmt, args);
fputc('\n', stderr);
int readTmap( char *fname );
int scanopt(char *opt, char *arg) {
float *tp;
char *ep;
int k;
switch(opt[0]) {
case 'T':
tp = &curstate.T0.m[0];
k = sscanf(arg,
tp+0,tp+1,tp+2,tp+3, tp+4,tp+5,tp+6,tp+7,
tp+8,tp+9,tp+10,tp+11, tp+12,tp+13,tp+14,tp+15);
if(k == 1) {
memset(tp, 0, 16*sizeof(float));
tp[5] = tp[10] = tp[0];
tp[15] = 1;
curstate.has_T0 = (tp[0] != 1.0);
} else if(k == 16) {
curstate.has_T0 = 1;
} else {
msg("T: expected 16 numbers");
return 0;
return 1;
case 't':
if(opt[1] == 'y') { /* "type" */
curstate.type = atoi(arg);
} else { /* "time" */
curstate.realtime = strtod( arg, &ep );
if(arg == ep) {
msg("%s: expected time", opt);
return 0;
curstate.dt = (*ep == '\0') ? 0 : strtod( ep+1, NULL );
return 1;
case 'r':
switch(arg[0]) {
case 'x': case 'y': case 'z': curstate.axis = arg[0]; break;
default: msg("%s: expected <axis><degrees/sec>[@time0]", opt); return 0;
curstate.turnrate = strtod( arg+1, NULL );
if((ep = strchr(arg, '@')) != NULL)
curstate.turntime0 = strtod(ep+1, NULL);
return 1;
case 'g': = atoi(arg);
return 1;
case 'm':
curstate.mag0 = atof(arg);
return 1;
case 'M':
curstate.masslum = atof(arg);
return 1;
case 'c':
curstate.colorscale = atof(arg);
return 1;
case 'C':
readTmap( arg );
return 1;
case 'o':
curstate.oldtree = atoi(arg);
return 1;
case 'p':
curstate.port = atoi(arg);
return 1;
case 'v':
curstate.verbose = atoi(arg);
return 1;
case 'i':
curstate.use_stdin = 1;
return 1;
case 'n':
curstate.idbase = atoi(arg);
return 1;
case 'P':
curstate.preload = 1;
return 1;
case 'y':
curstate.type = atoi(arg);
return 1;
msg("unknown option %c %s", opt[0], arg);
return 0;
void starswap(db_star *st) {
int i, *wp;
static int one = 1;
/* byte-swap x,y,z, dx,dy,dz, magnitude,radius,opacity fields (32-bit float),
* num (32-bit int),
* color (16-bit short).
* group and type fields shouldn't need swapping,
* assuming the compiler packs bytes into a word in increasing
* address order. Seems safe.
if(*(char *)&one == 1) {
for(i = 0, wp = (int *)st; i < 10; i++)
wp[i] = htonl(wp[i]);
st->color = htons(st->color);
#define starswap(x) /*nothing*/
static struct logTmap {
float logT;
unsigned short rgb565;
} defaultTmap[] = {
// Adapted from Mitchell Charity's web page on black body RGB colors,
3.000, 0xf9c0, 3.079, 0xfa80, 3.204, 0xfb80, 3.301, 0xfc42,
3.380, 0xfce7, 3.477, 0xfdad, 3.556, 0xfe31, 3.643, 0xfed6,
3.716, 0xff5a, 3.792, 0xffbe, 3.869, 0xef7f, 3.944, 0xdf1f,
4.017, 0xcedf, 4.093, 0xbe9f, 4.164, 0xb67f, 4.236, 0xae5f,
4.310, 0xae3f, 4.380, 0xa61f, 4.450, 0xa5ff,
struct logTmap *myTmap = defaultTmap;
int nmyTmap = COUNT(defaultTmap);
static unsigned short logT2rgb565(float logT) {
int i;
for(i = 0; i < nmyTmap-1 && logT > myTmap[i].logT; i++)
return myTmap[i].rgb565;
int readTmap( char *fname ) {
FILE *inf;
char line[80];
#define MAXTMAP 300
struct logTmap tm[MAXTMAP];
int ntmap;
char *cp;
for(cp = fname; *cp; cp++) {
if(*cp == '&' || isspace(*cp)) {
*cp = '\0';
inf = fopen(fname, "r");
if(inf == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Can't open temp-to-rgb565-color map %s\n", fname);
return 0;
ntmap = 0;
while(fgets(line, sizeof(line), inf) != NULL) {
static char delim[] = " \t\r\n";
cp = line;
while(isspace(*cp)) cp++;
if(*cp == '\0' || *cp == '#') continue;
if(ntmap >= MAXTMAP) {
"%s: only room for %d temp-to-rgb565-color entries, raise MAXTMAP\n",
goto fail;
if(sscanf(cp, "%f 0x%x", &tm[ntmap].logT, &tm[ntmap].rgb565) < 2
&& sscanf(cp, "%f %x", &tm[ntmap].logT, &tm[ntmap].rgb565) < 2) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: expected <logT> 0x<hex-rgb565-color> not %s",
fname, line);
goto fail;
if(ntmap > 0) {
nmyTmap = ntmap;
myTmap = NewN( struct logTmap, ntmap );
memcpy( myTmap, tm, ntmap*sizeof(struct logTmap) );
return 1;
return 0;
static double sx=0, sy=0, sz=0, smass=0;
static int nspecks;
static int has_tfm;
static Point pmin, pmax;
static Matrix pT;
static void report( FILE *outf, struct dyndata *dyn, struct stuff *st )
double tmin, tmax;
kira_get_trange( &st->dyn, st, &tmin, &tmax );
fprintf(outf, "time %lg in %lg .. %lg\n",
curstate.realtime, tmin, tmax);
fprintf(outf, "nspecks %d\n", nspecks);
if(curstate.idbase != 0)
fprintf(outf, "idbase %d\n", curstate.idbase);
if(smass > 0) {
fprintf(outf, "CM %lg %lg %lg\n", sx/smass, sy/smass, sz/smass);
fprintf(outf, "bbox center %g %g %g radius %g %g %g\n",
.5*(pmax.x[0]+pmin.x[0]), .5*(pmax.x[1]+pmin.x[1]), .5*(pmax.x[2]+pmin.x[2]),
.5*(pmax.x[0]-pmin.x[0]), .5*(pmax.x[1]-pmin.x[1]), .5*(pmax.x[2]-pmin.x[2]));
Point cen;
kira_get_center( &cen, dyn, st );
fprintf(outf, "Center %g %g %g", cen.x[0],cen.x[1],cen.x[2]);
if(has_tfm) {
Point wcen;
vtfmpoint( &wcen, &cen, &pT );
fprintf(outf, " -> %g %g %g", wcen.x[0],wcen.x[1],wcen.x[2]);
fprintf(outf, "\n");
fprintf(outf, "transformation: out = in");
if(curstate.turnrate != 0)
fprintf(outf, " * %cRotation(%g*(time-%g))",
curstate.axis, curstate.turnrate, curstate.turntime0);
if(curstate.has_T0) {
float *fp = curstate.T0.m;
fprintf(outf, " * [%g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g %g]",
else if(curstate.turnrate == 0)
fprintf(outf, " (identity transform)");
fprintf(outf, "\n");
fprintf(outf, "group %d type %d\n",, curstate.type);
float specklum( struct speck *sp ) {
return (curstate.masslum != 0) ? sp->val[SPECK_MASS]*sp->val[SPECK_MASS]*sp->val[SPECK_MASS]*curstate.masslum :
int serveonce(char *req, FILE *outf)
int as_sdb = 0, as_speck = 0;
Point p;
db_star star;
char *cp;
struct stuff *st =;
sx = sy = sz = smass = 0;
pmin.x[0]=pmin.x[1]=pmin.x[2] = 1e20;
pmax.x[0]=pmax.x[1]=pmax.x[2] = -1e20;
fprintf(stdout, "REQ: %s\n", req);
if(outf == NULL || req == NULL) {
msg("kira server: get lost!");
if(outf) fclose(outf);
return 0;
if(strstr(req, "sdb")) as_sdb = 1;
else if(strstr(req, "speck")) as_speck = 1;
char *eqp;
for(eqp = req; (eqp = strchr(eqp, '=')) != NULL; ) {
char *optp, *argp;
for(optp = eqp; isalpha(optp[-1]); optp--)
argp = eqp+1;
cp = strpbrk(argp, ";&");
if(cp) {
eqp = cp+1;
*cp = '\0';
scanopt( optp, argp );
if(cp == NULL) break;
memset(&star, 0, sizeof(star)); =;
star.type = curstate.type;
struct specklist *sl;
sl = kira_get_parti( &st->dyn, st, curstate.realtime );
if(sl == NULL)
return 0;
has_tfm = curstate.has_T0 || curstate.turnrate != 0;
if(curstate.turnrate != 0) {
Matrix Trot;
mrotation( &Trot, curstate.turnrate * (curstate.realtime - curstate.turntime0), curstate.axis );
if(curstate.has_T0) {
mmmul( &pT, &Trot, &curstate.T0 );
} else {
pT = Trot;
} else {
pT = curstate.T0;
nspecks = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < sl->nspecks; i++) {
struct speck *sp = NextSpeck(sl->specks, sl, i);
int wrote = 0;
if(sp->val[SPECK_NCLUMP] < 0)
Point vel, tvel;
vel.x[0] = sp->val[SPECK_SEPVEC] * curstate.dt;
vel.x[1] = sp->val[SPECK_SEPVEC+1] * curstate.dt;
vel.x[2] = sp->val[SPECK_SEPVEC+2] * curstate.dt;
if(has_tfm) {
vtfmpoint( &p, &sp->p, &pT );
vtfmpoint( &tvel, &vel, &pT );
vel = tvel;
} else {
p = sp->p;
if(as_sdb) {
star.x = p.x[0];
star.y = p.x[1];
star.z = p.x[2];
star.dx = vel.x[0]; // Use velocity,
star.dy = vel.x[1]; // held in SEPVEC = vel.x[2]; // for leaf nodes.
star.magnitude = curstate.mag0 - .921 * logf( specklum(sp) );
if(curstate.colorscale >= 0) {
star.color = (unsigned short) (curstate.colorscale * sp->val[SPECK_TLOG]);
} else {
/* packed rgb565 */
star.color = logT2rgb565( sp->val[SPECK_TLOG] );
star.num = (int) sp->val[SPECK_ID] + curstate.idbase;
wrote = fwrite(&star, sizeof(star), 1, outf);
} else if(as_speck) {
wrote = fprintf(outf, "%g %g %g %g %g %g\n",
specklum(sp), sp->val[SPECK_TLOG], sp->val[SPECK_ID] + curstate.idbase);
} else {
double m = sp->val[SPECK_MASS];
sx += p.x[0]*m;
sy += p.x[1]*m;
sz += p.x[2]*m;
smass += m;
if(pmin.x[0] > p.x[0]) pmin.x[0] = p.x[0];
if(pmin.x[1] > p.x[1]) pmin.x[1] = p.x[1];
if(pmin.x[2] > p.x[2]) pmin.x[2] = p.x[2];
if(pmax.x[0] < p.x[0]) pmax.x[0] = p.x[0];
if(pmax.x[1] < p.x[1]) pmax.x[1] = p.x[1];
if(pmax.x[2] < p.x[2]) pmax.x[2] = p.x[2];
if(wrote < 0) /* SIGPIPE? Anyway, quit writing. */
if(!as_sdb && !as_speck) {
report( outf, &st->dyn, st );
if(curstate.verbose) {
char *cp = strchr(req, '\n');
if(cp) *cp = '\0';
fprintf(stdout, "REQ: %s\n", req);
report( stdout, &st->dyn, st );
return nspecks;
int serverlisten( int port ) {
struct sockaddr_in asin;
static int one = 1;
int lsock;
memset(&asin, 0, sizeof(asin));
asin.sin_family = AF_INET;
asin.sin_port = htons(port);
asin.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
lsock = socket( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP );
if(lsock < 0) {
return -1;
setsockopt(lsock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &one, sizeof(one));
if(bind(lsock, (struct sockaddr *)&asin, sizeof(asin)) < 0) {
return -1;
if(listen(lsock, 90) < 0) {
return -1;
return lsock;
void serverloop( int lsock ) {
for(;;) {
struct sockaddr_in from;
FILE *inf, *outf;
char req[1280];
#if sgi
int fromlen = sizeof(from);
unsigned int fromlen = sizeof(from);
int s = accept(lsock, (struct sockaddr *)&from, &fromlen);
if(s < 0) {
if(errno == EINTR)
inf = fdopen(s, "r");
if(fgets(req, sizeof(req), inf) == NULL) {
} else {
outf = fdopen(s, "w");
do {
serveonce( req, outf );
} while(fgets(req, sizeof(req), inf) != NULL);
main(int argc, char *argv[])
static struct stuff tst; = &tst;
int c;
char opt[8];
progname = argv[0];
curstate.colorscale = -1;
curstate.has_T0 = 0;
curstate.port = 3400;
while((c = getopt(argc, argv, "T:r:t:y:g:m:c:o:p:v:in:PC:")) != EOF) {
opt[0] = c;
opt[1] = '\0';
if(c == 'y') strcpy(opt, "type");
scanopt( opt, optarg );
if(optind != argc-1) {
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [options] file.kira\n\
-t time\n\
-r <axis><degreespertime>[@time0] Timed rotation about axis 'x'/'y'/'z'\n\
-T 16-numbers outcoords = kira * rotation(time) * tfm\n\
-y sdbtype\n\
-g group\n\
-m mag0 sdb mag = mag0 - log(lum)/(log(100)/5)\n\
-M masslum if nonzero, ignore bogus lum; use mass**3 * masslum instead.\n\
-c colorscale sdb color = log10(T)*colorscale; -c -1 => RGB565 (default)\n\
-o treestyle(1 vs 2) (default -o 2 for create_interpolated_tree2)\n\
-p portno listen for HTTP connections on that TCP port\n\
-v verbose(0 vs 1) server logs requests to its own stdout\n\
-i read from stdin, write to stdout (else be a network server)\n\
-n numbase add numbase to particle ids\n\
-P call preload_pdyn()\n\
-C mapfile use that colormap; each line has: log-temperature rgb565-color\n\
", progname);
/* Ignore SIGPIPE signals -- don't crash if a caller disconnects. */
if(curstate.use_stdin) {
msg("Reading %s", argv[optind]);
kira_open( &>dyn,, argv[optind], curstate.verbose ? KIRA_VERBOSE : 0 );
int eofs = 0;
char req[512];
fprintf(stderr, "Type ? for help\n");
for(;;) {
fprintf(stderr, "\n>> ");
if(fgets(req, sizeof(req), stdin) == NULL) {
if(++eofs >= 3) break; /* quit if 3 successive EOFs */
} else {
eofs = 0;
if(req[0] == 'q')
if(req[0] == '?' || req[0] == 'h') {
printf("Usage: each line of input yields one starlab lookup,\n\
after applying all options given on that line. Unchanged settings persist.\n\
Options take the form <keyletter>=<value> and may be separated by \"&\" or \";\"\n\
t=<time> simulation time\n\
o=<treestyle> o=1 => create_interpolated_tree, o=2 => ...tree2. Default o=2.\n\
T=<16-numbers> apply 4x4 transformation\n\
speck dump ASCII specks (default just summary information)\n\
q quit\n\
} else {
serveonce( req, stdout );
} else {
/* be a network server */
msg("Listening on port %d", curstate.port);
int lsock = serverlisten( curstate.port );
if(lsock < 0)
msg("Reading %s", argv[optind]);
kira_open( &>dyn,, argv[optind], curstate.verbose ? KIRA_VERBOSE : 0 );
serverloop( lsock );