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  • /*
     * Network server offering particle snapshots of kira/Starlab data
     * (
     * Stuart Levy,
     * National Center for Supercomputing Applications,
     * University of Illinois 2001.
     * This file is part of partiview, released under the
     * Illinois Open Source License; see the file LICENSE.partiview for details.
     * Revision 1.19  2003/07/29 21:15:37  steve
     * Changed Starlab vectors to vec.  Defined NEWSTDIO to allow compilatin
     * under gcc 3.2 (not sure if 2.9x is broken...).
     * Revision 1.18  2002/06/18 21:25:25  slevy
     * Add reference to LICENSE.partiview file.
     * Where appropriate, update references to geomview license too,
     * now called COPYING.geomview.
     * Revision 1.17  2002/05/23 22:38:04  slevy
     * Allow respecifying logT -> color map, and particle-id base number.
     * Revision 1.16  2002/05/12 20:24:51  slevy
     * Er, um, preload_pdyn takes *two* booleans.  Ask possibly for
     * debug, always for vel.
     * Revision 1.15  2002/05/12 19:42:47  slevy
     * Don't preload_pdyn() by default; only do if -P command-line option given.
     * And, ask for velocities (vel=true) when we do preload.
     * Revision 1.14  2002/05/12 19:26:13  slevy
     * Add \n's to continued quoted lines.
     * Revision 1.13  2002/05/12 19:17:59  slevy
     * Add interactive mode (kiraserver -i) to simplify debugging.
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     * Revision 1.12  2002/05/12 09:16:22  slevy
     * More debugging code.
     * Revision 1.11  2002/04/29 00:11:25  slevy
     * Propagate velocity to sdb's, too.  Allow delta-t arg to time: t=<time>,<dt>
     * Need to pass vel=true arg to create_interpolated_tree*.
     * Hack: pass velocity back to specks in SEPVAL argument for leaf nodes.
     * Revision 1.10  2002/04/26 20:15:50  slevy
     * Add debug mode (-v).  Split status dump into report() function.
     * Allow multiple requests per connection -- leave connection open
     * until we get EOF.
     * Revision 1.9  2002/04/24 01:21:37  slevy
     * Allow -o option (o=1, o=2): specify using old tree-code.
     * Revision 1.8  2002/04/23 03:21:22  slevy
     * Add rgb565 blackbody-color encoding from Mitchell Charity's code.
     * Revision 1.7  2002/04/22 23:16:50  slevy
     * Ignore SIGPIPEs in case the caller disconnects early.
     * Accept T=<scalefactor> as well as T=<16 numbers>.
     * Report density center both in original and transformed coords.
     * Revision 1.6  2002/04/17 20:46:07  slevy
     * Pass out just the leaf nodes (stars), ignore center-of-mass nodes.
     * Revision 1.5  2002/04/17 15:51:11  slevy
     * Print starlab-computed density-center position too.
     * isalpha for Irix 6.5 back-compat.
     * Revision 1.4  2002/04/16 19:10:45  slevy
     * Don't use curstate.T0 unless it's initialized!
     * Revision 1.3  2002/04/16 18:54:33  slevy
     * Hack around inconsisent prototypes for accept().
     * Return more complete information -- transform etc. -- when
     * asked for neither speck nor sdb data.
     * Revision 1.2  2002/04/16 15:25:34  slevy
     * Mollify gcc under Linux: sockaddr, etc.
     * Revision 1.1  2002/04/16 15:17:01  slevy
     * Simple network server to cough up a list of particles at a given time.
    #ifdef NEWSTDIO
    #include <ostream.h>
    #include <istream.h>
    #endif /*NEWSTDIO*/
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdarg.h>
    #include "worldline.h"
    #include "shmem.h"
    #include "findfile.h"
    #include "specks.h"
    #include "kira_parti.h"
    #include "stardef.h"
    #include <unistd.h>
    #include <getopt.h>
    #include <sys/types.h>
    #include <sys/time.h>
    #include <sys/socket.h>
    #include <netinet/in.h>
    #include <errno.h>
    #include <ctype.h>
    #undef isdigit		/* irix 6.5 back-compat hack */
    static char local_id[] = "$Id$";
    extern struct specklist *kira_get_parti( struct stuff *st, double realtime );
    void msg( CONST char *fmt, ... );
    typedef worldbundle *worldbundleptr;
    enum speckfields {
    	SPECK_ID = 0,		// worldline index (= kira index for single stars,
    				//	unique small negative int for others)
    	SPECK_MASS = 1,		// mass/Msun
    	SPECK_NCLUMP = 2,	// number of stars in clump
    	SPECK_TLOG = 3,		// log10(Teff)
    	SPECK_LUM = 4,		// L/Lsun?
    	SPECK_STYPE = 5,	// star type: 1ms 2cd 3gs 4bh 5sg 6hb
    	SPECK_ISMEMBER = 6,	// is member of cluster?
    	SPECK_ROOTID = 7,	// worldline index of root of clump
    	SPECK_TREEADDR = 8,	// bit-encoded tree address within our clump (0 for isolated stars)
    	SPECK_RINGSIZE = 9,	// size of ring marker
    	SPECK_SQRTMASS = 10,	// square root of mass, for handy brightness factor
    	SPECK_MU = 11,		// mass ratio; = 0 for leaf nodes
    	SPECK_SEPVEC = 12,	// separation vec[3]
    static char *fieldnames[] = {  // Must match ``enum speckfields'' !!
    	"id",		// worldline index (=? kira index for singles), unique <0 for others
    	"mass",		// log10(mass/Msun)
    	"nclump",	// number of stars in clump, = 1 for singles
    	"Tlog",		// log10( Teff )
    	"Lum",		// L/Lsun?
    	"stype",	// stellar type index
    	"ismember",	// is member of cluster? (0/1)
    	"rootid",	// id of root of clump, = our id for singles
    	"treeaddr",	// binary-coded address in clump
    	"ringsize",	// size of ring
    	"sqrtmass",	// sqrt(mass/Msun)
    	"mu",		// mass ratio for nonleaf nodes
    struct vald {
    	float min, max, sum;
    struct trailhead {
        int maxtrail, ntrails;
        int next;		/* ring buffer next-slot-to-use */
        real lasttime;
        struct speck *specks;
    struct worldstuff {
        int nh, maxnh;
        worldbundleptr *wh;
        ifstream *ins;
        int ih;			// current worldbundle index
        real tmin, tmax;
        real tcur;			// current time
        real treq;			// requested time
        int readflags;		// KIRA_VERBOSE | KIRA_READLATER
        int treenodes;		// KIRA_{OFF|ON|ROOTS}
        int treerings;		// KIRA_{OFF|ON|ROOTS}
        int treearcs;		// KIRA_{OFF|ON|CROSS|TICK}
        float tickscale;		// size of treearc cross mark (frac of sep)
        int ringsizer;		// KIRA_RINGSEP, KIRA_RINGA
        float ringscale;		// multiplier for above
        float ringmin, ringmax;	// range of pixel sizes for ring markers
        int tracking, wastracking;	// id of particle we're tracking, or zero
        Point trackpos;		// last known position of tracked particle
        float massscale;		// scale-factor for masses (conv to Msun)
        int truemassscale;		// Did massscale come from kira itself?
        int maxstars, maxmarks;	// room allocated for each
        int maxleaves;
        struct specklist *sl;
        struct specklist *marksl;
        int slvalid;
        struct specklist *bufsl[2], *bufmarksl[2];  // double-buffers
        int bufno;
        vec center_pos;
        vec center_vel;
        int centered;
        int which_center;
        int myselseq;		// sequence number of ww->sel
        int nleafsel;
        SelMask *bufleafsel[2];
    				// selection mapping
        SelOp intsrc;		// for all particles matching intsrc,
        SelOp intdest;		//   then turn on intdest bit(s).
        struct trailhead *trails;	// per-star specklist of recent history
        int maxtrail;
        int maxtrailno;
        SelOp trailsel;
        float trailalpha;
        float trailpsize;
        int trailonly;
        real maxtrailgap;
        SelOp picksel;		// what to do when a star is picked
        struct speck *marksp;	// current pointer, updated by add_speck
        int leafcount;		// temp, used in recursion only
        int interactsel, unionsel;	// ditto
        int pickcount;		// temp, used in kira_picked
        SelMask *leafsel;
        struct vald vd[SPECK_NDATAFIELDS];
        double curtime;
        worldstuff( struct stuff *st ) {
    	this->init( st );
        void init( struct stuff *st ) {
    	nh = 0;
    	wh = NULL;
    	ih = 0;
    	tmin = 0, tmax = 1;
    	tcur = treq = 0;
    	treenodes = KIRA_ON;
    	treerings = KIRA_OFF;
    	treearcs = KIRA_ON;
    	ringsizer = KIRA_RINGA;
    	ringscale = 1.5;
    	massscale = 1.0;
    	truemassscale = 0;
    	ringmin = 2;
    	ringmax = 50;
    	tickscale = 0.25;
    	tracking = wastracking = 0;
    	centered = 0;  /* NOT auto-centered by default! */
    	which_center = 0;
    	center_pos[0] = center_pos[1] = center_pos[2] = 0;
    	center_vel[0] = center_vel[1] = center_vel[2] = 0;
    	sl = marksl = NULL;
    	bufsl[0] = bufsl[1] = NULL;
    	bufmarksl[0] = bufmarksl[1] = NULL;
    	bufno = 0;
    	maxstars = maxmarks = 0;
    	slvalid = 0;
    	trails = NULL;
    	maxtrail = 50;
    	maxtrailno = 0;
    	trailonly = 0;
    	trailalpha = 0.6;
    	trailpsize = 1.0;
    	maxtrailgap = 0.1;
    	marksp = NULL;
    	leafcount = 0;
    	myselseq = 0;
    	leafsel = NULL;
    	bufleafsel[0] = bufleafsel[1] = NULL;
    	nleafsel = 0;
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    struct state {
      int type;
      int group;
      double realtime;
      double dt;
      char axis;
      float turnrate;
      double turntime0;
      Matrix T0;
      int has_T0;
      float mag0;
      float colorscale;
      float masslum;	/* if set, ignore SPECK_LUM; use MASS**3 * masslum */
      int oldtree;
      struct stuff *st;
      int port;
      int lsock;
      int verbose;
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    } curstate = { ST_POINT, 0, 0.0 };
    void kira_invalidate( struct dyndata *dd, struct stuff *st ) {
        if(st->sl) st->sl->used = -1000000;
        worldstuff *ww = (worldstuff *)(dd->data);
        if(ww) ww->slvalid = 0;
    int kira_read( struct stuff **stp, int argc, char *argv[], char *fname, void * ) {
        if(argc < 1 || strcmp(argv[0], "kira") != 0)
    	return 0;
        struct stuff *st = *stp;
        char *realfile = findfile(fname, argv[1]);
        kira_open( &st->dyn, st, realfile ? realfile : argv[1], argc>2 ? atoi(argv[2]) : 0 );
        return 1;
    int kira_set( struct dyndata *dd, struct stuff *st, int what, double val )
        struct worldstuff *ww = (struct worldstuff *)dd->data;
        if(ww == NULL) return 0;
        if(kira_get(dd, st, what) == val)
    	return 2;
        switch(what) {
        case KIRA_NODES: ww->treenodes = (int)val; break;
        case KIRA_RINGS: ww->treerings = (int)val; break;
        case KIRA_TREE: ww->treearcs = (int)val; break;
        case KIRA_TICKSCALE: ww->tickscale = val; break;
        case KIRA_RINGSIZE: ww->ringsizer = (int)val; break;
        case KIRA_RINGSCALE: ww->ringscale = val; break;
        case KIRA_RINGMIN: ww->ringmin = val; break;
        case KIRA_RINGMAX: ww->ringmax = val; break;
        case KIRA_TRACK: if(ww->tracking != (int)val) ww->wastracking = 0;
    		     ww->tracking = (int)val; break;
        default: return 0;
        kira_invalidate( dd, st );
        return 1;
    double kira_get( struct dyndata *dd, struct stuff *st, int what )
        struct worldstuff *ww = (struct worldstuff *)dd->data;
        if(ww == NULL) return 0;
        switch(what) {
        case KIRA_NODES: return ww->treenodes;
        case KIRA_RINGS: return ww->treerings;
        case KIRA_TREE:  return ww->treearcs;
        case KIRA_TICKSCALE: return ww->tickscale;
        case KIRA_RINGSIZE: return ww->ringsizer;
        case KIRA_RINGSCALE: return ww->ringscale;
        case KIRA_RINGMIN: return ww->ringmin;
        case KIRA_RINGMAX: return ww->ringmax;
        case KIRA_TRACK: return ww->tracking;
        return 0;
    int kira_get_center( Point *p, struct dyndata *dd, struct stuff *st ) {
        worldstuff *ww = (worldstuff *)dd->data;
        p->x[0] = ww->center_pos[0];
        p->x[1] = ww->center_pos[1];
        p->x[2] = ww->center_pos[2];
        return ww->which_center;
    int hasdata( ifstream *s, double maxwait ) {
    #ifdef NEWSTDIO
        return 1;
    #else /*old stdio, where filebuf::fd() still existed*/
        struct timeval tv;
        fd_set fds;
        if(s == NULL) return 0;
        if(s->rdbuf()->in_avail() || s->eof()) return 1;
        if(maxwait < 0) maxwait = 0;
        tv.tv_sec = (int)maxwait;
        tv.tv_usec = (int) (1000000 * (maxwait - tv.tv_sec));
        FD_SET(s->rdbuf()->fd(), &fds);
        return(select(s->rdbuf()->fd() + 1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &tv) > 0);
    int kira_help( struct dyndata *dd, struct stuff *st, int verbose )
        msg(" kira {node|ring|size|scale|span|track|trail}  starlab controls; try \"kira ?\"");
        return 1;
    int kira_read_more( struct dyndata *dd, struct stuff *st, int nmax, double tmax, double realdtmax )
        struct worldstuff *ww = (struct worldstuff *)dd->data;
        if(ww == NULL) return -1;
        ifstream *ins = ww->ins;
        if(ins == NULL || !ins->rdbuf()->is_open()) return -1;
        int paras = 0;
        while( paras < nmax && (ww->nh == 0 || ww->wh[ww->nh-1]->get_t_max() < tmax) ) {
    	if(ww->nh >= ww->maxnh) {
    	    ww->maxnh = (ww->nh > ww->maxnh*2) ? ww->nh + 1 : ww->maxnh*2;
    	    ww->wh = RenewN( ww->wh, worldbundleptr, ww->maxnh );
    	worldbundle *wb;
    	wb = read_bundle(*ins, ww->readflags & KIRA_VERBOSE);
    	if(wb == NULL) {
    	    if(paras == 0) paras = -1;
    	ww->wh[ww->nh++] = wb;
        if(paras > 0) {
    	ww->tmin = ww->wh[0]->get_t_min();
    	ww->tmax = ww->wh[ww->nh-1]->get_t_max();
        return paras;
    int kira_get_trange( struct dyndata *dd, struct stuff *st, double *tminp, double *tmaxp )
        struct worldstuff *ww = (struct worldstuff *)dd->data;
        if(ww == NULL) {
    	*tminp = *tmaxp = 0;
    	return 0;
        *tminp = ww->tmin;
        *tmaxp = ww->tmax;
        return 1;
    int kira_open( struct dyndata *dd, struct stuff *st, char *filename, int readflags)
        // If data field names aren't already assigned, set them now.
        for(int i = 0; fieldnames[i] != NULL; i++) {
    	if(st->vdesc[st->curdata][i].name[0] == '\0')
    	    strcpy(st->vdesc[st->curdata][i].name, fieldnames[i]);
        if(filename == NULL || !strcmp(filename, "-init")) {
    	return 0;	// "kira -init" sets up datafield names w/o complaint
        ifstream *ins = new ifstream(filename);
        if (!ins || !*ins) {
    	msg("Kira/starlab data file %s not found.", filename);
    	delete ins;
    	return 0;
        struct worldstuff *ww = NewN( worldstuff, 1 );	// from shmem -- avoid "new"
        ww->init( st );
        ww->maxnh = 1024;
        ww->wh = NewN( worldbundleptr, ww->maxnh );
        ww->ins = ins;
        ww->tmin = ww->tmax = 0;
        ww->tcur = ww->treq = -1.0;		/* invalidate */
        ww->readflags = readflags;
        memset( dd, 0, sizeof(*dd) );
        dd->data = ww;
        dd->getspecks = kira_get_parti;
        dd->trange = kira_get_trange;
        dd->ctlcmd = NULL; /*kira_parse_args;*/
        dd->draw = NULL; /*kira_draw;*/
        dd->help = kira_help;
        dd->free = NULL;			/* XXX create a 'free' function someday */
        dd->enabled = 1;
        ww->nh = 0;
        if(! (readflags & KIRA_READLATER)) {
    	kira_read_more( dd, st, ww->maxnh, 1e38, 1e38 );
    	if (ww->nh == 0) {
    	    msg("Data file %s not in worldbundle format.", filename);
    	    dd->enabled = 0;
    	    return 0;
    	    preload_pdyn(ww->wh, ww->nh, readflags & KIRA_VERBOSE != 0, true/*vel*/);
        float mscale = mass_scale_factor();
        if(mscale > 0) {
    	ww->massscale = mscale;
    	ww->truemassscale = 1;
        ww->ih = 0;
        ww->sl = NULL;
        return 1;
    static float log10_of( float v ) {
        return v <= 0 ? 0 : log10f( v );
    static float netTL( pdyn *b, float *totlum ) {	// temp-weighted lum
        if(b == NULL) return 0;
        if(b->is_leaf()) {
    	*totlum += b->get_luminosity();
    	return b->get_temperature() * b->get_luminosity();
        float totTL = 0;
        for_all_daughters(pdyn, b, bb)
    	totTL += netTL( bb, totlum );
        return totTL;
    speck *add_speck(pdyn *b, pdyn *top, int addr, speck *sp, specklist *sl, worldstuff *ww)
        sp->p.x[0] = b->get_pos()[0];
        sp->p.x[1] = b->get_pos()[1];
        sp->p.x[2] = b->get_pos()[2];
        if(ww->centered) {
    	sp->p.x[0] -= ww->center_pos[0];
    	sp->p.x[1] -= ww->center_pos[1];
    	sp->p.x[2] -= ww->center_pos[2];
        int id = b->get_index();
        if(b->is_leaf()) {
    	if(id < ww->nleafsel) {
    	    ww->unionsel |= ww->leafsel[id];
    	    if(SELECTED(ww->leafsel[id], &ww->intsrc))
    		ww->interactsel = ww->intdest.wanton;
    	sp->val[SPECK_ID] = id;
    	sp->val[SPECK_TLOG] = log10_of( b->get_temperature() );
    	sp->val[SPECK_LUM] = b->get_luminosity();
        } else {
    	id = -b->get_worldline_index();
    	if(id >= 0 || id + ww->maxstars < ww->maxleaves) {
    	    static int yikes = 1;
    	    if(yikes++ % 256 == 0) printf("OOPS: worldline_index %d not in range 1..%d\n",
    		    -id, 2*ww->maxleaves);
    	} else {
    	    int slotno = ww->maxstars + id;
    	    ww->unionsel |= ww->leafsel[slotno];
    	sp->val[SPECK_ID] = id;		// distinguish CM nodes
    	float totL = 0, totTL;
    	totTL = netTL( b, &totL );
    	sp->val[SPECK_LUM] = totL;
    	sp->val[SPECK_TLOG] = log10_of( totL == 0 ? 0 : totTL / totL );
        sp->val[SPECK_MASS] = b->get_mass() * ww->massscale;
        sp->val[SPECK_SQRTMASS] = sqrtf( sp->val[SPECK_MASS] );
        sp->val[SPECK_STYPE] = b->get_stellar_type();	/* see starlab/inc/star_support.h */
        sp->val[SPECK_ISMEMBER] = is_member( ww->wh[ww->ih], b );
        sp->val[SPECK_NCLUMP] = 0;		// complete (add n_leaves) in kira_to_parti
        sp->val[SPECK_ROOTID] = (top->is_leaf())
    			? top->get_index()
    			: -top->get_worldline_index();
        // Addr is 0 for top-level leaf, 1 for top-level CM,
        // constructed from parent addr otherwise.
        sp->val[SPECK_TREEADDR] = addr;
        sp->val[SPECK_RINGSIZE] = 0;
        if(sl->nspecks < ww->maxstars) {
    	sp = NextSpeck(sp, sl, 1);
        } else {
    	msg("add_speck overflow! %d >= %d", sl->nspecks, ww->maxstars);
        return sp;
    speck *assign_specks(pdyn *b, pdyn *top, int addr, speck *sp, specklist *sl, worldstuff *ww)
        // Convert relative coordinates to absolute.
        if (b != top)
    		|| ww->treenodes == KIRA_ON
    		|| (ww->treenodes == KIRA_ROOTS && b == top)) {
    	sp = add_speck(b, top, addr, sp, sl, ww);
    	sp->val[SPECK_SEPVEC] = vel[0];		// for leaf nodes,
    	sp->val[SPECK_SEPVEC+1] = vel[1];	// use SEPVEC to hold velocity
    	sp->val[SPECK_SEPVEC+2] = vel[2];
        if(!b->is_leaf() &&
    		(ww->treerings == KIRA_ON || ww->treearcs != KIRA_OFF
    		 || (ww->treerings == KIRA_ROOTS && b == top))) {
    	struct speck *marksp = ww->marksp;
    	ww->marksp = add_speck(b, top, addr, marksp, ww->marksl, ww);
    	// find our two children
    	pdyn *b1 = b->get_oldest_daughter();
    	pdyn *b2 = b1 ? b1->get_younger_sister() : NULL;
    	if(b2) {
    	    vec sep = b1->get_pos() - b2->get_pos();
    	    real dist = sqrt(sep * sep);
    	    real mass = b->get_mass();	// = sum of b1&b2 masses.
    	    real size = 0;
    	    switch(ww->ringsizer) {
    	    case KIRA_RINGSEP:
    		size = 0.5 * dist;
    	    case KIRA_RINGA:
    		vec vel = b1->get_vel() - b2->get_vel();
    		real speed2 = vel * vel;
    		real E = 0.5 * speed2 - mass / dist;
    		size = -mass / (2*E);	// semimajor axis
    	    marksp->val[SPECK_RINGSIZE] = size;
    	    marksp->val[SPECK_MU] = b1->get_mass() / mass;
    	    marksp->val[SPECK_SEPVEC] = sep[0];
    	    marksp->val[SPECK_SEPVEC+1] = sep[1];
    	    marksp->val[SPECK_SEPVEC+2] = sep[2];
        // Recursion.
        addr *= 2;
        for_all_daughters(pdyn, b, bb)
    	sp = assign_specks(bb, top, addr++, sp, sl, ww);
        if(b != top)
    	b->set_pos( oldpos );
        return sp;
    struct specklist *kira_to_parti(pdyn *root, struct dyndata *dd, struct stuff *st, struct worldstuff *ww)
        if(ww == NULL || ww->nh == 0) return NULL;
        struct specklist *sl = ww->bufsl[ww->bufno];
        struct specklist *marksl = ww->bufmarksl[ww->bufno];
        if(sl == NULL) {
    	// Use NewN to allocate these in (potentially) shared memory,
    	// rather than new which will allocate in local malloc pool.
    	// Needed for virdir/cave version.
    	int w, wmax = 0;
    	for(int k = 0; k < ww->nh; k++) {
    	    if(ww->wh[k] && wmax < (w = ww->wh[k]->get_nw()))
    		wmax = w;
    	int smax = root->n_leaves();
    	ww->maxstars = smax + wmax + smax;	// leave a bit of room for growth
    	ww->maxmarks = 1+smax;
    	ww->maxleaves = smax;
            sl = NewN( struct specklist, 1 );
    	memset(sl, 0, sizeof(*sl));
    	sl->bytesperspeck = SMALLSPECKSIZE( SPECK_NDATAFIELDS );
    	sl->specks = NewNSpeck(sl, ww->maxstars);
    	sl->scaledby = 1;
    	marksl = NewN( struct specklist, 1 );
    	*marksl = *sl;
    	marksl->specks = NewNSpeck(marksl, ww->maxmarks);
    	marksl->special = MARKERS;
    	sl->nsel = ww->maxstars;
    	marksl->nsel = ww->maxmarks;
    	if(ww->bufsl[1 - ww->bufno]) {
    	    sl->sel = ww->bufsl[1-ww->bufno]->sel;
    	    marksl->sel = ww->bufmarksl[1-ww->bufno]->sel;
    	} else {
    	    sl->sel = NewN( SelMask, ww->maxstars );
    	    memset(sl->sel, 0, sl->nsel*sizeof(SelMask));
    	    marksl->sel = NewN( SelMask, ww->maxmarks );
    	    memset(marksl->sel, 0, marksl->nsel*sizeof(SelMask));
    	sl->next = marksl;
    	marksl->next = NULL;
    	if(ww->bufleafsel[1 - ww->bufno] != NULL) {
    	    ww->bufleafsel[ww->bufno] = ww->bufleafsel[1 - ww->bufno];
    	} else {		// Only one bufleafsel
    	    ww->bufleafsel[ww->bufno] = NewN( SelMask, ww->maxstars );
    	    ww->nleafsel = ww->maxstars;
    	    memset(ww->bufleafsel[ww->bufno], 0, ww->maxstars*sizeof(SelMask));
    	ww->trails = NewN( trailhead, ww->maxstars );
    	memset(ww->trails, 0, ww->maxstars*sizeof(trailhead));
    	ww->bufsl[ww->bufno] = sl;
    	ww->bufmarksl[ww->bufno] = marksl;
        ww->sl = sl;
        ww->marksl = marksl;
        struct speck *sp = sl->specks;
        sl->nspecks = 0;
        sl->colorseq = sl->sizeseq = sl->threshseq = 0;
        marksl->colorseq = marksl->sizeseq = marksl->threshseq = 0;
        marksl->nspecks = 0;
        ww->marksp = marksl->specks;
        ww->leafcount = 0;
        ww->leafsel = ww->bufleafsel[ww->bufno];
        int i;
        struct vald *vd = ww->vd;
        for(i = 0, vd = ww->vd; i < SPECK_NDATAFIELDS; i++, vd++) {
    	vd->min = 1e9;
    	vd->max = -1e9;
    	vd->sum = 0;
        int ntotal = 0;
        if(ww->wastracking) ww->wastracking = -1;
        for_all_daughters(pdyn, root, b) {
    	int ns = sl->nspecks;
    	int mns = marksl->nspecks;
    	int nl = ww->leafcount;
    	speck *tsp = sp;
    	speck *msp = ww->marksp;
    	ww->interactsel = ww->unionsel = 0;
    	sp = assign_specks(b, b, !b->is_leaf(), sp, sl, ww);
    	int k;
    	int nleaves = ww->leafcount - nl;
    	int count = sl->nspecks - ns;
    	ww->unionsel |= ww->interactsel;
    	/* For all nodes in this subtree, ... */
    	for(k = 0; k < count; k++) {
    	    tsp->val[SPECK_NCLUMP] += nleaves;
    	    int id = (int)tsp->val[SPECK_ID];
    	    if(id < 0) {
    		/* For CM nodes, negate nclump value. */
    		tsp->val[SPECK_NCLUMP] = -tsp->val[SPECK_NCLUMP];
    		/* Also, propagate all leaves' set membership to CM nodes */
    		sl->sel[ntotal] = ww->unionsel;
    	    } else if(ww->interactsel && id < ww->nleafsel) {
    		/* For leaf nodes, if at least one star in this
    		 * group is in the interaction set,
    		 * then add all other group members to it.
    		sl->sel[ntotal] = ww->leafsel[id] |= ww->interactsel;
    		/* Making trails? */
    	    for(i = 0, vd = ww->vd; i <= SPECK_STYPE; i++, vd++) {
    		float v = tsp->val[i];
    		if(vd->min > v) vd->min = v;
    		if(vd->max < v) vd->max = v;
    		vd->sum += v;
    	    tsp = NextSpeck(tsp, sl, 1);
    	/* For all marks (rings, etc.) in this subtree */
    	count = marksl->nspecks - mns;
    	for(k = 0; k < count; k++) {
    	    msp->val[SPECK_NCLUMP] += nleaves;
    	    if(msp->val[0] < 0)
    		msp->val[SPECK_NCLUMP] = -msp->val[SPECK_NCLUMP]; // negate nclump for CM nodes
    	    marksl->sel[mns+k] = ww->unionsel;
    	    msp = NextSpeck(msp, sl, 1);
        if(ww->wastracking < 0) ww->wastracking = 0;	// Detach if tracked pcle not found now
        for(i = 0, vd = ww->vd; i < SPECK_NDATAFIELDS && i < MAXVAL; i++, vd++) {
    	struct valdesc *tvd = &st->vdesc[ st->curdata ][ i ];
    	tvd->nsamples = ntotal;
    	if(vd->min > vd->max) {
    	    vd->min = vd->max = 0;
    	    tvd->nsamples = 0;
    	tvd->min = vd->min;
    	tvd->max = vd->max;
    	tvd->sum = vd->sum;
    	tvd->mean = tvd->nsamples > 0 ? vd->sum / tvd->nsamples : 0;
        ww->bufno = 1 - ww->bufno;
        return sl;
    void kira_set_tree( struct dyndata *dd, struct stuff *st, int oldtree ) {
        struct worldstuff *ww = (struct worldstuff *)dd->data;
        ww->oldtree = oldtree;
        ww->slvalid = 0;
    struct specklist *kira_get_parti( struct dyndata *dd, struct stuff *st, double realtime )
        struct worldstuff *ww = (struct worldstuff *)dd->data;
        if (ww == NULL || ww->nh == 0)
    	return NULL;
        ww->treq = realtime;
        if (realtime < ww->tmin) realtime = ww->tmin;
        if (realtime > ww->tmax) realtime = ww->tmax;
        if (ww->tcur == realtime && ww->slvalid)
    	return ww->sl;
        int ih = ww->ih;
        int nh = ww->nh;
    slevy's avatar
    slevy committed
        if(ih < 0 || ih >= nh) ih = 0;
        worldbundle *wb = ww->wh[ih];
        for(; realtime > wb->get_t_max() && ih < nh-1; ih++, wb = ww->wh[ih])
        for(; realtime < wb->get_t_min() && ih > 0; ih--, wb = ww->wh[ih])
    slevy's avatar
    slevy committed
        /* Sanity check */
        if(realtime < wb->get_t_min() || realtime > wb->get_t_max()) {
    	msg("ERROR: realtime %lg out of range %lg .. %lg of worldbundle %d of 0..%d",
    		realtime, wb->get_t_min(), wb->get_t_max(),
    		ih, nh-1);
    	ww->slvalid = 0;
    	return NULL;
        if(ww->oldtree == 1) {
    	pdyn *root = create_interpolated_tree(wb, realtime, 1);
    	ww->center_pos = get_center_pos();	// but probably invalid here
    	ww->center_vel = get_center_vel();
    	ww->sl = kira_to_parti(root, dd, st, ww);
        } else {
    	pdyn *root = create_interpolated_tree2(wb, realtime, 1);
    	ww->center_pos = get_center_pos();
    	ww->center_vel = get_center_vel();
    slevy's avatar
    slevy committed
    	    msg("realtime %lg pre-n_daughters %d n_leaves %d root %x wb %x timerange %lg .. %lg ih %d of 0..%d",
    		    realtime, root->n_daughters(), root->n_leaves(), root,
    		    wb, wb->get_t_min(), wb->get_t_max(),
    		    ih, nh-1);
    	ww->sl = kira_to_parti(root, dd, st, ww);
    slevy's avatar
    slevy committed
    	    msg("realtime %lg n_daughters %d nspecks %d sl %x root %x",
    		    realtime, root->n_daughters(), ww->sl->nspecks, ww->sl, root);
        ww->ih = ih;
        ww->tcur = realtime;
        ww->slvalid = 1;
        return ww->sl;
    static char *progname;
    void msg( CONST char *fmt, ... ) {
      va_list args;
      va_start(args, fmt);
      fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", progname);
      vfprintf(stderr, fmt, args);
      fputc('\n', stderr);
    int readTmap( char *fname );
    int scanopt(char *opt, char *arg) {
        float *tp;
        char *ep;
        switch(opt[0]) {
        case 'T':
    	tp = &curstate.T0.m[0];
    	    	tp+0,tp+1,tp+2,tp+3,    tp+4,tp+5,tp+6,tp+7,
    	    	tp+8,tp+9,tp+10,tp+11,  tp+12,tp+13,tp+14,tp+15);
    	if(k == 1) {
    	    memset(tp, 0, 16*sizeof(float));
    	    tp[5] = tp[10] = tp[0];
    	    tp[15] = 1;
    	    curstate.has_T0 = (tp[0] != 1.0);
    	} else if(k == 16) {
    	    curstate.has_T0 = 1;
    	} else {
    	    msg("T: expected 16 numbers");
    	    return 0;
    	return 1;
        case 't':
    	if(opt[1] == 'y') { /* "type" */
    	    curstate.type = atoi(arg);
    	} else {	    /* "time" */
    	    curstate.realtime = strtod( arg, &ep );
    	    if(arg == ep) {
    		msg("%s: expected time", opt);
    		return 0;
    	    curstate.dt = (*ep == '\0') ? 0 : strtod( ep+1, NULL );
    	return 1;
        case 'r':
    	switch(arg[0]) {
    	case 'x': case 'y': case 'z':  curstate.axis = arg[0]; break;
    	default: msg("%s: expected <axis><degrees/sec>[@time0]", opt); return 0;
    	curstate.turnrate = strtod( arg+1, NULL );
    	if((ep = strchr(arg, '@')) != NULL)
    	    curstate.turntime0 = strtod(ep+1, NULL);
    	return 1;
        case 'g': = atoi(arg);
    	return 1;
        case 'm':
    	curstate.mag0 = atof(arg);
    	return 1;
        case 'M':
    	curstate.masslum = atof(arg);
    	return 1;
        case 'c':
    	curstate.colorscale = atof(arg);
    	return 1;
        case 'o':
    	curstate.oldtree = atoi(arg);
    	return 1;
        case 'p':
    	curstate.port = atoi(arg);
    	return 1;
        case 'v':
    	curstate.verbose = atoi(arg);
    	return 1;