#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" { // in case someone feeds this to the C++ compiler,...
static char copyright[] = "Copyright (c) 2002 NCSA, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign";
* Brains of partiview: carrying and displaying data, parsing commands.
* Stuart Levy,
* National Center for Supercomputing Applications,
* University of Illinois 2001.
* This file is part of partiview, released under the
* Illinois Open Source License; see the file LICENSE.partiview for details.
* Revision 1.125 2011/01/21 18:38:28 slevy
* mesh_prepare_elements(): use the right face count.
* Revision 1.124 2011/01/19 21:59:55 slevy
* Add partially-baked stuff for glDrawElements()/glDrawArrays() prep for POLYMESH objects.
* Not in use yet.
* Add "vec/vectors" and "vecscale" control commands and "vecvar" data command.
* When enabled, draws a vector at each point, as specified by some
* triple of attributes given by "vecvar". Length is [vecvar .. vecvar+2]
* scaled by vecscale (default 1).
* Revision 1.123 2009/06/26 08:38:46 slevy
* Add -w option on mesh object -- set linewidth.
* Revision 1.122 2008/07/25 16:04:19 slevy
* Rename getline() to get_line(), avoiding collision with new C lib function.
* Revision 1.121 2008/07/22 18:48:03 slevy
* CONSTify char *'s in parse_selexpr() and a few other places.
* Explicitly (int) when we've parsed into a float.
* Revision 1.120 2006/05/03 01:48:26 slevy
* Add Usage messages for "hist" and "waveobj".
* Interpret threshholding correctly for "hist".
* Make "thresh off" finally work again, too. Good grief.
* Revision 1.119 2006/03/29 18:16:42 slevy
* Make "where" command report cam-to-obj as well as cam-to-world transforms.
* Revision 1.118 2006/02/09 07:34:12 slevy
* Need conste.h if we're doing USE_CONSTE.
* Revision 1.117 2006/01/17 07:37:11 slevy
* Move some specklist-maintenance functions to specks.c.
* Work in a way compatible with locking.
* Revision 1.116 2005/12/14 20:47:31 slevy
* Think we have a workaround for Apple/GLX glDrawInterleavedArrays()
* bug, so remove the Apple-specific workaround.
* Revision 1.115 2005/11/30 00:09:29 slevy
* Use separate color and vertex arrays instead of glInterleavedArrays(),
* which seems to have bugs on some implementations (?!).
* Let's see if this helps.
* Revision 1.114 2005/10/18 21:22:53 slevy
* Discard excess glBegin()/glEnd()'s from drawspecks()'s oldopengl path.
* Add env var PARTIOLDOPENGL to force using non-glDrawElements path.
* Revision 1.113 2005/06/13 18:12:07 slevy
* Fix long-standing bug where polygons would get the wrong orientation
* if some were fixed-oriented and others screen-facing.
* Portability tweak from Toshi -- be even more pessimistic about stack size.
* Revision 1.112 2005/02/08 20:10:59 slevy
* Force using oldopengl (no glInterleavedArrays()/glDrawElements()) on MacOS X --
* it seems to get the data completely wrong (most X's = 0, etc.).
* If someone ever figures out why, I'd be curious to know.
* Revision 1.111 2004/10/19 01:52:27 slevy
* Give specks_ieee_server() the right type to be an sproc function.
* Need config.h early.
* Initialize "oldopengl".
* More digits for "where".
* Revision 1.110 2004/10/06 05:35:19 slevy
* Add 3-D texturing.
* Revision 1.109 2004/07/26 16:44:50 slevy
* specks_set_byvariable() now correctly fails on 0-length names.
* Revision 1.108 2004/07/26 04:33:01 slevy
* Use vertex arrays for drawing points, if available.
* Allow dyndata processors to switch themselves off with st->dyn.enabled = -1.
* Revision 1.107 2004/07/23 20:57:12 slevy
* Move alloca boilerplate (ugh) earlier.
* Revision 1.106 2004/07/06 23:06:22 slevy
* Make use of multiple timesteps even if we have a dyndata handler.
* Revision 1.105 2004/04/19 21:04:12 slevy
* Un-CONST-ify most of what had been constified. It's just too messy.
* Revision 1.104 2004/04/19 17:42:42 slevy
* Use AC_FUNC_ALLOCA and the autoconf-standard alloca boilerplate
* in each of the files that uses alloca.
* Revision 1.103 2004/04/12 19:09:54 slevy
* Crank up default specular highlights.
* CONSTify getfloats().
* Revision 1.102 2004/01/14 02:03:41 slevy
* Add Chromatek color-coding of depth, contributed by Carl Hultquist
* (, student of Anthony Fairall), as part of his
* Computer Science Honours project. Works with Chromatek glasses,
* which make red things look nearby, blue things far away.
* New commands:
* chromadepth {on|off}
* replaces colors of points and polygons with depth-coded colors
* chromaparams ZSTART ZRANGE
* sets Z-range (distance from camera plane) over which
* colormapping applies. Z=ZSTART maps to first entry,
* Z=ZSTART+ZRANGE maps to last entry in colormap.
* chromacmap FILE.CMAP
* Specifies colormap.
* See example files data/chromadepth.cmap and data/hipchroma.
* Revision 1.101 2004/01/09 13:32:06 slevy
* Parse lum command correctly again...
* Revision 1.100 2004/01/09 04:54:46 slevy
* Add lum options:
* "all" - revert to autoranging
* "abs [base]" - lum = scalefactor * abs(value - base)
* "lin" - default behavior (unsets any "abs")
* Revision 1.99 2003/12/10 19:38:05 slevy
* Add "pb" datacommand to read partadv-style .pb files. Finally, a general-purpose
* binary particle format!
* Revision 1.98 2003/11/03 17:06:55 smarx
* small additions/changes to make os x and windows buildable and functional. open issues on windows time motion widgets and terminating cleanly.
* Revision 1.97 2003/10/26 16:20:22 slevy
* Merge Steve Marx's many improvements -- generic slider,
* MacOS X port, "home" command/button, lots of bug fixes -- into main branch!
* Revision 1.96 2003/10/25 00:42:52 slevy
* Add "echo" data+control command.
* Try to add pthread-based USE_IEEEIO. Don't know if this works yet,
* but it compiles.
* Revision 1.95 2003/09/30 08:44:37 slevy
* Make waveobj accept objects made of line segments.
* Revision 2003/05/15 14:58:57 smarx
* rel_0_7_04 upgrades to fltk-1.1.3, build support for os x, os x middle mouse button keyboard simulation, os x workaround for partiview/fltk issues with proper redraw. this release is using a recent fltk-1.1.3 cvs upgrade - not the standard release - to resolve OpenGL bugs that will be in fltk-1.1.4. Note that this release of partiview requires fltk-1.1.x support which precludes use of the old file chooser
* Revision 1.94 2003/02/15 06:55:57 slevy
* Add "slvalid" flag to struct dyndata. Don't just use currealtime as
* the validity test.
* Revision 1.93 2002/10/04 00:50:21 slevy
* Fix CAVE-text-alignment hack for non-CAVE case.
* Revision 1.92 2002/10/02 07:00:04 slevy
* Change text orientation in THIEBAUX_VIRDIR (often multipipe CAVE)
* mode. Rather than having text be oriented per-graphics-window,
* we choose the orientation of the master pipe.
* Revision 1.91 2002/07/20 15:53:03 slevy
* Make wavefront .obj models work with (or without) texture coordinates
* and/or vertex normals.
* Revision 1.90 2002/07/20 05:03:39 slevy
* Support textures and per-vertex normals from "waveobj" files.
* Revision 1.89 2002/07/10 22:51:59 slevy
* Allow ``only= field > value'' etc.
* Revision 1.88 2002/06/18 21:43:52 slevy
* Report copyright when "version" requested.
* Revision 1.87 2002/06/18 21:24:36 slevy
* Add copyright string.
* Add Illinois-open-source-license reference to LICENSE.partiview file.
* Revision 1.86 2002/06/05 01:13:31 slevy
* Ha -- when reading tfm's, remember to initialize has_scl!
* Revision 1.85 2002/06/04 23:06:07 slevy
* Use parti_idof(), not parti_object( NULL, &st, 0 ), to turn object into id.
* Revision 1.84 2002/04/22 17:58:49 slevy
* Allow "w" option to "bound" command: compute bounding box in world
* instead of object coordinates.
* Revision 1.83 2002/04/17 20:47:58 slevy
* Add a not-quite-proprietary notice to all source files.
* Once we pick a license this might change, but
* in the mean time, at least the NCSA UIUC origin is noted.
* Revision 1.82 2002/04/16 18:40:26 slevy
* Move tokenize() and rejoinargs() into findfile.c,
* and out of this overstuffed piece of junk.
* Revision 1.81 2002/04/12 05:50:20 slevy
* Fix (?) "only=" etc. commands, broken since I added the selection stuff last July!
* Revision 1.80 2002/03/31 22:40:32 slevy
* "tfm" command -- only print full matrices if "tfm -v" given,
* otherwise just x y z rx ry rz scale; print matrices in %g format for
* full precision; accept 7th parameter as scale factor on input
* just as we print it on output.
* Revision 1.79 2002/03/14 18:14:58 slevy
* Peel out a bit more CAVE code,
* and refer specifically to Marcus Thiebaux's virdir
* since there's now also a Matt Hall version.
* Revision 1.78 2002/03/14 04:54:09 slevy
* Strip out a bunch of virdir-specific CAVE menu clutter,
* now moved into partimenu.c.
* Revision 1.77 2002/03/11 22:31:23 slevy
* Move virdir-specific parti_seto2w() and specks_display() to
* "rawdata -a" particle-dump includes position, color, brightness too.
* Revision 1.76 2002/02/02 04:13:07 slevy
* Unless PARTIMENU explicitly set, just get rid of the blasted menus.
* Revision 1.75 2002/01/27 00:38:19 slevy
* Add "setenv name value" data command.
* Revision 1.74 2002/01/23 03:56:34 slevy
* Add "timealign", "skipblanktimes" commands.
* Default change: no longer skip blank times!
* Per-data time ranges now extend overall clock range,
* don't replace it.
* Reset material properties (shininess, specular, ambient)
* when drawing a lighted mesh.
* Revision 1.73 2001/12/28 07:23:57 slevy
* Move plugins (kira, warp, ieeeio) off to separate source files.
* "where" command gives full-precision values, and reports jump-pos with scale.
* Allow for model-specific render function (initially for Maya models).
* env TXDEBUG.
* Revision 1.72 2001/11/09 05:27:53 slevy
* In specks_set_timestep(), don't set clock's range if we only have
* a single timestep ourselves!
* Revision 1.71 2001/11/08 06:32:52 slevy
* Extract async code into async.c.
* Add pointsize metering, normally #ifdef USE_PTRACK'ed out.
* Revision 1.70 2001/11/06 06:20:30 slevy
* Centralize test for nonempty timestep slot: specks_nonempty_timestep().
* Fix tokenize() for case of "quoted" or 'quoted' arg strings.
* Revision 1.69 2001/10/19 17:48:51 slevy
* Don't leak FILE in specks_read_waveobj().
* Revision 1.68 2001/08/29 17:54:00 slevy
* Make rejoinargs() work robustly -- use a private static malloced area,
* don't overwrite args in memory.
* Revision 1.67 2001/08/28 18:27:34 slevy
* Remove lots of unused variables. Move some used only in CAVE code
* inside #ifdef brackets.
* Revision 1.66 2001/08/28 02:05:22 slevy
* Fix format string usage.
* Revision 1.65 2001/08/26 17:40:04 slevy
* Bounds-check all references to st->meshes[][], st->annot[][], etc. --
* all those maintained by specks_timespecksptr. We no longer guarantee
* that st->curtime is always in range>ntimes-1, so just yield NULL
* for out-of-range references. New CURDATATIME(fieldname) does it.
* Revision 1.64 2001/08/26 02:10:40 slevy
* "color rgb ..." sets colors of otherwise-uncolored mesh objects.
* Only call parti_parse_args() if non-CAVE.
* Revision 1.63 2001/08/24 01:02:38 slevy
* Add polygonal meshes -- wavefront .obj models.
* Revision 1.62 2001/08/16 19:58:56 slevy
* Pull non-specks-specific code out of partibrains.c
* and into, using new parti_add_commands hook.
* Revision 1.61 2001/08/16 17:23:41 slevy
* New parti_parse_args() for generic add-on commands.
* "where" prints more information.
* Revision 1.60 2001/07/19 20:10:23 slevy
* st->threshsel is now kept as a SEL_DEST.
* Fix seldest2src(), not even wrong.
* Use specks_reupdate() after changing thresh, so the reported
* selcount should be right.
* specks_rethresh(): keep track of whether anything changed,
* and increment st->selseq if so.
* Revision 1.59 2001/07/18 19:24:57 slevy
* parse_selexpr() returns bit-encoded value saying whether src or dest or
* both were filled in.
* Revision 1.58 2001/07/17 17:28:08 slevy
* Increase MAXPTSIZE to allow bigger dots!
* Revision 1.57 2001/07/16 17:58:37 slevy
* Don't take spurious snapshot if "snapset" command gets -... args.
* Revert to compatible texture behavior: texture -A is again the default,
* use texture -O for "over"-style blending.
* Revision 1.56 2001/07/15 23:09:46 slevy
* Um, let "wanted == 0" and SEL_USE indicate that we want to match all pcles.
* Revision 1.55 2001/07/15 22:55:14 slevy
* Er, those 'leadc' parameters to seldest()/selsrc() are ints, not SelTokens.
* Revision 1.54 2001/07/12 21:42:25 slevy
* Use new selcounts() function to report stats whenever we mention a SelOp.
* ``sel <src>'' alone now works too, to just report match count.
* Revision 1.53 2001/07/10 17:18:05 slevy
* threshsel is a src, not a dest-type SelOp.
* Revision 1.52 2001/07/09 23:46:56 slevy
* A bit more ripening of selection system...
* And, report match counts from "sel", "thresh", "emph".
* Revision 1.51 2001/07/07 15:35:49 slevy
* Implement more (most?) of selection framework:
* selsrc(), seldest(), selname(), seltoken().
* "thresh" now accepts "-s 'destexpr'".
* Add new selthresh SelOp.
* Revision 1.50 2001/07/04 03:44:12 slevy
* Add framework of set-selection stuff; not really usable yet.
* Next: implement "see" in drawspecks().
* Add "picked" callback which gets notified of all pick results.
* Revision 1.49 2001/06/30 18:14:22 slevy
* Provide for storing another bit in rgba alpha field: EMPHBIT, for
* emphasis tag.
* Use new sfStrDrawTJ (with transform & justification) for text.
* Yeow, handle polymax properly -- default == infinity!
* Add "vcmap" for per-datafield colormaps.
* Enable GL_SMOOTH mode to get texture colors to work right (huh? why do we need to?).
* "tfm c"/"tfm w" choose cam vs. world (default) location for object tfms.
* Revision 1.48 2001/05/30 14:32:55 slevy
* Add subcameras ("subcam" command).
* popen() needs "r" not "rb" -- no such thing as binary mode.
* kira_open() gets original filename if we can't find it, for error messaging.
* Revision 1.47 2001/05/15 12:18:57 slevy
* New interface to dynamic-data routines.
* Now, the only #ifdef KIRA/WARP needed in partibrains.c are
* the data-command initialization routines. All others,
* including control-command parsing and specialized drawing,
* is now via a function table.
* Revision 1.46 2001/05/14 15:51:34 slevy
* Initialize new speckseq value whenever we make a new specklist.
* Put colorseq/sizeseq/threshseq invalidation in kira_parti, not here,
* since we needn't do it when warping.
* By default, clock range is whatever it had been set to before.
* Revision 1.45 2001/05/12 07:22:24 slevy
* Add get-time-range func for dynamic data.
* Initialize all dynamic-data stuff explicitly.
* Revision 1.44 2001/05/11 10:05:38 slevy
* Add "warp" command if -DUSE_WARP.
* Ellipsoids allow 3-component (Rx Ry Rz) orientation numbers too.
* st->dyndata doesn't mean we should trash the anima[][] specklist.
* Need to keep it intact for warping.
* Revision 1.43 2001/05/02 09:51:01 slevy
* Add "ellipsoids" and "meshes" commands to toggle their display.
* Finally parse snapshot arguments properly...?
* Revision 1.42 2001/04/26 08:52:46 slevy
* Add hook for off-screen rendering: "-w width[xheight]" option for
* snapshot/snapset. Not actually implemented yet.
* Add "clipbox hide". This (a) doesn't display the big yellow box
* and (b) doesn't enable OpenGL clipping -- just whatever object culling
* the draw routine does anyway.
* specks_draw_mesh() now pays attention to drawing style (solid/line/plane/point).
* When drawing ellipsoids, disable blending altogether if bgcolor != 0.
* Small, distant labels now disappear by default. To get the old
* draw-tiny-line behavior, use a negative "labelmin" value.
* Revision 1.41 2001/04/20 13:47:39 slevy
* Allow *cment commands to alter multiple colormap entries: new editcmap().
* Revision 1.40 2001/04/10 19:18:33 slevy
* Open sdb files (and while we're at it, other files too) in binary mode.
* Revision 1.39 2001/04/04 20:33:02 slevy
* Use findfile() for "read" ctrl-command.
* Revision 1.38 2001/03/30 16:49:00 slevy
* Change enum SurfStyle to avoid mentioning POINT, which Windows uses too.
* Revision 1.37 2001/03/30 14:00:42 slevy
* Allow cment/boxcment/textcment as data commands too.
* Add "ghosts" ctl command (not really implemented).
* Add "winsize" ctl command.
* Ellipsoids now accept -l levelno option, in which case
* "hide levelno"/"show levelno" applies to them. Default is -1,
* which means "show if any level is shown", but hidden by "hide all".
* Scrap ghost maintenance. Do that elsewhere instead.
* Make "maxcomment" work properly.
* Revision 1.36 2001/03/19 11:55:08 slevy
* New version.c (derived from ../VERSION) contains current version string.
* New "version" command in partibrains reports that and the partibrains.c CVS ver no.
* Revision 1.35 2001/03/19 10:39:07 slevy
* Handle speck comments properly.
* Revision 1.34 2001/03/15 18:19:06 slevy
* Don't include comments in argc/argv -- it complicates things.
* Have a separate "comment" pointer. Pass it to specks_read_ellipsoid too.
* Revision 1.33 2001/03/15 15:37:06 slevy
* Yeow -- handle VIRDIR prefix properly!
* Complain of unrecognized data commands.
* Revision 1.32 2001/03/14 17:27:05 slevy
* Make rejoinargs() work -- don't omit last arg.
* "object" command alone reports our currently selected object.
* Revision 1.31 2001/03/13 22:45:08 slevy
* Add "verbose" flag to parti_allobjs, so "gall -v ..."
* reports object name before invoking each command.
* Revision 1.30 2001/03/13 08:23:39 slevy
* Use parti_object's new "create-if-not-present" flag.
* Data-language references can create, command-language ones can't.
* Switch specks_read() to argc/argv style, using new "tokenize()" function.
* Some commands still want the original string, so we also have rejoinargs().
* Allow for adjustable comment length with "maxcomment" data command.
* New "ellipsoid" and "mesh" objects. Only quadmeshes implemented right now.
* Data-language "tfm" command is now quiet. Command-language tfm still verbose.
* Check at run time for endian-config errors and refuse to run if wrong!
* Revision 1.29 2001/03/08 22:02:29 slevy
* Disable the parti menu unless PARTIMENU envar set.
* Allow alpha to adjust brightness of mesh objects.
* Revision 1.28 2001/03/05 03:04:41 slevy
* Add mesh objects. Or, quad meshes, anyway.
* Revision 1.27 2001/03/04 16:47:35 slevy
* Make "add" and "eval" behave consistently.
* polyorivar and texturevar now accept field names as well as numbers.
* Revision 1.25 2001/02/19 22:01:16 slevy
* Satisfy windows C compiler: pull enum FadeModel outside struct speck, etc.
* Revision 1.24 2001/02/19 20:50:33 slevy
* Oops, "object" should always invoke parti_object() whether there's an
* alias or not!
* Revision 1.23 2001/02/17 22:02:54 slevy
* Enlarge polygons so that unit circle is inscribed, not circumscribed.
* Then "txscale .5" always shows entire texture regardless of polysides.
* Add new "ptsize" command -- makes more sense than "fast". "fast" still works.
* Revision 1.22 2001/02/17 17:44:05 slevy
* For polygons, rotate circle of vertices by 1/2 step.
* Then, for "polysides 4" and "txscale .707",
* the vertices coincide with the corners of the 0..1 texture.
* Revision 1.21 2001/02/17 05:39:45 slevy
* Allow (in data language) "object gN=NAME".
* Revision 1.20 2001/02/15 05:41:12 slevy
* new textcmap, textcment commands. Regularize color-gamma-mapping.
* Object aliases: "object gN=ALIAS", or in command mode, "gN=ALIAS".
* Accept "ellipsoid" data tag; not yet implemented.
* Revision 1.19 2001/02/05 00:41:52 slevy
* Accept "time" as synonym for "step".
* Add "pickrange".
* Mention jump, center in help msg.
* Revision 1.17 2001/02/03 16:49:42 slevy
* Update cookedcmap when "cment" changes cmap.
* Revision 1.15 2001/02/03 14:50:44 slevy
* Add "setgamma" (abbr. "setgam" or "cgam") command to adjust colors.
* Add "kira tree {off|on|cross|tick} [tickscale]" subcommand
* for showing tree structure of interacting groups.
* Revision 1.14 2001/01/31 17:11:54 slevy
* Ensure that, for starlab, clock is always in "continuous" mode.
* Revision 1.13 2001/01/31 17:07:12 slevy
* Add RCS Id and Log strings.
#define __USE_MISC /* makes <math.h> define sqrtf() on GNU libc */
#include "config.h"
#ifndef __GNUC__
# include <alloca.h>
# else
# ifdef _AIX
#pragma alloca
# else
# ifndef alloca /* predefined by HP cc +Olibcalls */
extern void *alloca(int);
# endif
# endif
# endif
#include <malloc.h> /* for mallinfo(), amallinfo(), maybe alloca() too */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <ctype.h>
# define sqrtf(x) sqrt(x) /* if no sqrtf() */
#undef isspace /* hack for irix 6.5 back-compat */
#undef isdigit
#undef isalnum
#if unix
# include <unistd.h>
# include <sys/types.h>
# include <netinet/in.h> /* for htonl */
# include "config.h" /* for WORDS_BIGENDIAN */
# endif
# include <sys/prctl.h>
# ifndef PR_SADDR /* if SGI, use sproc() for bg processing */
# define USE_PTHREAD 1 /* linux or other UNIX; use pthreads for bg */
# include <pthread.h>
# endif /* end non-SGI */
# endif /* end USE_IEEEIO */
#define RGBALPHA(rgb, alpha) ((rgb) | (alpha))
#define PACKRGBA(r,g,b,a) ((r)<<24 | (g)<<16 | (b)<<8 | (a))
#define RGBA_R(rgba) (((rgba)>>24) & 0xFF)
#define RGBA_G(rgba) (((rgba)>>16) & 0xFF)
#define RGBA_B(rgba) (((rgba)>>8) & 0xFF)
#define RGBA_A(rgba) (((rgba)) & 0xFF)
#define RGBALPHA(rgb, alpha) ((rgb) | ((alpha)<<24))
#define PACKRGBA(r,g,b,a) ((a)<<24 | (b)<<16 | (g)<<8 | (r))
#define RGBA_R(rgba) (((rgba)) & 0xFF)
#define RGBA_G(rgba) (((rgba)>>8) & 0xFF)
#define RGBA_B(rgba) (((rgba)>>16) & 0xFF)
#define RGBA_A(rgba) (((rgba)>>24) & 0xFF)
#define THRESHBIT PACKRGBA(0,0,0,1)
#define EMPHBIT PACKRGBA(0,0,0,2)
#define EXTRABITS PACKRGBA(0,0,0,0xff)
#define RGBBITS PACKRGBA(0xff,0xff,0xff,0)
#ifdef __APPLE__
#include <OpenGL/gl.h>
#include <GL/gl.h> /* for GLuint */
#include "shmem.h" /* NewN(), etc. */
#include "futil.h"
#include "specks.h"
#include "textures.h"
#include "findfile.h"
#include "partiviewc.h"
#include "sfont.h"
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include "conste.h"
# include "cavemenu.h"
# include "partimenu.h"
# define IFCAVEMENU(x) (x)
# define IFCAVEMENU(x) /* nothing */
# include "vd_util.h"
/* Star Renderer (.sdb) structure -- from stardef.h */
typedef struct {
float x, y, z;
float dx, dy, dz;
float magnitude, radius;
float opacity;
int num;
unsigned short color;
unsigned char group;
unsigned char type;
} db_star;
typedef struct hrec { float t; int num;} hrec_t;
typedef struct mrec { float mass, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, rho, temp, sfr, gasmass;
int id, token;} mrec_t;
/* end Star Renderer */
#define VDOT( v1, v2 ) ( (v1)->x[0]*(v2)->x[0] + (v1)->x[1]*(v2)->x[1] + (v1)->x[2]*(v2)->x[2] )
static int defcmap[] = {
0x1106ee00, 0x120ea900, 0x1316ce00, 0x1520d500, 0x172ece00, 0x193fcb00,
0x1c54b400, 0x206da400, 0x24889200, 0x2aa58400, 0x33c07600, 0x3ed96a00,
0x4eed6100, 0x63fa5a00, 0x7efe5100, 0x99fb4c00, 0xafef4700, 0xc0dc4000,
0xcbc33900, 0xd4a83000, 0xda8b2900, 0xdf702700, 0xe2572500, 0xe5411700,
0xe82f1000, 0xea211500, 0xeb171400, 0xed0f1200, 0xee0aee00,
int orientboxcolor = PACKRGBA( 0xff, 0xff, 0, 0xff );
void specks_read_boxes( struct stuff *st, char *fname, int timestep );
int specks_add_box( struct stuff *st, struct AMRbox *box, int timestep );
int specks_purge( void *vstuff, int nbytes, void *aarena );
int specks_count( struct specklist *head );
int specks_gobox( struct stuff *st, int boxno, int argcrest, char *argvrest[] );
int specks_cookcment( struct stuff *st, int cment );
void specks_rgbremap( struct stuff *st );
struct specklist **specks_find_annotation( struct stuff *, struct specklist **);
void specks_set_current_annotation( struct stuff *st, char *annotation );
void specks_add_annotation( struct stuff *st, char *annotation, int timestep );
void strncpyt( char *dst, char *src, int dstsize ) {
int len = strlen(src);
if(len >= dstsize) len = dstsize-1;
memcpy(dst, src, len);
dst[len] = '\0';
#ifdef sgi
static float defgamma = 1.0;
static float defgamma = 2.5;
struct stuff *
specks_init( int argc, char *argv[] )
int i;
struct stuff *st = NewN( struct stuff, 1 );
i = PACKRGBA(1, 0, 0, 0);
if(*(char *)&i != 1) {
msg("specks_init(): trouble: is WORDS_BIGENDIAN mis-set? Giving up.");
memset(st, 0, sizeof(*st));
st->spacescale = 1.0;
st->fog = 0;
st->psize = 1;
st->alpha = .5;
st->gamma = defgamma;
st->rgbgamma[0] = st->rgbgamma[1] = st->rgbgamma[2] = 1.0;
st->rgbright[0] = st->rgbright[1] = st->rgbright[2] = 1.0;
specks_rgbremap( st );
st->alias = NULL;
st->usevec = 0;
st->vecvar0 = 0;
st->vecscale = 1.0f;
st->usetext = 1;
st->usetextaxes = 1;
st->usetextures = 1;
st->useboxes = 1;
st->staticmeshes = NULL;
st->mullions = 0;
st->polysizevar = -1;
st->polyarea = 0;
st->polyorivar0 = -1;
st->use_chromadepth = 0;
st->chromaslidestart = 2.0;
st->chromaslidelength = 20;
st->texturevar = -1;
st->txscale = .5;
st->boxlabels = 0;
st->boxlabelscale = 1.0;
st->boxlevelmask = ~0; /* all levels on */
st->boxaxes = 0; /* boxes don't show orientation markers */
st->goboxscale = 1.0;
st->textsize = .05;
st->npolygon = 11;
st->subsample = 1;
st->maxcomment = sizeof(st->sl->specks->title) - 1;
st->dyn.enabled = 0;
st-> = NULL;
st->dyn.getspecks = NULL;
st->dyn.draw = NULL;
st->dyn.trange = NULL;
st-> = NULL;
st->dyn.ctlcmd = NULL;
st-> = NULL;
st->speckseq = 0;
st->menudemandfps = 4.0;
st->pfaint = .05; /* params for "fast" point-drawing */
st->plarge = 10;
st->polymin = .5; /* don't draw polygons if smaller (pixels) */
st->polymax = 1e8; /* don't allow polygons to get bigger than this (pixels) */
st->polyfademax = 0;
st->textmin = 2; /* replace labels with line-segments if smaller (pixels) */
st->ntextures = 0;
st->textures = NULL;
st->fade = F_SPHERICAL;
st->fadeknee1 = 10.0;
st->fadeknee2 = 1.0;
st->knee2steep = 1.0;
st->gscale = 1.;
st->gtrans.x[0] = st->gtrans.x[1] = st->gtrans.x[2] = 0;
st->objTo2w = Tidentity;
st->ncmap = st->boxncmap = st->textncmap = COUNT(defcmap);
st->cmap = NewN(struct cment, COUNT(defcmap));
st->boxcmap = NewN(struct cment, COUNT(defcmap));
st->textcmap = NewN(struct cment, COUNT(defcmap));
st->cmap[i].raw = st->boxcmap[i].raw = st->textcmap[i].raw
= htonl(defcmap[i]);
st->cmap[i].cooked = st->boxcmap[i].cooked = st->textcmap[i].cooked
= specks_cookcment( st, st->cmap[i].raw );
/* Ensure that textcmap[0] is white by default */
st->textcmap[0].raw = PACKRGBA( 170, 170, 170, 0 );
st->textcmap[0].cooked = specks_cookcment( st, st->textcmap[0].raw );
st->sizedby = 0;
st->coloredby = 1;
st->sizeseq = st->colorseq = st->threshseq = 0;
st->trueradius = 0;
st->sdbvars = shmstrdup( "mcr" );
st->useemph = 0;
selinit( &st->emphsel );
st->emphfactor = 10;
selinit( &st->threshsel );
selinit( &st->seesel );
st->ntimes = 0;
st->ndata = 0;
st->curtime = 0;
st->curdata = 0;
st->datatime = 0;
st->usertrange = 0;
st->utmin = -HUGE;
st->utmax = HUGE;
st->utwrap = 0.1;
st->sl = NULL;
st->boxes = NULL;
st->boxlevels = 0;
st->boxlinewidth = 0.75;
st->clk = NewN(SClock, 1);
clock_set_running(st->clk, 1);
memset(st->anima, 0, sizeof(st->anima));
memset(st->annot, 0, sizeof(st->annot));
memset(st->datafile, 0, sizeof(st->datafile));
memset(st->fname, 0, sizeof(st->fname));
memset(st->meshes, 0, sizeof(st->meshes));
#if CAVE
shmrecycler( specks_purge, st );
for(i = 1; i < argc; i++)
specks_read( &st, argv[i] );
IFCAVEMENU( partimenu_init( st ) );
return st;
void specks_rethresh( struct stuff *st, struct specklist *sl, int by )
int i;
int curdata = st->curdata;
int nel = sl->nspecks;
float threshmin = st->thresh[0], threshmax = st->thresh[1];
struct speck *p = sl->specks;
SelMask *sel = sl->sel;
sl->threshseq = st->threshseq;
if(sl->text != NULL) /* specklists with labels shouldn't be thresholded */
if(curdata >= st->ndata)
curdata = 0;
min = (SMALLSPECKSIZE(by)>=sl->bytesperspeck) ? 0 : st->usethresh&P_THRESHMIN;
max = (SMALLSPECKSIZE(by)>=sl->bytesperspeck) ? 0 : st->usethresh&P_THRESHMAX;
threshseldest = st->threshsel;
for(i = 0, p = sl->specks; i < nel; i++, p = NextSpeck( p, sl, 1 )) {
if((min&&p->val[by]<threshmin) || (max&&p->val[by]>threshmax)) {
/* p->rgba |= THRESHBIT; */
/* p->rgba &= ~THRESHBIT; */
changed |= was ^ sel[i];
if(changed) {
if(st->selseq < sl->selseq) st->selseq = sl->selseq;
int specks_cookcment( struct stuff *st, int cment )
unsigned char crgba[4];
memcpy(crgba, &cment, 4); /* XXX 64-bit bug? */
return (cment & ~RGBWHITE) |
0 );
void specks_rgbremap( struct stuff *st )
int i, k;
for(i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
float t = (float)i / 256;
float v = 255.99f * pow(t, 1/st->rgbgamma[0]);
k = (int) (st->rgbright[0] * v);
st->rgbmap[0][i] = (k <= 0) ? 0 : (k > 255) ? 255 : k;
if(st->rgbgamma[0] != st->rgbgamma[1])
v = 255.99f * pow(t, 1/st->rgbgamma[1]);
k = (int) (st->rgbright[1] * v);
st->rgbmap[1][i] = (k <= 0) ? 0 : (k > 255) ? 255 : k;
if(st->rgbgamma[1] != st->rgbgamma[2])
v = 255.99f * pow(t, 1/st->rgbgamma[2]);
k = (int) (st->rgbright[2] * v);
st->rgbmap[2][i] = (k <= 0) ? 0 : (k > 255) ? 255 : k;
/* remake colormap too */
for(i = 0; i < st->ncmap; i++)
st->cmap[i].cooked = specks_cookcment( st, st->cmap[i].raw );
/* and chromadepth colormaps */
if (st->chromacm != NULL) {
for (i = 0; i < st->nchromacm; i++)
st->chromacm[i].cooked = specks_cookcment(st, st->chromacm[i].raw);
void specks_recolor( struct stuff *st, struct specklist *sl, int by )
struct valdesc *vd;
int i;
int curdata = st->curdata;
int nel = sl->nspecks;
struct speck *sp = sl->specks;
float cmin, cmax, normal;
int ncmap = st->ncmap;
struct cment *cmap = st->cmap;
sl->coloredby = by;
sl->colorseq = st->colorseq;
if(sl->text != NULL) /* specklists with labels shouldn't be recolored */
if(curdata >= st->ndata)
curdata = 0;
if(by == CONSTVAL) {
/* Hack -- color by given RGB value */
char crgba[4];
r = (vd->cmin<=0) ? 0 : vd->cmin>=1 ? 255 : (int)(255.99f * vd->cmin);
g = (vd->cmax<=0) ? 0 : vd->cmax>=1 ? 255 : (int)(255.99f * vd->cmax);
b = (vd->mean<=0) ? 0 : vd->mean>=1 ? 255 : (int)(255.99f * vd->mean);
crgba[0] = st->rgbmap[0][r];
crgba[1] = st->rgbmap[1][g];
crgba[2] = st->rgbmap[2][b];
sp->rgba = rgba | (sp->rgba & EXTRABITS);
if(by >= MAXVAL || by < 0 || SMALLSPECKSIZE(by) > sl->bytesperspeck)
by = 0;
vd = &st->vdesc[curdata][by];
if(vd->vncmap > 0) {
ncmap = vd->vncmap;
cmap = vd->vcmap;