- Jul 12, 2013
slevy authored
Revamp FLTK configuration -- use fltk-config. It tells us which libraries we need. It also can tell us where to find libpng and libjpeg - either the versions built-in to fltk since 1.1.x, or else the system version if available.
slevy authored
slevy authored
slevy authored
slevy authored
Regenerate from (unchanged) partipanel.fl with newer version of fluid. Switches from FL_Input to FL_Float_Input.
slevy authored
Make use of vecalpha value.
slevy authored
Add some redraw()s when we detach opengl window from GUI, to avoid MacOS Lion bug which left them un-refreshed.
slevy authored
Add some redraw() calls to avoid MacOS Lion bug that left cmd box, cmdhist scrollback, and opengl view to go un-refreshed. Especially when we switch on the timestep row.
slevy authored
Remember to schedule redraw(). Probably not necessary, but trying to squash bug that's appeared in MacOS Lion.
- Mar 13, 2013
- Feb 22, 2013
slevy authored
Demonstrates combining time-varying data (discrete datatimes) with time-varying warp (continuous extrapolation).
- Feb 20, 2013
- Feb 19, 2013
slevy authored
Check the right thing -- ac_cv_header_jpeglib_h -- to see whether we've found the JPEG header and need to find corresponding library.
- Sep 28, 2012
slevy authored
For MacOS (Lion), use -framework Cocoa rather than -framework Carbon, following fltk-1.3's lead. No, I don't understand why.
- Dec 07, 2011
- Nov 02, 2011
- Nov 01, 2011
- Oct 30, 2011
slevy authored
- Oct 27, 2011
slevy authored
Flip Y when encoding PNGs. Always free the snapshot buffer.
- Oct 26, 2011
slevy authored
slevy authored
Use hack-y MINGW32 test to see which version of GLEW library to use -- "-lGLEW" on most systems, "-lglew32.dll" (libglew32.dll.a) on MinGW.
slevy authored
- four digits by default - use .png suffix if libpng available, or if unix (assumes "convert" available) - use .ppm suffix if WIN32 and no libpng
slevy authored
for comparison with -c 'early commands', before window setup.
slevy authored
slevy authored
slevy authored
slevy authored
- Oct 24, 2011
slevy authored
Add -tilt option to subcam command.
- Feb 17, 2011