- Dec 21, 2000
slevy authored
Lighten the text in timebase panel.
slevy authored
Rather than archiving an (incorrect) copy of Makedepend, just have "configure" create an empty Makedepend and force "make depend" to be invoked if the user then says "make".
slevy authored
We don't want to archive this file -- it's system-dependent! Instead, "configure" does a "touch Makedepend", and "Makefile" uses a "depended" tag-file to ensure that "make depend" actually gets run once.
slevy authored
Handle wrap band correctly (no extra ";"!).
slevy authored
Add flag for "user limited time range", and wrap-band interval.
slevy authored
User-adjustable wraparound time (but no way to adjust it yet). Recompute colors and sizes whenever we update dynamic data. Don't update dynamic data if time hasn't changed. Discard old specks when updating dynamic data -- but allow for keeping "ghost" copies (up to st->nghosts) for making trails. We don't do trails yet though.
slevy authored
Recode to be speedier (use recursion) and to provide more information to partiview: [0] worldline index (= kira index for singles, - and unique for others) [1] mass [2] number of stars (leaf nodes) in clump + 100 if this is a member of an unperturbed binary [3] top-level name (small integer, = worldline index for single stars) [4] tree address in clump (0=single, 1=root, children of <i> are <2i>,<2i+1>)
slevy authored
Make ...::format() return count.
slevy authored
Add new "nghosts" field for keeping animation history (trails).
slevy authored
slevy authored
Add default case to ...::printvalue().
- Dec 20, 2000
slevy authored
Lots of changes to support new time flow and additional time-related GUI. Probably not all there but at least somewhat usable.
slevy authored
Add new files kira_parti (Steve McMillan's glue to starlab), sclock (clock), notify (notification service -- not yet used), Fl_Log_Slider (log-scaled slider).
slevy authored
Glue code to read starlab (kira) files and interpolate particle positions into partiview internal form.
slevy authored
Now use worldline.h from ${KIRA}/inc directory rather than the one hidden deep in the source.
- Dec 14, 2000
teuben authored
- Dec 13, 2000
slevy authored
Don't report error if WORDS_BIGENDIAN is undefined -- config.h might just /* #undef */ it. Just assume undefined -> false.
slevy authored
Add default rules for .cc (and .C and .cpp) files -- not all versions of make have them built-in.
slevy authored
We're little-endian if WORDS_BIGENDIAN is defined (in config.h) and set to 0, so use #if rather than #ifdef to test endian-ness.
- Dec 12, 2000
- Oct 10, 2000