- Jan 24, 2001
slevy authored
Add everycomp, depthsort fields.
slevy authored
Add rint() function.
slevy authored
Lots more caching (e.g. of texture slot numbers and texture id's) for speed. txbind(NULL, NULL) invalidates currently-bound-texture-id cache. Allow texture index 0 to hold a texture. This allows for kludges like using a [0..1) coordinate as a constant texture index. Handle new texture attributes: alpha (-> 2-channel tx with luminance=0), intensity (luminance=1, alpha=brightness).
slevy authored
Add parti_allobjs() for "gall" command.
slevy authored
Make it work under WIN32 (ugh); and allow CAVETime. Allow null time ranges so partiview can suppress time bar if nobody has nonempty range.
slevy authored
Add parti_allobjs() to implement "gall" command.
slevy authored
Don't show time-control bar unless some object has a nonzero time range.
slevy authored
"depthsort" adds depth-sorted polygons. New texture qualifiers -i(ntensity) -a(lpha) -A(dd). New "gall" (a.k.a. "allobj") cmd sends following command to all objects. "everycomp" says whether to compensate for "every" subsampling.
slevy authored
Use config.h's WORDS_BIGENDIAN.
- Dec 31, 2000
- Dec 30, 2000
slevy authored
Recipe for constructing primbin16.out, taken from Piet's e-mail of 22 Dec 2000. Use as in make -f primbin16.mk
slevy authored
Examples of new CM-node-ring-marker and particle tracking. Replace nclump.cmap with one for use with the new nclump codes, where nclump is positive for stars and negative for CM nodes and rings. The new cmap uses the same colors for both, but it could be changed.
slevy authored
Add "kira track" command for particle tracking.
slevy authored
Re-extract whenever kira_set changes something. Add particle tracking. Compute ring sizes correctly, and draw rounder rings.
slevy authored
Keyboard shortcuts "<" and ">" stop animation. Shortcuts "{" and "}" start animation (backwards & forwards).
slevy authored
Add parti_nudge_camera() to aid in tracking objects.
slevy authored
Get slider position right if min/max values change.
- Dec 29, 2000
slevy authored
Add marker controls.
slevy authored
Improve color choices, jog-roller resolution.
slevy authored
Fix some clock bugs. Middle- or right-click on "step" buttons advance by .1 or 10 times normal step. Tie step to speed: step = 0.1sec * speed.
slevy authored
Tidy up messages -- don't append \n in msg() calls.
slevy authored
Add ring markers for non-isolated stars. Not finished yet, but seems usable. No GUI yet, but new commands: kiractl nodes {on|off|roots} kiractl rings {on|off|roots} kiractl ringsize {sep|semi} (ring size from curr. separation or semimajor axis) kiractl scale <scalefactor> kiractl span <minpixels> <maxpixels> (allowed range of ring radii) Change encoding of nclump: n for leaves, -n for center-of-mass nodes, so colormap can make them distinguishable. Bug: after kiractl command, must change timestep before it takes effect. Bug: ring markers aren't colored yet for some reason.
teuben authored
teuben authored
- Dec 27, 2000
slevy authored
For coloring by number-of-particles-in-clump.
- Dec 23, 2000
slevy authored
Add -lm to -lGL/-lMesaGL tests, to ensure it doesn't fail to find GL just because libGL/libGLU use sqrt etc.! Discard tests which search for IrisGL and PEX, since we can't use them anyway. Re-install "depended"/"Makedepend" fix. We really do want to force Makedepend to be rebuilt, I think.
slevy authored
k2kira, kira2k: translate kira output files between short/long keywords. tfm.pl: perl geometry/astronomy calculator/library.
slevy authored
Sample partiview Kira-reading script (data2.cf) and Kira data file (data2.out). Put lots of comments in data2.cf.
- Dec 22, 2000
teuben authored
- Dec 21, 2000
teuben authored
teuben authored
slevy authored
Reduce SPECKCHUNK to 2001, not 10001. Too many machines have tiny stacks.
slevy authored
Lighten the text in timebase panel.
slevy authored
Rather than archiving an (incorrect) copy of Makedepend, just have "configure" create an empty Makedepend and force "make depend" to be invoked if the user then says "make".
slevy authored
We don't want to archive this file -- it's system-dependent! Instead, "configure" does a "touch Makedepend", and "Makefile" uses a "depended" tag-file to ensure that "make depend" actually gets run once.
slevy authored
Handle wrap band correctly (no extra ";"!).
slevy authored
Add flag for "user limited time range", and wrap-band interval.
slevy authored
User-adjustable wraparound time (but no way to adjust it yet). Recompute colors and sizes whenever we update dynamic data. Don't update dynamic data if time hasn't changed. Discard old specks when updating dynamic data -- but allow for keeping "ghost" copies (up to st->nghosts) for making trails. We don't do trails yet though.
slevy authored
Recode to be speedier (use recursion) and to provide more information to partiview: [0] worldline index (= kira index for singles, - and unique for others) [1] mass [2] number of stars (leaf nodes) in clump + 100 if this is a member of an unperturbed binary [3] top-level name (small integer, = worldline index for single stars) [4] tree address in clump (0=single, 1=root, children of <i> are <2i>,<2i+1>)