9.24 KiB
#ifdef WIN32
# include "winjunk.h"
* FLTK OpenGL 2-D plot widget.
* Stuart Levy,
* National Center for Supercomputing Applications,
* University of Illinois 2001.
* This file is part of partiview, released under the
* Illinois Open Source License; see the file LICENSE.partiview for details.
#if unix && !__APPLE__
# include "FL/x.H"
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "Plot.H"
#include "sfont.h"
#include "shmem.h"
int Plot_add_drawer( Fl_Plot *plot,
void (*func)( Fl_Plot *, void *obj, void *arg ),
void *obj, void *arg, char *name, int id ) {
return plot->add_drawer( func, obj, arg, name, id );
int Plot_inpick( Fl_Plot *plot ) { return plot->inpick(); }
void Plot_setpick( Fl_Plot *, void (*pickcb)(Fl_Plot *, int hits, int ents, GLuint *buf) );
Fl_Plot::Fl_Plot(int x, int y, int w, int h, const char *label)
: Fl_Gl_Window(x,y,w,h,label) {
int Fl_Plot::add_drawer( void (*func)( Fl_Plot *, void *obj, void *arg ),
void *obj, void *arg, const char *name, int id )
if(id < 0) id = next_id();
int dno = withid( id );
if(dno < 0) {
if(ndrawers_ >= maxdrawers_) {
maxdrawers_ = ndrawers_*2 + 15;
int room = maxdrawers_ * sizeof(struct drawer);
drawers_ = (struct drawer *)
(drawers_==NULL ? malloc(room) : realloc(drawers_, room));
dno = ndrawers_++;
struct drawer *dp = &drawers_[dno];
dp->func = func;
dp->obj = obj;
dp->arg = arg;
dp->name = shmstrdup(name);
dp->id = id;
return id;
void Fl_Plot::notify() {
if(notify_ != NULL)
(*notify_)( this, notifyarg_ );
int Fl_Plot::withid( int id ) const { // Which drawer[] slot is id in?
for(int dno = 0; dno < ndrawers_; dno++)
if(drawers_[dno].id == id)
return dno;
return -1;
int Fl_Plot::next_id() const {
int id;
for(id = 1; withid(id) >= 0; id++)
return id;
void draw_axis( float v0, float v1, float ybase, float ytick, float htext, char *just, char *title ) {
char ljust[4], rjust[4];
sprintf(ljust, "%.2sw", just?just:"");
sprintf(rjust, "%.2se", just?just:"");
glColor3f( 1,1,1 );
glBegin( GL_LINES );
glVertex2f( 0,ybase );
glVertex2f( 1,ybase );
glVertex2f( 0,ybase );
glVertex2f( 0,ytick );
glVertex2f( 1,ybase );
glVertex2f( 1,ytick );
char lbl[16];
sprintf(lbl, "%.2g", v0);
Point at = { 0, ytick, 0 };
sfStrDrawTJ( lbl, htext*.8, &at, NULL, ljust );
sprintf(lbl, "%.2g", v1);
at.x[0] = 1;
sfStrDrawTJ( lbl, htext*.8, &at, NULL, rjust );
if(title) {
at.x[0] = .5;
at.x[1] = ytick + (ytick-ybase);
sfStrDrawTJ( title, htext, &at, NULL, "c" );
static float coordof( int pixel, int npix, float o0, float o1, float v0, float v1 ) {
float o = pixel * (o1-o0) / npix + o0;
return o * (v1-v0) + v0;
static float rounded( int prec, float v ) {
char str[32];
sprintf(str, "%.*g", prec, v);
return atof(str);
static float choosezoom( float zoom, int pixel,
int npix, float o0, float o1, float *v0p, float *v1p ) {
float range = (*v1p - *v0p);
if(range == 0) return 1; /* unchanged */
float newv0, newv1, error;
float center = coordof( pixel, npix, o0, o1, *v0p, *v1p );
for(int prec = 0; prec < 4; prec++) {
newv0 = rounded( prec, center - .5*range/zoom );
newv1 = rounded( prec, center + .5*range/zoom );
error = 1 - zoom*(newv1 - newv0)/range;
if(fabs(error) < .1) break;
if(newv1 == newv0) return 1; /* degenerate after 4 digits?! */
*v0p = newv0;
*v1p = newv1;
return range / (newv1 - newv0);
float Fl_Plot::zoomview( float zoomfactor, int xev, int yev ) {
if(zoomfactor == 0) {
xrange( initx0_, initx1_ );
yrange( inity0_, inity1_ );
return 1.0;
choosezoom( zoomfactor, h()-yev, h(), orthoy0_, orthoy1_, &y0_, &y1_ );
float got = choosezoom( zoomfactor, xev, w(), orthox0_, orthox1_, &x0_, &x1_ );
#if unix && !__APPLE__
Window xwin = fl_xid(this);
if(xwin != None)
XWarpPointer(fl_display, xwin, xwin, 0, 0, 0, 0,
(int)(w()*(.5 - orthox0_)/(orthox1_ - orthox0_)),
(int)(h()*(orthoy1_ - .5)/(orthoy1_ - orthoy0_)));
return got;
void Fl_Plot::draw() {
/* draw scene */
if(!valid() || damage() || inpick()) {
/* Assume reshaped */
glViewport( 0, 0, w(), h() );
glClearDepth( 1.0 );
glColorMask( 1, 1, 1, 1 );
glClearColor( bgcolor_.x[0], bgcolor_.x[1], bgcolor_.x[2], 0 );
glDisable( GL_DEPTH_TEST );
glDisable( GL_LIGHTING );
glDisable( GL_TEXTURE_2D );
glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION );
if(inpick()) {
GLint vp[4] = {0, 0, w(), h()};
gluPickMatrix( pickx_, picky_, pickwidth_, pickheight_, vp );
glOrtho( orthox0_, orthox1_, orthoy0_, orthoy1_, -1, 1 );
glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW );
glScalef( x1_ == x0_ ? 1 : 1/(x1_-x0_),
y1_ == y0_ ? 1 : 1/(y1_-y0_), 1 );
glTranslatef( -x0_, -y0_, 0 );
for(int i = 0; i < ndrawers_; i++) {
struct drawer *dp = &drawers_[i];
if(dp->func != NULL) {
if(inpick_) {
glLoadName( dp->id );
glPushName( 0 );
(*dp->func)( this, dp->obj, dp->arg );
/* Draw axes */
draw_axis( x0_, x1_, -.01, -.04, .1, "n", xtitle() );
glRotatef( 90, 0,0,1 );
draw_axis( y0_, y1_, .01, .04, .1, "s", ytitle() );
if(children() > 0)
int Fl_Plot::handle(int ev) {
if(eventhook) {
/* Allow clients to pre-screen our events without subclassing */
switch((*eventhook)(this, ev)) {
case 1: return 1; /* pre-screener handled it */
case -1: return 0; /* pre-screener commands us to ignore it too */
default: break; /* Else just process event normally below */
return 1;
switch(ev) {
case FL_FOCUS: hasfocus_ = 1; return 1; // Yes, we want FL_KEYBOARD events
case FL_UNFOCUS: hasfocus_ = 0; return 1;
case FL_PUSH:
{ // Besides navigating, grab keyboard focus if we're clicked-on
if(!hasfocus_) take_focus();
case FL_DRAG:
if(pickcb_ != NULL) {
dpickx_ = Fl::event_x();
dpicky_ = h() - Fl::event_y();
if(ev == FL_PUSH) {
do_pick( dpickx_, dpicky_ );
pickneeded_ = 0;
} else {
if(!pickneeded_) {
pickneeded_ = 1;
Fl::add_idle( Fl_Plot::idlepick, (void *)this );
return 1;
/* Maybe do right-button pick? */
return 0;
case FL_ENTER:
return 1;
if(Fl::event_text() == NULL || Fl::event_text()[0] == '\0')
return 0;
int c = Fl::event_text()[0];
switch(c) {
case 'p':
case 'P':
do_pick( Fl::event_x_root() - x_root(),
y_root() + h() - Fl::event_y_root() );
case 'V': zoomview( 1.33, Fl::event_x(), Fl::event_y() ); break;
case 'v': zoomview( 1/1.33, Fl::event_x(), Fl::event_y() ); break;
case 'w': zoomview( 0 ); break;
default: c = 0;
if(Fl::event_key(FL_Home)) {
zoomview( 0 );
return 1;
return c==0 ? 0 : 1;
return 0;
void Fl_Plot::xrange( float x0, float x1 ) {
initx0_ = x0_ = x0;
initx1_ = x1_ = x1;
notify(); redraw();
void Fl_Plot::yrange( float y0, float y1 ) {
inity0_ = y0_ = y0;
inity1_ = y1_ = y1;
notify(); redraw();
void Fl_Plot::xtitle( const char *str ) {
if(xtitle_) Free(xtitle_);
xtitle_ = str ? shmstrdup(str) : NULL;
void Fl_Plot::ytitle( const char *str ) {
if(ytitle_) Free(ytitle_);
ytitle_ = str ? shmstrdup(str) : NULL;
void Fl_Plot::picksize( float width, float height )
pickwidth_ = width;
pickheight_ = height;
void Fl_Plot::pickbuffer( int words, GLuint *buf )
picknents_ = words;
pickbuf_ = buf;
void Fl_Plot::picker( void (*pickcb)(Fl_Gl_Window *, int, int, GLuint *, void *arg), void *arg )
pickcb_ = pickcb;
pickarg_ = arg;
int Fl_Plot::pickresults( int *nentp, GLuint **bufp )
if(nentp) *nentp = picknents_;
if(bufp) *bufp = pickbuf_;
return pickhits_;
int Fl_Plot::do_pick( float xpick, float ypick )
glSelectBuffer( picknents_, pickbuf_ );
int ok = glRenderMode( GL_SELECT );
if(ok != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Trouble in do_pick: glRenderMode( GL_SELECT ) = %d\n", ok);
ok = glRenderMode( GL_SELECT );
fprintf(stderr, "Retry: %d\n", ok);
inpick_ = 1;
pickx_ = xpick;
picky_ = ypick;
inpick_ = 0;
pickhits_ = glRenderMode( GL_RENDER );
(*pickcb_)( this, pickhits_, picknents_, pickbuf_, pickarg_ );
return pickhits_;
int Fl_Plot::snapshot( int x, int y, int w, int h, void *packedrgb )
glPixelStorei( GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT, 1 );
glReadBuffer( GL_FRONT );
glReadPixels(x, y, w, h, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, packedrgb);
return 1; // Might return whether this window was properly uncovered?
// Take snapshot into caller-supplied buffer, w*h*3 bytes long
void Fl_Plot::idlepick( void *vthis ) {
Fl_Plot *me = (Fl_Plot *)vthis;
if(me->pickneeded_) {
me->do_pick( me->dpickx_, me->dpicky_ );
me->pickneeded_ = 0;
Fl::remove_idle( Fl_Plot::idlepick, vthis );