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 <TITLE> Partiview (PC-VirDir): Viewing Window Keyboard Shortcuts </TITLE>
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<H2><A NAME="s5">5.</A> <A HREF="partiview.html#toc5">Viewing Window Keyboard Shortcuts </A></H2>

<P>Commands that you can give from within the viewing window are all single
keystroke commands, often combined with moving the mouse.</P>


TAB             change focus to command window for Control Commands
S/s             toggle STEREO mode (need blue/red glasses :-)
                modes:  mono redcyan crosseyed glasses
                See also the 'stereo' View Command
>               single frame forward stepping, in time animation mode
&lt;               single frame backward stepping, in time animation mode

Button-N            various translation/rotation/zoom, depending on mode (fly/orbit/rot/tran)

SHIFT + Button-N    modifier to the usual Button-N action, to have more fine control

CTRL + Button-N     modifier to orbit-mode, e.g. to do translations instead of rotations 

        s       playnow
        l       loop (rock)
        f,e     playevery=1
        r,t     playevery=0

Gview.cpp : Fl_Gview::handle()
        cw      reset camera position
        p       identify nearest object under mouse cursor
        P       pick that object as the new origin
        o       ORBIT mode
        f       FLY mode
        r       ROTATE mode
        t       TRANSLATE mode
        O       toggle perspective mode
        v       make field of view larger
        V       make field of view smaller
        ^v      toggle debug output
        @       report viewpoint position
        =       show object-to-world, world-to-object 4x4 matrices
                  (precede by object name, e.g. "c=", "g3=")
        ESC     exit

        PrintScreen  Take image snapshot of current view
        &lt;  > Step backwards/forwards in dynamical time
                   (numeric prefix sets time step)
        {  }    Animate backwards/forwards in dynamical time
        ~       Fermionic dynamical-time animation toggle:
                   cycle between stop/forward/stop/backward/...
        z  Z    Halve/double animation speed (dyn units/sec)
                   (numeric prefix sets animation speed)


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