pb2parti 3.07 KiB
#! /usr/bin/perl
$PBH_MAGIC = 0xffffff98;
$swapendian = (pack("N",1) ne pack("L",1));
@attrname = ();
while($ARGV[0] =~ /^-[a]/) {
shift, push(@attrname, shift), next if $ARGV[0] =~ /^-a/;
$infmt = $ARGV[0];
($min, $max, $incr) = ($ARGV[1] =~ /^(\d+)-?(\d*)%?(\d*)/);
$min = 0 unless $min ne "";
$max = $min unless $max ne "";
$incr = 1 unless $incr != 0;
$infmt = "-" if $infmt eq "" && ! -t STDIN;
$inf = sprintf($ARGV[0], $min);
unless( open(INF, $inf) ) {
print STDERR "Can't open input file \"$inf\"\n" if $infmt;
print STDERR <<EOF;
Usage: $0 [-a attrname] informat.pb [min-max%incr] > out.speck
Converts partadv binary particle file(s) (with or without attribute)
to time-dependent partiview (.speck) format.
#if(-t STDOUT) {
# print STDERR "Don't want to write .speck data to a terminal!\n";
# exit(1);
$attrin = scalar @attrname;
$attrout = @attrname && $attrname[0] ne "-" ? 1 : 0;
print "#! /usr/bin/env partiview\n\n";
print "datavar 0 id\n";
print "datavar 1 age\n";
print "datavar 2 $dataname\n" if $dataname;
print "\n";
$stepno = 0;
for($t = $min; $t <= $max; $t += $incr, $stepno++) {
$inf = sprintf($infmt, $t);
open(INF, $inf) or die "$0: $inf: cannot open input: $!, exiting";
# Check file format: old or new?
read(INF, $header, 3*4);
($magicbe) = unpack("N", $header);
($magicle) = unpack("V", $header);
if($magicbe == $PBH_MAGIC) {
($magic, $dataoff, $attrin) = unpack("N*", $header);
$inswap = $swapendian;
} elsif($magicle == $PBH_MAGIC) {
($magic, $dataoff, $attrin) = unpack("V*", $header);
$inswap = !$swapendian;
} else {
$dataoff = 0;
if($dataoff > 0) {
read(INF, $attrstrs, $dataoff-3*4);