slevy authored
gets changed (as between stereo/mono, or window-detachment). Pass the news to the texture layer so we don't lose textures. Or at least so we can arrange not to lose em, not sure this works yet... Add hooks for Toshiyuki Takahei's FLHACK FLTK stubs.
slevy authoredgets changed (as between stereo/mono, or window-detachment). Pass the news to the texture layer so we don't lose textures. Or at least so we can arrange not to lose em, not sure this works yet... Add hooks for Toshiyuki Takahei's FLHACK FLTK stubs.
Gview.H 10.87 KiB
#ifndef _GVIEW_H
#define _GVIEW_H
* Somewhat geomview-style OpenGL viewer for FLTK
* Analogous to vtk's RenderWindowInteractor.
* Stuart Levy, slevy@ncsa.uiuc.edu
* National Center for Supercomputing Applications,
* University of Illinois 2001.
* This file is part of partiview, released under the
* Illinois Open Source License; see the file LICENSE.partiview for details.
#ifdef __APPLE__
#include <OpenGL/gl.h>
#include <OpenGL/glu.h>
#include <GL/gl.h> /* for GLuint */
#include <GL/glu.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define GV_ID_CAMERA (-1)
#ifndef __cplusplus
typedef struct _Fl_Gview Fl_Gview;
int Gview_add_drawer( Fl_Gview *gview,
void (*func)( Fl_Gview *, void *obj, void *arg ),
void *obj, void *arg, int id );
void Gview_get_o2w( Fl_Gview *gview, Matrix *pos, int drawer ); /* returns parent */
void Gview_set_o2w( Fl_Gview *gview, CONST Matrix *pos, int drawer );
int Gview_inpick( Fl_Gview *gview ); /* for plain-C drawers */
void Gview_setpick( Fl_Gview *gview, void (*pickcb)(Fl_Gview *, int hits, int ents, GLuint *buf) );
#else /* C++ */
#include <stdlib.h>
#ifdef FLHACK
# include "flhack.H"
# include <FL/Fl.H>
# include <FL/Fl_Gl_Window.H>
#include "geometry.h"
enum Gv_Nav {
enum Gv_Stereo {
struct GNumber {
int has; /* 0 if not, -1 or +1 (sign) if present */
int val;
int expon; /* digits after decimal point */
int prefix; /* prefix character (e.g. 'c' or 'g') */
void clear() { has = val = expon = prefix = 0; }
int addchar(int c) {
switch(c) {
case '.': expon = 1; if(!has) has = 1, val = 0; return 1;
case '-': has = -1; val = expon = 0; return 1;
case 'c':
case 'g': prefix = c; has = 1; val = expon = 0; return 1;
if(c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
if(!has) { has = 1; val = expon = 0; }
if(expon) expon++;
val = 10*val + c - '0';
return 1;
return 0;
int tvalue( int defval = 0 ) {
return has && prefix=='c' ? ~value(defval)
: value(defval);
int value( int defval = 0 ) { return has ? has*val : defval; }
float fvalue( float defval = 0 ) {
if(!has) return defval;
float v = has * val;
while(--expon > 0) v *= 0.1;
return v;
struct MausSample {
float x, y;
float t;
class Fl_Gview : public Fl_Gl_Window {
Fl_Gview(int x, int y, int h, int w, const char *label = 0);
int add_drawer( void (*func)( Fl_Gview *, void *obj, void *arg ), void *obj, void *arg, char *name = NULL, int id = -1 );
int next_id() const;
void notifier( void (*func)( Fl_Gview *, void * ), void * );
int (*msg)( const char *fmt, ... );
int (*eventhook)( Fl_Gview *, int ev );
void (*predraw)( Fl_Gview *, int again );
int (*postdraw)( Fl_Gview *, int again );
void glmode( int modebits ); /* wrapper for Fl_Gl_Window::mode( ... ) */
const Matrix *Tc2w() const;
const Matrix *Tw2c() const;
void Tc2w( const Matrix * );
void Tw2c( const Matrix * );
void lookvec( int row, const Point *vec );
void reset( int obj = GV_ID_CAMERA );
void usesubcam( int on ) { use_subc_ = on; }
int usesubcam() const { return use_subc_; };
void Tc2subc( Matrix *newT ) { Tc2subc_ = *newT; }
const Matrix *Tc2subc() const { return &Tc2subc_; }
void subc_lrbt( float lrbt[4] );
const float *subc_lrbt() const { return subclrbt_; }
const Matrix *To2w( int drawerno ) const; /* returns &Tidentity if invalid */
int To2w( int drawerno, const Matrix * ); /* returns zero if invalid */
int objparent( int drawerno ) const; /* parent object id (0=world, -1=camera) */
void objparent( int drawerno, int id );
int perspective() { return persp_; }
void perspective(int persp);
float focallen() const { return focallen_; }
void focallen( float dist );
int focalpoint( Point *fpt, float *minfocallen ) const {
if(fpt) *fpt = focalpoint_;
if(minfocallen) *minfocallen = minfocallen_;
return focalpointing_;
void focalpoint( Point *fpt, float minfocallen, int on ) {
focalpoint_ = *fpt;
minfocallen_ = minfocallen;
focalpointing_ = on;
void focalpoint( int on ) {
focalpointing_ = on;
float halfyfov() const { return halfyfov_; } ;
void halfyfov( float half_dist_at_focallen );
float angyfov() const;
void angyfov( float degrees );
float nearclip() const { return near_; };
void nearclip(float newnear);
float farclip() const { return far_; };
void farclip(float newfar);
float aspect() const { return aspect_; }
void aspect( float newasp ); /* sets window aspect ratio (xsize/ysize) */
float pixelaspect() const { return pixelaspect_; }
void pixelaspect( float newasp );
int stereooffset() const { return stereooff_; }
void stereooffset( int pixels );
enum Gv_Stereo stereo() const { return stereo_; }
void stereo( enum Gv_Stereo setting ) { stereo_ = setting; redraw(); }
float stereosep() const { return stereosep_; }
void stereosep( float tanhalfangle ) { stereosep_ = tanhalfangle; redraw(); }
int inpick() const { return inpick_; } // draw()ers: am I in GL_SELECT mode?
void picksize( float width, float height );
void pickbuffer( int words, GLuint *buf );
void picker( void (*pickcb)(Fl_Gl_Window *, int, int, GLuint *, void *arg), void *arg );
void (*picker( void **argp = 0 ))(Fl_Gl_Window *, int, int, GLuint *, void *arg);
int pickresults( int *wordsp, GLuint **bufp ); /* returns num hits, too */
int do_pick( float pickx, float picky ); /* Calls back function given by picker() */
int snapshot( int x, int y, int w, int h, void *packedrgb );
// Take snapshot into caller-supplied buffer, w*h*3 bytes long
const Point *center() const { return &pcenw_; }
void center( const Point *pcenw );
int owncoords() { return owncoords_; }
void owncoords(int useown);
void nav( enum Gv_Nav navmode );
enum Gv_Nav nav() const { return nav_; }
float fps() const; /* frames per second (smoothed) */
int framecount;
/* Do nav ops apply to the target? !movingtarget() means
* that all nav applies to the camera, even r and t.
int movingtarget() const { return movingtarget_; }
void movingtarget(int v) { movingtarget_ = v; notify(); }
int inertia() const { return inertia_; }
void inertia( int on );
void driftoff( );
void drifton( );
void drifton( MausSample *rate );
int drifting() const { return drifting_; }
void target( int drawerno ) {
if(drawerno >= GV_ID_CAMERA && drawerno < ndrawers_
&& drawerno != target_) {
target_ = drawerno;
int target() const { return target_; }
int ndrawers() const { return ndrawers_; }
float zspeed; /* for fly, translate modes */
GNumber num; /* accumulates numeric keyboard input */
int retarget() {
if(num.has) target( num.tvalue() );
return target();
char *dname( int drawerno );
void bgcolor( Point *rgb ) { bgcolor_ = *rgb; redraw(); }
const Point *bgcolor() const { return &bgcolor_; }
void initfrom( Fl_Gview * );
int dspcontext() const { return dspcontext_; }
void dspcontext( int dspctx );
virtual void draw();
virtual int handle(int ev);
static void idlepick( void *me );
static void idledrift( void *me );
static int next_dspcontext();
static int next_dspcontext_;
void glprojection( float nearclip, float farclip, const Matrix *postproj );
Point qc2w_;
Matrix Tc2w_, Tw2c_;
int persp_;
enum Gv_Stereo stereo_;
float focallen_, halfyfov_, near_, far_;
float aspect_, pixelaspect_, stereosep_;
int stereooff_;
int dspcontext_;
float minfocallen_;
Point focalpoint_;
int focalpointing_;
Matrix Tc2subc_;
float subclrbt_[4]; // subcam frustum tan(left),tan(right),tan(bot),tan(top)
int use_subc_;
int target_;
int movingtarget_;
void (*pickcb_)( Fl_Gl_Window *, int hits, int nents, GLuint *buf, void *arg );
int inpick_;
float pickx_, picky_, pickwidth_, pickheight_;
int picknents_, pickhits_;
GLuint *pickbuf_;
GLuint tpickbuf[1024];
void *pickarg_;
/* We handle mouse-driven picking in an idle-callback, to avoid
* getting behind if there are many events.
float dpickx_, dpicky_;
int pickneeded_;
int hasfocus_;
void (*notify_)( Fl_Gview *, void *);
void *notifyarg_;
void notify();
/* navigation settings */
enum Gv_Nav nav_; /* nav mode */
int owncoords_; /* own coordinates */
Point pcenw_; /* center pt (world coords) for orbit/rotate */
int nullthresh_; /* null-motion threshold in pixels */
MausSample driftrate_;
float drifttime_; /* wall-clock time at previous drift cycle */
int inertia_;
int drifting_;
#define NMAUSAMP 4
MausSample ms_[NMAUSAMP];
int nms_;
/* Nav status -- where current mouse drag started */
int evx_, evy_, evslow_, evzaxis_, evconstrain_;
Matrix evTobj2w_, evTc2w_, evTw2c_;
/* smoothed frame rate */
float sumwdt_, sumw_;
struct drawer {
void (*func)(Fl_Gview *, void *obj, void *arg);
void *obj, *arg;
Matrix To2w;
char *name;
int id;
int parent; /* 0=world, GV_ID_CAMERA=attach-to-camera */
int objclip; /* object has custom clip planes? */
float objnear, objfar;
int ndrawers_, maxdrawers_;
struct drawer *drawers_;
int withid( int id ) const;
void draw_scene( int needproj, const Matrix *postproj );
Point bgcolor_; /* OK, it's not a Point, we just want 3 components */
void do_nav(int ev, int slow, int zaxis, int constrained);
void start_nav( int navtarget ); /* Save event-position, camera, target-position */
void takeMausSample( int ev, float timescale );
int pastMaus( MausSample *rate, float ago );
void rateaccum( float dt );
void init() {
msg = printf;
eventhook = NULL;
predraw = NULL;
postdraw = NULL;
num.has = 0;
ndrawers_ = maxdrawers_ = 0;
drawers_ = NULL;
dspcontext_ = -1;
owncoords_ = 0;
persp_ = 1;
stereo_ = GV_MONO;
pixelaspect_ = 1.0;
stereosep_ = .05;
stereooff_ = 0;
target_ = GV_ID_CAMERA;
movingtarget_ = 0;
focallen_ = 3; halfyfov_ = .5; /* 60-degree default FOV */
near_ = .1; far_ = 100;
minfocallen_ = 0.1;
focalpoint_.x[0] = focalpoint_.x[1] = focalpoint_.x[2] = 0;
focalpointing_ = 0;
zspeed = 1;
inpick_ = 0;
nms_ = 0;
pickwidth_ = 2, pickheight_ = 2;
picknents_ = sizeof(tpickbuf) / sizeof(tpickbuf[0]);
pickbuf_ = tpickbuf;
pickarg_ = NULL;
notify_ = NULL;
notifyarg_ = NULL;
pcenw_.x[0] = pcenw_.x[1] = pcenw_.x[2] = 0;
bgcolor_.x[0] = bgcolor_.x[1] = bgcolor_.x[2] = .2;
nullthresh_ = 2;
hasfocus_ = 0;
use_subc_ = 0;
Tc2subc_ = Tidentity;
subclrbt_[0] = subclrbt_[2] = -1;
subclrbt_[1] = subclrbt_[3] = 1;
inertia_ = 0;
drifting_ = 0;
driftrate_.x = driftrate_.y = driftrate_.t = 0;
sumwdt_ = sumw_ = 0;
framecount = 0;
nav( GV_ORBIT );
reset( GV_ID_CAMERA );
#endif /* C++ */
#endif /*_GVIEW_H*/