7.57 KiB
* Reader for John Shalf's FlexIO data for partiview.
* Stuart Levy,
* National Center for Supercomputing Applications,
* University of Illinois 2001.
* This file is part of partiview, released under the
* Illinois Open Source License; see the file LICENSE.partiview for details.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <IEEEIO.hh>
#include "shmem.h"
#include <GL/glu.h>
#include "specks.h"
#include <unistd.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "partiviewc.h"
#include "findfile.h"
static int elements(int rank, int dims[]) {
int i, n;
for(i=0, n=1; i < rank; i++)
n *= dims[i];
return n;
extern "C" {
extern void strncpyt( char *dst, char *src, int dstsize );
int parti_ieee_read( struct stuff **stp, int argc, char *argv[], char *fname, void * ) {
static char Usage[] = "ieee file.amr";
if(argc < 1 || strcmp(argv[0], "ieee"))
return 0;
if(argc <= 1) {
return 1;
struct stuff *st = *stp;
int timestepno = st->datatime;
char *realfile;
int i = 1;
if(argc>2 && !strcmp(argv[1], "-t")) {
if((timestepno = (int) getfloat(argv[2], st->datatime)) < 0) {
msg("ieee -t: expected timestepnumber(0-based), not %s", argv[2]);
return 1;
i = 3;
realfile = findfile( fname, argv[i] );
if(realfile == NULL) {
msg("%s: ieee: can't find file %s", fname, argv[i]);
} else {
/* Load IEEE dataset into time slot */
specks_ieee_open( st, realfile, st->curdata, timestepno );
return 1;
void parti_ieee_init(void) {
parti_add_reader( parti_ieee_read, "ieee", NULL );
void specks_ieee_open( struct stuff *st, char *fname, int dataset, int starttime )
if(st->ndata >= MAXFILES) {
fprintf(stderr, "Oops, already read limit of %d data files, ignoring %s\n",
MAXFILES, fname);
IObase *infile = new IEEEIO( fname, IObase::Read );
if(!infile->isValid()) {
msg("Couldn't open IEEEIO file %s", fname);
if(starttime < 0) starttime = 0;
int ntimes = infile->nDatasets(); /* time steps */
int nd = (dataset < 0) ? st->curdata : dataset;
char *dupfname = NewN( char, strlen(fname)+1 );
strcpy(dupfname, fname);
/* Preallocate room for timesteps */
(void) specks_timespecksptr( st, nd, starttime + ntimes - 1 );
for(int i = 0; i < ntimes; i++) {
specks_discard( st, &st->anima[nd][i+starttime] ); /* free any scrap */
/* st->anima[nd][i+starttime] = NULL; */
st->datafile[nd][i+starttime] = (void *)infile;
st->fname[nd][i+starttime] = dupfname;
if(getenv("DBG")) fprintf(stderr, "<p%d>d%d t%d..%d <= %lx %s\n", getpid(), nd, starttime, starttime+ntimes-1, infile, fname );
struct specklist *
specks_ieee_read_timestep( struct stuff *st, int subsample, int dataset, int timestep )
int curdata = dataset;
int curtime = timestep;
int timebase;
float spacescale = st->spacescale;
int skips[64], skinx, skip;
int outnel;
if(st->ndata == 0)
return NULL;
if(curdata >= st->ndata) curdata = st->ndata-1;
if(curdata < 0) curdata = 0;
if(curtime >= st->ntimes) curtime = st->ntimes-1;
if(curtime < 0) curtime = 0;
IObase *infile = (IObase *)st->datafile[curdata][curtime];
if(infile == NULL)
return NULL;
if(!infile->isValid()) {
fprintf(stderr, "<p%d>d%d t%d infile %x invalid!\n", getpid(), dataset, timestep, infile);
fprintf(stderr, "sleeping 10 secs -- to look around, dbx -p %d\n", getpid());
return NULL;
for(timebase = timestep;
timebase > 0 && (IObase *)st->datafile[curdata][timebase-1] == infile;
IObase::DataType dt;
int rank, dims[3];
infile->seek( curtime - timebase );
infile->readInfo(dt, rank, dims);
int i, k, anel;
int nel = dims[rank-1];
if(dims[0] != 3 || rank != 2) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s<%lx> dataset %d (timestep %d): expected 3xN data organization, not %dx%d!\n",
st->fname[curdata][curtime], infile, curtime - timebase, curtime, dims[0],dims[1]);
fprintf(stderr, "sleeping 10 secs -- to look around, dbx -p %d\n", getpid());
return NULL;
if(subsample < 1)
subsample = 1;
int sktotal = 0;
for(skinx = 0; skinx < 64; skinx++) {
skips[skinx] = subsample + (int) ((drand48() - .5)*sqrt(subsample-1));
if(skips[skinx] <= 0) skips[skinx] = 1;
sktotal += skips[skinx];
float *xyz = new float[ elements(rank,dims) ];
int nattr = infile->nAttributes();
if(nattr > MAXVAL) nattr = MAXVAL;
outnel = (nel / sktotal) * 64;
for(i = 0, skinx = 0; i < nel % sktotal; ) {
skip = skips[skinx++ & (64-1)];
i += skip;
struct specklist *sl = NewN( struct specklist, 1 );
memset( sl, 0, sizeof(*sl) );
sl->bytesperspeck = SMALLSPECKSIZE( nattr );
struct speck *sp = (struct speck *)NewN( char, outnel*sl->bytesperspeck );
sl->sel = NewN( SelMask, outnel );
memset( sl->sel, 0, outnel*sizeof(SelMask) );
sl->specks = sp;
sl->nspecks = outnel;
sl->scaledby = st->spacescale;
sl->coloredby = -1;
sl->sizedby = -1;
sl->subsampled = subsample;
register struct speck *tsp = sp;
float *ap = xyz;
float x0=1e8,x1=-1e8,y0=1e8,y1=-1e8,z0=1e8,z1=-1e8;
for(skinx = 0, i = 0; i < nel; ) {
tsp->p.x[0] = ap[0] * spacescale;
tsp->p.x[1] = ap[1] * spacescale;
tsp->p.x[2] = ap[2] * spacescale;
if(x0>tsp->p.x[0]) x0 = tsp->p.x[0]; if(x1<tsp->p.x[0]) x1=tsp->p.x[0];
if(y0>tsp->p.x[1]) y0 = tsp->p.x[1]; if(y1<tsp->p.x[1]) y1=tsp->p.x[1];
if(z0>tsp->p.x[2]) z0 = tsp->p.x[2]; if(z1<tsp->p.x[2]) z1=tsp->p.x[2];
tsp->size = 1;
tsp->rgba = 0xFFFFFF00;
skip = skips[skinx++ & (64-1)];
tsp = NextSpeck(tsp, sl, 1);
i += skip;
ap += 3*skip;
printf("range (scaled by %g): %g..%g %g..%g %g..%g\n",
spacescale, x0,x1, y0,y1, z0,z1);
delete xyz;
float *attr = new float[nel];
for(i = 0; i < nattr && i < MAXVAL; i++) {
char aname[128];
char *myname;
float min = 1e20, max = -1e20, mean = 0;
struct valdesc *vd = &st->vdesc[curdata][i];
if(vd->nsamples > 0)
min = vd->min, max = vd->max;
infile->readAttributeInfo(i, aname, dt, anel);
myname = aname;
if(!strncmp(aname, "particle_", 9)) myname += 9;
strncpyt(st->vdesc[curdata][i].name, myname, sizeof(st->vdesc[0][0].name));
if(anel != nel) {
fprintf(stderr, "Hey, attribute %d (%s) of file %s has %d elements, not %d!\n",
i, aname, st->fname[curdata][curtime], anel, nel);
memset(attr, 0, nel*sizeof(*attr));
} else {
infile->readAttribute(i, attr);
struct speck *peak = NULL;
for(k = 0, skinx = 0, tsp = sp, ap = attr; k < nel; ) {
register float a = *ap;
tsp->val[i] = a;
if(min > a) min = a;
if(max < a) {
max = a;
peak = tsp;
mean += a;
skip = skips[skinx++ & (64-1)];
tsp = NextSpeck( tsp, sl, 1 );
ap += skip;
k += skip;
if((char *)tsp - (char *)sp != outnel * sl->bytesperspeck) {
fprintf(stderr, "panic: copying attr %d: subsampled into %ld, expected %d of %d\n",
i, ((char *)tsp - (char *)sp) / sl->bytesperspeck, outnel, anel);
if(nel > 0) {
vd->min = min;
vd->max = max;
vd->mean = (mean + vd->mean*vd->nsamples) / (outnel + vd->nsamples);
vd->nsamples += outnel;
vd->sum = vd->mean * vd->nsamples;
if(aname[0] == 'd' && peak != NULL) {
sl->interest = peak->p;
delete attr;
/* If we had any data in this slot before, scrap it now. */
specks_discard( st, &st->anima[curdata][curtime] );
/* Is this safe? Do we need an interlock? */
st->anima[curdata][curtime] = sl;
return sl;
} // end extern "C"
#endif /*USE_IEEEIO*/