cmed is a simple graphical colormap editor. It reads and writes files in a simple plain-text form which is readable by partiview's "cmap" command. cmed sample.cmap You can drag and sweep with various mouse buttons to adjust color. E.g. middle-mouse drag adjusts saturation. "HSB" button toggles between hue/sat/brightness and red/green/blue. Dragging with shift-left-button adjusts alpha (transparency), although partiview currently ignores alpha in colormaps. Dragging with some mouse-button over the color window adjusts the corresponding color curve. The "Force" slider determines how; with "Force" set to maximum, the mouse position directly sets the value. With lower "Force" settings, the color curve is fractionally displaced toward the mouse position, making finer adjustments easier. Try sweeping back and forth for a "brushing" effect. Clicking "Undo" undoes the last drag (i.e. everything since the mouse was last depressed over the color window). Especially handy if you drag with the wrong button pressed. Another "Undo" reverts to the changed state (i.e. it toggles). To save, type a new name in the text-box and hit "Save". To (re)load an existing file, type its name and press "Load". To resample a colormap to have a different number of entries, type in text box something like cments 20