slevy authored
that they don't work. Use an istream rather than ifstream -- we should be able to create an istream from a socket, and that's all the starlab libs need.
slevy authoredthat they don't work. Use an istream rather than ifstream -- we should be able to create an istream from a socket, and that's all the starlab libs need.
kira_parti.cc 56.03 KiB
#define NEWSTDIO
* Interface to Kira Starlab (www.manybody.org) library for partiview.
* Stuart Levy, slevy@ncsa.uiuc.edu
* National Center for Supercomputing Applications,
* University of Illinois 2001.
* This file is part of partiview, released under the
* Illinois Open Source License; see the file LICENSE.partiview for details.
* $Log$
* Revision 1.53 2006/01/20 19:22:37 slevy
* Add TCPsocket hooks. (They don't work yet.) Includes debugging code to prove
* that they don't work. Use an istream rather than ifstream -- we should
* be able to create an istream from a socket, and that's all the starlab libs need.
* Revision 1.52 2006/01/17 07:39:50 slevy
* Lots of changes. Add threading.
* Revision 1.51 2004/04/19 21:04:12 slevy
* Un-CONST-ify most of what had been constified. It's just too messy.
* Revision 1.50 2004/04/19 17:42:41 slevy
* Use AC_FUNC_ALLOCA and the autoconf-standard alloca boilerplate
* in each of the files that uses alloca.
* Revision 1.49 2003/07/29 21:15:37 steve
* Changed Starlab vectors to vec. Defined NEWSTDIO to allow compilatin
* under gcc 3.2 (not sure if 2.9x is broken...).
* Revision 1.48 2003/02/15 06:57:45 slevy
* Initialize new <dyndata>.slvalid field.
* Revision 1.47 2002/06/18 21:25:25 slevy
* Add reference to LICENSE.partiview file.
* Where appropriate, update references to geomview license too,
* now called COPYING.geomview.
* Revision 1.46 2002/06/12 23:30:26 slevy
* Need winjunk.h here too.
* Scrap unix-specific debug code.
* Revision 1.45 2002/05/06 19:44:34 slevy
* Avoid Fl:: references if -DUSE_PLOT=0.
* Revision 1.44 2002/04/17 20:47:58 slevy
* Add a not-quite-proprietary notice to all source files.
* Once we pick a license this might change, but
* in the mean time, at least the NCSA UIUC origin is noted.
* Revision 1.43 2002/03/11 22:28:21 slevy
* Allow -DUSE_PLOT=0 to disable FLTK H-R plot widget.
* Revision 1.42 2002/01/27 00:37:48 slevy
* No need to bogusly import getfloats() any more.
* Revision 1.41 2001/12/28 07:18:36 slevy
* Convert to new plugin style.
* Revision 1.40 2001/08/29 20:58:14 slevy
* Try (?) to handle selection (leafsel/bufsl->sel) properly -- it seems
* to interact with double-buffering.
* Use preload_pdyn() to precompute trees for each worldbundle.
* Revision 1.39 2001/08/28 18:42:07 slevy
* Yeow, refer to the proper ww->bufleafsel[]!
* Revision 1.38 2001/08/28 18:28:18 slevy
* Switch (I hope) to double-buffered graphics data, flagged by ww->bufno.
* Revision 1.37 2001/08/26 17:36:46 slevy
* Parenthesize ambiguous expressions...
* Revision 1.36 2001/08/26 02:11:07 slevy
* Oops, toss extra glBegin(GL_POINTS).
* Revision 1.35 2001/08/21 03:11:05 slevy
* Use Steve's new family of center-points -- "kira center" command.
* Add new per-particle field, "ismember", to show escapees.
* Revision 1.34 2001/07/19 20:12:47 slevy
* Reprocess particles after changing parameters.
* (Some "kira" commands use kira_set(), which already does this.
* Just set "changed" for those which don't.)
* Impose a max trail gap (delta time). Break up trails at time-gaps
* exceeding this threshold.
* Revision 1.33 2001/07/18 22:41:45 slevy
* Add "kira center" command, to report all positions relative to
* the kira-computed smoothed cluster center.
* Revision 1.32 2001/07/18 19:45:34 slevy
* Picked stars now report their type and spectral/luminosity classes too.
* New "kira hrdiag" command allows turning it on/off, setting plot ranges.
* "kira int x" is a synonym for "kira int x=x", the common case.
* New "sqrtmass" attribute. "mass" is again in linear, not log units.
* Disable kira display if we don't get a valid input file.
* XXX Bogusly import getfloats() from partibrains.c; should go in a separate
* utility .c/.h file.
* Revision 1.31 2001/07/17 22:19:37 slevy
* Use type_string(stellar_type) to get readable names for stellar types
* of picked stars.
* Revision 1.30 2001/07/17 17:29:36 slevy
* Use new mass_scale_factor() to get starlab's idea of
* dynamical->solar mass unit conversion.
* If it knows, then "kira massscale" only allows user
* to override if user-supplied value ends with "!",
* e.g. "kira mscale 600!".
* Revision 1.29 2001/07/16 19:08:30 slevy
* #if(def)'s for CAVE, where we have no plot widget.
* Revision 1.28 2001/07/16 17:55:55 slevy
* Report log10(mass*massscale) -- log is handier than linear units.
* Revision 1.27 2001/07/12 21:37:02 slevy
* Lots of changes. Add trails. Move tracking code so we'll be
* able to track collections rather than single particles (not yet though).
* Trails are relative to tracked-point position, so can be non-inertial.
* Revision 1.26 2001/07/10 17:15:50 slevy
* Add massscale (mscale) for convenient mass presentation.
* Compute fake aggregate temp/luminosity for CM nodes.
* Oops, marks need their own sel[] array!
* Allow adjusting H-R diagram alpha values too.
* Revision 1.25 2001/07/09 19:57:22 slevy
* Add H-R diagram zoom (b/B keys).
* Pay attention to emph/see settings.
* Get selection working properly.
* Revision 1.24 2001/07/07 15:27:57 slevy
* Save/restore positions of subparticles, so we can reuse interpolated_tree safely.
* Only use SEL_DEST-initialized pick etc. info.
* Revision 1.23 2001/07/04 03:28:03 slevy
* Add picking support: kira_picked() gets all pick callbacks.
* Add set-selection features, including interaction tracing.
* Revision 1.22 2001/07/02 16:17:24 slevy
* Cast kira_HRplot to avoid complaints.
* Hack for gcc 3.0's stdio (#ifdef NEWSTDIO).
* Revision 1.21 2001/07/01 14:30:43 slevy
* Do more plot setup here in kira_parti. Set axis titles too.
* Revision 1.20 2001/07/01 07:31:45 slevy
* Hmm, make default logT range a bit smaller.
* Revision 1.19 2001/07/01 06:42:01 slevy
* Oops, get the sense of the log-T scale correct!
* Revision 1.18 2001/06/30 18:09:15 slevy
* Add kira_HRplot for drawing in H-R diagram.
* Revision 1.17 2001/06/30 07:01:47 slevy
* Yes, call create_interpolated_tree2() if not OLDTREE!
* Revision 1.16 2001/06/06 17:22:55 slevy
* get_stellar_type() now returns int (enum from starlab/inc/star_support.h),
* rather than a string.
* Revision 1.15 2001/05/30 14:31:16 slevy
* Add Tlog, Lum, and stellar-type fields.
* Star type is number-encoded, sigh:
* 0 = unknown
* 1 = ms Main Sequence
* 2 = cd Compact Dwarf??
* 3 = gs ??
* 4 = bh Black Hole
* 5 = sg Supergiant?
* 6 = hb Horizontal Branch
* Revision 1.14 2001/05/15 12:18:57 slevy
* New interface to dynamic-data routines.
* Now, the only #ifdef KIRA/WARP needed in partibrains.c are
* the data-command initialization routines. All others,
* including control-command parsing and specialized drawing,
* is now via a function table.
* Revision 1.13 2001/05/14 15:47:59 slevy
* Invalidate color/size/threshold sequence numbers so main code will recalc.
* Revision 1.12 2001/05/14 08:40:06 slevy
* kira_draw(): don't do anything if the dynamic data isn't ours.
* Revision 1.11 2001/05/12 07:23:05 slevy
* New generic get-time-range function for dynamic data.
* Revision 1.10 2001/04/04 19:23:05 slevy
* Use portable form of is_open(). Other tidiness.
* Revision 1.9 2001/03/30 13:56:07 slevy
* Rename functions to kira_*.
* Add framework for incrementally reading paragraphs of input:
* kira_open(), kira_read_more().
* Add scraps for maintaining trails, but not enough to work yet.
* Revision 1.8 2001/02/04 16:52:38 slevy
* Use default speck-field names if user doesn't override them
* (either before or after "kira" reader).
* Revision 1.7 2001/02/03 23:37:51 slevy
* Oops, now kira_draw needs to ensure we really have something to draw!
* Revision 1.6 2001/02/03 15:26:16 slevy
* OK, toss those extra 'break's.
* Revision 1.5 2001/02/03 15:20:34 slevy
* Add "kira tree" support -- tree arcs, with crosswise tick-marks
* at center-of-mass points. Tickmarks lie in screen plane, with
* length of <tickscale> times true separation.
* Revision 1.4 2000/12/31 00:25:05 slevy
* Re-extract whenever kira_set changes something.
* Add particle tracking.
* Compute ring sizes correctly, and draw rounder rings.
* Revision 1.3 2000/12/30 02:19:30 slevy
* Add ring markers for non-isolated stars. Not finished yet, but seems usable.
* No GUI yet, but new commands:
* kiractl nodes {on|off|roots}
* kiractl rings {on|off|roots}
* kiractl ringsize {sep|semi} (ring size from curr. separation or semimajor axis)
* kiractl scale <scalefactor>
* kiractl span <minpixels> <maxpixels> (allowed range of ring radii)
* Change encoding of nclump: n for leaves, -n for center-of-mass nodes,
* so colormap can make them distinguishable.
* Bug: after kiractl command, must change timestep before it takes effect.
* Bug: ring markers aren't colored yet for some reason.
* Revision 1.2 2000/12/22 01:11:09 slevy
* Recode to be speedier (use recursion) and to provide more information to partiview:
* [0] worldline index (= kira index for singles, - and unique for others)
* [1] mass
* [2] number of stars (leaf nodes) in clump
* + 100 if this is a member of an unperturbed binary
* [3] top-level name (small integer, = worldline index for single stars)
* [4] tree address in clump (0=single, 1=root, children of <i> are <2i>,<2i+1>)
* Revision 1.1 2000/12/20 16:50:54 slevy
* Glue code to read starlab (kira) files and interpolate particle positions
* into partiview internal form.
#ifdef USE_KIRA
#ifdef _WIN32
# include "winjunk.h"
#include "tcpsocket.h"
#include "threader.h"
#include <iosfwd>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include "worldline.h"
#include "shmem.h"
#include "specks.h"
#include "partiviewc.h"
#include "findfile.h"
#include "kira_parti.h" // declare following as extern "C"
#include <unistd.h>
#if !defined(CAVE) && !defined(USE_PLOT)
# define USE_PLOT 1
# include "Plot.H"
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#undef isdigit /* irix 6.5 back-compat hack */
static char local_id[] = "$Id$";
extern struct specklist *kira_get_parti( struct stuff *st, double realtime );
extern int kira_parse_args( struct dyndata *dd, struct stuff *st, int argc, char **argv );
extern int kira_draw( struct dyndata *dd, struct stuff *st, struct specklist *slhead,
Matrix *Tc2w, float radperpix );
extern int kira_open( struct dyndata *dd, struct stuff *st, istream *ins, const char *filename, int readflags );
extern void kira_HRplot( Fl_Plot *, struct stuff *st, struct dyndata *dd );
extern int kira_HRplot_events( Fl_Plot *plot, int ev );
extern int kira_picked( struct stuff *st, GLuint *hit, struct specklist *sl, int speckno );
extern void kira_maxtrail( struct dyndata *dd, struct stuff *st, int newmax );
typedef worldbundle *worldbundleptr;
enum speckfields {
SPECK_ID = 0, // worldline index (= kira index for single stars,
// unique small negative int for others)
SPECK_MASS = 1, // mass/Msun
SPECK_NCLUMP = 2, // number of stars in clump
SPECK_TLOG = 3, // log10(Teff)
SPECK_LUM = 4, // L/Lsun?
SPECK_STYPE = 5, // star type: 1ms 2cd 3gs 4bh 5sg 6hb
SPECK_ISMEMBER = 6, // is member of cluster?
SPECK_ROOTID = 7, // worldline index of root of clump
SPECK_TREEADDR = 8, // bit-encoded tree address within our clump (0 for isolated stars)
SPECK_RINGSIZE = 9, // size of ring marker
SPECK_SQRTMASS = 10, // square root of mass, for handy brightness factor
SPECK_MU = 11, // mass ratio; = 0 for leaf nodes
SPECK_SEPVEC = 12, // separation vec[3]
static char *fieldnames[] = { // Must match ``enum speckfields'' !!
"id", // worldline index (=? kira index for singles), unique <0 for others
"mass", // log10(mass/Msun)
"nclump", // number of stars in clump, = 1 for singles
"Tlog", // log10( Teff )
"Lum", // L/Lsun?
"stype", // stellar type index
"ismember", // is member of cluster? (0/1)
"rootid", // id of root of clump, = our id for singles
"treeaddr", // binary-coded address in clump
"ringsize", // size of ring
"sqrtmass", // sqrt(mass/Msun)
"mu", // mass ratio for nonleaf nodes
struct vald {
float min, max, sum;
struct trailhead {
int maxtrail, ntrails;
int next; /* ring buffer next-slot-to-use */
real lasttime;
struct speck *specks;
struct kirastuff {
Threader<kirastuff> thr;
volatile int nh, maxnh;
worldbundle * volatile * volatile wh;
real tmin_, tmax_;
std::istream *ins_; // source stream
TCPsocket *ts_;
int readflags_;
kirastuff() {
pthread_mutex_t & mutex() { return thr.mutex(); }
void init() {
nh = 0;
maxnh = 128;
wh = NewN( worldbundleptr, maxnh );
tmin_ = tmax_ = 0;
ins_ = NULL;
ts_ = NULL;
readflags_ = 0;
stopnh = 1<<30;
stoptmax = 1e100;
stoprealdt = 1e100;
// reader stop conditions
int stopnh;
double stoptmax;
double stoprealdt;
void readflags( int flags ) { readflags_ = flags; }
void start() {
thr.start( this, &kirastuff::kira_read_some );
void start( istream *ins ) {
ins_ = ins;
void start( TCPsocket *ts ) {
ts_ = ts;
// Methods which expect to be called with mutex locked:
int wmax() {
int w, wmax = 0;
for(int k = 0; k < nh; k++) {
if(wh[k]!=NULL && wmax < (w = wh[k]->get_nw()))
wmax = w;
return wmax;
void makeroomfor( int i ) {
if(i >= maxnh) {
maxnh = (i > maxnh*2) ? i+5 : maxnh*2;
worldbundle * volatile * volatile newwh = new worldbundle * volatile[maxnh];
for(int k = 0; k < nh; k++)
newwh[k] = wh[k];
delete [] wh;
wh = newwh;
void trange( double *tminp, double *tmaxp ) {
if(tminp) *tminp = tmin_;
if(tmaxp) *tmaxp = tmax_;
void *kira_read_some();
struct worldstuff {
struct stuff *st;
struct dyndata *dd;
kirastuff ks; // if we do asynchronous reading, shared data lives here
int ih; // current displayed worldbundle index
worldbundleptr curwb; // current worldbundle chunk (owned by display thread)
real tmin, tmax;
real tcur; // current time
real treq; // requested time
int treenodes; // KIRA_{OFF|ON|ROOTS}
int treerings; // KIRA_{OFF|ON|ROOTS}
int treearcs; // KIRA_{OFF|ON|CROSS|TICK}
float tickscale; // size of treearc cross mark (frac of sep)
int ringsizer; // KIRA_RINGSEP, KIRA_RINGA
float ringscale; // multiplier for above
float ringmin, ringmax; // range of pixel sizes for ring markers
int tracking, wastracking; // id of particle we're tracking, or zero
Point trackpos; // last known position of tracked particle
float massscale; // scale-factor for masses (conv to Msun)
int truemassscale; // Did massscale come from kira itself?
int maxstars, maxmarks; // room allocated for each
int maxleaves;
struct specklist *sl;
struct specklist *marksl;
int slvalid;
struct specklist *bufsl[2], *bufmarksl[2]; // double-buffers
int bufno;
vec center_pos;
vec center_vel;
int centered;
int which_center;
int myselseq; // sequence number of ww->sel
int nleafsel;
SelMask *bufleafsel[2];
// selection mapping
SelOp intsrc; // for all particles matching intsrc,
SelOp intdest; // then turn on intdest bit(s).
struct trailhead *trails; // per-star specklist of recent history
int maxtrail;
int maxtrailno;
SelOp trailsel;
float trailalpha;
float trailpsize;
int trailonly;
real maxtrailgap;
SelOp picksel; // what to do when a star is picked
struct speck *marksp; // current pointer, updated by add_speck
int leafcount; // temp, used in recursion only
int interactsel, unionsel; // ditto
int pickcount; // temp, used in kira_picked
SelMask *leafsel;
struct vald vd[SPECK_NDATAFIELDS];
struct Fl_Plot *plot;
worldstuff( struct stuff *inst ) {
this->init( inst );
void init( struct stuff *inst ) {
ih = 0;
tmin = 0, tmax = 1;
tcur = treq = 0;
st = inst;
dd = NULL;
treenodes = KIRA_ON;
treerings = KIRA_OFF;
treearcs = KIRA_ON;
ringsizer = KIRA_RINGA;
ringscale = 1.5;
massscale = 1.0;
truemassscale = 0;
ringmin = 2;
ringmax = 50;
tickscale = 0.25;
tracking = wastracking = 0;
centered = 1;
which_center = 0;
center_pos[0] = center_pos[1] = center_pos[2] = 0;
center_vel[0] = center_vel[1] = center_vel[2] = 0;
sl = marksl = NULL;
bufsl[0] = bufsl[1] = NULL;
bufmarksl[0] = bufmarksl[1] = NULL;
bufno = 0;
maxstars = maxmarks = 0;
slvalid = 0;
trails = NULL;
maxtrail = 50;
maxtrailno = 0;
trailonly = 0;
trailalpha = 0.6;
trailpsize = 1.0;
maxtrailgap = 0.1;
marksp = NULL;
leafcount = 0;
myselseq = 0;
leafsel = NULL;
bufleafsel[0] = bufleafsel[1] = NULL;
nleafsel = 0;
parse_selexpr( inst, "pick", &picksel, NULL, NULL );
selinit( &trailsel );
selinit( &intsrc );
selinit( &intdest );
extern void kira_add_trail( struct stuff *st, struct worldstuff *, int id, struct speck * );
extern void kira_erase_trail( struct stuff *st, struct worldstuff *, int id );
extern void kira_track_break( struct worldstuff *ww, Point *newtrack );
void kira_invalidate( struct dyndata *dd, struct stuff *st ) {
if(st->sl) st->sl->used = -1000000;
worldstuff *ww = (worldstuff *)dd->data;
if(ww) ww->slvalid = 0;
int kira_read( struct stuff **stp, int argc, char *argv[], char *fname, void * ) {
if(argc < 1 || strcmp(argv[0], "kira") != 0)
return 0;
struct stuff *st = *stp;
st->clk->continuous = 1;
char *realfile = findfile(fname, argv[1]);
kira_open( &st->dyn, st, NULL, realfile ? realfile : argv[1], argc>2 ? atoi(argv[2]) : 0 );
return 1;
void *kirastuff::kira_read_some()
fprintf(stderr, "kira_read_some(): ins %p ts %p threading %d\n", ins_,ts_, thr.threading());
if(ins_ == NULL && ts_ != NULL && ts_->valid()) {
if(thr.threading()) // if we're running in a separate thread, be synchronous
ts_->nonblock( false );
ins_ = ts_->new_istream();
if(ins_ == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "kirastuff::kira_read_some(): Rats.\n");
return 0;
if(ins_ == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "kira_read_some: neither stream nor socket?\n");
return 0;
char what[128];
what[0] = 0;
*ins_ >> what;
fprintf(stderr, "got: {{ %s }}\n", what);
int paras = 0;
int timelimit = (stoprealdt < 1e6);
double wallstop = stoprealdt + wallclock_time();
while( (nh == 0 || wh[nh-1]->get_t_max() < stoptmax) ) {
if(timelimit && wallstop < wallclock_time())
worldbundle *wb;
fprintf(stderr, "kira_read_some: pre-read_bundle\n");
wb = read_bundle(*ins_, readflags_ & KIRA_VERBOSE);
fprintf(stderr, "kira_read_some: read_bundle() -> %p\n", wb);
if(wb == NULL) {
if(paras == 0) paras = -1;
scoped_lock lk( thr.mutex() );
makeroomfor( nh );
wh[nh++] = wb;
fprintf(stderr, "kira_read_some: %d paras, nh %d\n", paras, nh);
if(paras > 0) {
tmin_ = wh[0]->get_t_min();
tmax_ = wh[nh-1]->get_t_max();
return (void *)&nh;
#if 0
int kira_read_more( struct dyndata *dd, struct stuff *st, int nmax, double tmax, double realdtmax )
struct worldstuff *ww = (struct worldstuff *)dd->data;
if(ww == NULL) return -1;
istream *ins = ww->ins;
if(ins == NULL || !ins->rdbuf()->is_open()) return -1;
int paras = 0;
int timelimit = (realdtmax < 1e6);
double wallstop = realdtmax + wallclock_time();
while( paras < nmax && (ww->nh == 0 || ww->wh[ww->nh-1]->get_t_max() < tmax) ) {
if(timelimit) {
double dt = wallstop - wallclock_time();
if(!hasdata(ins, dt))
if(dt <= 0)
if(ww->nh >= ww->maxnh) {
ww->maxnh = (ww->nh > ww->maxnh*2) ? ww->nh + 1 : ww->maxnh*2;
ww->wh = RenewN( ww->wh, worldbundleptr, ww->maxnh );
worldbundle *wb;
wb = read_bundle(*ins, ww->readflags & KIRA_VERBOSE);
if(wb == NULL) {
if(paras == 0) paras = -1;
ww->wh[ww->nh++] = wb;
if(paras > 0) {
ww->tmin = ww->wh[0]->get_t_min();
ww->tmax = ww->wh[ww->nh-1]->get_t_max();
return paras;
void kira_parti_init() {
parti_add_reader( kira_read, "kira", NULL );
int kira_set( struct dyndata *dd, struct stuff *st, int what, double val )
struct worldstuff *ww = (struct worldstuff *)dd->data;
if(ww == NULL) return 0;
if(kira_get(dd, st, what) == val)
return 2;
switch(what) {
case KIRA_NODES: ww->treenodes = (int)val; break;
case KIRA_RINGS: ww->treerings = (int)val; break;
case KIRA_TREE: ww->treearcs = (int)val; break;
case KIRA_TICKSCALE: ww->tickscale = val; break;
case KIRA_RINGSIZE: ww->ringsizer = (int)val; break;
case KIRA_RINGSCALE: ww->ringscale = val; break;
case KIRA_RINGMIN: ww->ringmin = val; break;
case KIRA_RINGMAX: ww->ringmax = val; break;
case KIRA_TRACK: if(ww->tracking != (int)val) ww->wastracking = 0;
ww->tracking = (int)val; break;
default: return 0;
kira_invalidate( dd, st );
specks_set_timestep( st );
return 1;
double kira_get( struct dyndata *dd, struct stuff *st, int what )
struct worldstuff *ww = (struct worldstuff *)dd->data;
if(ww == NULL) return 0;
switch(what) {
case KIRA_NODES: return ww->treenodes;
case KIRA_RINGS: return ww->treerings;
case KIRA_TREE: return ww->treearcs;
case KIRA_TICKSCALE: return ww->tickscale;
case KIRA_RINGSIZE: return ww->ringsizer;
case KIRA_RINGSCALE: return ww->ringscale;
case KIRA_RINGMIN: return ww->ringmin;
case KIRA_RINGMAX: return ww->ringmax;
case KIRA_TRACK: return ww->tracking;
return 0;
int hasdata( istream *s, double maxwait ) {
return 1;
#else /*old stdio, where filebuf::fd() still existed*/
struct timeval tv;
fd_set fds;
if(s == NULL) return 0;
if(s->rdbuf()->in_avail() || s->eof()) return 1;
if(maxwait < 0) maxwait = 0;
tv.tv_sec = (int)maxwait;
tv.tv_usec = (int) (1000000 * (maxwait - tv.tv_sec));
FD_SET(s->rdbuf()->fd(), &fds);
return(select(s->rdbuf()->fd() + 1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &tv) > 0);
int kira_help( struct dyndata *dd, struct stuff *st, int verbose )
msg(" kira {node|ring|size|scale|span|track|trail} starlab controls; try \"kira ?\"");
return 1;
int kira_get_trange( struct dyndata *dd, struct stuff *st, double *tminp, double *tmaxp, int ready )
struct worldstuff *ww = (struct worldstuff *)dd->data;
if(ww == NULL) {
*tminp = *tmaxp = 0;
return 0;
*tminp = ww->tmin;
*tmaxp = ww->tmax;
return 1;
int kira_open( struct dyndata *dd, struct stuff *st, istream *ins, const char *filename, int readflags )
// If data field names aren't already assigned, set them now.
for(int i = 0; fieldnames[i] != NULL; i++) {
if(st->vdesc[st->curdata][i].name[0] == '\0')
strcpy(st->vdesc[st->curdata][i].name, fieldnames[i]);
if(ins == NULL && (filename == NULL || !strcmp(filename, "-init"))) {
return 0; // "kira -init" sets up datafield names w/o complaint
TCPsocket *ts = NULL;
if(ins == NULL) {
if(0==strncmp(filename, "kira://", 7)) {
ts = new TCPsocket( filename+7, 7078/*M15*/, true );
if(ts->valid()) {
readflags |= KIRA_READLATER; // always read asynchronously from sockets
} else {
msg("Can't connect to %s", filename);
delete ts;
return 0;
} else {
ins = new ifstream(filename);
if (!ins || !*ins) {
msg("Can't open Kira/starlab data file \"%s\".", filename);
delete ins;
return 0;
struct worldstuff *ww = new worldstuff( st );
// ww->init( st );
ww->tmin = ww->tmax = 0;
ww->tcur = ww->treq = -1.0; /* invalidate */
ww->ks.readflags( readflags );
memset( dd, 0, sizeof(*dd) );
dd->data = ww;
dd->getspecks = kira_get_parti;
dd->trange = kira_get_trange;
dd->ctlcmd = kira_parse_args;
dd->draw = kira_draw;
dd->help = kira_help;
dd->free = NULL; /* XXX create a 'free' function someday */
dd->enabled = 1;
dd->slvalid = 0;
if(ts != NULL) {
/* always read asynchronously from sockets */
ww->ks.start( ts );
} else if((readflags & KIRA_READLATER)) {
/* read asynchronously from file */
ww->ks.start( ins );
} else {
/* read synchronously from file */
if (ww->ks.nh == 0) {
msg("Data file %s not in worldbundle format.", filename);
dd->enabled = 0;
return 0;
scoped_lock lk( ww->ks.thr.mutex() );
preload_pdyn((worldbundle **)ww->ks.wh, ww->ks.nh, false);
// XXX does this need to go into kira_read_more()?
float mscale = mass_scale_factor();
if(mscale > 0) {
ww->massscale = mscale;
ww->truemassscale = 1;
ww->ih = 0;
ww->sl = NULL;
// Register for H-R diagram display
static float xrange[] = { 5, 3 }; // initial range of log(T)
static float yrange[] = { -4, 6 }; // initial range of log(L)
static char xtitle[] = "log T";
static char ytitle[] = "log L";
Fl_Plot *plot;
plot = parti_register_plot( st, (void (*)(Fl_Plot*,void*,void*))kira_HRplot, dd );
if(plot) {
if(plot->x0() == plot->x1())
plot->xrange( xrange[0], xrange[1] );
if(plot->y0() == plot->y1())
plot->yrange( yrange[0], yrange[1] );
if(plot->xtitle() == NULL) plot->xtitle( xtitle );
if(plot->ytitle() == NULL) plot->ytitle( ytitle );
plot->eventhook = kira_HRplot_events;
ww->plot = plot;
#endif /*USE_PLOT*/
return 1;
double get_parti_time( struct dyndata *dd, struct stuff *st ) {
return dd->data ? ((struct worldstuff *)(dd->data))->tcur : 0.0;
void set_parti_time( struct dyndata *dd, struct stuff *st, double reqtime ) {
if(dd->data == NULL)
// otherwise please seek to requested time ...
static float log10_of( float v ) {
return v <= 0 ? 0 : log10f( v );
static float netTL( pdyn *b, float *totlum ) { // temp-weighted lum
if(b == NULL) return 0;
if(b->is_leaf()) {
*totlum += b->get_luminosity();
return b->get_temperature() * b->get_luminosity();
float totTL = 0;
for_all_daughters(pdyn, b, bb)
totTL += netTL( bb, totlum );
return totTL;
speck *add_speck(pdyn *b, pdyn *top, int addr, speck *sp, specklist *sl, worldstuff *ww)
sp->p.x[0] = b->get_pos()[0];
sp->p.x[1] = b->get_pos()[1];
sp->p.x[2] = b->get_pos()[2];
if(ww->centered) {
sp->p.x[0] -= ww->center_pos[0];
sp->p.x[1] -= ww->center_pos[1];
sp->p.x[2] -= ww->center_pos[2];
int id = b->get_index();
if(b->is_leaf()) {
if(id < ww->nleafsel) {
ww->unionsel |= ww->leafsel[id];
if(SELECTED(ww->leafsel[id], &ww->intsrc))
ww->interactsel = ww->intdest.wanton;
sp->val[SPECK_ID] = id;
sp->val[SPECK_TLOG] = log10_of( b->get_temperature() );
sp->val[SPECK_LUM] = b->get_luminosity();
} else {
id = -b->get_worldline_index();
if(id >= 0 || id + ww->maxstars < ww->maxleaves) {
static int yikes = 1;
if(yikes++ % 256 == 0) printf("OOPS: worldline_index %d not in range 1..%d\n",
-id, 2*ww->maxleaves);
} else {
int slotno = ww->maxstars + id;
ww->unionsel |= ww->leafsel[slotno];
sp->val[SPECK_ID] = id; // distinguish CM nodes
float totL = 0, totTL;
totTL = netTL( b, &totL );
sp->val[SPECK_LUM] = totL;
sp->val[SPECK_TLOG] = log10_of( totL == 0 ? 0 : totTL / totL );
sp->val[SPECK_MASS] = b->get_mass() * ww->massscale;
sp->val[SPECK_SQRTMASS] = sqrtf( sp->val[SPECK_MASS] );
sp->val[SPECK_STYPE] = b->get_stellar_type(); /* see starlab/inc/star_support.h */
sp->val[SPECK_ISMEMBER] = is_member( ww->curwb, b );
sp->val[SPECK_NCLUMP] = 0; // complete (add n_leaves) in kira_to_parti
// DON'T offset unperturbed binaries by 100 in "nclump" field.
//if (b != top) {
// pdyn *bb = b;
// while (bb->get_elder_sister())
// bb = bb->get_elder_sister();
// if (bb->get_kepler()) sp->val[SPECK_NCLUMP] += 100;
sp->val[SPECK_ROOTID] = (top->is_leaf())
? top->get_index()
: -top->get_worldline_index();
// Addr is 0 for top-level leaf, 1 for top-level CM,
// constructed from parent addr otherwise.
sp->val[SPECK_TREEADDR] = addr;
sp->val[SPECK_RINGSIZE] = 0;
if(id != 0 && ww->tracking == id) {
Point newpos;
newpos.x[0] = b->get_pos()[0];
newpos.x[1] = b->get_pos()[1];
newpos.x[2] = b->get_pos()[2];
if(ww->wastracking) {
Point delta;
vsub( &delta, &newpos,&ww->trackpos );
parti_nudge_camera( &delta );
} else {
kira_track_break( ww, &newpos );
ww->trackpos = newpos;
ww->wastracking = 1;
sp = NextSpeck(sp, sl, 1);
return sp;
speck *assign_specks(pdyn *b, pdyn *top, int addr, speck *sp, specklist *sl, worldstuff *ww)
// Convert relative coordinates to absolute.
vec oldpos = b->get_pos();
if (b != top)
|| ww->treenodes == KIRA_ON
|| (ww->treenodes == KIRA_ROOTS && b == top)) {
sp = add_speck(b, top, addr, sp, sl, ww);
if(!b->is_leaf() &&
(ww->treerings == KIRA_ON || ww->treearcs != KIRA_OFF
|| (ww->treerings == KIRA_ROOTS && b == top))) {
struct speck *marksp = ww->marksp;
ww->marksp = add_speck(b, top, addr, marksp, ww->marksl, ww);
// find our two children
pdyn *b1 = b->get_oldest_daughter();
pdyn *b2 = b1 ? b1->get_younger_sister() : NULL;
if(b2) {
vec sep = b1->get_pos() - b2->get_pos();
real dist = sqrt(sep * sep);
real mass = b->get_mass(); // = sum of b1&b2 masses.
real size = 0;
switch(ww->ringsizer) {
size = 0.5 * dist;
vec vel = b1->get_vel() - b2->get_vel();
real speed2 = vel * vel;
real E = 0.5 * speed2 - mass / dist;
size = -mass / (2*E); // semimajor axis
marksp->val[SPECK_RINGSIZE] = size;
marksp->val[SPECK_MU] = b1->get_mass() / mass;
marksp->val[SPECK_SEPVEC] = sep[0];
marksp->val[SPECK_SEPVEC+1] = sep[1];
marksp->val[SPECK_SEPVEC+2] = sep[2];
// Recursion.
addr *= 2;
for_all_daughters(pdyn, b, bb)
sp = assign_specks(bb, top, addr++, sp, sl, ww);
if(b != top)
b->set_pos( oldpos );
return sp;
struct specklist *kira_to_parti(pdyn *root, struct dyndata *dd, struct stuff *st, struct worldstuff *ww)
if(ww == NULL || ww->ks.nh == 0) return NULL;
struct specklist *sl = ww->bufsl[ww->bufno];
struct specklist *marksl = ww->bufmarksl[ww->bufno];
if(sl == NULL) {
// Use NewN to allocate these in (potentially) shared memory,
// rather than new which will allocate in local malloc pool.
// Needed for virdir/cave version.
int smax = root->n_leaves();
int wmax;
scoped_lock lk( ww->ks.mutex() );
wmax = ww->ks.wmax(); // find max number of stars over all current wb's
ww->maxstars = smax + wmax + smax; // leave a bit of room for growth
ww->maxmarks = 1+smax;
ww->maxleaves = smax;
sl = NewN( struct specklist, 1 );
memset(sl, 0, sizeof(*sl));
sl->specks = NewNSpeck(sl, ww->maxstars);
sl->scaledby = 1;
marksl = NewN( struct specklist, 1 );
*marksl = *sl;
marksl->specks = NewNSpeck( marksl, ww->maxmarks );
marksl->special = MARKERS;
sl->nsel = ww->maxstars;
marksl->nsel = ww->maxmarks;
if(ww->bufsl[1 - ww->bufno]) {
sl->sel = ww->bufsl[1-ww->bufno]->sel;
marksl->sel = ww->bufmarksl[1-ww->bufno]->sel;
} else {
sl->sel = NewN( SelMask, ww->maxstars );
memset( sl->sel, 0, sl->nsel*sizeof(SelMask) );
marksl->sel = NewN( SelMask, ww->maxmarks );
memset( marksl->sel, 0, marksl->nsel*sizeof(SelMask) );
sl->next = marksl;
marksl->next = NULL;
if(ww->bufleafsel[1 - ww->bufno] != NULL) {
ww->bufleafsel[ww->bufno] = ww->bufleafsel[1 - ww->bufno];
} else { // Only one bufleafsel
ww->bufleafsel[ww->bufno] = NewN( SelMask, ww->maxstars );
ww->nleafsel = ww->maxstars;
memset( ww->bufleafsel[ww->bufno], 0, ww->maxstars*sizeof(SelMask) );
ww->trails = NewN( trailhead, ww->maxstars );
memset(ww->trails, 0, ww->maxstars*sizeof(trailhead));
selinit( &ww->intdest );
selinit( &ww->intsrc );
ww->bufsl[ww->bufno] = sl;
ww->bufmarksl[ww->bufno] = marksl;
specks_all_picks( st, kira_picked, dd );
ww->sl = sl;
ww->marksl = marksl;
if(ww->myselseq < sl->selseq && sl->sel != NULL) {
// somebody changed something in the global select bits, so
// gather all stars' sel-bits back into our local copy.
struct speck *tsp = sl->specks;
SelMask *leafsel = ww->bufleafsel[1 - ww->bufno];
for(int k = 0; k < sl->nsel; k++) {
int id = (int)tsp->val[SPECK_ID];
if(id == 0) break;
if(id > 0 && id < ww->nleafsel) {
leafsel[id] = sl->sel[k];
} else if(id < 0 && id + ww->maxstars >= ww->maxleaves) {
leafsel[ww->maxstars + id] = sl->sel[k];
tsp = NextSpeck(tsp, sl, 1);
ww->myselseq = sl->selseq;
struct speck *sp = sl->specks;
sl->nspecks = 0;
sl->colorseq = sl->sizeseq = sl->threshseq = 0;
marksl->colorseq = marksl->sizeseq = marksl->threshseq = 0;
marksl->nspecks = 0;
ww->marksp = marksl->specks;
ww->leafcount = 0;
ww->leafsel = ww->bufleafsel[ww->bufno];
int i;
struct vald *vd = ww->vd;
for(i = 0, vd = ww->vd; i < SPECK_NDATAFIELDS; i++, vd++) {
vd->min = 1e9;
vd->max = -1e9;
vd->sum = 0;
int ntotal = 0;
if(ww->wastracking) ww->wastracking = -1;
for_all_daughters(pdyn, root, b) {
int ns = sl->nspecks;
int mns = marksl->nspecks;
int nl = ww->leafcount;
speck *tsp = sp;
speck *msp = ww->marksp;
ww->interactsel = ww->unionsel = 0;
sp = assign_specks(b, b, !b->is_leaf(), sp, sl, ww);
int k;
int nleaves = ww->leafcount - nl;
int count = sl->nspecks - ns;
ww->unionsel |= ww->interactsel;
/* For all nodes in this subtree, ... */
for(k = 0; k < count; k++) {
tsp->val[SPECK_NCLUMP] += nleaves;
int id = (int)tsp->val[SPECK_ID];
if(id < 0) {
/* For CM nodes, negate nclump value. */
tsp->val[SPECK_NCLUMP] = -tsp->val[SPECK_NCLUMP];
/* Also, propagate all leaves' set membership to CM nodes */
sl->sel[ntotal] = ww->unionsel;
} else if(ww->interactsel && id < ww->nleafsel) {
/* For leaf nodes, if at least one star in this
* group is in the interaction set,
* then add all other group members to it.
sl->sel[ntotal] = ww->leafsel[id] |= ww->interactsel;
/* Making trails? */
if(ww->trailsel.use != SEL_NONE &&
SELECTED( ww->leafsel[id], &ww->trailsel )) {
kira_add_trail( st, ww, id, tsp );
} else if(ww->trailonly) {
kira_erase_trail( st, ww, id );
for(i = 0, vd = ww->vd; i <= SPECK_STYPE; i++, vd++) {
float v = tsp->val[i];
if(vd->min > v) vd->min = v;
if(vd->max < v) vd->max = v;
vd->sum += v;
tsp = NextSpeck(tsp, sl, 1);
/* For all marks (rings, etc.) in this subtree */
count = marksl->nspecks - mns;
for(k = 0; k < count; k++) {
msp->val[SPECK_NCLUMP] += nleaves;
if(msp->val[0] < 0)
msp->val[SPECK_NCLUMP] = -msp->val[SPECK_NCLUMP]; // negate nclump for CM nodes
marksl->sel[mns+k] = ww->unionsel;
msp = NextSpeck(msp, sl, 1);
if(ww->wastracking < 0) ww->wastracking = 0; // Detach if tracked pcle not found now
for(i = 0, vd = ww->vd; i < SPECK_NDATAFIELDS && i < MAXVAL; i++, vd++) {
struct valdesc *tvd = &st->vdesc[ st->curdata ][ i ];
tvd->nsamples = ntotal;
if(vd->min > vd->max) {
vd->min = vd->max = 0;
tvd->nsamples = 0;
tvd->min = vd->min;
tvd->max = vd->max;
tvd->sum = vd->sum;
tvd->mean = tvd->nsamples > 0 ? vd->sum / tvd->nsamples : 0;
specks_reupdate( st, sl );
ww->bufno = 1 - ww->bufno;
return sl;
struct specklist *kira_get_parti( struct dyndata *dd, struct stuff *st, double realtime )
struct worldstuff *ww = (struct worldstuff *)dd->data;
if (ww == NULL || ww->ks.nh == 0)
return NULL;
ww->treq = realtime;
scoped_lock lk( ww->ks.mutex() ); // grab shared data for a moment
// lock released when we leave this scope
ww->ks.trange( &ww->tmin, &ww->tmax );
if (realtime < ww->tmin) realtime = ww->tmin;
if (realtime > ww->tmax) realtime = ww->tmax;
if (ww->tcur == realtime && ww->slvalid)
return ww->sl;
int ih = ww->ih;
int nh = ww->ks.nh;
worldbundle * volatile * volatile wh = ww->ks.wh;
worldbundle *wb = wh[ih];
for(; realtime > wb->get_t_max() && ih < nh-1; ih++, wb = wh[ih])
for(; realtime < wb->get_t_min() && ih > 0; ih--, wb = wh[ih])
ww->curwb = wb;
ww->ih = ih;
ww->tcur = realtime;
pdyn *root = create_interpolated_tree(ww->curwb, realtime);
ww->sl = kira_to_parti(root, dd, st, ww);
pdyn *root = create_interpolated_tree2(ww->curwb, realtime);
ww->center_pos = get_center_pos();
ww->center_vel = get_center_vel();
ww->sl = kira_to_parti(root, dd, st, ww);
ww->slvalid = 1;
return ww->sl;
#define TRAILGAP 1 /* bit in alpha byte of rgba -> "don't draw from prev pt to here" */
void kira_add_trail( struct stuff *st, worldstuff *ww, int id, struct speck *sp )
if(id < 0) id = ww->maxstars + id;
if(id <= 0 || id > ww->maxstars || ww->maxtrail <= 0) return;
struct trailhead *th = &ww->trails[id];
int bps = ww->sl->bytesperspeck;
if(th->maxtrail <= 0) {
th->maxtrail = ww->maxtrail;
th->specks = (struct speck *)NewN( char, th->maxtrail*bps );
th->ntrails = 0;
th->next = 0;
if(th->ntrails > th->maxtrail)
th->ntrails = th->maxtrail;
if(th->next < 0 || th->next >= th->maxtrail)
th->next = 0;
struct speck *tsp = (struct speck *)(((char *)th->specks) + th->next*bps);
memcpy( tsp, sp, bps );
vsub( &tsp->p, &tsp->p, &ww->trackpos );
if(fabs(th->lasttime - ww->treq) > ww->maxtrailgap) {
((char *)&tsp->rgba)[3] = TRAILGAP; /* alpha "1" bit is on for post-gap trail points */
} else {
((char *)&tsp->rgba)[3] = 0;
tsp->val[0] = ww->treq;
th->lasttime = ww->treq;
if(++th->next >= th->maxtrail)
th->next = 0;
if(++th->ntrails > th->maxtrail)
th->ntrails = th->maxtrail;
if(id >= ww->maxtrailno)
ww->maxtrailno = id+1;
void kira_erase_trail( struct stuff *st, worldstuff *ww, int id )
if(id < 0) id = ww->maxstars + id;
if(id <= 0 || id > ww->maxstars || ww->maxtrail <= 0) return;
struct trailhead *th = &ww->trails[id];
th->next = th->ntrails = 0;
if(id+1 == ww->maxtrailno) {
while(ww->maxtrailno > 0 && ww->trails[ww->maxtrailno-1].ntrails == 0)
void kira_track_break( struct worldstuff *ww, Point *newtrack )
Point incr;
vsub( &incr, newtrack, &ww->trackpos );
for(int id = 0; id < ww->maxstars; id++) {
struct trailhead *th = &ww->trails[id];
if(th->ntrails > 0) {
struct speck *sp = th->specks;
for(int i = 0; i < th->maxtrail; i++) {
vsub( &sp->p, &sp->p, &incr );
sp = NextSpeck(sp, ww->sl, 1);
// ww->trackpos = *newtrack; no, let caller do that.
void kira_maxtrail( struct dyndata *dd, struct stuff *st, int newmax )
int i;
struct worldstuff *ww = (struct worldstuff *)dd->data;
ww->maxtrail = newmax;
if(ww->trails == NULL) return;
int bps = ww->sl->bytesperspeck;
char *spare = (char *)malloc( bps * newmax );
for(i = 0; i < ww->maxstars; i++) {
struct trailhead *th = &ww->trails[i];
if(th->maxtrail == 0)
if(th->ntrails > newmax) th->ntrails = newmax;
int first = (th->next + th->maxtrail - th->ntrails) % th->maxtrail;
char *base = (char *)th->specks;
if(first < th->next) {
memmove( spare, base + first*bps, th->ntrails*bps );
} else {
/* rearrange two pieces: 0..next-1 first..max-1
* into 0..keep-1 keep..keep+next-1
int keep = th->maxtrail - first;
memcpy( spare, base + first*bps, keep*bps );
memmove( spare + keep*bps, base, th->next*bps );
Free( th->specks );
th->specks = (struct speck *)NewN( char, newmax*bps );
memcpy( th->specks, spare, th->ntrails*bps );
th->next = th->ntrails;
th->maxtrail = newmax;
int kira_draw( struct dyndata *dd, struct stuff *st, struct specklist *slhead, Matrix *Tc2w, float radperpix )
struct worldstuff *ww = (struct worldstuff *)dd->data;
if(ww == NULL || !dd->enabled)
return 0;
struct specklist *sl;
float halftickscale = 0.5 * ww->tickscale;
int inpick = st->inpick;
int slno;
static Point zero = {0,0,0};
Point fwdvec = {0,0,-radperpix}; // scaled by pixels-per-radian
Point eyepoint, fwd, unitfwd;
float fwdd;
vtfmpoint( &eyepoint, &zero, Tc2w );
vtfmvector( &fwd, &fwdvec, Tc2w );
fwdd = -vdot( &eyepoint, &fwd );
vunit( &unitfwd, &fwd );
#define MAXRING 32
Point fan[MAXRING];
int nring = 24;
int i;
for(i = 0; i < nring; i++) {
float th = 2*M_PI*i / nring;
vcomb( &fan[i], cos(th),(Point *)&Tc2w->m[0*4+0],
sin(th),(Point *)&Tc2w->m[1*4+0] );
int specks_slno = 0;
for(sl = slhead, slno = 1; sl != NULL; sl = sl->next, slno++) {
if(sl == ww->sl) {
specks_slno = slno;
} else if(sl->special == MARKERS) {
int ns = sl->nspecks;
struct speck *sp = sl->specks;
if(inpick) {
for(i = 0; i < ns; i++, sp = NextSpeck(sp, sl, 1)) {
float unitperpix = vdot( &fwd, &sp->p ) + fwdd;
if(unitperpix <= 0) continue;
if( !SELECTED(sl->sel[i], &st->seesel) )
if(ww->treerings == KIRA_ON ||
(ww->treerings == KIRA_ROOTS && sp->val[SPECK_TREEADDR] == 1)) {
float ringpixels = fabs(sp->val[SPECK_RINGSIZE] * ww->ringscale) / unitperpix;
if(ringpixels < ww->ringmin) ringpixels = ww->ringmin;
if(ringpixels > ww->ringmax) ringpixels = ww->ringmax;
float rring = ringpixels * unitperpix;
int step = ringpixels>20 ? 1 : ringpixels>8 ? 2 : 3;
if(inpick) glLoadName(i);
else glColor3ubv( (GLubyte *)&sp->rgba );
glBegin( GL_LINE_LOOP );
for(int k = 0; k < nring; k+=step)
glVertex3f( sp->p.x[0] + rring*fan[k].x[0],
sp->p.x[1] + rring*fan[k].x[1],
sp->p.x[2] + rring*fan[k].x[2] );
if(ww->treearcs != KIRA_OFF) {
float mu = sp->val[SPECK_MU];
float *sep = &sp->val[SPECK_SEPVEC];
if(inpick) glLoadName(i);
else glColor3ubv( (GLubyte *)&sp->rgba );
glBegin( GL_LINES );
if(ww->treearcs != KIRA_TICK) {
sp->p.x[0] - mu*sep[0],
sp->p.x[1] - mu*sep[1],
sp->p.x[2] - mu*sep[2] );
sp->p.x[0] + (1-mu)*sep[0],
sp->p.x[1] + (1-mu)*sep[1],
sp->p.x[2] + (1-mu)*sep[2] );
if(ww->treearcs == KIRA_CROSS || ww->treearcs == KIRA_TICK) {
Point cr;
vcross( &cr, &unitfwd, (Point *)sep );
float sepsep = vdot((Point *)sep, (Point *)sep);
float sepfwd = vdot((Point *)sep, &unitfwd);
float scaleby = halftickscale / sqrt(1 - sepfwd*sepfwd/sepsep);
sp->p.x[0] - scaleby*cr.x[0],
sp->p.x[1] - scaleby*cr.x[1],
sp->p.x[2] - scaleby*cr.x[2] );
sp->p.x[0] + scaleby*cr.x[0],
sp->p.x[1] + scaleby*cr.x[1],
sp->p.x[2] + scaleby*cr.x[2] );
glLineWidth( ww->trailpsize );
glEnable( GL_BLEND );
glBlendFunc( GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE );
int alpha = 0, rgbmask = ~0;
((GLubyte *)&alpha)[3] = (int) (255 * ww->trailalpha);
((GLubyte *)&rgbmask)[3] = 0;
if(inpick) {
glPushName( specks_slno );
glPushName( 0 );
glPointSize( 1.5 );
glTranslatef( ww->trackpos.x[0], ww->trackpos.x[1], ww->trackpos.x[2] );
for(i = 0; i < ww->maxtrailno; i++) {
struct trailhead *th = &ww->trails[i];
if(th->ntrails == 0 || th->maxtrail <= 0)
glLoadName( i );
glBegin( GL_LINE_STRIP );
int first = (th->next + th->maxtrail - th->ntrails) % th->maxtrail;
int k, rgb = 0, rgba = 0;
struct speck *sp;
char *base = (char *)th->specks;
int bps = ww->sl->bytesperspeck;
int from1 = first;
int to1 = (first < th->next) ? th->next : th->maxtrail;
int from2 = 0;
int to2 = (first < th->next) ? 0 : th->next;
int wasgap = 0, ingap = 0;
Point *prev = NULL;
for(k = from1; k < to1; k++) {
sp = (struct speck *)(base + k*bps);
ingap = ((char *)&sp->rgba)[3] & TRAILGAP;
if(wasgap != ingap) {
if(ingap) {
glBegin( GL_POINTS );
} else {
glBegin( GL_LINE_STRIP );
glVertex3fv( prev->x );
wasgap = ingap;
if(rgb != (sp->rgba & rgbmask)) {
rgb = sp->rgba & rgbmask;
rgba = rgb | alpha;
glColor4ubv( (GLubyte *)&rgba );
glVertex3fv( sp->p.x );
prev = &sp->p;
for(k = from2; k < to2; k++) {
sp = (struct speck *)(base + k*bps);
ingap = ((char *)&sp->rgba)[3] & TRAILGAP;
if(wasgap != ingap) {
if(ingap) {
glBegin( GL_POINTS );
} else {
glBegin( GL_LINE_STRIP );
glVertex3fv( prev->x );
wasgap = ingap;
if(rgb != (sp->rgba & rgbmask)) {
rgb = sp->rgba & rgbmask;
rgba = rgb | alpha;
glColor4ubv( (GLubyte *)&rgba );
glVertex3fv( sp->p.x );
prev = &sp->p;
if(inpick) {
return 1;
int kira_parse_args( struct dyndata *dd, struct stuff *st, int argc, char **argv )
char *swhat = argv[1];
char *sval = argc>2 ? argv[2] : NULL;
int what;
double val;
worldstuff *ww = (worldstuff *)dd->data;
int changed = 0;
if(0!=strncmp(argv[0], "kira", 4)) /* accept "kira" or "kiractl" */
return 0;
if(swhat == NULL) swhat = "?";
if(!strncmp(swhat, "sep", 3) || !strncmp(swhat, "semi", 4)) {
kira_set( dd, st, KIRA_RINGSIZE, swhat[2]=='p' ? KIRA_RINGSEP : KIRA_RINGA );
msg("kiractl ringsize %s",
kira_get( dd, st, KIRA_RINGSIZE ) == KIRA_RINGSEP ? "separation" : "semimajor");
} else if(!strcmp(swhat, "ringsize") || !strcmp(swhat, "ringscale") || !strcmp(swhat, "size")) {
if(sval) {
val = !strncmp(sval,"sep",3) ? KIRA_RINGSEP
: !strncmp(sval,"semi",4) ? KIRA_RINGA
: !strcmp(sval,"a") ? KIRA_RINGA
: kira_get( dd, st, KIRA_RINGSIZE );
kira_set( dd, st, KIRA_RINGSIZE, val );
if(argc > 3)
kira_set( dd, st, KIRA_RINGSCALE,
getfloat( argv[3], kira_get( dd, st, KIRA_RINGSCALE ) ) );
msg("kiractl ringsize %s %g",
kira_get( dd, st, KIRA_RINGSIZE ) == KIRA_RINGSEP ? "separation" : "semimajor",
kira_get( dd, st, KIRA_RINGSCALE ));
} else if(!strcmp(swhat, "ringscale") || !strcmp(swhat, "scale")) {
kira_set( dd, st, KIRA_RINGSCALE, getfloat( sval, kira_get(dd,st,KIRA_RINGSCALE) ) );
msg("kiractl ringscale %g", kira_get(dd,st,KIRA_RINGSCALE));
} else if(!strcmp(swhat, "span") || !strcmp(swhat, "ringspan")) {
if(argc>2 && (val = getfloat( argv[2], -1 )) >= 0)
kira_set( dd, st, KIRA_RINGMIN, val );
if(argc>3 && (val = getfloat( argv[3], -1 )) >= 0)
kira_set( dd, st, KIRA_RINGMAX, val );
msg("kiractl ringspan %.0f %.0f",
kira_get( dd, st, KIRA_RINGMIN ), kira_get( dd, st, KIRA_RINGMAX ));
} else if(!strncmp(swhat, "nod", 3) || !strncmp(swhat, "ring", 4)) {
what = swhat[0]=='n' ? KIRA_NODES : KIRA_RINGS;
kira_set( dd, st, what,
(0==strncmp(sval, "root", 4)) ? KIRA_ROOTS : getbool(sval, KIRA_ON) );
val = kira_get( dd, st, what );
msg("kiractl %s %s %g",
what==KIRA_NODES ? "nodes" : "rings",
val==2 ? "root" : val==1 ? "on" : "off",
kira_get( dd, st, KIRA_TICKSCALE ));
} else if(!strncmp(swhat, "tree", 3) || !strcmp(swhat, "arc")) {
kira_set( dd, st, KIRA_TREE,
sval[0]=='c' ? KIRA_CROSS : sval[0]=='t' ? KIRA_TICK
: getbool(sval, KIRA_ON) );
if(argc>3 && sscanf(argv[3], "%lf", &val)>0)
kira_set( dd, st, KIRA_TICKSCALE, val );
val = kira_get( dd, st, KIRA_TREE );
msg("kiractl tree %s",
val==KIRA_CROSS ? "cross" : val==KIRA_TICK ? "tick"
: val ? "on" : "off");
} else if(!strncmp(swhat, "mscale", 4) || !strcmp(swhat, "massscale")) {
if(!ww->truemassscale || strchr(sval, '!')) {
ww->massscale = getfloat( sval, ww->massscale );
changed = 1;
msg("kiractl mscale %g (kira says %g)",
ww->massscale, mass_scale_factor());
} else if(!strncmp(swhat, "track", 4)) {
kira_set( dd, st, KIRA_TRACK, getbool(sval, 0) );
val = kira_get( dd, st, KIRA_TRACK );
msg(val == 0 ? "kiractl track off" : "kiractl track %d", (int)val);
} else if(!strncmp(swhat, "center", 6)) {
if(sval) {
int just = 0;
if(!strncmp(sval,"off",3) || !strcmp(sval,"inertial")) {
ww->centered = 0;
just = 1;
} else if(!strcmp(sval,"on")) {
/* fine */
} else if(!strcmp(sval,"next") || sval[0] == '+') {
} else if(isdigit(sval[0])) {
ww->which_center = atoi(sval);
} else {
just = 1;
if(ww->which_center >= get_n_center())
ww->which_center %= get_n_center();
if(!just) ww->centered = 1;
if(ww->centered) {
scoped_lock lk( ww->ks.mutex() );
set_center( (worldbundle **)ww->ks.wh, ww->ks.nh, ww->which_center );
changed = 1;
msg("kira center %s%d(%s) (center pos %g %g %g vel %g %g %g)",
ww->centered ? "" : "off ",
ww->which_center, get_center_id(),
ww->center_pos[0], ww->center_pos[1], ww->center_pos[2],
ww->center_vel[0], ww->center_vel[1], ww->center_vel[2] );
} else if(!strcmp(swhat, "maxtrail")) {
kira_maxtrail( dd, st, getbool(sval, ww->maxtrail) );
msg("kira maxtrail %d", ww->maxtrail);
} else if(!strcmp(swhat, "trail")) {
if(sval) {
if(!strcmp(sval, "clear")) {
for(int i = 0; i < ww->maxstars; i++)
kira_erase_trail( st, ww, i );
} else {
int a = 2;
if(!strcmp(sval, "only")) {
ww->trailonly = 1;
a = 3;
} else {
ww->trailonly = 0;
parse_selexpr( st, rejoinargs( a, argc, argv ), NULL, &ww->trailsel, "kira trail" );
changed = 1;
msg("kira trail%s %s (%s)", ww->trailonly ? " only":"",
show_selexpr( st, NULL, &ww->trailsel ),
selcounts( st, st->sl, &ww->trailsel ));
} else if(!strncmp(swhat, "trailgap", 6)) {
if(sval) {
ww->maxtrailgap = getfloat( sval, ww->maxtrailgap );
changed = 1;
msg("kira trailgaptime %g", ww->maxtrailgap);
} else if(!strncmp(swhat, "pick", 2)) {
int picking = getbool( sval, (st->picked == kira_picked) );
if(picking) {
specks_all_picks( st, kira_picked, dd );
} else {
specks_all_picks( st, NULL, NULL );
} else if(!strncmp(swhat, "int", 3)) {
what = parse_selexpr( st, rejoinargs( 2, argc, argv ), &ww->intdest, &ww->intsrc, "kira intsel" );
if(what != 3)
selsrc2dest( st, &ww->intsrc, &ww->intdest );
ww->intdest.wanted &= ~ww->intdest.wanton; /* interact always OR's into existing set */
msg("kiractl interact %s", show_selexpr(st, &ww->intdest, &ww->intsrc));
} else if(!strncasecmp(swhat, "hr", 2)) {
msg("kira hrdiag: H-R diagram not available");
Fl_Plot *plot = ww->plot;
if(plot == NULL) {
msg("kira hrdiag: not initialized?");
return 1;
if(sval) {
if(!strcmp(sval, "on") || !strcmp(sval, "off")) {
parti_hrdiag_on( getbool(sval, 1) );
if(argc > 3) argc--, argv++, sval = argv[2];
if(!strcmp(sval, "range")) {
float xxyyrange[4] = { plot->x0(), plot->x1(), plot->y0(), plot->y1() };
getfloats( &xxyyrange[0], 4, 3, argc, argv );
plot->xrange( xxyyrange[0], xxyyrange[1] );
plot->yrange( xxyyrange[2], xxyyrange[3] );
msg( "kira hrdiag %s range %g %g(logT) %g %g(logL)",
plot->visible_r() ? "on":"off",
plot->x0(), plot->x1(), plot->y0(), plot->y1() );
} else {
msg("kiractl {node|ring} {on|off|root} | tree {on|off|cross|tick} [<tickscale>] | size {sep|semimaj} | scale <fac> | span <minpix> <maxpix> | track <id>| intsel <dest> = <src>");
if(changed) {
kira_invalidate( dd, st );
return 1;
void turnoff( struct specklist *sl, SelOp *dest ) {
if(sl && sl->sel && sl->nsel >= sl->nspecks && dest && dest->use == SEL_DEST) {
SelMask *sel = sl->sel;
for(int i = 0; i < sl->nspecks; i++) {
SELUNSET( sel[i], dest );
int kira_picked( struct stuff *st, GLuint *hit, struct specklist *sl, int speckno )
struct dyndata *dd = (struct dyndata *)st->pickinfo;
worldstuff *ww = (worldstuff *)dd->data;
int retain;
retain = 1;
retain = Fl::event_state(FL_CTRL);
if(hit == NULL) {
if(speckno > 0 && !retain) {
turnoff( ww->sl, &ww->picksel );
turnoff( ww->marksl, &ww->picksel );
ww->pickcount = 0;
if(speckno == 0) {
if(ww->pickcount > 0 || !retain) {
kira_invalidate( dd, st );
return 0;
if(ww->sl == sl && sl->sel && sl->nsel >= sl->nspecks) {
if(speckno < 0 || speckno >= sl->nspecks) return 0;
if(ww->picksel.use == SEL_DEST)
SELSET( sl->sel[speckno], &ww->picksel );
struct speck *sp = NextSpeck( sl->specks, sl, speckno );
float teff = expf( sp->val[SPECK_TLOG] * M_LN10 );
enum spectral_class st = get_spectral_class( teff );
enum luminosity_class lc = get_luminosity_class( teff, sp->val[SPECK_LUM] );
msg("[id %g nc %g mass %.3g Tlog %.2f L %.3g root %g stype %d(%s %s%s) speck %d]",
sp->val[SPECK_ID], sp->val[SPECK_NCLUMP],
sp->val[SPECK_MASS], sp->val[SPECK_TLOG],
sp->val[SPECK_LUM], sp->val[SPECK_ROOTID],
type_string((enum stellar_type)sp->val[SPECK_STYPE]),
type_string(st), type_string(lc),
return 0;
static float HRplot_dotsize = 2.5;
static float HRplot_alpha = 0.7;
int kira_HRplot_events( Fl_Plot *plot, int ev ) {
if(ev == FL_KEYBOARD) {
switch(Fl::event_text()[0]) {
case 'b': HRplot_dotsize *= 1.33; break;
case 'B': HRplot_dotsize /= 1.33; break;
case 'a': HRplot_alpha = 1 - (1 - HRplot_alpha)*.75; break;
case 'A': HRplot_alpha = 1 - (1 - HRplot_alpha)*1.33; break;
case '\033': parti_hrdiag_on( 0 ); break;
default: return 0;
return 0; /* let Fl_Plot::handle have at it too */
return 0;
void kira_HRplot( Fl_Plot *plot, struct stuff *st, struct dyndata *dd )
if(dd == NULL) return;
worldstuff *ww = (worldstuff *)dd->data;
int inpick = plot->inpick();
int wasemph = -1;
int plainalpha = (int) (255 * HRplot_alpha);
int emphalpha = (int) (255 * (1 - (1 - HRplot_alpha)*.5));
int alpha = plainalpha;
glEnable( GL_BLEND );
glBlendFunc( GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE );
glDisable( GL_ALPHA_TEST );
glEnable( GL_POINT_SMOOTH );
glPointSize( HRplot_dotsize );
float xmin = plot->x0();
float xmax = plot->x1();
if(xmin > xmax) xmin = xmax, xmax = plot->x0();
float ymin = plot->y0();
float ymax = plot->y1();
if(ymin > ymax) ymin = ymax, ymax = plot->y0();
int slno = 1;
for(struct specklist *sl = ww->sl; sl != NULL; sl = sl->next, slno++) {
if(sl->special != SPECKS)
if(inpick) {
glBegin( GL_POINTS );
int ns = sl->nspecks;
struct speck *sp = sl->specks;
for(int i = 0; i < ns; i++, sp = NextSpeck(sp, sl, 1)) {
if(sp->val[SPECK_MU] != 0 || sp->val[SPECK_LUM] <= 0)
continue; /* leaf nodes only */
int rgba = sp->rgba;
if( !SELECTED(sl->sel[i], &st->seesel) )
if(inpick) {
glBegin( GL_POINTS );
} else {
int isemph = st->emphsel.use != SEL_NONE &&
SELECTED( sl->sel[i], &st->emphsel );
if(isemph != wasemph) {
glPointSize( isemph ? HRplot_dotsize*1.5 : HRplot_dotsize );
alpha = isemph ? emphalpha : plainalpha;
wasemph = isemph;
((unsigned char *)&rgba)[3] = alpha;
glColor4ubv( (GLubyte *)&rgba );
float x = sp->val[SPECK_TLOG];
float y = sp->val[SPECK_LUM] > 0 ? log10f( sp->val[SPECK_LUM] ) : ymin;
glVertex2f( x<xmin ? xmin : x>xmax ? xmax : x,
y<ymin ? ymin : y>ymax ? ymax : y );
if(inpick) glPopName();
#endif /*USE_PLOT*/
#endif /* USE_KIRA */