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	curstate.use_stdin = 1;
	return 1;

    case 'n':
	curstate.idbase = atoi(arg);
	return 1;

    case 'y':
	curstate.type = atoi(arg);
	return 1;

	msg("unknown option %c %s", opt[0], arg);
	return 0;

void starswap(db_star *st) {
  int i, *wp;
  static int one = 1;
  /* byte-swap x,y,z, dx,dy,dz, magnitude,radius,opacity fields (32-bit float),
   *		num (32-bit int),
   *		color (16-bit short).
   * group and type fields shouldn't need swapping,
   * assuming the compiler packs bytes into a word in increasing
   * address order.  Seems safe.
    for(i = 0, wp = (int *)st; i < 10; i++)
	wp[i] = htonl(wp[i]);
    st->color = htons(st->color);
#define  starswap(x)  /*nothing*/

static struct logTmap {
	float logT;
	unsigned short rgb565;
//  Adapted from Mitchell Charity's web page on black body RGB colors,
  3.000, 0xf9c0,  3.079, 0xfa80,  3.204, 0xfb80,  3.301, 0xfc42,
  3.380, 0xfce7,  3.477, 0xfdad,  3.556, 0xfe31,  3.643, 0xfed6,
  3.716, 0xff5a,  3.792, 0xffbe,  3.869, 0xef7f,  3.944, 0xdf1f,
  4.017, 0xcedf,  4.093, 0xbe9f,  4.164, 0xb67f,  4.236, 0xae5f,
  4.310, 0xae3f,  4.380, 0xa61f,  4.450, 0xa5ff,

struct logTmap *myTmap = defaultTmap;
int nmyTmap = COUNT(defaultTmap);

static unsigned short logT2rgb565(float logT) {
    int i;
    for(i = 0; i < nmyTmap-1 && logT > myTmap[i].logT; i++)
    return myTmap[i].rgb565;

int readTmap( char *fname ) {
    FILE *inf;
    char line[80];
#define MAXTMAP 300
    struct logTmap tm[MAXTMAP];
    int ntmap;
    char *cp;

    for(cp = fname; *cp; cp++) {
	if(*cp == '&' || isspace(*cp)) {
	    *cp = '\0';
    inf = fopen(fname, "r");
    if(inf == NULL) {
	fprintf(stderr, "Can't open temp-to-rgb565-color map %s\n", fname);
	return 0;
    ntmap = 0;
    while(fgets(line, sizeof(line), inf) != NULL) {
	static char delim[] = " \t\r\n";
	cp = line;
	while(isspace(*cp)) cp++;
	if(*cp == '\0' || *cp == '#') continue;
	if(ntmap >= MAXTMAP) {
		    "%s: only room for %d temp-to-rgb565-color entries, raise MAXTMAP\n",
	    goto fail;
	if(sscanf(cp, "%f 0x%x", &tm[ntmap].logT, &tm[ntmap].rgb565) < 2
	    && sscanf(cp, "%f %x", &tm[ntmap].logT, &tm[ntmap].rgb565) < 2) {
	        fprintf(stderr, "%s: expected <logT> 0x<hex-rgb565-color> not %s",
			fname, line);
		goto fail;
    if(ntmap > 0) {
	nmyTmap = ntmap;
	myTmap = NewN( struct logTmap, ntmap );
	memcpy( myTmap, tm, ntmap*sizeof(struct logTmap) );
    return 1;

    return 0;
static double sx=0, sy=0, sz=0, smass=0;
static int nspecks;
static int has_tfm;
static Point pmin, pmax;
static Matrix pT;

static void report( FILE *outf, struct dyndata *dyn, struct stuff *st )
    double tmin, tmax;
    kira_get_trange( &st->dyn, st, &tmin, &tmax );
    fprintf(outf, "time %lg  in  %lg .. %lg\n",
	curstate.realtime, tmin, tmax);
    fprintf(outf, "nspecks %d\n", nspecks);
    if(curstate.idbase != 0)
	fprintf(outf, "idbase %d\n", curstate.idbase);
    if(smass > 0) {
	fprintf(outf, "CM %lg %lg %lg\n", sx/smass, sy/smass, sz/smass);
	fprintf(outf, "bbox center %g %g %g  radius %g %g %g\n",
	    .5*(pmax.x[0]+pmin.x[0]), .5*(pmax.x[1]+pmin.x[1]), .5*(pmax.x[2]+pmin.x[2]),
	    .5*(pmax.x[0]-pmin.x[0]), .5*(pmax.x[1]-pmin.x[1]), .5*(pmax.x[2]-pmin.x[2]));
	Point cen;
	kira_get_center( &cen, dyn, st );
	fprintf(outf, "Center %g %g %g", cen.x[0],cen.x[1],cen.x[2]);
	if(has_tfm) {
	    Point wcen;
	    vtfmpoint( &wcen, &cen, &pT );
	    fprintf(outf, " -> %g %g %g", wcen.x[0],wcen.x[1],wcen.x[2]);
	fprintf(outf, "\n");
    fprintf(outf, "transformation: out = in");
    if(curstate.turnrate != 0)
	fprintf(outf, " * %cRotation(%g*(time-%g))",
		curstate.axis, curstate.turnrate, curstate.turntime0);
    if(curstate.has_T0) {
	float *fp = curstate.T0.m;
	fprintf(outf, " * [%g %g %g %g  %g %g %g %g  %g %g %g %g  %g %g %g %g]",
    else if(curstate.turnrate == 0)
	fprintf(outf, " (identity transform)");
    fprintf(outf, "\n");
    fprintf(outf, "group %d  type %d\n",, curstate.type);

float specklum( struct speck *sp ) {
    return (curstate.masslum != 0) ? sp->val[SPECK_MASS]*sp->val[SPECK_MASS]*sp->val[SPECK_MASS]*curstate.masslum :

int serveonce(char *req, FILE *outf)
    int as_sdb = 0, as_speck = 0;
    Point p;
    db_star star;
    char *cp;
    struct stuff *st =;

    sx = sy = sz = smass = 0;

    pmin.x[0]=pmin.x[1]=pmin.x[2] = 1e20;
    pmax.x[0]=pmax.x[1]=pmax.x[2] = -1e20;

	fprintf(stdout, "REQ: %s\n", req);

    if(outf == NULL || req == NULL) {
	msg("kira server: get lost!");
	if(outf) fclose(outf);
	return 0;

    if(strstr(req, "sdb"))  as_sdb = 1;
    else if(strstr(req, "speck")) as_speck = 1;

    char *eqp;
    for(eqp = req; (eqp = strchr(eqp, '=')) != NULL; ) {
	char *optp, *argp;
	for(optp = eqp; isalpha(optp[-1]); optp--)
	argp = eqp+1;
	cp = strpbrk(argp, ";&");
	if(cp) {
	    eqp = cp+1;
	    *cp = '\0';
	scanopt( optp, argp );
	if(cp == NULL) break;

    memset(&star, 0, sizeof(star)); =;
    star.type = curstate.type;

    struct specklist *sl;
    sl = kira_get_parti( &st->dyn, st, curstate.realtime );

    if(sl == NULL)
	return 0;

    has_tfm = curstate.has_T0 || curstate.turnrate != 0;
    if(curstate.turnrate != 0) {
	Matrix Trot;
	mrotation( &Trot, curstate.turnrate * (curstate.realtime - curstate.turntime0), curstate.axis );
	if(curstate.has_T0) {
	    mmmul( &pT, &Trot, &curstate.T0 );
    for(int i = 0; i < sl->nspecks; i++) {
	struct speck *sp = NextSpeck(sl->specks, sl, i);
	if(sp->val[SPECK_NCLUMP] < 0)
	Point vel, tvel;
	vel.x[0] = sp->val[SPECK_SEPVEC] * curstate.dt;
	vel.x[1] = sp->val[SPECK_SEPVEC+1] * curstate.dt;
	vel.x[2] = sp->val[SPECK_SEPVEC+2] * curstate.dt;
	    vtfmpoint( &p, &sp->p, &pT );
	    vtfmpoint( &tvel, &vel, &pT );
	    vel = tvel;
	} else {
	    p = sp->p;
	if(as_sdb) {
	    star.x = p.x[0];
	    star.y = p.x[1];
	    star.z = p.x[2];
	    star.dx = vel.x[0];			// Use velocity,
	    star.dy = vel.x[1];			// held in SEPVEC = vel.x[2];			// for leaf nodes.
	    star.magnitude = curstate.mag0 - .921 * logf( specklum(sp) );
	    if(curstate.colorscale >= 0) {
		star.color = (unsigned short) (curstate.colorscale * sp->val[SPECK_TLOG]);
	    } else {
		/* packed rgb565 */
		star.color = logT2rgb565( sp->val[SPECK_TLOG] );
	    star.num = (int) sp->val[SPECK_ID] + curstate.idbase;
	    wrote = fwrite(&star, sizeof(star), 1, outf);
	    wrote = fprintf(outf, "%g %g %g %g %g %g\n",
		specklum(sp), sp->val[SPECK_TLOG], sp->val[SPECK_ID] + curstate.idbase);
	} else {
	    double m = sp->val[SPECK_MASS];
	    sx += p.x[0]*m;
	    sy += p.x[1]*m;
	    sz += p.x[2]*m;
	    smass += m;
	    if(pmin.x[0] > p.x[0]) pmin.x[0] = p.x[0];
	    if(pmin.x[1] > p.x[1]) pmin.x[1] = p.x[1];
	    if(pmin.x[2] > p.x[2]) pmin.x[2] = p.x[2];
	    if(pmax.x[0] < p.x[0]) pmax.x[0] = p.x[0];
	    if(pmax.x[1] < p.x[1]) pmax.x[1] = p.x[1];
	    if(pmax.x[2] < p.x[2]) pmax.x[2] = p.x[2];
	if(wrote < 0)			/* SIGPIPE? Anyway, quit writing. */
	report( outf, &st->dyn, st );
    if(curstate.verbose) {
	char *cp = strchr(req, '\n');
	if(cp) *cp = '\0';
	fprintf(stdout, "REQ: %s\n", req);
	report( stdout, &st->dyn, st );

int serverlisten( int port ) {
    struct sockaddr_in asin;
    static int one = 1;
    int lsock;

    memset(&asin, 0, sizeof(asin));
    asin.sin_family = AF_INET;
    asin.sin_port = htons(port);
    asin.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;

    lsock = socket( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP );
    if(lsock < 0) {
	return -1;
    setsockopt(lsock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &one, sizeof(one));
    if(bind(lsock, (struct sockaddr *)&asin, sizeof(asin)) < 0) {
	return -1;
    return lsock;

void serverloop( int lsock ) {
    for(;;) {
	struct sockaddr_in from;
	FILE *inf, *outf;
	char req[1280];
#if sgi
	int fromlen = sizeof(from);
	unsigned int fromlen = sizeof(from);
	int s = accept(lsock, (struct sockaddr *)&from, &fromlen);
	if(s < 0) {
	    if(errno == EINTR)
	inf = fdopen(s, "r");
	if(fgets(req, sizeof(req), inf) == NULL) {
	} else {
	    outf = fdopen(s, "w");
	    do {
		serveonce( req, outf );
	    } while(fgets(req, sizeof(req), inf) != NULL);

main(int argc, char *argv[])
    static struct stuff tst; = &tst;
    int c;
    char opt[8];

    progname = argv[0];

    curstate.colorscale = -1;
    curstate.has_T0 = 0;
    curstate.port = 3400;

    while((c = getopt(argc, argv, "T:r:t:y:g:m:c:o:p:v:in:PC:")) != EOF) {
	opt[0] = c;
	opt[1] = '\0';
	if(c == 'y') strcpy(opt, "type");
	scanopt( opt, optarg );
    if(optind != argc-1) {
	fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [options] file.kira\n\
   -t time\n\
   -r <axis><degreespertime>[@time0]  Timed rotation about axis 'x'/'y'/'z'\n\
   -T 16-numbers   outcoords = kira * rotation(time) * tfm\n\
   -y sdbtype\n\
   -g group\n\
   -m mag0         sdb mag = mag0 - log(lum)/(log(100)/5)\n\
   -M masslum	   if nonzero, ignore bogus lum; use mass**3 * masslum instead.\n\
   -c colorscale   sdb color = log10(T)*colorscale; -c -1 => RGB565 (default)\n\
   -o treestyle(1 vs 2) (default -o 2 for create_interpolated_tree2)\n\
   -p portno	   listen for HTTP connections on that TCP port\n\
   -v verbose(0 vs 1) server logs requests to its own stdout\n\
   -i		   read from stdin, write to stdout (else be a network server)\n\
   -n numbase	   add numbase to particle ids\n\
   -C mapfile	   use that colormap; each line has: log-temperature rgb565-color\n\

    /* Ignore SIGPIPE signals -- don't crash if a caller disconnects. */
    signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);

    if(curstate.use_stdin) {
	msg("Reading %s", argv[optind]);
	kira_open( &>dyn,, argv[optind], curstate.verbose ? KIRA_VERBOSE : 0 );
	int eofs = 0;
	char req[512];
	fprintf(stderr, "Type  ?  for help\n");
	for(;;) {
	    fprintf(stderr, "\n>> ");
	    if(fgets(req, sizeof(req), stdin) == NULL) {
		if(++eofs >= 3) break;	/* quit if 3 successive EOFs */
	    } else {
		eofs = 0;

	    if(req[0] == 'q')

	    if(req[0] == '?' || req[0] == 'h') {
		printf("Usage:  each line of input yields one starlab lookup,\n\
after applying all options given on that line.  Unchanged settings persist.\n\
Options take the form <keyletter>=<value> and may be separated by \"&\" or \";\"\n\
  t=<time>   simulation time\n\
  o=<treestyle>  o=1 => create_interpolated_tree, o=2 => ...tree2.  Default o=2.\n\
  T=<16-numbers> apply 4x4 transformation\n\
  speck	     dump ASCII specks (default just summary information)\n\
  q          quit\n\
	    } else {
		serveonce( req, stdout );
    } else {
	/* be a network server */

	msg("Listening on port %d", curstate.port);
	int lsock = serverlisten( curstate.port );
	if(lsock < 0)
	msg("Reading %s", argv[optind]);
	kira_open( &>dyn,, argv[optind], curstate.verbose ? KIRA_VERBOSE : 0 );
	serverloop( lsock );