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  • /*
     * Geomview-style 3-D view widget for FLTK.
     * Stuart Levy,
     * National Center for Supercomputing Applications,
     * University of Illinois 2001.
     * This file is part of partiview, released under the
     * Illinois Open Source License; see the file LICENSE.partiview for details.
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    #ifdef _WIN32
    # include "winjunk.h"
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    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <math.h>
    #include "geometry.h"
    #include "textures.h"	/* for set_dsp_context() */
    #include <memory.h>
    teuben's avatar
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    #include "Gview.H"
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    #ifndef wallclock_time
     extern "C" { extern double wallclock_time(void); }	// from sclock.c
    teuben's avatar
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    static void translation(Matrix *T, float x, float y, float z);
    static void rotation(Matrix *T, float x, float y, float z);
    Fl_Gview::Fl_Gview(int x, int y, int w, int h, const char *label)
    		: Fl_Gl_Window(x,y,w,h,label) {
    void Fl_Gview::glmode( int bits )
      if(this->dspcontext() >= 0 && this->shown() && bits != this->mode()) {
        /* It'll probably require a new window, and all our
         * opengl context will get lost.
         * Let textures.c know about this so it can reinit.
        this->dspcontext( Fl_Gview::next_dspcontext() );
      this->mode( bits );
    int Fl_Gview::next_dspcontext_ = 0;
    int Fl_Gview::next_dspcontext()
       return next_dspcontext_++;
    void Fl_Gview::dspcontext( int dspctx )
      if(next_dspcontext_ <= dspctx)
        next_dspcontext_ = dspctx + 1;
      this->dspcontext_ = dspctx;
    teuben's avatar
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    void Fl_Gview::lookvec(int axis, const Point *vec) {
      Point v = *vec;
      if(axis < 0 || axis > 3) return;
      if(axis == 2) vscale(&v, -1,&v);	/* cam looks toward -Z */
      /* XXX fill in orthogonalization, invert, load into Tw2c */
      /* Don't need this right now */
      Fl::warning("Fl_Gview::lookvec() not implemented yet");
    const Matrix *Fl_Gview::Tc2w() const {
      return &Tc2w_;
    const Matrix *Fl_Gview::Tw2c() const {
      return &Tw2c_;
    void Fl_Gview::Tc2w( const Matrix *newTc2w ) {
      Tc2w_ = *newTc2w;
      eucinv(&Tw2c_, &Tc2w_);
    void Fl_Gview::Tw2c( const Matrix *newTw2c ) {
      Tw2c_ = *newTw2c;
      eucinv(&Tc2w_, &Tw2c_);
    void Fl_Gview::reset( int id ) {
      if(id == GV_ID_CAMERA) {
        translation( &Tc2w_, 0, 0, focallen_ );
        Tc2w( &Tc2w_ );
      } else {
        const Matrix *o2w = To2w( id );
        if(o2w && o2w != &Tidentity) {
    	*(Matrix *)o2w = Tidentity;	/* Reset! */
    void Fl_Gview::focallen(float flen) {
      if(flen == 0) {
        Fl::warning("Can't set Fl_Gview::focallen() to zero");
      } else {
    	halfyfov_ *= flen / focallen_;
        focallen_ = flen;
    float Fl_Gview::angyfov() const {
      return 2*atan(halfyfov_ / focallen_)*180/M_PI;
    void Fl_Gview::angyfov(float deg) {
      if(deg == 0) Fl::warning("Can't set Fl_Gview::angyfov() to zero");
      else if(deg <= -180 || deg >= 180)
    	Fl::warning("Can't set Fl_Gview::angyfov() to >= 180");
      else halfyfov_ = focallen_ * tan((deg/2)*M_PI/180);
    void Fl_Gview::halfyfov( float hyfov ) {
      if(hyfov == 0) Fl::warning("Can't set Fl_Gview::halfyfov() to zero");
      else halfyfov_ = hyfov;
    void Fl_Gview::perspective( int bepersp ) {
      if((bepersp!=0) == persp_)
      persp_ = (bepersp != 0);
    void Fl_Gview::farclip( float cfar ) {
      if(cfar == far_) return;
      if(cfar != 0 || !persp_) {
        far_ = cfar;
    void Fl_Gview::nearclip( float cnear ) {
      if(cnear == near_) return;
      if(cnear != 0 || !persp_) {
        near_ = cnear;
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    void Fl_Gview::stereooffset( int newoff ) {
      if(newoff != stereooff_) {
        stereooff_ = newoff;
    void Fl_Gview::pixelaspect( float pixasp ) {
      if(pixasp != 0 && pixasp != pixelaspect_) {
        pixelaspect_ = pixasp;
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    void Fl_Gview::center( const Point *cenw ) {
      if(cenw) pcenw_ = *cenw;
      else pcenw_.x[0] = pcenw_.x[1] = pcenw_.x[2] = 0;
    int Fl_Gview::next_id() const {
      int id;
      for(id = 1; withid(id) >= 0; id++)
      return id;
    int Fl_Gview::add_drawer( void (*func)( Fl_Gview *, void *obj, void *arg ),
    	void *obj, void *arg, char *name, int id )
      if(id < 0) id = next_id();
      int dno = withid( id );
      if(dno < 0) {
        if(ndrawers_ >= maxdrawers_) {
    	maxdrawers_ = ndrawers_*2 + 15;
    	int room = maxdrawers_ * sizeof(struct drawer);
    	drawers_ = (struct drawer *)
    		    (drawers_==NULL ? malloc(room) : realloc(drawers_, room));
        dno = ndrawers_++;
      struct drawer *dp = &drawers_[dno];
      dp->func = func;
      dp->obj = obj;
      dp->arg = arg;
      dp->To2w = Tidentity;
      dp->name = name;
      dp->id = id;
      dp->objclip = 0;
      dp->objnear = 0;
      dp->objfar = 0;
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      return id;
    int Fl_Gview::withid( int id ) const {	// Which drawer[] slot is id in?
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      for(int dno = 0; dno < ndrawers_; dno++)
        if(drawers_[dno].id == id)
    	return dno;
      return -1;
    const Matrix *Fl_Gview::To2w( int id ) const {
      if(id == GV_ID_CAMERA)
        return Tc2w();
      int dno = withid( id );
      return (dno < 0) ? &Tidentity : &drawers_[dno].To2w;
    int Fl_Gview::To2w( int id, const Matrix *newT ) {
      if(id == GV_ID_CAMERA) {
        Tc2w( newT );
        return -1;
      int drawerno = withid( id );
      if(drawerno < 0) return 0;
      drawers_[drawerno].To2w = newT ? *newT : Tidentity;
      return 1;
    void Fl_Gview::objparent( int id, int parent ) {
      int drawerno = withid( id );
      if(drawerno >= 0)
        drawers_[drawerno].parent = parent;
    int Fl_Gview::objparent( int id ) const {
      int drawerno = withid( id );
      return (drawerno >= 0) ? drawers_[drawerno].parent : 0;
    void Fl_Gview::subc_lrbt( float subclrbt[4] ) {
      for(int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
        subclrbt_[k] = subclrbt[k];
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    #define VIEW_CLEAR  0x1
    #define	VIEW_RED    0x2
    #define	VIEW_CYAN   0x4
    void Fl_Gview::glprojection( float nearclip, float farclip, const Matrix *postproj )
        glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION );
        if(inpick()) {
    	GLint vp[4] = {0, 0, w(), h()};
    	if(stereo_ == GV_CROSSEYED) {
    	    /* Jigger viewport -- choose whichever half this pick came from */
    	    int myw = (w() - stereooff_)/2;
    	    vp[2] = myw;
    	    if(pickx_ > myw) vp[0] = w() - myw;
    	gluPickMatrix( pickx_, picky_, pickwidth_, pickheight_, vp );
        if(use_subc_) {
    	glFrustum( nearclip * subclrbt_[0], nearclip * subclrbt_[1],
    		   nearclip * subclrbt_[2], nearclip * subclrbt_[3],
    		   nearclip, farclip );
        } else if(persp_) {
    	float nthf = nearclip * halfyfov_ / focallen_;
    	glFrustum( -nthf * aspect_, nthf * aspect_,
    		   -nthf, nthf,
    		   nearclip, farclip );
        } else {
    	glOrtho( -aspect_*halfyfov_, aspect_*halfyfov_,
    		 -halfyfov_, halfyfov_,
    		  nearclip, farclip );
    	glMultMatrixf( postproj->m );
        glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW );
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    void Fl_Gview::draw_scene( int how, const Matrix *postproj ) {
      /* draw scene */
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      float then = wallclock_time();
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      if(this->dspcontext() >= 0)
        set_dsp_context( this->dspcontext() );	/* alert texture layer */
      if(focalpointing_) {
          /* Compute distance from camera point to focal point.
           * Or, should we do this as a focal-plane distance instead?
           * If we just compute a point distance, it'll make sense even
           * if the point is behind the camera plane.
           * Note that the focalpoint is specified in *world* coordinates.
        Point fpcam;
        vtfmpoint( &fpcam, &focalpoint_, Tw2c() );
        float dist = vlength( &fpcam );
        focallen( (dist > minfocallen_) ? dist : minfocallen_ );
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      glClearDepth( 1.0 );
      if(how & VIEW_CLEAR) {
        glColorMask( 1, 1, 1, 1 );
        glClearColor( bgcolor_.x[0], bgcolor_.x[1], bgcolor_.x[2], 0 );
      } else {
        glClear( GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT );
      if(how & VIEW_RED)
        glColorMask( 1, 0, 0, 1 );
      else if(how & VIEW_CYAN)
        glColorMask( 0, 1, 1, 1 );
      glEnable( GL_DEPTH_TEST );
      glDisable( GL_LIGHTING );
      glDisable( GL_TEXTURE_2D );
      glDisable( GL_COLOR_MATERIAL );
      if(how || postproj)
        glprojection( near_, far_, postproj );
    teuben's avatar
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          (*predraw)( this, again );
        if(how || postproj) {
          glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW );
          if(use_subc_) {
    	glLoadMatrixf( Tc2subc()->m );
    	glMultMatrixf( Tw2c()->m );
          } else {
    	glLoadMatrixf( Tw2c()->m );
        for(int i = 0; i < ndrawers_; i++) {
          struct drawer *dp = &drawers_[i];
          if(dp->func != NULL) {
    	int wantclip = dp->objclip;
    	  glprojection( dp->objnear, dp->objfar, postproj );
    	else if(curclip)
    	  glprojection( near_, far_, postproj );
    	curclip = wantclip;
    	if(dp->parent == GV_ID_CAMERA) {
    	    glLoadMatrixf( Tc2subc()->m );
    	glMultMatrixf( dp->To2w.m );
    	if(inpick_) {
    	  glLoadName( dp->id );
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    	(*dp->func)(this, dp->obj, dp->arg);
          again = (*postdraw)( this, again );
        if(again) {
          //marx added to 0.7.06  to address 'duplicate' image when using multiple channels
          glClearDepth( 1.0 );
          if(how & VIEW_CLEAR) {
    	glColorMask( 1, 1, 1, 1 );
    	glClearColor( bgcolor_.x[0], bgcolor_.x[1], bgcolor_.x[2], 0 );
          } else {
    	glClear( GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT );
          //end marx added to 0.7.06 to address 'duplicate' image when using multiple channels
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      rateaccum( wallclock_time() - then );
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    static void stereoeye( Matrix *dst, float stereosep, float focallen ) {
      *dst = Tidentity;
      dst->m[4*2+0] = stereosep;
      dst->m[4*3+0] = stereosep * focallen;
    void Fl_Gview::draw() {
      if(!valid() || damage() || inpick() || (stereo_ != GV_MONO)) {
        /* Assume reshaped */
        glViewport( 0, 0, w(), h() );
    #if defined(FL_MULTISAMPLE) && defined(GL_MULTISAMPLE_SGIS)
        if(this->mode() & FL_MULTISAMPLE)
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        aspect_ = h() > 0 ? pixelaspect_ * (float)w() / (float)h() : 1.0;
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        Matrix postproj;
        switch(stereo_) {
        case GV_MONO:
    	draw_scene( VIEW_CLEAR, NULL );
        case GV_REDCYAN:
    	stereoeye( &postproj, stereosep_, focallen_ );
    	draw_scene( VIEW_CLEAR|VIEW_RED, &postproj );
    	stereoeye( &postproj, -stereosep_, focallen_ );
    	draw_scene( VIEW_CYAN, &postproj );
    	glColorMask( 1, 1, 1, 1 );
        case GV_QUADBUFFERED:
    	stereoeye( &postproj, -stereosep_, focallen_ );
    	glDrawBuffer( GL_BACK_RIGHT );
    	draw_scene( VIEW_CLEAR, &postproj );
    	stereoeye( &postproj, stereosep_, focallen_ );
    	glDrawBuffer( GL_BACK_LEFT );
    	draw_scene( VIEW_CLEAR, &postproj );
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        case GV_LEFTEYE:
    	stereoeye( &postproj, stereosep_, focallen_ );
    	draw_scene( VIEW_CLEAR, &postproj );
        case GV_RIGHTEYE:
    	stereoeye( &postproj, -stereosep_, focallen_ );
    	draw_scene( VIEW_CLEAR, &postproj );
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        case GV_CROSSEYED:
    	int myw, myh;
    	myw = (w() - stereooff_)/2;	/* or w()/2 - halfgap */
    	myh = h();
    	aspect_ = myh > 0 ? pixelaspect_ * myw / (float)myh : 1.0;
    	stereoeye( &postproj, -stereosep_, focallen_ );
    	glViewport( 0, 0, myw, myh );	/* right-eye view drawn on left side */
    slevy's avatar
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    	draw_scene( VIEW_CLEAR, &postproj );
    	stereoeye( &postproj, stereosep_, focallen_ );
    slevy's avatar
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    	glViewport( w()-myw, 0, myw, myh );
    	draw_scene( 0, &postproj );
    teuben's avatar
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      } else {
        draw_scene( VIEW_CLEAR, NULL );
      /* draw (I hope) any children lying on top of us */
      if(children() > 0) Fl_Gl_Window::draw();
    int Fl_Gview::snapshot( int x, int y, int w, int h,  void *packedrgb )
      glPixelStorei( GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT, 1 );
      glReadBuffer( GL_FRONT );
      glReadPixels(x, y, w, h, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, packedrgb);
      return 1; // Might return whether this window was properly uncovered?
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    void Fl_Gview::takeMausSample( int ev, float mintime ) {
        float now = wallclock_time();
        if(ev == FL_PUSH)
    	nms_ = 0;
        if(nms_ > 0 && now - ms_[nms_-1].t <= mintime)
        if(nms_ >= COUNT(ms_)-1) {
    	for(int i = 1; i < COUNT(ms_); i++)
    	    ms_[i-1] = ms_[i];
    	nms_ = COUNT(ms_)-1;
        } else {
        ms_[nms_].x = Fl::event_x();
        ms_[nms_].y = Fl::event_y();
        ms_[nms_].t = now;
    int Fl_Gview::pastMaus( MausSample *tms, float then ) {
        if(nms_ == 0) return 0;
        int i;
        for(i = nms_; --i > 0 && ms_[i].t >= then; )
        tms->x = ms_[i].x;
        tms->y = ms_[i].y;
        tms->t = ms_[i].t;
        return 1;
    float Fl_Gview::fps() const {
        return (sumw_ == 0) ? 0 : sumw_ / sumwdt_;
    void Fl_Gview::rateaccum( float dt ) {
        float w = dt / 0.5;		/* half-second smoothing scale */
        sumwdt_ = w * dt + sumwdt_/(1 + w);
        sumw_ = w + sumw_/(1 + w);
    static int wasESC;	/* double-ESC counter */
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    static int verbose;	/* for debugging! */
    #define	ZBUTTON		FL_BUTTON3
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    #define	SLOWKEY		FL_SHIFT
    int Fl_Gview::handle(int ev) {
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      if(eventhook) {
        // Allow clients to pre-screen our events without subclassing
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        switch((*eventhook)(this, ev)) {
        case 1: return 1;	// pre-screener handled it
        case -1: return 0;  // pre-screener commands us to ignore it too
        default: break;	// Else just process event normally below
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      switch(ev) {
      case FL_FOCUS:   hasfocus_ = 1; return 1;  // Yes, we want FL_KEYBOARD events
      case FL_UNFOCUS: hasfocus_ = 0; return 1;
      case FL_PUSH:
    	{  // Besides navigating, grab keyboard focus if we're clicked-on
    	    if(!hasfocus_) take_focus();
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    	/* and fall into ... */
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      case FL_RELEASE:
    //=========== T. Takahei code added by Marx version 0.7.04 ===========
    #ifndef __APPLE__
        if(Fl::event_state(XYBUTTON|ZBUTTON|PICKBUTTON) == 0
           && (Fl::event_button() == XYBUTTONVAL ||
    	   Fl::event_button() == ZBUTTONVAL)) {
          //if(Fl::event_state(XYBUTTON) == 0  && (!Fl::event_state(CONSTRAINKEY))) { //original 
          //handle a real two or three button mac mouse
          if(Fl::event_state(XYBUTTON|ZBUTTON|PICKBUTTON) == 0 && (Fl::event_button() == XYBUTTONVAL || Fl::event_button() == ZBUTTONVAL)) {
    //============ end T. Takahei code =====================================
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    	    /* If everything's released, ... */
    	    do_nav( FL_RELEASE, evslow_, evzaxis_, evconstrain_ );
    	    return 1;
    	/* else fall through into... */
      case FL_DRAG:
        takeMausSample( ev, 0.125 );
    //=========== T. Takahei code modified by Marx version 0.7.04 ===========
    #ifndef __APPLE__
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        if(Fl::event_state(XYBUTTON|ZBUTTON) && !Fl::event_state(PICKBUTTON)) {
          do_nav(ev, Fl::event_state(FL_SHIFT), Fl::event_state(ZBUTTON),
          return 1;
        } else if(Fl::event_state(PICKBUTTON)
    	      && !Fl::event_state(XYBUTTON|ZBUTTON)
    	      && pickcb_ != NULL) {
          //debug only
            printf("you pressed option key\n");
          else if(Fl::event_state(FL_META))
    	printf("you pressed apple key\n");
          else if(Fl::event_state(FL_CTRL))
    	printf("you pressed ctrl key\n");
          else if(Fl::event_state(FL_BUTTON1))
    	printf("you pressed left mouse button\n");
    	printf("i don't know what key you pressed\n");
          //end debug only
          if(!Fl::event_state(FL_ALT)) { //if option key is pressed skip ahead for the test for mouse button simulation. 
    	if(Fl::event_state(XYBUTTON|ZBUTTON) && !Fl::event_state(PICKBUTTON)) {
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    	do_nav(ev, Fl::event_state(FL_SHIFT), Fl::event_state(ZBUTTON),
    teuben's avatar
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    	return 1;
          //if(Fl::event_state(XYBUTTON) && !Fl::event_state(CONSTRAINKEY)) { original but now we ignore meta and use constrainkey (FL_CTRL) to rotate in orbit mode (hope do_nav knows this!) 
          if(Fl::event_state(XYBUTTON) && !Fl::event_state(FL_META) && !Fl::event_state(PICKBUTTON)  ) { //enter mouse button simulation if meta key and or real middle mouse button are NOT pressed!
    	//do_nav(ev, Fl::event_state(FL_SHIFT), Fl::event_state(FL_ALT), Fl::event_state(FL_META)); //toshi's original
    	do_nav(ev, Fl::event_state(FL_SHIFT), Fl::event_state(FL_ALT), Fl::event_state(FL_CTRL));
            return 1;
          } else if (Fl::event_state(PICKBUTTON) && pickcb_ != NULL) {
        //} else if (Fl::event_state(XYBUTTON) && Fl::event_state(CONSTRAINKEY) && pickcb_ != NULL) { commented out per Brian Abbott request not to support CTRL key to emulate middle mouse button pick on Apple
    //=========== end T. Takahei code modified by Marx version 0.7.04 ======================================= 
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    	dpickx_ = Fl::event_x();
    	dpicky_ = h() - Fl::event_y();
    	if(ev == FL_PUSH) {
    	    do_pick( dpickx_, dpicky_ );
    	    pickneeded_ = 0;
    	} else {
    	    if(!pickneeded_) {
    		pickneeded_ = 1;
    		Fl::add_idle( Fl_Gview::idlepick, (void *)this );
    	return 1;
        return 0;
      case FL_ENTER:
        return 1;
      case FL_KEYBOARD:
        if(Fl::event_text() == NULL || Fl::event_text()[0] == '\0')
    	return 0;
        int c = Fl::event_text()[0];
        if(c != '\033')
    	wasESC = 0;
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        if(num.addchar( c ))
    	return 1;
        switch(c) {
        case 'w': reset( retarget() ); notify(); redraw(); break;
        case 'r': retarget(); nav( GV_ROTATE ); break;
        case 'p':
        case 'P': if(num.has) retarget();
    	      else {
    		do_pick( Fl::event_x_root() - x_root(),
    			 y_root() + h() - Fl::event_y_root() );
        case 'f': retarget(); nav( GV_FLY ); break;
        case 't': retarget(); nav( GV_TRANSLATE ); break;
        case 'o': retarget(); nav( GV_ORBIT ); break;
        case 'O': perspective( num.value( !perspective() )  );
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    	      if(msg) msg("Perspective %s", persp_?"on":"off");
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        case 'v':
        case 'V':	if(num.has) angyfov( num.fvalue() );
    		else halfyfov( halfyfov() * (c=='v' ? 1.25 : 1/1.25) );
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    		if(msg) msg("angyfov %g", angyfov());
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        case 'v'&0x1F: verbose = !verbose; break;
        case '@':
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    	vgettranslation( &cpos, To2w( retarget() ) );
    	tfm2quat( &cquat, To2w( retarget() ) );
    	if(msg) msg("%s at %.4g %.4g %.4g  quat %.4g %.4g %.4g %.4g",
    teuben's avatar
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    		dname( retarget() ),
    		cquat.q[0], cquat.q[1], cquat.q[2], cquat.q[3]);
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        case '=':
    	const float *fp;
    	int me;
    	me = retarget();
    	fp = &To2w(me)->m[0];
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    	if(msg) msg("%s To2w():", dname(me));
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    	int i;
    	for(i = 0; i < 16; i+=4)
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    	    if(msg) msg("\t%9.5g %9.5g %9.5g %9.5g", fp[i],fp[i+1],fp[i+2],fp[i+3]);
    teuben's avatar
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    	Matrix w2o;
    	eucinv( &w2o, To2w(me) );
    	fp = &w2o.m[0];
    slevy's avatar
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    	if(msg) msg("%s Tw2o():", dname(me));
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    	for(i = 0; i < 16; i+=4)
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    	    if(msg) msg("\t%9.5g %9.5g %9.5g %9.5g", fp[i],fp[i+1],fp[i+2],fp[i+3]);
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    	float aer[3];
    	Point xyz;
    	tfm2xyzaer( &xyz, aer, To2w(me) );
    slevy's avatar
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    	if(msg) {
    	    msg("%s o2w = XYZ Ry Rx Rz FOV:", dname(me));
    	    msg("  %g %g %g  %g %g %g  %g",
    teuben's avatar
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    		perspective() ? angyfov() : -2*halfyfov() );
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        case '\033':	  /* ESC */
    	if(wasESC++ > 0)
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        // case FL_End: Fl::warning("End key!"); return 1; // test!
        default: c = 0;
        /* Maybe check Fl::event_key(FL_HOME), etc.? */
        return c==0 ? 0 : 1;
      return 0;
    void Fl_Gview::idlepick( void *vthis ) {
      Fl_Gview *me = (Fl_Gview *)vthis;
      if(me->pickneeded_) {
        me->do_pick( me->dpickx_, me->dpicky_ );
        me->pickneeded_ = 0;
        Fl::remove_idle( Fl_Gview::idlepick, vthis );
    void Fl_Gview::notifier( void (*func)(Fl_Gview*,void*), void *arg ) {
      notify_ = func;
      notifyarg_ = arg;
    void Fl_Gview::notify() {
      if(notify_ != NULL)
        (*notify_)( this, notifyarg_ );
    void Fl_Gview::nav( enum Gv_Nav newnav ) {
      if(nav_ != newnav) {
        nav_ = newnav;
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     * rot through theta about vector {x,y,z}, where tan(theta/2) = length(xyz)
    static void rotation(Matrix *T, float x, float y, float z)
      float chalf = sqrtf(1 / (1 + x*x + y*y + z*z));
      Quat rq = { chalf, x*chalf, y*chalf, z*chalf };
      quat2tfm(T, &rq);
    teuben's avatar
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    static void translation(Matrix *T, float x, float y, float z)
      Point p = {x,y,z};
      *T = Tidentity;
      vsettranslation( T, &p );
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    void Fl_Gview::idledrift( void *vthis ) {
      Fl_Gview *me = (Fl_Gview *)vthis;
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      if(me->drifting_) {
        me->do_nav( FL_DRAG, me->evslow_, me->evzaxis_, me->evconstrain_);
      } else {
        Fl::remove_idle( idledrift, vthis );
    void Fl_Gview::driftoff() {
      if(drifting_) {
        Fl::remove_idle( idledrift, this );
        drifting_ = 0;
    void Fl_Gview::drifton( MausSample *rate ) {
      if((rate->x == 0 && rate->y == 0) || rate->t == 0) {
      driftrate_ = *rate;
      if(!drifting_) {
        Fl::add_idle( idledrift, this );
        drifting_ = 1;
        drifttime_ = wallclock_time();
    #define MAXDELAY 1.2
    #define MINDELAY 0.15
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    void Fl_Gview::drifton() {
      MausSample rate;
      float now = wallclock_time();
      if(pastMaus(&rate, now - 0.33)) {
        rate.x = Fl::event_x() - rate.x;
        rate.y = Fl::event_y() - rate.y;
        rate.t = now - rate.t;
    	/* assume extreme times to be measurement errors */
        if(rate.t > MAXDELAY) rate.t = MAXDELAY;
        else if(rate.t < MINDELAY) rate.t = MINDELAY;
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        if(fabs(rate.x) > nullthresh_ || fabs(rate.y) > nullthresh_) {
        } else {
      } else {
    void Fl_Gview::inertia( int on ) {
      inertia_ = on;
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    void Fl_Gview::start_nav( int mytarget ) {
        evx_ = Fl::event_x();
        evy_ = Fl::event_y();
        evTc2w_ = Tc2w_, evTw2c_ = Tw2c_;
        evTobj2w_ = *To2w( mytarget );
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    void Fl_Gview::do_nav(int ev, int slow, int zaxis, int constrained) {
      if((slow != evslow_ || zaxis != evzaxis_ || constrained != evconstrain_)
    	&& (ev == FL_DRAG)) {
        /* If conditions changed, pretend button was released
         * (so we commit to this nav update) and
         * pushed again.
        do_nav( FL_RELEASE, evslow_, evzaxis_, evconstrain_ );
        ev = FL_PUSH;
      Gv_Nav curnav = (constrained && nav_==GV_ORBIT)
    			? (zaxis ? GV_ROTATE : GV_FLY)
    			: nav_;
      int mytarget = (curnav == GV_ORBIT || curnav == GV_FLY || !movingtarget())
    		? GV_ID_CAMERA
    		: target();
      if(ev == FL_PUSH) {
        start_nav( mytarget );
        evslow_ = slow;
        evzaxis_ = zaxis;
        evconstrain_ = constrained;
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      if((ev == FL_DRAG || ev == FL_RELEASE) && w() > 0) {
        float slowrate = slow ? 0.05 : 1.0;
        int field = w() > h() ? w() : h();
        float dx = -(Fl::event_x() - evx_);
        float dy =  (Fl::event_y() - evy_);
        float angfield = halfyfov_ / focallen_;
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        if(drifting()) {
    	float now = wallclock_time();
    	float tscale = (now - drifttime_) / driftrate_.t;
    	drifttime_ = now;
    	dx = -driftrate_.x * tscale;
    	dy = driftrate_.y * tscale;
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        dx *= slowrate / field;
        dy *= slowrate / field;
        if(constrained && curnav == nav_) {
    	// CTRL key means "constrain to X/Y axis",
    	// except in Orbit mode where it means "fly" or "twist"!
    	if(fabs(dx) < fabs(dy)) dx = 0;
    	else dy = 0;
        Matrix Tincr;
        const Matrix *Tf2w, *Tw2f;
        const Point *pcenterw = NULL;
        if(owncoords_) {
    	Tf2w = Tw2f = NULL;
        } else {
    	Tf2w = &evTc2w_, Tw2f = &evTw2c_;
        switch(curnav) {
        case GV_ROTATE:
    	    rotation(&Tincr, 0, 0, (dx+dy));
    	    rotation(&Tincr, -2*dy, 2*dx, 0);
    	pcenterw = &pcenw_;
        case GV_ORBIT:
    	if(zaxis) {
    	    Point pcamw;
    	    vgettranslation( &pcamw, Tc2w() );
    	    translation(&Tincr, 0, 0, (dx+dy) * vdist(&pcenw_, &pcamw));
    	    start_nav( mytarget );
    	} else {
    	    rotation(&Tincr, -2*dy, 2*dx, 0);
    	pcenterw = &pcenw_;
        case GV_FLY:
    	if(zaxis) {
    	    translation(&Tincr, 0, 0, (dx+dy) * zspeed * focallen_);
    	} else {
    	    rotation(&Tincr, dy*angfield, -dx*angfield, 0);
    	pcenterw = NULL;
        case GV_TRANSLATE:
    	if(zaxis) {
    	    translation(&Tincr, 0, 0, -(dx+dy) * zspeed * focallen_);
    	} else {
    	    translation(&Tincr, 2 * dx * halfyfov_ * focallen_, 2 * dy * halfyfov_ * focallen_, 0);
    	pcenterw = NULL;
    	fprintf(stderr, "Fl_Gview::do_nav(): Unknown nav mode %d\n", nav_);
    	Tincr = Tidentity;
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        if(ev == FL_RELEASE) {
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        if(verbose) {
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    	vgettranslation( &dp, &Tincr );
    	tfm2quat( &dq, &Tincr );
    	if(msg) msg("dx %.3f dy %.3f  angfield %.3g  dp %.4g %.4g %.4g  dq %.4g %.4g %.4g %.4g",
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    		dx, dy, angfield,