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  • /*
     * 3-D geometry (matrix, vector, quaternion) functions for partiview.
     * Stuart Levy,
     * National Center for Supercomputing Applications,
     * University of Illinois 2001.
     * This file is part of partiview, released under the
     * Illinois Open Source License; see the file LICENSE.partiview for details.
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    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <math.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #ifdef sgi
    #include <sys/endian.h>
    #ifdef WIN32
    # include "winjunk.h"
    #include "geometry.h"
    Matrix Tidentity = { 1,0,0,0, 0,1,0,0, 0,0,1,0, 0,0,0,1 };
    void vrotxy( register Point *dst, CONST Point *src, CONST float cs[2] )
       dst->x[0] = src->x[0]*cs[0] - src->x[1]*cs[1];
       dst->x[1] = src->x[0]*cs[1] + src->x[1]*cs[0];
       dst->x[2] = src->x[2];
    #define	VDOT(a, b) \
    	((a)->x[0]*(b)->x[0] + (a)->x[1]*(b)->x[1] + (a)->x[2]*(b)->x[2])
    #define VROTXY(dst, src, cs) \
    	(dst)->x[0] = (src)->x[0]*cs[0] - (src)->x[1]*cs[1], \
    	(dst)->x[1] = (src)->x[0]*cs[1] + (src)->x[1]*cs[0], \
    	(dst)->x[2] = (src)->x[2]
    #define	VMID(dst, a, b) \
    	(dst)->x[0] = .5*((a)->x[0] + (b)->x[0]), \
    	(dst)->x[1] = .5*((a)->x[1] + (b)->x[1]), \
    	(dst)->x[2] = .5*((a)->x[2] + (b)->x[2])
    void vadd( register Point *dst, CONST Point *a, CONST Point *b )
       dst->x[0] = a->x[0] + b->x[0];
       dst->x[1] = a->x[1] + b->x[1];
       dst->x[2] = a->x[2] + b->x[2];
    void vsub( register Point *dst, CONST Point *a, CONST Point *b )
       dst->x[0] = a->x[0] - b->x[0];
       dst->x[1] = a->x[1] - b->x[1];
       dst->x[2] = a->x[2] - b->x[2];
    void vcross( register Point *dst, register CONST Point *a, register CONST Point *b )
       dst->x[0] = a->x[1]*b->x[2] - a->x[2]*b->x[1];
       dst->x[1] = a->x[2]*b->x[0] - a->x[0]*b->x[2];
       dst->x[2] = a->x[0]*b->x[1] - a->x[1]*b->x[0];
    float vdot( CONST Point *a, CONST Point *b ) {
       return a->x[0]*b->x[0] + a->x[1]*b->x[1] + a->x[2]*b->x[2];
    void vscale( register Point *dst, float s, register CONST Point *src )
       dst->x[0] = s*src->x[0];
       dst->x[1] = s*src->x[1];
       dst->x[2] = s*src->x[2];
    void vsadd( Point *dst, CONST Point *a, float sb, CONST Point *b )
       dst->x[0] = a->x[0] + sb * b->x[0];
       dst->x[1] = a->x[1] + sb * b->x[1];
       dst->x[2] = a->x[2] + sb * b->x[2];
    float vdist( CONST Point *p1, CONST Point *p2 ) {
       Point d;
       vsub(&d, p1, p2);
       return vlength(&d);
    float vlength( CONST Point *v ) {
       return (float)sqrtf(VDOT(v, v));
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    float vunit( register Point *dst, register CONST Point *src ) {
       float s = (float)sqrtf(VDOT(src, src));
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       float scl = s>0 ? 1.0f / s : 0;
       vscale( dst, scl, src );
       return s;
    /* along = onto * (vec . onto / onto . onto)
     * perp  = vec - along
    void vproj( Point *along, Point *perp, CONST Point *vec, CONST Point *onto ) {
        float mag2 = VDOT(onto, onto);
        float dot = VDOT(vec, onto);
        float s = (mag2 > 0) ? dot / mag2 : 0;
        Point talong;
        if(along == NULL) along = &talong;
        vscale( along, s, onto );
        if(perp != NULL)
    	vsadd( perp, vec, -1, along );
     * vtfmvector() transforms a vector (in homog coords, [x,y,z,0]) by a matrix.
     * vtfmpoint() transforms a point  [x,y,z,1].
     * The difference is that vtfmpoint() includes the matrix's translation part
     * and vtfmvector() doesn't.
    void vuntfmvector( Point *dst, register CONST Point *src, register CONST Matrix *T )
      int i;
      for(i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        dst->x[i] = src->x[0]*T->m[4*i] + src->x[1]*T->m[4*i+1] + src->x[2]*T->m[4*i+2];
    void vtfmvector( Point *dst, register CONST Point *src, register CONST Matrix *T )
      int i;
      for(i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        dst->x[i] = src->x[0]*T->m[i] + src->x[1]*T->m[i+4] + src->x[2]*T->m[i+8];
    void vtfmpoint( Point *dst, register CONST Point *src, register CONST Matrix *T )
      int i;
      for(i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        dst->x[i] = src->x[0]*T->m[i] + src->x[1]*T->m[i+4] + src->x[2]*T->m[i+8] + T->m[i+12];
    void vgettranslation( Point *dst, CONST Matrix *T )
      memcpy(dst->x, &T->m[4*3+0], 3*sizeof(float));
    void vsettranslation( Matrix *T, CONST Point *src )
      memcpy(&T->m[4*3+0], src->x, 3*sizeof(float));
    /* Invert a matrix, assuming it's a Euclidean isometry
     * plus possibly uniform scaling.
    void eucinv( Matrix *dst, CONST Matrix *src )
      int i, j;
      float s = VDOT((Point *)src, (Point *)src);
      Point trans;
      Matrix T;
      if(src == dst) {
        T = *src;
        src = &T;
      for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        for(j = 0; j < 3; j++)
    	dst->m[i*4+j] = src->m[j*4+i] / s;
        dst->m[i*4+3] = 0;
      vtfmvector( &trans, (Point *)&src->m[4*3+0], dst );
      vscale( (Point *)&dst->m[3*4+0], -1, &trans );
      dst->m[3*4+3] = 1;
    void mcopy( Matrix *dst, CONST Matrix *src )
      memcpy( dst, src, sizeof(Matrix) );
    void mmmul( Matrix *dst, CONST Matrix *a, CONST Matrix *b )
      int i, irow, j;
      Matrix tmp;
      if(dst == a || dst == b) {
        mmmul( &tmp, a, b );
        *dst = tmp;
      for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        irow = i*4;
        for(j = 0; j < 4; j++)
    	dst->m[irow+j] = a->m[irow]*b->m[j] + a->m[irow+1]*b->m[1*4+j]
    		       + a->m[irow+2]*b->m[2*4+j] + a->m[irow+3]*b->m[3*4+j];
    /* Construct matrix for geodesic rotation from "a" to "b".
    void grotation( Matrix *Trot, CONST Point *va, CONST Point *vb )
      Point a, b, aperp;
      float ab_1, apb;
      int i, j;
      mcopy( Trot, &Tidentity );
      if(vunit(&a, va) == 0 || vunit(&b, vb) == 0)
      ab_1 = VDOT(&a,&b) - 1;
      vproj( NULL, &aperp, &b, &a );
      if(vunit(&aperp, &aperp) == 0) {
        if(ab_1 >= -1)
    	return;		/* Vectors are identical: no rotation */
        /* Otherwise, vectors are oppositely directed.
         * Rotate in an arbitrary plane which includes them.
        aperp.x[ fabs(a.x[0]) < .7 ? 0 : 1 ] = 1;
        vproj( NULL, &aperp, &aperp, &a );
        vunit(&aperp, &aperp);
      apb = VDOT(&aperp, &b);
      for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        float acoef = a.x[i]*ab_1 - aperp.x[i]*apb;
        float apcoef = aperp.x[i]*ab_1 + a.x[i]*apb;
        for(j = 0; j < 3; j++)
    	Trot->m[i*4+j] += a.x[j]*acoef + aperp.x[j]*apcoef;
     * Conjugate a transformation as needed for interactive positioning,
     * applying it in a given coordinate frame, and conjugating rotations
     * to fix a given point.
     * Coord abbreviations:  "o" (object) "w" (world) "f" (frame) "cen" center.
     * Tf2w and Tw2f are frame-to-world transform and its inverse.
     *  (Either may be NULL, in which case it's computed from the other.)
     *  (If both are NULL, we assume frame == world.)
     * Rotation-fixing point is given by either:
     *  pcenw -- the point in world coordinates, if non-NULL, or
     *  pcenf -- the point in frame coordinates, if non-NULL.
     * If both are NULL, the point is taken to be (0,0,0) in frame coordinates.
    void mconjugate( Matrix *To2wout, CONST Matrix *To2win, CONST Matrix *Tincrf,
    		CONST Matrix *Tf2w, CONST Matrix *Tw2f,
    		CONST Point *pcenw, CONST Point *pcenf )
      Matrix t_incrf, t_f2w, t_w2f;
      Matrix t1, t2;
      Point pt1, pt2, tp_cenf;
      if(Tf2w == NULL && Tw2f != NULL) {
        Tf2w = &t_f2w;
        eucinv((Matrix *)Tf2w, Tw2f);
      } else if(Tw2f == NULL && Tf2w != NULL) {
        Tw2f = &t_w2f;
        eucinv((Matrix *)Tw2f, Tf2w);
      if(pcenf == NULL && pcenw != NULL) {
        if(Tw2f != NULL) {
    	vtfmpoint(&tp_cenf, pcenw, Tw2f);
    	pcenf = &tp_cenf;
        } else {
    	pcenf = pcenw;
      if(pcenf != NULL) {
        t_incrf = *Tincrf;
        vtfmvector( &pt1, pcenf, &t_incrf );
        vsub( &pt1, pcenf, &pt1 );
        vgettranslation( &pt2, &t_incrf );
        vadd( &pt1, &pt1, &pt2 );
        vsettranslation( &t_incrf, &pt1 );
        Tincrf = &t_incrf;
      if(Tf2w != NULL) {
        mmmul( &t1, Tw2f, Tincrf );
        mmmul( &t2, &t1,         Tf2w );
        mmmul( To2wout, To2win, &t2 );
      } else {
        mmmul( To2wout, To2win, Tincrf );
    void mrotation( Matrix *rot, float degrees, char xyz ) {
      float s = sinf(degrees * (M_PI/180));
      float c = cosf(degrees * (M_PI/180));
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      int a = (xyz - 'x' + 1) % 3;
      int b = (xyz - 'x' + 2) % 3;
      *rot = Tidentity;
      rot->m[a*4+a] = c;
      rot->m[a*4+b] = s;
      rot->m[b*4+a] = -s;
      rot->m[b*4+b] = c;
    void mscaling( Matrix *scale, float sx, float sy, float sz ) {
      *scale = Tidentity;
      scale->m[0*4+0] = sx;
      scale->m[1*4+1] = sy;
      scale->m[2*4+2] = sz;
    void mtranslation( Matrix *tran, float tx, float ty, float tz ) {
      *tran = Tidentity;
      tran->m[3*4+0] = tx;
      tran->m[3*4+1] = ty;
      tran->m[3*4+2] = tz;
     * Convert the rotation part of a Euclidean isometry+uniform-scaling matrix
     * into a unit quaternion, with non-negative real part.
     * Returns the real part of the quaternion, with the three imaginary components
     * left in iquat->x[0,1,2].
    float tfm2iquat( Point *iquat, CONST Matrix *T )
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      float mag, sinhalf, trace;
      float scl = vlength((Point *)T);	/* gauge scaling from 1st row */
      Point axis;
    #define Tij(i,j) T->m[(i)*4+(j)]
      trace = scl==0 ? 3 : (Tij(0,0) + Tij(1,1) + Tij(2,2))/scl; /*1 + 2*cos(ang)*/
      if(trace<-1) trace = -1; else if(trace > 3) trace = 3;
      sinhalf = sqrtf(3 - trace) / 2;		/* sin(angle/2) */
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      axis.x[0] = Tij(1,2) - Tij(2,1);
      axis.x[1] = Tij(2,0) - Tij(0,2);
      axis.x[2] = Tij(0,1) - Tij(1,0);
      if(trace < -.25) {
        /* Angle near pi; sin(angle) is small, so use cos-related elements */
        float c = (trace-1)/2;	/* cos(angle) */
        float v = 1-c;		/* versine(angle) */
        if(Tij(0,0) > c+.5) {		/* large x component */
    	axis.x[0] = sqrtf((Tij(0,0)-c)/v) * (axis.x[0]<0 ? -1 : 1);
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    	axis.x[1] = (Tij(0,1)+Tij(1,0)) / (2*v*axis.x[0]);
    	axis.x[2] = (Tij(0,2)+Tij(2,0)) / (2*v*axis.x[0]);
        } else if(Tij(1,1) > c+.5) {	/* large Y component */
    	axis.x[1] = sqrtf((Tij(1,1)-c)/v) * (axis.x[1]<0 ? -1 : 1);
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    	axis.x[0] = (Tij(0,1)+Tij(1,0)) / (2*v*axis.x[1]);
    	axis.x[2] = (Tij(2,1)+Tij(1,2)) / (2*v*axis.x[1]);
        } else if(Tij(2,2) > c+.5) {	/* large Z component */
    	axis.x[2] = sqrtf((Tij(2,2)-c)/v) * (axis.x[2]<0 ? -1 : 1);
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    	axis.x[0] = (Tij(0,2)+Tij(2,0)) / (2*v*axis.x[2]);
    	axis.x[1] = (Tij(2,1)+Tij(1,2)) / (2*v*axis.x[2]);
        } else {
    	int i;
    	fprintf(stderr, "Hey, tfm2quat() got a non-rotation matrix!\n");
    	fprintf(stderr, "Check this out:\n");
    	  fprintf(stderr, "%12.8g %12.8g %12.8g %12.8g\n", Tij(i,0), Tij(i,1), Tij(i,2), Tij(i,3));
      mag = vlength(&axis);
      if(!finite(mag)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Yikes, tfm2quat() yields NaN?\n");
      /* The imaginary part is a vector pointing along the axis of rotation,
       * of magnitude sin(angle/2).  So normalize & scale the axis,
       * but don't fail if its magnitude was zero (i.e. no rotation).
      vscale( iquat, mag==0 ? 0 : sinhalf/mag, &axis );
      return (float)sqrtf(1 + trace) * .5f;
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    void tfm2quat( Quat *quat, CONST Matrix *T )
      float ww, xx, yy, zz;  /* i.e. w^2, x^2, etc. */
      float w, x, y, z, max;
      float s = vlength( (Point *)&T->m[0*4+0] );
    	/* A rotation matrix is
    	 *  ww+xx-yy-zz    2(xy-wz)  2(xz+wy)
    	 *  2(xy+wz)    ww-xx+yy-zz  2(yz-wx)
    	 *  2(xz-wy)       2(yz+wx)  ww-xx-yy+zz
    	 * and
    	 * ww+xx+yy+zz = ss
      if(s > 0) {
        /* OK */
      } else {
        quat->q[0] = 1;
        quat->q[1] = quat->q[2] = quat->q[3] = 0;
      ww = (s + T->m[0*4+0] + T->m[1*4+1] + T->m[2*4+2]);       /* 4 * w^2 */
      xx = (s + T->m[0*4+0] - T->m[1*4+1] - T->m[2*4+2]);
      yy = (s - T->m[0*4+0] + T->m[1*4+1] - T->m[2*4+2]);
      zz = (s - T->m[0*4+0] - T->m[1*4+1] + T->m[2*4+2]);
      max = ww;
      if(max < xx) max = xx, best = 1;
      if(max < yy) max = yy, best = 2;
      if(max < zz) max = zz, best = 3;
      switch(best) {
      case 0:				/* ww == max */
        w = sqrtf(ww) * 2;			/* 4w */
        x = (T->m[2*4+1] - T->m[1*4+2]) / w;  /* 4wx/4w */
        y = (T->m[0*4+2] - T->m[2*4+0]) / w;  /* 4wy/4w */
        z = (T->m[1*4+0] - T->m[0*4+1]) / w;  /* 4wz/4w */
        w *= .25f;				/* w */
      case 1:				/* xx == max */
        x = sqrtf(xx) * 2;			/* 4x */
        w = (T->m[2*4+1] - T->m[1*4+2]) / x;  /* 4wx/4x */
        y = (T->m[1*4+0] + T->m[0*4+1]) / x;  /* 4xy/4x */
        z = (T->m[0*4+2] + T->m[2*4+0]) / x;  /* 4xz/4x */
        x *= .25f;				/* x */
      case 2:				/* yy == max */
        y = sqrtf(yy) * 2;			/* 4y */
        w = (T->m[0*4+2] - T->m[2*4+0]) / y;  /* 4wy/4y */
        x = (T->m[1*4+0] + T->m[0*4+1]) / y;  /* 4xy/4y */
        z = (T->m[2*4+1] + T->m[1*4+2]) / y;  /* 4yz/4y */
        y *= .25f;				/* y */
      default:				/* zz == max */
        z = sqrtf(zz) * 2;			/* 4z */
        w = (T->m[1*4+0] - T->m[0*4+1]) / z;  /* 4wz/4z */
        x = (T->m[0*4+2] + T->m[2*4+0]) / z;  /* 4xz/4z */
        y = (T->m[2*4+1] + T->m[1*4+2]) / z;  /* 4yz/4z */
        z *= .25f;				/* z */
      quat->q[0] = -w/s;
      quat->q[1] = x/s;
      quat->q[2] = y/s;
      quat->q[3] = z/s;
    void quat2tfm( register Matrix *dst, CONST Quat *quat )
      float txx, txy, txz, txw, tyy, tyz, tyw, tzz, tzw;
      float ss = quat->q[0]*quat->q[0] + quat->q[1]*quat->q[1]
    	   + quat->q[2]*quat->q[2] + quat->q[3]*quat->q[3];
      float sscl;
      if(ss == 0) {
        *dst = Tidentity;
      sscl = 2/ss;
      txx = sscl*quat->q[1]*quat->q[1];
      txy = sscl*quat->q[1]*quat->q[2];
      txz = sscl*quat->q[1]*quat->q[3];
      txw = sscl*quat->q[1]*quat->q[0];
      tyy = sscl*quat->q[2]*quat->q[2];
      tyz = sscl*quat->q[2]*quat->q[3];
      tyw = sscl*quat->q[2]*quat->q[0];
      tzz = sscl*quat->q[3]*quat->q[3];
      tzw = sscl*quat->q[3]*quat->q[0];
      dst->m[0*4+0] = 1 - (tyy+tzz);	/* 1 - 2*(y^2 + z^2), etc. */
      dst->m[0*4+1] =     (txy+tzw);
      dst->m[0*4+2] =     (txz-tyw);
      dst->m[1*4+0] =     (txy-tzw);
      dst->m[1*4+1] = 1 - (txx+tzz);
      dst->m[1*4+2] =     (tyz+txw);
      dst->m[2*4+0] =     (txz+tyw);
      dst->m[2*4+1] =     (tyz-txw);
      dst->m[2*4+2] = 1 - (txx+tyy);
      dst->m[0*4+3] = dst->m[1*4+3] = dst->m[2*4+3] =
    		  dst->m[3*4+0] = dst->m[3*4+1] = dst->m[3*4+2] = 0;
      dst->m[3*4+3] = 1;
    void iquat2tfm( Matrix *dst, CONST Point *iquat )
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      Point axis;
      float s, c, v, coshalf;
      int i, j;
      float sinhalf = vlength(iquat);
      mcopy( dst, &Tidentity );
      if(sinhalf == 0)
      if(sinhalf > 1) {
        fprintf(stderr, "quat2tfm: Yikes, clamping quat to length 1 (was 1+%g)\n", sinhalf-1);
        sinhalf = 1;
      vscale(&axis, 1/sinhalf, iquat);
      coshalf = sqrtf(1 - sinhalf*sinhalf);
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      s = 2*sinhalf*coshalf;	/* sin(angle) */
      v = 2*sinhalf*sinhalf;	/* versine: 1 - cos(angle) */
      c = 1 - v;			/* cos(angle) */
      for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        for(j = 0; j < i; j++)
    	dst->m[4*i+j] = dst->m[4*j+i] = axis.x[i]*axis.x[j]*v;
        dst->m[4*i+i] = axis.x[i]*axis.x[i]*v + c;
      dst->m[4*0+1] += axis.x[2]*s;  dst->m[4*1+0] -= axis.x[2]*s;
      dst->m[4*2+0] += axis.x[1]*s;  dst->m[4*0+2] -= axis.x[1]*s;
      dst->m[4*1+2] += axis.x[0]*s;  dst->m[4*2+1] -= axis.x[0]*s;
    float qdot( CONST Quat *qa, CONST Quat *qb ) {
      return qa->q[0]*qb->q[0] + qa->q[1]*qb->q[1]
    	+ qa->q[2]*qb->q[2] + qa->q[3]*qb->q[3];
    float qdist( CONST Quat *qa, CONST Quat *qb ) {
      float dw, dx, dy, dz;
      if(qdot(qa, qb) < 0) {
        dw = qa->q[0] + qb->q[0];
        dx = qa->q[1] + qb->q[1];
        dy = qa->q[2] + qb->q[2];
        dz = qa->q[3] + qb->q[3];
      } else {
        dw = qa->q[0] - qb->q[0];
        dx = qa->q[1] - qb->q[1];
        dy = qa->q[2] - qb->q[2];
        dz = qa->q[3] - qb->q[3];
      return sqrtf(dw*dw + dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz);
    float iqdist( CONST Point *q1, CONST Point *q2 ) {
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      Point nq2;
      float s, sneg;
      vscale(&nq2, -1, q2);
      s = vdist(q1,q2);
      sneg = vdist(q1, &nq2);
      return (s < sneg) ? s : sneg;
    float tdist( CONST Matrix *t1, CONST Matrix *t2 ) {
      float s = 0;
      int i;
      for(i=0; i<12; i++)
        s += (t1->m[i]-t2->m[i])*(t1->m[i]-t2->m[i]);
      return (float)sqrtf(s);
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    void rot2tfm( Matrix *dst, float degrees, CONST Point *gaxis )
      Point axis;
      int i, j;
      float c, v, s;
      *dst = Tidentity;
      if(degrees == 0 || gaxis == NULL || vunit( &axis, gaxis ) == 0) {
      c = (float)cosf( degrees * (M_PI/180) );
      s = (float)sinf( degrees * (M_PI/180) );
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      v = 1 - c;
      for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        for(j = 0; j < i; j++)
    	dst->m[4*i+j] = dst->m[4*j+i] = axis.x[i]*axis.x[j]*v;
        dst->m[4*i+i] = axis.x[i]*axis.x[i]*v + c;
      dst->m[4*0+1] += axis.x[2]*s;  dst->m[4*1+0] -= axis.x[2]*s;
      dst->m[4*2+0] += axis.x[1]*s;  dst->m[4*0+2] -= axis.x[1]*s;
      dst->m[4*1+2] += axis.x[0]*s;  dst->m[4*2+1] -= axis.x[0]*s;
    void rot2iquat( Point *iquat, float degrees, CONST Point *axis )
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      vunit( iquat, axis );
      vscale( iquat, sinf( degrees * (M_PI/360.) ), iquat );
    void rot2quat( Quat *quat, float degrees, CONST Point *axis )
      float half = degrees * (M_PI/360);
      float len = vlength(axis);
      float s;
      if(len == 0 || half == 0) {
        quat->q[0] = 1;
        quat->q[1] = quat->q[2] = quat->q[3] = 0;
      s = sinf(half) / vlength(axis);
      quat->q[0] = cosf(half);
      vscale( (Point *)&quat->q[1], s, axis );
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    void quat_lerp( Quat *qdst, float frac, CONST Quat *qfrom, CONST Quat *qto ) {
      qcomb( qdst,
    	frac, qfrom,
    	(qdot( qfrom, qto ) < 0) ? frac-1 : 1-frac, qto );
      qnorm( qdst, qdst );
    void iquat_lerp( Point *qdst, float frac, CONST Point *qfrom, CONST Point *qto ) {
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      Point dst;
      Point tto = *qto;
      float s, rdst;
      float ifrom2 = VDOT(qfrom,qfrom);
      float rfrom = ifrom2>1 ? 0 : (float)sqrtf(1 - ifrom2);	/* Real part */
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      float ito2 = VDOT(&tto,&tto);
      float rto = ito2>1 ? 0 : sqrtf(1 - ito2);
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      float dot = VDOT(qfrom,&tto);
      if(dot < 0) {
    	/* quaternions are in opposite hemispheres: negate "tto" */
    	rto = -rto;
    	vscale( &tto, -1, &tto );
      /* Use linear interpolation between the quaternions.  This isn't right,
       * but shouldn't be far off if they don't differ by much.
      rdst = (1-frac)*rfrom + frac*rto;
      vlerp( &dst, frac, qfrom, &tto );
      s = 1/sqrtf(rdst*rdst + VDOT(&dst,&dst));
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      if(!finite(s)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Yeow!\n");
      if(rdst < 0) s = -s;
      vscale( qdst, s, &dst );
     * Decompose the rotation & translation part of a camera-to-world matrix
     * (which may also include some *uniform* scaling)
     * into a product of three rotations:
     *  Rotation(c2w) = rot('z', aer[2]) * rot('x', aer[1]) * rot('y', aer[0])
     * Angles are returned in *degrees*, not radians!
     * aer[] stands for Azimuth, Elevation, and Roll, in that order.
     * aer[0] ~ y-rotation (closest to world)
     * aer[1] ~ x-rotation
     * aer[2] ~ z-rotation (closest to camera)
    float tfm2xyzaer( Point *xyz, float aer[3], CONST Matrix *c2w )
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      Point xrow = *(Point *)&c2w->m[2*4+0];
      if(xyz != NULL)
        vgettranslation( xyz, c2w );
      scl = vunit( &xrow, &xrow );
      if(aer) {
        sx = -xrow.x[1];				/* normalized -m[2][1] */
        cx = (sx<-1 || sx>1) ? 0 : sqrtf(1 - sx*sx);
        aer[1] = atan2f( sx, cx ) * 180/M_PI;	/* xrot */
        if(cx < .001) {
    	aer[0] = atan2f( c2w->m[1*4+0], c2w->m[0*4+0] )
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    		* (aer[1] < 0 ? -180/M_PI : 180/M_PI);
    	aer[2] = 0;
        } else {
    	aer[0] = atan2f( c2w->m[2*4+0], c2w->m[2*4+2] ) * 180/M_PI; /* yrot */
    	aer[2] = atan2f( c2w->m[0*4+1], c2w->m[1*4+1] ) * 180/M_PI; /* zrot */
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     * Tcam2world = RotZ(aer[2]) * RotX(aer[1]) * RotY(aer[0]) * Translate(xyz)
    void xyzaer2tfm( Matrix *c2w, CONST Point *xyz, CONST float aer[3] )
      Matrix rx, ry, rz, t;
      if(aer == NULL) {
        *c2w = Tidentity;
      } else {
        mrotation( &ry, aer[0], 'y' );
        mrotation( &rx, aer[1], 'x' );
        mrotation( &rz, aer[2], 'z' );
        mmmul( &t, &rz, &rx );
        mmmul( c2w, &t,      &ry );
      if(xyz != NULL)
        vsettranslation( c2w, xyz );
     * Like glFrustum( left, right, bottom, top, near, far ):
     * ( 2*$n/($r-$l),       0,              0,                      0,
     *       0,          2*$n/($t-$b),       0,                      0,
     *  ($r+$l)/($r-$l), ($t+$b)/($t-$b),    -($n+$f)/($f-$n),       -1,
     *       0,              0,              -2*$f*$n/($f-$n),       0 );
    void mfrustum( Matrix *Tproj, float l, float r, float b, float t, float n, float f )
      float dx = r - l;	/* right - left */
      float dy = t - b;	/* top - bottom */
      float dz = f - n;	/* far - near */
      if(dx == 0 || dy == 0 || dz == 0 || f == 0 || n == 0) {
        *Tproj = Tidentity;
      memset(Tproj, 0, sizeof(Matrix));
      Tproj->m[0*4+0] = 2*n / dx;
      Tproj->m[1*4+1] = 2*n / dy;
      Tproj->m[2*4+0] = (l+r) / dx;
      Tproj->m[2*4+1] = (t+b) / dy;
      Tproj->m[2*4+2] = -(n+f) / dz;
      Tproj->m[2*4+3] = -1;
      Tproj->m[3*4+2] = -2*n*f / dz;
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    void vlerp( Point *dst, float frac, CONST Point *vfrom, CONST Point *vto )
      dst->x[0] = (1-frac)*vfrom->x[0] + frac*vto->x[0];
      dst->x[1] = (1-frac)*vfrom->x[1] + frac*vto->x[1];
      dst->x[2] = (1-frac)*vfrom->x[2] + frac*vto->x[2];
    /* Linear combination: dst = sa*a + sb*b */
    void vcomb( Point *dst, float sa, CONST Point *a, float sb, CONST Point *b )
      dst->x[0] = sa*a->x[0] + sb*b->x[0];
      dst->x[1] = sa*a->x[1] + sb*b->x[1];
      dst->x[2] = sa*a->x[2] + sb*b->x[2];
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    void qcomb( Quat *dst, float sa, CONST Quat *qa, float sb, CONST Quat *qb )
      dst->q[0] = sa*qa->q[0] + sb*qb->q[0];
      dst->q[1] = sa*qa->q[1] + sb*qb->q[1];
      dst->q[2] = sa*qa->q[2] + sb*qb->q[2];
      dst->q[3] = sa*qa->q[3] + sb*qb->q[3];
    void qnorm( Quat *dst, CONST Quat *src )
      float  s = src->q[0]*src->q[0] + src->q[1]*src->q[1]
    	   + src->q[2]*src->q[2] + src->q[3]*src->q[3];
      if(s != 0)
        s = 1/sqrtf(s);
      dst->q[0] = src->q[0]*s;
      dst->q[1] = src->q[1]*s;
      dst->q[2] = src->q[2]*s;
      dst->q[3] = src->q[3]*s;