#ifndef _TEXTURES_H
#define _TEXTURES_H
#include "geometry.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
typedef struct Texture Texture;
typedef struct { float r,g,b,a; } ColorA;
Texture * txmake( char *fname, int apply, int txflags, int qualflags );
int txload( Texture *tx );
int txbind( Texture *tx, int *enabled );
int txaddentry( Texture ***tp, int *ntextures, char *fromfile,
int txno, char *txfname, int apply, int txflags, int qualflags );
void txpurge( Texture *tx );
int get_my_context(void);
#define MAXDSPCTX 16
struct Texture {
char *filename; /* ppm or pgm (.Z) file */
char *alphafilename; /* If present, this is a .pgm (.Z) file */
char *data; /* Raw data, top to bottom, read from file */
int xsize, ysize, channels;
unsigned int flags; /* clamp, etc. */
int apply; /* Application style (TXF_DECAL, TXF_MODULATE, TXF_BLEND) */
int loaded; /* 0: not yet; 1: yes; -1: error */
int coords; /* Texture-coord auto generation (not used) */
int qualflags; /* APF_TX{MIPMAP,MIPINTERP,LINEAR}: if loaded, how? */
ColorA background; /* background color: outside of clamped texture */
Matrix tfm; /* texture-coord transformation */
int txid[MAXDSPCTX]; /* OpenGL texture-object id's */
struct Texture *next; /* Link in list of all loaded textures */
extern Texture *AllLoadedTextures; /* List of em */
#define TX_DOCLAMP 450
#define TXF_SCLAMP 0x1 /* Clamp if s outside 0..1 (else wrap) */
#define TXF_TCLAMP 0x2 /* Clamp if t outside 0..1 (else wrap) */
#define TXF_LOADED 0x4 /* Has this texture been loaded?
* (tried to read those files yet?)
#define TXF_RGBA 0x8 /* In loaded data, is R first byte? (else ABGR) */
#define TXF_USED 0x10 /* "Recently rendered a geom containing this texture" */
#define TXF_ALPHA 0x20 /* "use alpha channel" (if 1-chan, it's 000A) */
#define TXF_INTENSITY 0x40 /* synthesize alpha = intensity */
#define TXF_ADD 0x80 /* synthesize alpha = 0 (so "over" == "add") */
#define TX_APPLY 451 /* Interpret texture values to... */
#define TXF_MODULATE 0
#define TXF_BLEND 1
#define TXF_DECAL 2
#define TX_FILE 452
#define TX_ALPHAFILE 453
#define TX_DATA 454
#define TX_XSIZE 455
#define TX_YSIZE 456
#define TX_CHANNELS 457
#define TX_COORDS 458 /* Texture coordinates come from... */
#define TXF_COORD_GIVEN 0 /* given as part of object (default) */
/* In fact, only TXF_COORD_GIVEN works now. */
#define TXF_COORD_LOCAL 1 /* In coord system of texture map */
#define TXF_COORD_CAMERA 2 /* In camera coords */
#define TXF_COORD_NORMAL 3 /* Taken from surface-normal, for env map */
#define TX_BACKGROUND 459
#define TX_ABLOCK 464
#define TX_END 465
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* _TEXTURES_H */