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  • #ifndef CAT_MODEL_H
    #define CAT_MODEL_H
     * Read and display 3-D models from .obj/.ma files
     * (wavefront .obj geometry, Maya 2.x/3.x .ma Maya ASCII material properties).
     * Stuart Levy,
     * National Center for Supercomputing Applications,
     * University of Illinois 2001.
     * This file is part of partiview, released under the
     * Illinois Open Source License; see the file LICENSE.partiview for details.
    	 * Library of renderable 3-D models,
    #include "geometry.h"
    #include "cat_modelutil.h"
    #include "textures.h"
    /* A TextureHookFunc is called (from Appearance?::ApplyOGL()) while textures are
     * being bound.  It's called (possibly several times, if several objects have video textures) as:
     * int  hookfunc( objnoptr, data-passed-when-hook-was-registered, Appearance *ap, WavFaces * )
     * It should
     *   Look at ap->txim->filename to find out which texture this is.
     *   return 0 if there's no special processing desired  (e.g. video disabled);
     *     in that case, ApplyOGL will apply whatever texture it would have if un-hooked.
     * or
     *   if(*objnoptr != desired_video_texture) {
     *     // make like txbind( video_texture, objnoptr );
     *     glBindTexture( desired_video_texture );
     *     *objno = desired_video_texture;
     *     maybe apply other opengl settings, e.g. to material properties;
     *       you could use the Appearance pointer to see what other settings apply.
     *   }
     *   return 1:
    typedef int (*TextureHookFunc)( int *txobjno, void *hookdata, class Appearance *, class WavFaces * );
    	/* 3-D model, in shared memory */
    class Model : public Shmem {
    	char *name;	/* model name */
    	char *fname;	/* name of model file */
    	long fmtime;
    	int defined;
    	Model *next;	/* link in list of all Models */
    	void init();
    	virtual ~Model();
    	static Model *find( char *name );
    	enum fstatus {
    		UNREAD = -2,	/* file exists, but we haven't loaded it */
    		OUTDATED = -1,	/* we've read a copy, but file has changed */
    		NONESUCH = 0,	/* there is no such file */
    		READIT = 1	/* we have a current copy */
    	}; /* So, > 0 means "yes", < 0 means "try it", = 0 "don't bother" */
    	virtual void render() { }
    	static void preinit();
    	static void purge();
    	void discard();
    	virtual int HookTextures( TextureHookFunc hook, void *data, const char *txnametag ) { return 0; }
    	static enum fstatus seenFile( char *fname );	/* Seen this model file?*/
    	static char **pathdirs;			/* Search path for findFile() */
    	static char *findFile( char *name );	/* returns salloc()ed string */
    	static Model **allModels;	/* List of all Models */
    	static Model **trashModels;
    	int unused;
    	void add();			/* add this Model to list */
    slevy's avatar
    slevy committed
    	/* Generic appearance parameters.
    	 * Should have subclasses for the various appearance types.
    	 * Too bad.
    class Appearance : public Shmem {
    	char *name;	/* Wavefront/Maya name of this appearance (shading group) */
    	Appearance *next;
    	Appearance *use;
    	int defined;	/* Have we filled the rest of this structure in yet? */
    	int lighted;	/* or not */
    	int smooth;	/* or flat */
    	int shiny;	/* or matte */
    	int textured;	/* or not */
    	float Kd;	/* ambient, diffuse, specular coefs */
    	float Cs[3];	/* surface color */
    	float Ca[3];	/* ambient color */
    	float shininess; /* specular exponent */
    	float Cspec[3];	/* specular color */
    	/* in case we're textured... */
    	char *txdir;	/* directory in which to search for textures */
    	char *txfname;
    	Texture *txim;
    	int txloaded;
    slevy's avatar
    slevy committed
    	TextureHookFunc hookfunc;
    	void *hookdata;
    	void applyOGL( class WavFaces * ); /* apply appearance to OpenGL state */
    	void init();
    	void add( Appearance **list );
    	static Appearance *find( Appearance **listhead, char *name );
    	static Appearance *findCreate( Appearance **listhead, char *name );
    	static Appearance *create();
    	void loadTextures();
    slevy's avatar
    slevy committed
    	int HookTextures( TextureHookFunc hook, void *data, const char *txnametag );
    	static void purge( Appearance **listhead );
    class MayaScene : public Shmem {
    	char *fname;
    	Appearance *aps;
    	int readScene( char *scenefname, int complain );
    	char *parseFileNode( char *name, FILE *f, char *line, int *lno );
    	char *parseMatNode( char *name, FILE *f, char *line, int *lno, char *kind );
    	char *parseEngineNode( char *name, FILE *f, char *line, int *lno );
    	char *parseScrapNode( char *name, FILE *f, char *line, int *lno );
    	char *parseConnect( char *from, char *to );
    	Appearance *partials;	/* Used while parsing only */
    	friend class WavObj;
    class WavObj;		/* Forward */
    class WavFaces : public Shmem {
    	vvec<int> nfv;	/* Numbers of verts per face; nfv.count = nfaces */
    	vvec<int> fv;	/* Table of all verts */
    	Appearance *ap;	/* with this appearance */
    	WavObj *obj;	/* reference back to our parent object */
    	WavFaces *next; /* next group of faces */
    	static WavFaces *create();
    	void init();
    /* Wavefront object, read from .obj file,
     * with appearance read from Maya scene file.
    class WavObj : public Model {
    	vvec<Point> pt;	/* 3-D Points */
    	vvec<Point> tx;	/* texture coords */
    	vvec<Point> norm;	/* surface normals */
    	MayaScene *scene; /* basis for appearances */
    	WavFaces *faces;
    	void init();
    	static WavObj *create();
    	static int readFile( char *name, char *fname, char *scenename, int complain );
    	void render();
    	WavObj & operator=( const WavObj &src ) {
    	    pt =; tx = src.tx; norm = src.norm;
    	    scene = src.scene; faces = src.faces;
    	    return *this;
    	    // If you say
    	    //     wavobj->HookTextures( NULL, NULL, "" )
    	    // it will remove any hooks on any textures in that model.
    	virtual int HookTextures( TextureHookFunc hook, void *data, const char *txnametag );
    	WavObj *addObj( char *name, char *group );
    class HappyFace : public Model {
    	static void initialize();
    #endif /*CAT_MODEL_H*/