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  • /*
     * Elumens spiClops immersive display support for partiview.
     * Stuart Levy,
     * National Center for Supercomputing Applications,
     * University of Illinois 2001.
     * This file is part of partiview, released under the
     * Illinois Open Source License; see the file LICENSE.partiview for details.
    #ifdef WIN32
    # include "winjunk.h"
    #include "Gview.H"
    #include "partiview.H"
    #include "partiviewc.h"
    #include <math.h>
    #include<string.h> //marx added to 0.7.06 to support elumens/spiclops build
    #define SPILIB_API 1
    #include "spiclopsExt.h"
    #if !defined(GLX_VERSION_1_2) && defined(unix)
      /* Hack -- elumens spiclops library needs glXGetCurrentDisplay() */
    #include <FL/x.H>
    extern "C" {
     Display *glXGetCurrentDisplay() {
      if(fl_display == 0) fl_open_display();
      return fl_display;
    #endif /*!GLX_VERSION_1_2*/
    slevy's avatar
    slevy committed
    extern "C" {
      extern void pp_spi_init();
    struct spichan {
      int code;		/* SPI_1C_FRONT, etc. */
      int pfcode;		/* SPI_PF_1_CHAN, etc. */
      float fovx, fovy;	/* angular field of view */
      int tess;		/* mesh tessellation */
    struct spistuff {
      void *ctx;
      int on;	// if not, just show normal view
      int fast;	// fast, pbuffered graphics?
      Point Eye;	// offAxisEye
      Point Lens;	// offAxisLens
      int haschanxy, haschanwh;
      float chanxy[2], chanwh[2];
    slevy's avatar
    slevy committed
      struct spichan chan[4];
      int nchan;
      int refresh;
    static struct spistuff spi;
    unsigned int nextpow2( int v ) {
      if(v <= 0) return 1;
      unsigned int i;
      for(i = 2; i < v && i != 0; i <<= 1)
      return i;
    void pp_spi_predraw( Fl_Gview *view, int passno ) {
      if(!spi.on) return;
      int w = view->w(), h = view->h(), x = view->x(), y = view->y();
      if(!spi.haschanwh && (w != spi.chanwh[0] || h != spi.chanwh[1])) {
        spi.refresh = 1;
        spi.chanwh[0] = w, spi.chanwh[1] = h;
      if(!spi.haschanxy && (x != spi.chanxy[0] || y != spi.chanxy[1])) {
        spi.refresh = 1;
        spi.chanxy[0] = x, spi.chanxy[1] = y;
      if(spi.refresh) {
        int i, allpfchans = 0, allchans = 0;
        for(i = 0; i < spi.nchan; i++) {
    	allpfchans |= spi.chan[i].pfcode;
    	allchans |= spi.chan[i].code;
        if(spi.ctx == NULL) {
    	spi.ctx = spiInitialize( NULL, allpfchans |
    slevy's avatar
    slevy committed
        spi.refresh = 0;
    	spiSetPBufferSize( spi.ctx, nextpow2(spi.chanwh[0]), nextpow2(spi.chanwh[1]) );
        spiSetChanOrigin( spi.ctx, allchans, spi.chanxy[0], spi.chanxy[1] );
        spiSetChanSize( spi.ctx, allchans, spi.chanwh[0], spi.chanwh[1] );
        for(i = 0; i < spi.nchan; i++) {
    	spiSetChanFOV( spi.ctx, spi.chan[i].code,
    				spi.chan[i].fovx, spi.chan[i].fovy );
    	spiSetChanTessLevel( spi.ctx, spi.chan[i].code,
    				spi.chan[i].tess );
        spiSetChanEyePosition ( spi.ctx, allchans,
    	spi.Eye.x[0], spi.Eye.x[1], spi.Eye.x[2] );
        spiSetChanLensPosition( spi.ctx, allchans,
    	spi.Lens.x[0], spi.Lens.x[1], spi.Lens.x[2] );
      spiBegin( spi.ctx );
      spiPreRender( spi.ctx, spi.chan[passno].code );
    int pp_spi_postdraw( Fl_Gview *view, int passno ) {
      if(!spi.on) return 0;
      spiPostRender( spi.ctx, spi.chan[passno].code );
      spiEnd( spi.ctx );
      if(passno < spi.nchan-1)
        return passno+1;
      /* OK, we've rendered all passes, now let spi library make real image */
      glClearColor( 0, 0, .1, 1 );
      spiFlush( spi.ctx, SPI_ALL_CHAN );
      /* tell caller that we want no more rendering passes */
      return 0;
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    int pp_spi_parse_args( struct stuff **, int argc, char *argv[], char *fname, void * ) {
      if(argc < 1 || (strncmp(argv[0], "elumens", 3)
    			&& strcmp(argv[0], "spi")))
        return 0;
      //char *subcmd = argc>1 ? argv[1] : ""
       const char *subcmd = argc>1 ? argv[1] : ""; //marx modified to support elumens/spiclops build for 0.7.06
      if(!strcmp(subcmd, "on")) {
        spi.on = 1;
      } else if(!strcmp(subcmd, "off")) {
        spi.on = 0;
      } else if(!strcmp(subcmd, "fast")) { = getbool( argv[2], 1 );
        msg("fast (pbuffered graphics) %s","on":"off");
      } else if(!strcmp(subcmd, "eye")) {
        getfloats( &spi.Eye.x[0], 3, 2, argc, argv );
        msg("spi eye %g %g %g", spi.Eye.x[0], spi.Eye.x[1], spi.Eye.x[2]);
      } else if(!strcmp(subcmd, "lens")) {
        getfloats( &spi.Lens.x[0], 3, 2, argc, argv );
        msg("spi lens %g %g %g", spi.Lens.x[0], spi.Lens.x[1], spi.Lens.x[2]);
      } else if(!strcmp(subcmd, "chan")) {
        int cno = 0;
        struct spichan *cp;
        if(argc<=2) {
    	for(cno = 0; cno < spi.nchan; cno++) {
    	    cp = &spi.chan[cno];
    	    msg("spi chan %d  %g(fovx) %g(fovy)  %d(tess)  %d(code) %d(pfcode)",
    		cno, cp->fovx, cp->fovy, cp->tess, cp->code, cp->pfcode);
        } else {
    	cno = atoi(argv[2]);
    	if(cno < 0 || cno > COUNT(spi.chan)) {
    	    msg("spi chan: must be in range 0..3");
    	    return 1;
    	while(spi.nchan <= cno) {
    	    cp = &spi.chan[cno];
    	    cp->fovx = cp->fovy = 90;  cp->tess = 21;
    	    cp->code = 0; cp->pfcode = 0;
    	cp = &spi.chan[cno];
    	if(argc>3) sscanf(argv[3], "%f", &cp->fovx);
    	if(argc>4) sscanf(argv[4], "%f", &cp->fovy);
    	if(argc>5) sscanf(argv[5], "%d", &cp->tess);
    	if(argc>6) sscanf(argv[6], "%d", &cp->code);
    	if(argc>7) sscanf(argv[7], "%d", &cp->pfcode);
    	msg("spi chan %d  %g(fovx) %g(fovy)  %d(tess)  %d(code) %d(pfcode)",
    	    cno, cp->fovx, cp->fovy, cp->tess, cp->code, cp->pfcode);
      } else if(!strcmp(subcmd, "chans")) {
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        int cno = argc>2 ? atoi(argv[2]) : spi.nchan;
        if(cno > COUNT(spi.chan) || cno < 1) {
    	msg("spi chans %d: must be in range 1..%d", cno, spi.nchan);
        } else {
    	spi.nchan = cno;
      } else if(!strcmp(subcmd, "xy")) {
        if(argc>2&&!strcmp(argv[2],"off")) {
    	spi.haschanxy = 0;
        } else if(getfloats( &spi.chanxy[0], 2, 2, argc, argv ) == 2) {
    	spi.haschanxy = 1;
        msg(spi.haschanxy ? "spi xy %.0f %.0f" : "spi xy off (%.0f %.0f)",
    	spi.chanxy[0], spi.chanxy[1]);
      } else if(!strcmp(subcmd, "wh")) {
        if(argc>2&&!strcmp(argv[2],"off")) {
    	spi.haschanwh = 0;
        } else if(getfloats( &spi.chanwh[0], 2, 2, argc, argv ) == 2) {
    	spi.haschanwh = 1;
        msg(spi.haschanwh ? "spi wh %.0f %.0f" : "spi wh off (%.0f %.0f)",
    	spi.chanwh[0], spi.chanwh[1]);
      } else {
        msg("spi {on|off|eye|lens|fovy|xy|wh}");
        return 1;
      spi.refresh = 1;
      return 1;
    void pp_spi_init() {
      spi.ctx = NULL;
      spi.on = 0;
      spi.haschanwh = 0;
      spi.haschanxy = 0;
      /* Set defaults for VisionSTATION */
      spi.nchan = 2;
      struct spichan *cp;
      cp = &spi.chan[0];
      cp->pfcode = SPI_PF_1_CHAN;
      cp->code = SPI_1C_FRONT;
      cp->fovx = cp->fovy = 150;
      cp->tess = 31;
      cp = &spi.chan[1];
      cp->pfcode = SPI_PF_O_CHAN;
      cp->code = SPI_OC_FRONT;
      cp->fovx = cp->fovy = 65;
      cp->tess = 21;
      spi.Eye.x[0] = 0; spi.Eye.x[1] = 0.42; spi.Eye.x[2] = 0.38;
      spi.Lens.x[0] = 0; spi.Lens.x[1] = -0.19; spi.Lens.x[2] = 0;
      parti_add_commands( pp_spi_parse_args, "spi", NULL );
      if(ppui.view) {
        ppui.view->predraw = pp_spi_predraw;
        ppui.view->postdraw = pp_spi_postdraw;
    #else /* no USE_ELUMENS */
    void pp_spi_init() { }
    #endif /*USE_ELUMENS*/