Forked from
Eliu Huerta Escudero / Waveform_Extractor
43 commits behind the upstream repository.
Roland Haas authored
this avoids using "l" which is hard to distinguish from 1, | and I depending on the font in use
Roland Haas authoredthis avoids using "l" which is hard to distinguish from 1, | and I depending on the font in use 28.44 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2017 The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois
# All rights reserved.
# Developed by: Daniel Johnson, E. A. Huerta, Roland Haas
# NCSA Gravity Group
# National Center for Supercomputing Applications
# University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
# deal with the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
# rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
# sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
# list of conditions and the following disclaimers.
# Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
# this list of conditions and the following disclaimers in the documentation
# and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
# Neither the names of the National Center for Supercomputing Applications,
# University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, nor the names of its
# contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
# Software without specific prior written permission.
# Based off of SimulationTools Mathematica Package
import numpy as np
import glob
import os
import h5py
import re
import math
import sys
import warnings
import scipy.optimize
import scipy.interpolate
import scipy.integrate
import argparse
import configparser
#-----Function Definitions-----#
def joinDsets(dsets):
"""joints multiple datasets which each have a
time like first column, eg iteration number of
time. Removes overlapping segments, keeping the
last segment.
dsets = iterable of 2d array like objects with data"""
# joins multiple datasets of which the first column is assumed to be "time"
if(not dsets):
return None
length = 0
for d in dsets:
length += len(d)
newshape = list(dsets[0].shape)
newshape[0] = length
dset = np.empty(shape=newshape, dtype=dsets[0].dtype)
usedlength = 0
for d in dsets:
insertpointidx = np.where(dset[0:usedlength,0] >= d[0,0])
insertpoint = insertpointidx[0][0]
insertpoint = usedlength
newlength = insertpoint+len(d)
dset[insertpoint:newlength] = d
usedlength = newlength
return dset[0:usedlength]
def loadHDF5Series(nameglob, series):
"""load HDF5 timeseries data and concatenate the content of multiple files
nameglob = a shell glob that matches all files to be loaded,
files are sorted alphabetically
series = HDF5 dataset name of dataset to load from files"""
dsets = list()
for fn in sorted(glob.glob(nameglob)):
fh = h5py.File(fn, "r")
return joinDsets(dsets)
#Convert radial to tortoise coordinates
def RadialToTortoise(r, M):
Convert the radial coordinate to the tortoise coordinate
r = radial coordinate
M = ADMMass used to convert coordinate
return = tortoise coordinate value
return r + 2. * M * math.log( r / (2. * M) - 1.)
# use fixed frequency integration to integrate psi4 once
def FFIIntegrate(mp_psi4, f0):
Compute the integral of mmp_psi4 data using fixed frequency integration
mp_psi4 = Weyl scalar result from simulation
f0 = cutoff frequency
return = news of the gravitational wave
#TODO: Check for uniform spacing in time
t0 = mp_psi4[:, 0]
list_len = len(t0)
complexPsi = mp_psi4[:, 1]
freq, psif = myFourierTransform(t0, complexPsi)
hf = ffi(freq, psif, f0)
time, h = myFourierTransformInverse(freq, hf, t0[0])
hTable = np.column_stack((time, h))
return hTable
#Convert modified psi4 to strain
def psi4ToStrain(mp_psi4, f0):
Convert the input mp_psi4 data to the strain of the gravitational wave
mp_psi4 = Weyl scalar result from simulation
f0 = cutoff frequency
return = strain (h) of the gravitational wave
#TODO: Check for uniform spacing in time
t0 = mp_psi4[:, 0]
list_len = len(t0)
complexPsi = mp_psi4[:, 1]+1.j*mp_psi4[:, 2]
freq, psif = myFourierTransform(t0, complexPsi)
dhf = ffi(freq, psif, f0)
hf = ffi(freq, dhf, f0)
time, h = myFourierTransformInverse(freq, hf, t0[0])
hTable = np.column_stack((time, h))
return hTable
#Fixed frequency integration
# See for method
def ffi(freq, data, f0):
Integrates the data according to the input frequency and cutoff frequency
freq = fourier transform frequency
data = input on which ffi is performed
f0 = cutoff frequency
f1 = f0/(2*math.pi)
fs = freq
gs = data
mask1 = (np.sign((fs/f1) - 1) + 1)/2.
mask2 = (np.sign((-fs/f1) - 1) + 1)/2.
mask = 1 - (1 - mask1) * (1 - mask2)
fs2 = mask * fs + (1-mask) * f1 * np.sign(fs - np.finfo(float).eps)
new_gs = gs/(2*math.pi*1.j*fs2)
return new_gs
#Fourier Transform
def myFourierTransform(t0, complexPsi):
Transforms the complexPsi data to frequency space
t0 = time data points
complexPsi = data points of Psi to be transformed
psif = np.fft.fft(complexPsi, norm="ortho")
l = len(complexPsi)
n = int(math.floor(l/2.))
newpsif = psif[l-n:]
newpsif = np.append(newpsif, psif[:l-n])
T = np.amin(np.diff(t0))*l
freq = range(-n, l-n)/T
return freq, newpsif
#Inverse Fourier Transform
def myFourierTransformInverse(freq, hf, t0):
l = len(hf)
n = int(math.floor(l/2.))
newhf = hf[n:]
newhf = np.append(newhf, hf[:n])
amp = np.fft.ifft(newhf, norm="ortho")
df = np.amin(np.diff(freq))
time = t0 + range(0, l)/(df*l)
return time, amp
def angular_momentum(x, q, m, chi1, chi2, LInitNR):
eta = q/(1.+q)**2
m1 = (1.+math.sqrt(1.-4.*eta))/2.
m2 = m - m1
S1 = m1**2. * chi1
S2 = m2**2. * chi2
Sl = S1+S2
Sigmal = S2/m2 - S1/m1
DeltaM = m1 - m2
mu = eta
nu = eta
GammaE = 0.5772156649;
e4 = -(123671./5760.)+(9037.* math.pi**2.)/1536.+(896.*GammaE)/15.+(-(498449./3456.)+(3157.*math.pi**2.)/576.)*nu+(301. * nu**2.)/1728.+(77.*nu**3.)/31104.+(1792. *math.log(2.))/15.
e5 = -55.13
j4 = -(5./7.)*e4+64./35.
j5 = -(2./3.)*e5-4988./945.-656./135. * eta;
CapitalDelta = (1.-4.*eta)**0.5
# RH: expression was originally provided by EAH
# TODO: get referecen for this from EAH
l = (eta/x**(1./2.)*(
1. +
x*(3./2. + 1./6.*eta) +
x**2. *(27./8. - 19./8.*eta + 1./24.*eta**2.) +
x**3. *(135./16. + (-6889./144. + 41./24. * math.pi**2.)*eta + 31./24.*eta**2. + 7./1296.*eta**3.) +
x**4. *((2835./128.) + eta*j4 - (64.*eta*math.log(x)/3.))+
x**5. *((15309./256.) + eta*j5 + ((9976./105.) + (1312.*eta/15.))*eta*math.log(x))+
x**(3./2.)*(-(35./6.)*Sl - 5./2.*DeltaM* Sigmal) +
x**(5./2.)*((-(77./8.) + 427./72.*eta)*Sl + DeltaM* (-(21./8.) + 35./12.*eta)*Sigmal) +
x**(7./2.)*((-(405./16.) + 1101./16.*eta - 29./16.*eta**2.)*Sl + DeltaM*(-(81./16.) + 117./4.*eta - 15./16.*eta**2.)*Sigmal) +
(1./2. + (m1 - m2)/2. - eta)* chi1**2. * x**2. +
(1./2. + (m2 - m1)/2. - eta)* chi2**2. * x**2. +
2.*eta*chi1*chi2*x**2. +
((13.*chi1**2.)/9. +
(13.*CapitalDelta*chi1**2.)/9. -
(55.*nu*chi1**2.)/9. -
29./9.*CapitalDelta*nu*chi1**2. +
(14.*nu**2. *chi1**2.)/9. +
(7.*nu*chi1*chi2)/3. +
17./18.* nu**2. * chi1 * chi2 +
(13.* chi2**2.)/9. -
(13.*CapitalDelta*chi2**2.)/9. -
(55.*nu*chi2**2.)/9. +
29./9.*CapitalDelta*nu*chi2**2. +
(14.*nu**2. * chi2**2.)/9.)
* x**3.))
return l - LInitNR
def getFinalSpinFromQLM(sim_path):
mass_path = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(sim_path, "output-????", "*", "quasilocalmeasures-qlm_scalars..asc")))
A_val = np.loadtxt(mass_path[-1]) ## For mass calculation
M_final = A_val[:,58][-1]
Sz_final = A_val[:,37][-1]
a_final = Sz_final / M_final
return a_final, M_final
def getADMMassFromTwoPunctureBBH(meta_filename):
Determine cutoff frequency of simulation
meta_filename = path to TwoPunctures.bbh
return = initial ADM mass of system
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
ADMmass = float(config['metadata']['initial-ADM-energy'])
return ADMmass
def getCutoffFrequencyFromTwoPuncturesBBH(meta_filename):
Determine cutoff frequency of simulation
meta_filename = path to TwoPunctures.bbh
return = cutoff frequency
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
position1x = float(config['metadata']['initial-bh-position1x'])
position1y = float(config['metadata']['initial-bh-position1y'])
position1z = float(config['metadata']['initial-bh-position1z'])
position2x = float(config['metadata']['initial-bh-position2x'])
position2y = float(config['metadata']['initial-bh-position2y'])
position2z = float(config['metadata']['initial-bh-position2z'])
momentum1x = float(config['metadata']['initial-bh-momentum1x'])
momentum1y = float(config['metadata']['initial-bh-momentum1y'])
momentum1z = float(config['metadata']['initial-bh-momentum1z'])
momentum2x = float(config['metadata']['initial-bh-momentum2x'])
momentum2y = float(config['metadata']['initial-bh-momentum2y'])
momentum2z = float(config['metadata']['initial-bh-momentum2z'])
spin1x = float(config['metadata']['initial-bh-spin1x'])
spin1y = float(config['metadata']['initial-bh-spin1y'])
spin1z = float(config['metadata']['initial-bh-spin1z'])
spin2x = float(config['metadata']['initial-bh-spin2x'])
spin2y = float(config['metadata']['initial-bh-spin2y'])
spin2z = float(config['metadata']['initial-bh-spin2z'])
mass1 = float(config['metadata']['initial-bh-puncture-adm-mass1'])
mass2 = float(config['metadata']['initial-bh-puncture-adm-mass2'])
angularmomentum1x = position1y * momentum1z - momentum1z * momentum1y
angularmomentum1y = position1z * momentum1x - momentum1x * momentum1z
angularmomentum1z = position1x * momentum1y - momentum1y * momentum1x
angularmomentum2x = position2y * momentum2z - momentum2z * momentum2y
angularmomentum2y = position2z * momentum2x - momentum2x * momentum2z
angularmomentum2z = position2x * momentum2y - momentum2y * momentum2x
angularmomentumx = angularmomentum1x + angularmomentum2x
angularmomentumy = angularmomentum1y + angularmomentum2y
angularmomentumz = angularmomentum1z + angularmomentum2z
LInitNR = math.sqrt(angularmomentumx**2 + angularmomentumy**2 + angularmomentumz**2)
S1 = math.sqrt(spin1x**2 + spin1y**2 + spin1z**2)
S2 = math.sqrt(spin2x**2 + spin2y**2 + spin2z**2)
M = mass1+mass2
q = mass1/mass2
chi1 = S1/mass1**2
chi2 = S2/mass2**2
# .014 is the initial guess for cutoff frequency
omOrbPN = scipy.optimize.fsolve(angular_momentum, .014, (q, M, chi1, chi2, LInitNR))[0]
omOrbPN = omOrbPN**(3./2.)
omGWPN = 2. * omOrbPN
omCutoff = 0.75 * omGWPN
return omCutoff
def getModesInFile(sim_path):
Find all modes and radii in file.
sim_path = path to simulation main directory
return = radii, modes
fn = sorted(glob.glob(sim_path+"/output-????/*/mp_[Pp]si4.h5"))[0]
with h5py.File(fn, "r") as fh:
radii = set()
modes = set()
for dset in fh:
# TODO: extend Multipole to save the radii as attributes and/or
# use a group structure in the hdf5 file
m = re.match(r'l(\d*)_m(-?\d*)_r(\d*\.\d)', dset)
if m:
radius = float(
mode = (int(, int(
modes = sorted(modes)
radii = sorted(radii)
return radii, modes
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# POWER Method
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def POWER(sim_path, radii, modes):
main_dir = sim_path
sim = os.path.split(sim_path)[-1]
simdirs = main_dir+"/output-????/%s/" % (sim)
f0 = getCutoffFrequencyFromTwoPuncturesBBH(main_dir+"/output-0000/%s/TwoPunctures.bbh" % (sim))
#Get simulation total mass
ADMMass = getADMMassFromTwoPunctureBBH(main_dir+"/output-0000/%s/TwoPunctures.bbh" % (sim))
# get translation table from (mode, radius) to dataset name
# TODO: this ought to be handled differently
dsets = {}
fn = sorted(glob.glob(sim_path+"/output-????/*/mp_[Pp]si4.h5"))[0]
with h5py.File(fn, "r") as fh:
for dset in fh:
# TODO: extend Multipole to save the radii as attributes and/or
# use a group structure in the hdf5 file
m = re.match(r'l(\d*)_m(-?\d*)_r(\d*\.\d)', dset)
if m:
radius = float(
mode = (int(, int(
dsets[(radius, mode)] = dset
#Get Psi4
extrapolated_strains = []
for (el,em) in modes: # 25 times through the loop, from (1,1) to (4,4)
mp_psi4_vars = []
strain = []
phase = []
amp = []
for i in range(len(radii)): # so 7 times through each mode at each of the 7 radii
# Read in HDF5 data
radius = radii[i]
psi4dsetname = dsets[(radius, (el,em))]
mp_psi4 = loadHDF5Series(simdirs+"mp_psi4.h5", psi4dsetname)
# Prepare for conversion to strain
# retardate time by estimated travel time to each detector,
# convert from psi4 to r*psi4 to account for initial 1/r falloff
# RH: it might be even better (though harder to define) to
# get a retardating time by looking at the time of the
# maximum (found as an optimization over an interpolating
# function, not argmax)
mp_psi4_vars[i][:, 0] -= RadialToTortoise(radius, ADMMass)
mp_psi4_vars[i][:, 1] *= radii[i]
mp_psi4_vars[i][:, 2] *= radii[i]
#Check for psi4 amplitude going to zero
# RH: this makes very little sense since the amplitude is
# expected to be zero initially and very late
psi4_amp = np.sqrt(mp_psi4_vars[i][:, 1]**2 + mp_psi4_vars[i][:, 2]**2)
min_psi4_amp = np.amin(psi4_amp)
if(min_psi4_amp < np.finfo(float).eps and el >= 2):
print("The psi4 amplitude is near zero. The phase is ill-defined.")
#Fixed-frequency integration twice to get strain
# Strain Conversion
hTable = psi4ToStrain(mp_psi4_vars[i], f0) # table of strain
time = hTable[:, 0]
h = hTable[:, 1]
hplus = h.real
hcross = h.imag
newhTable = np.column_stack((time, hplus, hcross))
finalhTable = newhTable.astype(float)
# Analysis of Strain
#Get phase and amplitude of strain
h_phase = np.unwrap(np.angle(h))
# print(len(h_phase), "h_phase length")
# print(len(time), "time length")
angleTable = np.column_stack((time, h_phase)) ### start here
angleTable = angleTable.astype(float) ### b/c t is defined based on
phase.append(angleTable) ### time here
h_amp = np.absolute(h)
ampTable = np.column_stack((time, h_amp))
ampTable = ampTable.astype(float)
#print("h_amp:" , h_amp)
# Extrapolation
# get common range in times
tmin = max([phase[i][ 0,0] for i in range(len(phase))])
tmax = min([phase[i][-1,0] for i in range(len(phase))])
# smallest timestep in any series
dtmin = min([np.amin(np.diff(phase[0][:,0])) for i in range(len(phase))])
# uniform, common time
t = np.arange(tmin, tmax, dtmin)
# Interpolate phase and amplitude
interpolation_order = 9
for i in range(len(radii)):
interp_function = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(amp[i][:, 0], amp[i][:, 1], kind=interpolation_order)
resampled_amp_vals = interp_function(t)
amp[i] = np.column_stack((t, resampled_amp_vals))
interp_function = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(phase[i][:, 0], phase[i][:, 1], kind=interpolation_order)
resampled_phase_vals = interp_function(t)
# try and keep all phases at the amplitude maximum within 2pi of each other
# alignment is between neighbhours just in case there actually ever is
# >2pi difference between the innermost and the ohtermost detector
if(i > 0):
# for some modes (post 2,2) the initial junk can be the
# largest amplitude contribution, so w try to skip it
# when looking for maxima
junk_time = 50.
post_junk_idx_p = amp[i-1][:,0] > junk_time
post_junk_idx = amp[i-1][:,0] > junk_time
maxargp = np.argmax(amp[i-1][post_junk_idx_p,1])
maxarg = np.argmax(amp[i][post_junk_idx,1])
phase_shift = round((resampled_phase_vals[post_junk_idx][maxarg] - phase[i-1][post_junk_idx_p][maxargp,1])/(2.*math.pi))*2.*math.pi
resampled_phase_vals -= phase_shift
phase[i] = np.column_stack((t, resampled_phase_vals))
phase_extrapolation_order = 1
amp_extrapolation_order = 2
radii = np.asarray(radii, dtype=float)
A_phase = np.ones_like(radii)
A_amp = np.ones_like(radii)
for i in range(1, phase_extrapolation_order+1):
A_phase = np.column_stack((A_phase, np.power(radii, -1*i)))
for i in range(1, amp_extrapolation_order+1):
A_amp = np.column_stack((A_amp, np.power(radii, -1*i)))
b_phase = np.empty_like(radii, shape=(len(radii), len(t)))
b_amp = np.empty_like(radii, shape=(len(radii), len(t)))
for j in range(len(radii)):
b_phase[j] = phase[j][:, 1]
b_amp[j] = amp[j][:, 1]
x_phase = np.linalg.lstsq(A_phase, b_phase)[0]
radially_extrapolated_phase = x_phase[0]
x_amp = np.linalg.lstsq(A_amp, b_amp)[0]
radially_extrapolated_amp = x_amp[0]
radially_extrapolated_h_plus = radially_extrapolated_amp * np.cos(radially_extrapolated_phase)
radially_extrapolated_h_cross = radially_extrapolated_amp * np.sin(radially_extrapolated_phase)
extrapolated_strains.append(np.column_stack((t, radially_extrapolated_h_plus, radially_extrapolated_h_cross)))
return extrapolated_strains
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Nakano Method
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def eq_29(sim_path, radii_list, modes):
main_dir = sim_path
sim = os.path.split(sim_path)[-1]
simdirs = sim_path+"/output-????/%s/" % (sim)
# get translation table from (mode, radius) to dataset name
# TODO: this ought to be handled differently
dsets = {}
fn = sorted(glob.glob(sim_path+"/output-????/*/mp_[Pp]si4.h5"))[0]
with h5py.File(fn, "r") as fh:
for dset in fh:
# TODO: extend Multipole to save the radii as attributes and/or
# use a group structure in the hdf5 file
m = re.match(r'l(\d*)_m(-?\d*)_r(\d*\.\d)', dset)
if m:
radius = float(
mode = (int(, int(
dsets[(radius, mode)] = dset
a, M = getFinalSpinFromQLM(sim_path)
f0 = getCutoffFrequencyFromTwoPuncturesBBH(main_dir+"/output-0000/%s/TwoPunctures.bbh" % (sim))
extrapolated_strains = []
for (el,em) in modes:
for radius in radii_list:
ar = loadHDF5Series(simdirs+"mp_psi4.h5" , dsets[(radius, (el,em))]) # loads HDF5 Series from file mp_psi4.h5, specifically the "l%d_m%d_r100.00" ones ... let's loop this over all radii
psi = np.column_stack((ar[:,0], ar[:,1] + 1j * ar[:,2]))
# 1st column of ar, time data points
# 2nd column of ar, data points for psi
# 3rd column of ar, data points for imaginary psi
news = FFIIntegrate(psi, f0)
strain = FFIIntegrate(news, f0)
# TODO: check if expressions are applicable for el < 2 at all or
# of Nakano's derivation requires el>=2 to begin with
A = 1.-(2.*M/radius)
a_1 = radius
if el < 1:
a_2 = 0.
a_3 = 0.
a_2 = (el-1.)*(el+2.)/(2.*radius)
# Note: third term is negative for el==1
a_3 = (el-1.)*(el+2.)*(el**2 + el - 4.)/(8*radius*radius)
if el < 1 or (radius, (el+1,em)) not in dsets:
psi_a = np.zeros_like(psi) # ...fill psi_a and impsi_a arrays with zeros (mode is unphysical)
dt_psi_a = np.zeros_like(psi) # ...fill psi_a and impsi_a arrays with zeros (mode is unphysical)
B = 0.
b_1 = 0.
b_2 = 0.
# TODO: throw an error when a physical mode is not present in the file?
modes_a = dsets[(radius, (el+1,em))] # "top" modes
ar_a = loadHDF5Series(simdirs+'mp_psi4.h5' , modes_a)
psi_a = np.column_stack((ar_a[:,0], ar_a[:,1] + 1j * ar_a[:,2]))
dt_psi_a = np.column_stack((psi_a[:,0], np.gradient(psi_a[:,1], psi_a[:,0])))
B = 2.j*a/(el+1.)**2*np.sqrt((el+3.)*(el-1)*(el+em+1.)*(el-em+1.)/((2.*el+1.)*(2.*el+3.)))
b_1 = 1.
b_2 = el*(el+3.)/radius
if em > el-1 or el < 2: # if em is greater than the bottom mode...
psi_b = np.zeros_like(psi) # ...fill psi_b and impsi_b arrays with zeros (mode is unphysical)
dt_psi_b = np.zeros_like(psi) # ...fill psi_b and impsi_b arrays with zeros (mode is unphysical)
C = 0.
c_1 = 0.
c_2 = 0.
modes_b = dsets[(radius, (el-1, em))] # "bottom" modes
ar_b = loadHDF5Series(simdirs+'mp_psi4.h5' , modes_b)
psi_b = np.column_stack((ar_b[:,0], ar_b[:,1] + 1j * ar_b[:,2]))
dt_psi_b = np.column_stack((psi_b[:,0], np.gradient(psi_b[:,1], psi_b[:,0])))
C = 2.j*a/el**2*np.sqrt((el+2.)*(el-2.)*(el+em)*(el-em)/((2.*el-1.)*(2.*el+1.)))
c_1 = 1.
c_2 = (el-2.)*(el+1.)/radius
extrapolated_psi_data = A*(a_1*psi[:,1] - a_2*radius*news[:,1] + a_3*radius*strain[:,1]) + B*(b_1*radius*dt_psi_a[:,1] - b_2*radius*psi_a[:,1]) - C*(c_1*radius*dt_psi_b[:,1] - c_2*radius*psi_b[:,1])
extrapolated_psi = np.column_stack((psi[:,0], extrapolated_psi_data.real, extrapolated_psi_data.imag))
extrapolated_strain = psi4ToStrain(extrapolated_psi, f0)
(extrapolated_strain[:,0].real, extrapolated_strain[:,1].real,
return extrapolated_strains
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
### argparse machinery:
def dir_path(string):
if os.path.isdir(string):
return string
print("Not a directory: %s" %(string))
# raise NotADirectoryError(string)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Choose extrapolation method')
parser.add_argument("method" , choices=["POWER" , "Nakano"] , help="Extrapolation method to be used here")
parser.add_argument('-r', "--radii" , type=int , help="For POWER method; Number of radii to be used", default=7)
parser.add_argument('-m' , "--modes" , type=str , help="For Nakano method; modes to use, l,m. Leave blank to extrapolate over all available modes")
parser.add_argument("path" , type=dir_path , help="Simulation to be used here")
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.method == "POWER":
print("Extrapolating with POWER method...")
all_radii, all_modes = getModesInFile(args.path)
radii = all_radii[0:args.radii]
modes = all_modes
strains = POWER(args.path, radii, modes)
#Create data directories
sim = os.path.split(args.path)[-1]
main_directory = "Extrapolated_Strain"
sim_dir = main_directory + "/" + sim
if not os.path.exists(main_directory):
if not os.path.exists(sim_dir):
for i, (el,em) in enumerate(modes):
np.savetxt("./Extrapolated_Strain/"+sim+"/"+sim+"_radially_extrapolated_strain_l"+str(el)+"_m"+str(em)+".dat", strains[i])
elif args.method == "Nakano":
print("Extrapolating with Nakano method...")
all_radii, all_modes = getModesInFile(args.path)
radii = all_radii[0:args.radii]
modes = [(0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1), (2, -1), (2, 0), (2, 1), (2, 2), (3, -2), (3, -1), (3, 0), (3, 1), (3, 2), (3, 3)]
strains = eq_29(args.path, radii, modes)
#Create data directories
sim = os.path.split(args.path)[-1]
main_directory = "Extrapolated_Strain(Nakano_Kerr)"
sim_dir = main_directory + "/" + sim
if not os.path.exists(main_directory):
if not os.path.exists(sim_dir):
strain = iter(strains)
for (el,em) in modes:
for r in radii:
fn = "%s_f2_l%d_m%d_r%.2f_Looped.dat" % (sim, el, em, r)
np.savetxt("./Extrapolated_Strain(Nakano_Kerr)/"+sim+"/"+fn, next(strain))