Smart Admin Package Status Monitor
Tool to monitor updates available for multiple nodes
similar to qualys in that it provides a list of available packages on a node to update alerts the admin list via email intended to be lightweight monitor to assist in admin duties useful for 1 off nodes as well as clusters
- Create a script to monitor the node package status and produce text output of available packages
- Confirm that this can run in a cron job
- Format the output so that it can be suitable for inclusion in an email (i.e. as an attachment or inline)
- Include the node hostname and a timedate stamp in the header
- Check to see what, if any, existing open source solutions are already available to do this and with what limits
Stretch Goals
- include option to send output to system logs
- Include awareness of the hardware firmware and bios
- Include urgency of update for the node
- Rank the packages for urgent updates by some methodology
- Consolidate the outputs of multiple runs (i.e. the bastion node gets all output for a cluster so 1 email per cluster could be sent out)
Possible Methods
a. all data is sent to a central server which sends out 1 email
b. all data is sent to the logs, and the central log server captures and emails a consolidated view of the node state - website to host the results, in addition to the email maybe leverage the TIG metrics stack