Commits on Source (44)
Roland Haas authored
this avoids using "l" which is hard to distinguish from 1, | and I depending on the font in use
Roland Haas authored
Roland Haas authored
Roland Haas authored
Roland Haas authored
Roland Haas authored
the only use is to make comparison easier since it is just a constant offset in time
Roland Haas authored
Roland Haas authored
now consists of: Daniel Johnson, E. A. Huerta, Roland Haas, Debopam Sanyal, Brockton Brendal
Roland Haas authored
Roland Haas authored
Roland Haas authored
Roland Haas authored
Roland Haas authored
Roland Haas authored
Roland Haas authored
Roland Haas authored
Roland Haas authored
Roland Haas authored
no longer assume that Cactus' out_dir is the same as the simulation name used by simfactory
Roland Haas authored
Roland Haas authored
Roland Haas authored
Roland Haas authored
Roland Haas authored
Roland Haas authored
Roland Haas authored
Roland Haas authored
Roland Haas authored
Roland Haas authored
Roland Haas authored
Roland Haas authored
Roland Haas authored
Roland Haas authored
Roland Haas authored
Roland Haas authored
Roland Haas authored
Roland Haas authored
Roland Haas authored
Roland Haas authored
Roland Haas authored
Roland Haas authored
Roland Haas authored
Roland Haas authored
Roland Haas authored
no change but slightly more obvious code due to not using the initializion values
Roland Haas authored
- LICENSE 2 additions, 1 deletionLICENSE
- POWER/README 0 additions, 18 deletionsPOWER/README
- POWER/ 0 additions, 9 deletionsPOWER/
- POWER/ 0 additions, 94 deletionsPOWER/
- POWER/ 0 additions, 69 deletionsPOWER/
- POWER/ 0 additions, 696 deletionsPOWER/
- POWER/ 0 additions, 23 deletionsPOWER/
- POWER/simulations/J0040_N40/Horizons.h5 0 additions, 0 deletionsPOWER/simulations/J0040_N40/Horizons.h5
- POWER/simulations/J0040_N40/output-0000/J0040_N40.err 0 additions, 413 deletionsPOWER/simulations/J0040_N40/output-0000/J0040_N40.err
- POWER/simulations/J0040_N40/output-0000/J0040_N40.out 0 additions, 80769 deletionsPOWER/simulations/J0040_N40/output-0000/J0040_N40.out
- POWER/simulations/J0040_N40/output-0000/J0040_N40.par 0 additions, 706 deletionsPOWER/simulations/J0040_N40/output-0000/J0040_N40.par
- POWER/simulations/J0040_N40/output-0000/J0040_N40.rpar 0 additions, 815 deletionsPOWER/simulations/J0040_N40/output-0000/J0040_N40.rpar
- POWER/simulations/J0040_N40/output-0000/J0040_N40/ 0 additions, 173 deletions...ons/J0040_N40/output-0000/J0040_N40/
- POWER/simulations/J0040_N40/output-0000/J0040_N40/ 0 additions, 173 deletions...ons/J0040_N40/output-0000/J0040_N40/
- POWER/simulations/J0040_N40/output-0000/J0040_N40/J0040_N40.par 0 additions, 706 deletions...simulations/J0040_N40/output-0000/J0040_N40/J0040_N40.par
- POWER/simulations/J0040_N40/output-0000/J0040_N40/TwoPunctures.bbh 0 additions, 36 deletions...ulations/J0040_N40/output-0000/J0040_N40/TwoPunctures.bbh
- POWER/simulations/J0040_N40/output-0000/J0040_N40/carpet-grid.asc 0 additions, 23376 deletions...mulations/J0040_N40/output-0000/J0040_N40/carpet-grid.asc
- POWER/simulations/J0040_N40/output-0000/J0040_N40/carpet-timing..asc 0 additions, 272 deletions...ations/J0040_N40/output-0000/J0040_N40/carpet-timing..asc
- POWER/simulations/J0040_N40/output-0000/J0040_N40/ml_bssn-ml_ham.norm1.asc 0 additions, 271 deletions.../J0040_N40/output-0000/J0040_N40/ml_bssn-ml_ham.norm1.asc
- POWER/simulations/J0040_N40/output-0000/J0040_N40/ml_bssn-ml_ham.norm2.asc 0 additions, 271 deletions.../J0040_N40/output-0000/J0040_N40/ml_bssn-ml_ham.norm2.asc
100644 → 0
100755 → 0
100755 → 0
100755 → 0
100755 → 0
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100755 → 0
File deleted
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This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
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This diff is collapsed.