Reuben D. Budiardja authoredReuben D. Budiardja authored
rebuild 2.54 KiB
############################## standard interface to /sw tools
# Input:
# Environment variables
# SW_BLDDIR current directory (PWD) minus /autofs/na1_ stuff
# SW_ENVFILE file to be sourced which has alternate prog environment
# only to be used in special circumstances
# SW_WORKDIR unique work dir that local script can use
# Output
# Return code of 0=success or 1=failure
# exit 3 is a signal to the sw infrastructure that this template has not
# been updated; please delete it when ready
if [ -z $SW_BLDDIR ]; then
echo "Error: SW_BLDDIR not set!"
exit 1
if [ -z $SW_ENVFILE ]; then
### Set Environment (do not remove this line only change what is in between)
. ${MODULESHOME}/init/ksh
. ${SW_BLDDIR}/remodule
### End Environment (do not remove this line only change what is in between)
############################## app specific section
set -o verbose
# clear out old installation to prevent potential libtool chmod
# commands from failing when reinstalled by another person
rm -rf bin lib include doc share man etc libexec info data
#clear out status and old SRCDIR file since re-making
rm -f status
#-- NWCHEM tarball use uppercase on first letter, but all lower in the source
DISTNAME_TARBALL="$(tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' <<< ${DISTNAME:0:1})${DISTNAME:1}"
tar xf /sw/sources/${PACKAGE}/${VERSION}/${DISTNAME_TARBALL}.tar.bz2 \
--transform "s/${DISTNAME}/$SRCDIR/"
cd $SRCDIR/src
make nwchem_config
if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
echo "$PACKAGE configure failed"
exit 1
make 64_to_32
make FC=ftn
if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
echo "$PACKAGE build failed"
exit 1
#-- Install
mkdir ${SW_BLDDIR}/bin
mkdir ${SW_BLDDIR}/data
mkdir ${SW_BLDDIR}/etc
cp $NWCHEM_TOP/bin/${NWCHEM_TARGET}/nwchem ${SW_BLDDIR}/bin
chmod o+rx ${SW_BLDDIR}/bin/nwchem
cp -a ${SW_BLDDIR}/${SRCDIR}/src/basis/libraries ${SW_BLDDIR}/data
cp -a ${SW_BLDDIR}/${SRCDIR}/src/data/* ${SW_BLDDIR}/data
cp -r ${SW_BLDDIR}/${SRCDIR}/src/nwpw/libraryps ${SW_BLDDIR}/data
cat << EOF > ${SW_BLDDIR}/etc/nwchemrc
nwchem_basis_library ${SW_BLDDIR}/data/libraries/
nwchem_nwpw_library ${SW_BLDDIR}/data/libraryps/
ffield amber
amber_1 ${SW_BLDDIR}/data/amber_s/
amber_2 ${SW_BLDDIR}/data/amber_q/
amber_3 ${SW_BLDDIR}/data/amber_x/
amber_4 ${SW_BLDDIR}/data/amber_u/
spce ${SW_BLDDIR}/data/solvents/spce.rst
charmm_s ${SW_BLDDIR}/data/charmm_s/
charmm_x ${SW_BLDDIR}/data/charmm_x/
############################### if this far, return 0
exit 0