# Makefile for cmed - please do not edit if the file is named "Makefile", # since configure would overwrite it on the next configure. # Edit "Makefile.in", and run configure instead!!! # If you must change configure.in, run autoconf, and then configure etc. # the following variables are under AC control # KIRA_INC, KIRA_LIB # FLTK_INC, FLTK_LIB # PV_FLAGS SHELL = /bin/sh # TARGET TARGET = cmed FLTK_INC = @FLTK_INC@ FLTK_LIB = @FLTK_LIB@ # FLAGS and BINARIES CC = @CC@ CXX = @CXX@ LINK = ${CXX} ${OTYPE} GL_LIB = @GLLIBS@ X_LIB = @XLIBS@ M_LIB = -lm LIBS = $(FLTK_LIB) $(GL_LIB) $(X_LIB) $(M_LIB) DEFS = $(PV_FLAGS) INCS = $(FLTK_INC) OPT = -g -O2 CFLAGS = $(OPT) $(DEFS) $(INCS) @CFLAGS@ CXXFLAGS = $(OPT) $(DEFS) $(INCS) @CXXFLAGS@ APP_CSRCS = hsb.c APP_CXXSRCS = cmed.C cmedpanel.C CMedit.C APP_OBJS = cmed.o CMedit.o cmedpanel.o hsb.o $(TARGET): $(APP_OBJS) $(CXX) -o $@ $(OPT) $(OTYPE) $(APP_OBJS) $(LIBS) dep: depend depend: _always rm -f Makedepend $(CC) -M $(CFLAGS) $(APP_CSRCS) > Makedepend $(CXX) -M $(CXXFLAGS) $(APP_CXXSRCS) >> Makedepend _always: include Makedepend