#! /usr/bin/env partiview

# $Log$
# Revision 1.1  2004/10/01 17:30:44  slevy
# Display Hipparcos stars with space velocities,
# as constructed by hiprv2speck from Hipparcos catalog (1/1239) and
# General Catalog of Radial Velocities (3/3213).

# Display Hipparcos stars with space velocities,
# as constructed by hiprv2speck from Hipparcos catalog (1/1239) and
# General Catalog of Radial Velocities (3/3213).

filepath +:partiview/hipcat:partiview/data

read hipbrightv.speck

# 1M years per 100 seconds, i.e. 10000 years/second
warp -extrap vx   -z 0 -p 100 -seconds

texturevar txno
texture -M 1 sol8.sgi

eval labels off
eval cmap colorbv.cmap
eval lum lum 0 1
eval color color -.5 2.2
eval psize 500
eval slum 5
eval polylumvar point-size area
eval polysize .005
eval polysides 4
eval alpha .99
eval fovy 52
eval fast on
eval ptsize .05 4
eval poly on

# initial view (almost) at sun, looking toward UMa
eval jump 0 0 .001  -15.3492 134.666 117.292

#eval step 0.00