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 <TITLE> Partiview (PC-VirDir): Bugs, Features and Limitations</TITLE>
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<H2><A NAME="s8">8.</A> <A HREF="partiview.html#toc8">Bugs, Features and Limitations</A></H2>

<P>Here is a list of known peculiarities, some of them bugs, others just
features and others limitations, and there is always that class of
things I simply have not understood how it works.</P>

<H2><A NAME="ss8.1">8.1</A> <A HREF="partiview.html#toc8.1">Limitations w.r.t. VirDir:</A>

<LI>cannot set an auto-motion, as we can in the dome, although one could
of course load a path and move through the dataset :-)
I was able to make a path (*.wf) file and load that though.
Now mostly solved via the <CODE>Inertia</CODE> toggle under the
<CODE>More</CODE> button from the Top Row Window.

<H2><A NAME="ss8.2">8.2</A> <A HREF="partiview.html#toc8.2">Some notes for newcomers to VirDir</A>

<P>Although starting <CODE>virdir</CODE> is very similar to <CODE>partiview</CODE>,
   % parti gal2.cf
   % virir gal2.cf

the seasoned <CODE>partiview</CODE> user will need  to relearn a few modes to
get used to <CODE>virdir</CODE>. In particular, at AMNH starting virdir will 
probably cause your console screen  (which is normally panel#1 on the
dome) to go dark with no visible command prompt. To regain control,
type the commands (blindly)


which will put <CODE>virdir</CODE> in fly and animation mode.</P>
<P>Here are some important modes, make sure you keep the mouse in the console window.
It is easy to get it lost in any of the other 6 displays which are only visible
on the dome.
<LI>Pushing the Left and Right mouse buttons simultaneously will send the display
to the HOME position.
<LI>Left mouse button will toggle the Pause mode in animate/fly mode.
<LI>Holding the Ctrl-button down while moving the mouse will bring your point
of interest into view
<LI>Holding the Alt-button down while moving the mouse will rotate around your
point of interest.
<LI>The 'p' key
<LI>The middle mouse button toggles Head display vs. Center display.
<LI>Holding the Shift-button down while moving the mouse will change the 
available screen-space (works like a zoom).


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