#! /usr/bin/env partiview filepath +:.:../data # id: >0 positive small integer index for leaf nodes (stars), # <0 negative of small integer index for non-leaves (CM nodes) # mass: mass # nclump: number of stars in clump. 1=singles, 2=binaries, ... # topnode: small int index, equal for all stars/CM nodes in clump. # topnode == abs(id) for root node of a clump. # treeaddr: bit-encoded, giving location in a clump tree. # 0 for single stars (nclump=1). Otherwise, # 1 for root of a clump # 2*(parent treeaddr) for left-child of parent # 2*(parent treeaddr)+1 for right-child of parent # ringsize: zero for stars, nonzero world-unit radius for (some) CM nodes # mu: mass ratio (m1 / (m1+m2)) for nonleaves # sepvec3: separation vector dx dy dz for nonleaves ## datavar 0 id ## datavar 1 mass ## datavar 2 nclump ## datavar 3 topnode ## datavar 4 treeaddr # (0=single, 1=root) ## datavar 5 ringsize ## datavar 6 mu ## datavar 7 sepvec3 kira primbin16.out eval lum mass 0 0.01 eval psize 100 ## eval cment 1 1 .7 .3 ## eval color nclump exact eval cmap nclump.cmap eval color nclump exact 8 # Turn center-of-mass nodes off, # draw ring markers for multiple stars, # choose marker radius from instantaneous separation * 1.5 eval kiractl nodes off eval kiractl rings root eval kiractl tree cross 0.5 eval kiractl ringsize sep eval kiractl ringscale 0 ## Could track a particle, with: ## eval kiractl track 12 ## Limit time range to evade bug in interpolator # min=0 max=9.625 wrap-delay=0.05 eval trange 0 9.625 0.05 eval every