//steven marx: generic slider introduced version 0.7.02 #include "genericslider.H" // #include <unistd.h> static char *sldtypetitles[] = {"alpha", "fov", "censize", "chromarange", "focallength", "lblminpix", "labelsize", "polysides", "polysize", "slum"}; static char sidtitles[NUMSLD][30]; static float minrg[NUMSLD][2], maxrg[NUMSLD][2], steprg[NUMSLD][2]; //generic slider's min, max, step, by [slider type][log/linear][data group] static int loglinsld[NUMSLD]; //toggle = 1 always log = 2 always linear =3 by slider static int loglinstate[NUMSLD]; //0 = off 1 = on by slider void pp_sldtype_init(Fl_Menu_Button * m) { m->add("&alpha|&fov|&censize|c&hromarange|&focallength|labelminpi&xels|labelsi&ze|&polysides|pol&ysize|&slum"); for(int i = m->size(); --i >= 0; ) (((Fl_Menu_Item *)(m->menu()))[i]).labelcolor( m->labelcolor() ); } void pp_sldtype_cb(Fl_Menu_Button* m, void *) { if(m->value() == SLUM) { ppui.genericslider->hide(); ppui.slum->show(); ppui.linlog->value(0); ppui.linlog->label("log"); ppui.slidergroup->redraw(); m->label(sldtypetitles[m->value()]); ppui.view->redraw(); gensliderchg = 0; return; } genericslider_setparam(); //re-initialize slider m->label(sldtypetitles[m->value()]); //change the lable under the menu to reflect chosen menu itme ppui.slum->hide(); ppui.genericslider->show(); if(Fl::event_button() == 2 || Fl::event_button() == 3) { //first draft of code to support use of dialog box to change min, max, or step parameters int x = ppui.mainwin->x(); int y = ppui.mainwin->y(); int w = ppui.mainwin->w(); int h = ppui.mainwin->h(); static char wtitle[50]; sprintf(wtitle, "%s slider parameters", sldtypetitles[m->value()]); if((w/2) > 300 ) w = 600; if((h/2) > 300 ) h = 600; Fl_Window dialg(x,y, w/2+ 5, h/3, wtitle); //put the dialog to the left of the sliders Fl_Float_Input minrange(10, 7, w/4, 25, "minimum"); Fl_Float_Input maxrange(10, 57, w/4, 25, "maximum"); Fl_Float_Input steprange(10,107,w/4, 25, "step"); Fl_Button b(w/2-65, 7, 60, 30, "OK"); Fl_Button c(w/2-65, 45, 60, 30, "Cancel"); minrange.labelsize(12); maxrange.labelsize(12); steprange.labelsize(12); minrange.align( FL_ALIGN_BOTTOM ); maxrange.align( FL_ALIGN_BOTTOM ); steprange.align(FL_ALIGN_BOTTOM); //now we supply the min, max, and step values to the respective input widgets char buf[40]; sprintf(buf, "%g", minrg[m->value()][1]); minrange.value(buf); sprintf(buf, "%g", maxrg[m->value()][1]); maxrange.value(buf); sprintf(buf, "%g", steprg[m->value()][1]); steprange.value(buf); steprange.tooltip("The number of steps for the log slider = number of steps for the linear slider; therefore their step sizes are not equal"); minrange.tooltip("Both log and linear sliders output the same value. Both slider types have the same minimum and maximum range."); maxrange.tooltip("Both log and linear sliders output the same value. Both slider types have the same minimum and maximum range."); dialg.add(b); dialg.add(c); dialg.add(minrange); dialg.add(maxrange); dialg.add(steprange); dialg.set_modal(); dialg.show(); b.value(0); c.value(0); while(1) { if(!dialg.visible()) { c.value(1); //software simulated user cancel break; //dialog was closed so lets exit this code block } Fl::check(); if(b.value() == 1 || c.value() == 1) { if( (atof(steprange.value()) <= 0) && (b.value() == 1) ) { fl_alert("step size must be > 0"); continue; } //first we check that values are within bounds for the slider type. so far we only check out FOV int mx = m->value(); int loop = 0; switch(mx) { case FOV: if(atof(minrange.value()) <= 0 || atof(maxrange.value()) >= 179.45) { fl_alert("the min for FOV is <= 0 or the max >= 179.45 please correct."); loop = 1; break; } default: break; } if(loop == 1) continue; //end of check on values within bounds break; } }//end of while(1) if(c.value() == 0) { int answ1 = 1; int answ2 = 1; if( atof(minrange.value()) >= atof(maxrange.value()) ) answ1 = fl_ask("The minimum is greater than or equal to maximum. is this what you want ?"); double rx = fabs(atof(minrange.value()) - atof(maxrange.value()) ); if( ( rx/atof(steprange.value())) < 10) answ2 = fl_ask("The step size is large compared to the range. is this what you wnat ?"); if(!answ1 || !answ2) { fl_alert("Please make your correction(s)."); while(1) { Fl::check(); if(b.value() == 1 || c.value() == 1) break; } } if(c.value() == 0) { int mx = m->value(); // now we update the linear slider with dialog values minrg[mx][1] = atof(minrange.value()); maxrg[mx][1] = atof(maxrange.value()); steprg[mx][1] = atof(steprange.value()); // next we synchronize the log variant with the linear minrg[mx][0] = (minrg[mx][1] < .001) ? -3 : log10(minrg[mx][1]); maxrg[mx][0] = log10(maxrg[mx][1]); // we set the step size for log mode such that the number of steps over the range = the number of steps in the linear mode double numsteps = fabs((maxrg[mx][1] - minrg[mx][1])/steprg[mx][1]); if(numsteps == 0) numsteps = 1; //don't want to divide by zero in the log step size calculation steprg[mx][0] = fabs((maxrg[mx][0] - minrg[mx][0]))/numsteps; //printf("linear: min = %g max = %g step %g\n", minrg[mx][1], maxrg[mx][1], steprg[mx][1]); //debug use only //printf("log : min = %g max = %g step %g\n", minrg[mx][0], maxrg[mx][0], steprg[mx][0]); //debug use only //fflush(stdout); //debug use only } } } // end of first draft of code to support use of dialog box to change min, max, or step generic slider parameters genericslider_setparam(); //re-initialize slider ppui.slum->hide(); m->label(sldtypetitles[m->value()]); ppui.view->redraw(); gensliderchg = 0; } void pp_linlog_cb(Fl_Button* o, void *) { int menunum; menunum = ppui.sldtype->value(); if(ppui.slum->visible() == 1) { o->value(0); //slum slider is log never linear o->label("log"); ppui.slidergroup->redraw(); return; } if(o->value() == 1 && loglinsld[menunum] == 2) { //always log so cannot get to 1 = linear state o->value(0); //reset to log state o->label("log"); gensliderchg = 0; genericslider_setparam(); return; } if(o->value() == 0 && loglinsld[menunum] == 3) { //always linear so cannot get to 0 = log state o->value(1); //reset to linear state o->label("lin"); gensliderchg = 0; genericslider_setparam(); return; } if(loglinsld[menunum] == 1) { //this slider can be toggled between log and linear if( o->value() == 1) { o->label("lin"); loglinstate[menunum] = 1; } else { o->label("log"); loglinstate[menunum] = 0; } gensliderchg = 0; genericslider_setparam(); return; } } void reset_loglin(int menunum) { if(loglinstate[menunum] != ppui.linlog->value()) { if( loglinstate[menunum] ) { ppui.linlog->value(1); ppui.linlog->label("lin"); } else { ppui.linlog->value(0); ppui.linlog->label("log"); } } } void genericslider_initparam() { //sets slider ranges, stepsize, and allowable linear and log types minrg[ALPHA][1] = 0.0; maxrg[ALPHA][1] = 1.0; steprg[ALPHA][1] = .01; minrg[FOV][1] = 0.00001; //fov must be > 0 maxrg[FOV][1] = 179.449; //fov must be < 179.45 steprg[FOV][1] = .1; minrg[CENSIZE][0] = -3; maxrg[CENSIZE][0] = log10(10000); steprg[CENSIZE][0] = .10; minrg[CENSIZE][1] = 0.0; maxrg[CENSIZE][1] = 10000.0; steprg[CENSIZE][1] = .10; minrg[FOCALLEN][0] = -3; maxrg[FOCALLEN][0] = 5; steprg[FOCALLEN][0] = .1; minrg[FOCALLEN][1] = 1; maxrg[FOCALLEN][1] = 1000; steprg[FOCALLEN][1] = .1; minrg[CHROMADEPTHRANGE][0] = -1; maxrg[CHROMADEPTHRANGE][0] = 5; steprg[CHROMADEPTHRANGE][0] = .01; minrg[CHROMADEPTHRANGE][1] = .1; maxrg[CHROMADEPTHRANGE][1] = 1000; steprg[CHROMADEPTHRANGE][1] = .1; minrg[LABELMINPIXELS][1] = 0; maxrg[LABELMINPIXELS][1] = 20; steprg[LABELMINPIXELS][1] = 1; minrg[LABELSIZE][0] = -3; maxrg[LABELSIZE][0] = log10(1000); steprg[LABELSIZE][0] = .01; minrg[LABELSIZE][1] = 0.01; maxrg[LABELSIZE][1] = 1000.0; steprg[LABELSIZE][1] = .01; minrg[POLYSIDES][1] = 3; maxrg[POLYSIDES][1] = 16; steprg[POLYSIDES][1] = 1; minrg[POLYSIZE][0] = -3; maxrg[POLYSIZE][0] = log10(10); steprg[POLYSIZE][0] = .01; minrg[POLYSIZE][1] = 0; maxrg[POLYSIZE][1] = 10; steprg[POLYSIZE][1] = .01; for(int i = 0; i < NUMSLD; i++) { //loglinsld[i] : toggle == 1 or always log == 2 or always linear == 3 if(i == ALPHA) loglinsld[i] = 3; //alpha slider always linear else if(i == FOV) loglinsld[i] = 3; //fov slider always linear else if(i == LABELMINPIXELS) loglinsld[i] = 3; //labelminpixels slider always linear else if(i == POLYSIDES) loglinsld[i] = 3; //polysides slider always linear else loglinsld[i] = 1; //default toggle type if(loglinsld[i] == 1 || loglinsld[i] == 2) loglinstate[i] = 0; else loglinstate[i] = 1; } } void slider_update(float* p) { float v; Fl_Value_Slider* o = ppui.genericslider; int menunum; menunum = ppui.sldtype->value(); int log_lin = ppui.linlog->value(); if(gensliderchg == 1) { v = o->value(); if(log_lin == 1) *p = o->value(); else *p = pow(10., o->value()); } else { if(log_lin == 1) o->value(*p); else { if(*p <= 0) o->value(-3); else { v = log10(*p); o->value(v); } } } } void slider_update(int* p) { float v; Fl_Value_Slider* o = ppui.genericslider; int menunum; menunum = ppui.sldtype->value(); int log_lin = ppui.linlog->value(); if(gensliderchg == 1) { v = o->value(); if(log_lin == 1) *p = (int)(o->value()); else *p = (int)(pow(10., o->value())); } else { if(log_lin == 1) o->value(*p); else { if(*p <= 0) o->value(-3); else { v = log10(*p); o->value(v); } } } } static void maketitle( char *str, int menunum, int linear, Fl_Value_Slider *o ) { char *p = str; if(menunum != CENSIZE && menunum != FOCALLEN) p += sprintf(str, "[%.8s] ", parti_get_alias(ppui.st)); p += sprintf(p, linear ? "%s" : "log(%s)", sldtypetitles[menunum]); if(o) sprintf(p, " %.4g", linear ? o->value() : pow(10, o->value())); } void genericslider_setparam() { Fl_Value_Slider* o = ppui.genericslider; static int menunum; menunum = ppui.sldtype->value(); if( (menunum == SLUM) || (menunum < 0) || (menunum >= NUMSLD) || (menunum > ppui.sldtype->size()) ) return; struct stuff *st = ppui.st; reset_loglin(menunum); int log_lin = ppui.linlog->value(); float *p; int *ip; float temp; char buf[40]; switch (menunum) { case ALPHA: p = &(ppui.st->alpha); slider_update(p); break; case CENSIZE: p = &(ppui.censize); slider_update(p); break; case CHROMADEPTHRANGE: p = &(ppui.st->chromaslidelength); slider_update(p); break; case FOCALLEN: { float tfocallen = ppui.view->focallen(); float oldfocallen = tfocallen; p = &tfocallen; slider_update(p); if(tfocallen != oldfocallen) ppui.view->focallen( tfocallen ); } break; case FOV: temp = parti_fovy(NULL); p = &temp; slider_update(p); if(gensliderchg == 1) { sprintf(buf, "%f", *p); parti_fovy(buf); } break; case LABELMINPIXELS: p = &(ppui.st->textmin); slider_update(p); break; case LABELSIZE: p = &(ppui.st->textsize); slider_update(p); break; case POLYSIDES: ip = &(ppui.st->npolygon); slider_update(ip); break; case POLYSIZE: p = &(ppui.st->polysize); slider_update(p); break; case SLUM: return; //we don't handle slum slider with the generic slider default: return; }//end of switch o->range(minrg[menunum][log_lin], maxrg[menunum][log_lin]); o->step(steprg[menunum][log_lin]); maketitle( sidtitles[menunum], menunum, log_lin, o ); Fl::visible_focus(1); //marx: version 0.7.02 - don't use the pre fltk-1.1.x old style of only text widgets to get keyboard focus o->take_focus(); //so we can use the arrow keys to fine tune the slider //========== start of code for dynamic label ============================= //idea here is dynamically update label on discrete actions NOT on continuous motion. this will prevent flicker and still provide status info ! static bool firstdrag = true; if( Fl::event_is_click()) { firstdrag = true; } else if( Fl::event_key(FL_Enter)) { firstdrag = true; } else { //must be mouse drag or keyboard arrow key drag since slider changed value and it wasn't keyboard entered command update or mouse click on slider maketitle( sidtitles[menunum], menunum, log_lin, o ); } if(firstdrag) { o->label(sidtitles[menunum]); Fl::remove_timeout(gensldtimeout); Fl::add_timeout(.4, gensldtimeout, o ); //we do not want to draw too many labels when dragging } //============= /end of code for dynamic label =============================== ppui.view->redraw(); Fl::visible_focus(0); //marx: version 0.7.02 - revert to the pre fltk-1.1.x old style of only text widgets to get keyboard focus } void gensldtimeout(void* widg) { Fl_Value_Slider* o = (Fl_Value_Slider*)widg; int menunum = ppui.sldtype->value(); int log_lin = ppui.linlog->value(); struct stuff *st = ppui.st; maketitle( sidtitles[menunum], menunum, log_lin, o ); o->label(sidtitles[menunum]); }