diff --git a/src/partibrains.c b/src/partibrains.c
index e9bdd215f7eff7ad44bf2966e75083eeb8213999..5cdb2975d7c2ff7cf173628d4476a79bf519b354 100644
--- a/src/partibrains.c
+++ b/src/partibrains.c
@@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
 static char local_id[] = "$Id$";
  * $Log$
+ * Revision 1.44  2001/05/11 10:05:38  slevy
+ * Add "warp" command if -DUSE_WARP.
+ * Ellipsoids allow 3-component (Rx Ry Rz) orientation numbers too.
+ * st->dyndata doesn't mean we should trash the anima[][] specklist.
+ * Need to keep it intact for warping.
+ *
  * Revision 1.43  2001/05/02 09:51:01  slevy
  * Add "ellipsoids" and "meshes" commands to toggle their display.
  * Finally parse snapshot arguments properly...?
@@ -895,7 +901,8 @@ void specks_set_timestep( struct stuff *st )
     st->curtime = timestep;
     slp = specks_timespecksptr( st, 0, 0 );
-    *slp = st->sl = sl;
+    st->sl = sl;
+    /* Do we need this? */ /* *slp = sl; */
     parti_set_timestep( st, realtime );
     /* Hack for kira-parti dynamic data */
     if(sl) {
@@ -3052,6 +3059,7 @@ void specks_read_ellipsoid( struct stuff *st, Point *pos, int argc, char **argv,
   int i;
   struct ellipsoid e, *ep;
   float m3[3*3];
+  float rxyz[3];
   memset(&e, 0, sizeof(e));
   e.cindex = -1;
@@ -3099,8 +3107,16 @@ void specks_read_ellipsoid( struct stuff *st, Point *pos, int argc, char **argv,
     e.hasori = 1;
   } else if(i+16 == argc && 16==getfloats(&e.ori.m[0], 16, i, argc, argv)) {
     e.hasori = 1;
+  } else if(i+3 == argc && 3==getfloats(rxyz, 3, i, argc, argv)) {
+    /* XXX */
+    float aer[3];
+    aer[0] = rxyz[1];
+    aer[1] = rxyz[0];
+    aer[2] = rxyz[2];
+    xyzaer2tfm( &e.ori, NULL, aer );
+    e.hasori = 1;
   } else {
-    msg("ellipsoid: expected 0 or 9 or 16 numbers after options, not %s",
+    msg("ellipsoid: expected 0 or 3 (RxRyRz) or 9 or 16 numbers after options, not %s",
 	rejoinargs(i, argc, argv));
@@ -3353,6 +3369,14 @@ void specks_read( struct stuff **stp, char *fname )
+    } else if(!strcmp(argv[0], "warp")) {
+#ifndef USE_WARP
+	msg("Need to recompile with -DUSE_WARP");
+	st->clk->continuous = 1;
+	warp_setup(st, argc, argv);
     } else if(!strcmp(argv[0], "sdb") && argc>1) {
 	int tno = st->datatime;
 	char *realfile;