diff --git a/eval_imagenet.py b/eval_imagenet.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b96426000f37a40599c670d66a4329afa43bf7c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eval_imagenet.py
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import matplotlib.image as mpimg
+import os
+import shutil
+import random
+import numpy as np 
+import tensorflow as tf
+from datetime import datetime
+from keras import backend as K
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import matplotlib.image as mpimg
+import segmentation_models as sm
+from tensorflow.keras.models import Model, load_model
+from tensorflow.keras.layers import Input, Conv2D, RandomFlip, RandomRotation
+from tensorflow.keras.optimizers import Adam, SGD, RMSprop
+from tensorflow.keras.callbacks import ModelCheckpoint, EarlyStopping, ReduceLROnPlateau, TensorBoard
+from unet_util import dice_coef_loss, dice_coef, jacard_coef, dice_coef_loss, Residual_CNN_block, multiplication, attention_up_and_concatenate, multiplication2, attention_up_and_concatenate2, UNET_224, evaluate_prediction_result
+################# Load Validation Data #########################
+def load_img(filename, map_dir, legend_dir, seg_dir):
+    mapName = tf.strings.join([map_dir, filename[0]], separator='/')
+    legendName = tf.strings.join([legend_dir, filename[1]], separator='/')
+    map_img = tf.io.read_file(mapName)
+    map_img = tf.cast(tf.io.decode_png(map_img), dtype=tf.float32) / 255.0
+    legend_img = tf.io.read_file(legendName)
+    legend_img = tf.cast(tf.io.decode_png(legend_img), dtype=tf.float32) / 255.0
+    map_img = tf.concat(axis=2, values=[map_img, legend_img])
+    map_img = map_img*2.0 - 1.0
+    map_img = tf.image.resize(map_img, [256, 256])
+    segName = tf.strings.join([seg_dir, filename[0]], separator='/')
+    seg_img = tf.io.read_file(segName)
+    seg_img = tf.io.decode_png(seg_img)
+    seg_img = tf.image.resize(seg_img, [256, 256])
+    return map_img, seg_img
+def load_validation_img(filename):
+    return load_img(filename, 
+                    '/projects/bbym/shared/all_patched_data/validation/poly/map_patches',
+                    '/projects/bbym/shared/all_patched_data/validation/poly/legend',
+                    '/projects/bbym/shared/all_patched_data/validation/poly/seg_patches')
+validate_map_file = os.listdir('/projects/bbym/shared/all_patched_data/validation/poly/map_patches')
+# Pre-filter map files based on existence of corresponding legend files
+validate_map_legend_names = [(x, '_'.join(x.split('_')[0:-2])+'.png') 
+                            for x in validate_map_file 
+                            if os.path.exists(os.path.join('/projects/bbym/shared/all_patched_data/validation/poly/legend', 
+                                                        '_'.join(x.split('_')[0:-2])+'.png'))]
+validate_dataset = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices(validate_map_legend_names)
+validate_dataset = validate_dataset.map(load_validation_img)
+validate_dataset = validate_dataset.batch(50)
+print("Load Data Done!")
+##### Prepare the model configurations #########################
+name_id = 'unproecessed_legends' #You can change the id for each run so that all models and stats are saved separately.
+input_data = './samples/'
+prediction_path = './predicts_'+name_id+'/'
+log_path = './logs_'+name_id+'/'
+model_path = './models_'+name_id+'/'
+save_model_path = './models_'+name_id+'/'
+# Create the folder if it does not exist
+os.makedirs(input_data, exist_ok=True)
+os.makedirs(model_path, exist_ok=True)
+os.makedirs(prediction_path, exist_ok=True)
+# Avaiable backbones for Unet architechture
+# 'vgg16' 'vgg19' 'resnet18' 'resnet34' 'resnet50' 'resnet101' 'resnet152' 'inceptionv3'
+# 'inceptionresnetv2' 'densenet121' 'densenet169' 'densenet201' 'seresnet18' 'seresnet34'
+# 'seresnet50' 'seresnet101' 'seresnet152', and 'attentionUnet'
+backend = 'resnet50'
+name = 'Unet-'+ backend 
+finetune = False
+if (finetune): name += "_ft"
+logdir = log_path + name 
+    shutil.rmtree(logdir)
+os.makedirs(logdir, exist_ok=True)
+tensorboard_callback = tf.keras.callbacks.TensorBoard(log_dir=logdir)
+print('model location: '+ model_path+name+'.h5')
+# Load the best model saved by the callback module
+if(backend != "attentionUnet"):
+    model = load_model(model_path+name+'.h5',
+                        custom_objects={'dice_coef_loss':dice_coef_loss,
+                                        'dice_coef':dice_coef,})
+    model = load_model(model_path+name+'.h5',
+                        custom_objects={'multiplication': multiplication,
+                                        'multiplication2': multiplication2,
+                                        'dice_coef_loss':dice_coef_loss,
+                                        'dice_coef':dice_coef,})
+print("Load Model Done!")
+def f1_score(y_true, y_pred): # Dice coefficient
+    smooth = 1.
+    y_true_f = K.flatten(y_true)
+    y_pred_f = K.flatten(y_pred)
+    intersection = K.sum(y_true_f * y_pred_f)
+    return (2. * intersection + smooth) / (K.sum(y_true_f) + K.sum(y_pred_f) + smooth)
+model.compile(optimizer = Adam(),
+                    loss = dice_coef_loss,
+                    metrics=[dice_coef,'accuracy', f1_score])
+eval_results = model.evaluate(validate_dataset, verbose=1)
+# print(f'Validation F1 score: {f1}')
+# If validate_dataset is a tf.data.Dataset instance
+def plotResult(fileName, save_dir):
+    test_dataset = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices([fileName])
+    test_dataset = test_dataset.map(load_validation_img)
+    test_dataset = test_dataset.batch(1)
+    # Extracting and visualizing the first image from the first batch
+    for batch in test_dataset.take(1):  # Taking one batch from the dataset
+        input_test = batch[0]  # Extracting the first image from the batch
+        print(input_test.shape)
+    predicted = model.predict(test_dataset)
+    print(predicted.shape)
+    # Thresholding the predicted result to get binary values
+    threshold = 0.5  # you can adjust this value based on your requirement
+    predicted_binary = (predicted > threshold).astype(np.uint8)  # convert boolean to integer (1 or 0)
+    mapName = '/projects/bbym/shared/all_patched_data/validation/poly/map_patches/' + fileName[0]
+    segName = '/projects/bbym/shared/all_patched_data/validation/poly/seg_patches/' + fileName[0]
+    legendName = '/projects/bbym/shared/all_patched_data/validation/poly/legend/' + fileName[1]
+    # legendName = '/projects/bbym/nathanj/validation/legend/' + fileName[1]
+    map_img = mpimg.imread(mapName)
+    seg_img = mpimg.imread(segName)
+    label_img = mpimg.imread(legendName)
+    # Set the figure size
+    plt.figure(figsize=(10, 2))
+    # Plot map image
+    plt.subplot(1, 5, 1)
+    plt.title("map")
+    plt.imshow(input_test[0,:,:,:3])
+    # Plot legend image
+    plt.subplot(1, 5, 2)
+    plt.title("legend")
+    plt.imshow(input_test[0,:,:,3:])
+    # Plot true segmentation image
+    plt.subplot(1, 5, 3)
+    plt.title("true segmentation")
+    plt.imshow(seg_img, cmap='gray')
+    # Plot predicted segmentation image
+    plt.subplot(1, 5, 4)
+    plt.title("predicted segmentation")
+    plt.imshow(predicted_binary[0, :, :, 0]*255, cmap='gray') 
+    # Plot error image
+    plt.subplot(1, 5, 5)
+    plt.title("error")
+    # Normalize both images to the range [0, 1] if they aren't already
+    seg_img_normalized = seg_img / 255.0 if seg_img.max() > 1 else seg_img
+    predicted_normalized = predicted_binary[0, :, :, 0] if predicted_binary.max() <= 1 else predicted_binary[0, :, :, 0] / 255.0
+    # Calculate the error image
+    # error_img = seg_img_normalized - predicted_normalized # simple difference
+    error_img = np.logical_xor(predicted_binary[0, :, :, 0], seg_img)
+    # Alternatively, for absolute difference:
+    # error_img = np.abs(seg_img_normalized - predicted_normalized)
+    # Display the error image
+    cax = plt.imshow(error_img, cmap='gray')
+    # Set the color scale limits if necessary
+    # cax.set_clim(vmin=-1, vmax=1) # adjust as needed
+    # # Add color bar to help interpret the error image
+    # cbar = plt.colorbar(cax, orientation='vertical', shrink=0.75)
+    # cbar.set_label('Error Magnitude', rotation=270, labelpad=15)
+    # Save the entire figure
+    plt.savefig(prediction_path + fileName[0] + '.png')
+    # Close the figure to release resources
+    plt.close()
+for fileName in random.sample(validate_map_legend_names, n):
+    print(fileName)
+    plotResult(fileName, prediction_path)
+print("Save Images Done!")